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Beach Souvenir: Driftwood Beaded Wall Hanging

Beach Souvenir:  Driftwood  Beaded Wall Hanging

I live in Seaside, Oregon where the city is fronted by a sandy beach 1 1/2 miles long. There are always little pieces of driftwood sprinkling the beach that are sun bleached and worn that can be repurposed into a pretty wall hanging…a project the whole family can participate in to make a lasting memory of a fun day on the beach!

Step One:  Use a pen to mark where to drill holes.  (When you are drilling these holes you can also drill one at each end for the wire hanger.)

Step Two: Make colorful bead sections cutting most of the wire 3″ long, but making a few sections 4″ long for contrast.  Us needle nose pliers to make loops at the ends of the wire.

Step Three:  connect the bead sections.

Step Four:  Cut pieces of wire depending on the thickness of your driftwood.

Step Five:  Insert the wire pieces and cap the ends with a bead.  Then attach the bead strands.  Drill a hole at each end for the wire hanger.  Loop the hanger at both ends to secure it to the driftwood.

There you go!  A cute wall hanging from a piece of driftwood….a perfect beachy memory to hang at home!

This post first appeared on Https://, please read the originial post: here

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Beach Souvenir: Driftwood Beaded Wall Hanging
