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Repurposed Inspiration: Chicken Print Napkin Necklace Set

Repurposed Inspiration: Chicken Print Napkin Necklace Set

I found some cute napkins with an adorable chicken print!  I love repurposing napkins…they are an unexpected craft supply.

The chickens are so cute and colorful, I couldn’t resist purchasing them to make the necklace and earrings and who knows what else will pop into my mind one of these days!


When I decided to make the red chicken earrings, I needed to scan the napkin print into my computer to make a reverse image so the earrings would match.   I used copper head pins with bright yellow seed beads to fashion whimsical legs for the birds.

I have a whole collection of the glazed napkin chickens and it will be fun to dream up some new projects using them.  The thick glaze makes them have some weight so I can use them as charms.

This post first appeared on Https://, please read the originial post: here

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Repurposed Inspiration: Chicken Print Napkin Necklace Set
