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Surprise! Homage to Sunrose Gallery

Surprise! Homage To Sunrose Gallery

Surprise to…….. Cathy!

Back in September my friend Cathy, owner of Sunrose Gallery made a post on her Facebook page because someone had made a cute miniature representation of Sunrose Gallery.  The post contained this photograph and the description below it:

“She recreated the color of our front door perfectly. The silverware valance on top imitates our our silverware/stained glass valance made by Patty Thurlby! And the flowers represent our summer flowerboxes out front…Wow!”

The very next day I went to a craft store a discovered a package of the cutest silver colored flatware….I was inspired to make a 10 x 10 canvas of SunRose Gallery to surprise Cathy!

I found an interesting photo of the gallery online and loved the copper sunflower garden art that was leaning against the front window…it added so much interest to the composition.

My valance hangs in the window as it has for over 15 years.  The mermaid mosaic represents an heirloom piece Cathy recently made and rows of flowers underneath imitating the beautiful flowers in the flower boxes in front of Sunrose year long.

I gave Cathy a hint recently that I had a surprise piece of art.  I could have saved it for Christmas or her birthday in June, but everyone needs a surprise now and then!

This post first appeared on Https://, please read the originial post: here

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Surprise! Homage to Sunrose Gallery
