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Frog Fishing For Bass! How To Fish Frog Lures (Plus 5 Tips!)

Bass Fishing Frogs: How To Fish Frog Lures To Catch More Bass

Fishing with topwater frogs is without a doubt one of the funnest ways to catch bass, largemouth and smallmouth alike. There’s a couple different kinds of frogs you can use for bass fishing, but in this post, we’re going to talk specifically about hollow body frogs, or rubber frogs.

There’s a reason that fishing for bass with frogs is so popular amongst so many people...that’s because it’s just so much fun to watch these fish come up from the depths and take the frog right from the surface of the water.  

But there’s a lot of frog lures out which is the best frog lures for bass fishing, and how exactly do you fish a frog for bass?

That’s exactly what the purpose of this post is.  We’re going to talk about these topwater bass to use a frog lure...and of course share with you what I believe to be the best frog lures for bass fishing.

My Best Hollow Body Frog Lures!

How To Fish A Frog Lure

In one of my recent posts we talked about what bass like to eat. And the fact is, frogs are a huge part of any large mouth bass’ diet. So lets take advantage of that and use a topwater frog lure as bait.  

But you can’t just throw a frog lure out on top of the water and expect a bass to hit it.  There’s a little more to it than that.

So here’s a few simple tips on how to fish a frog lure that will really increase your chances at catching both largemouth bass and smallmouth bass:

1. Fish The Frog Lure On Top Of The Weeds

With frog lures, what you’re trying to do is entice these bass to come out from underneath the weeds and take the bait.  You can do this by casting the frog lure directly on top of the weed or lilly pads.

And that’s exactly where you’ll keep that frog lure...on top of the weeds. The great thing is that these bass fishing frogs are designed to not get hung up in the weeds.  They’re pretty light weight and will stay on top of the surface, and the hooks are designed to not get snagged.

If you look closely, you’ll notice that the two hooks on the frog are resting right up against the body of the frog. By keeping the hooks hidden like this, it’s almost impossible to get snagged in the weeds.  Instead, the frog just skims right over and through any weeds in its path. Pretty slick.

And you’d probably think that having the hooks positioned like this would make it difficult to hook the fish. But it’s actually not the case. When the bass bites down on the frog, the rubber body of the frog lure collapses and exposes the two massive hooks, and are primed to be set into the fish’s lip.

So don’t be afraid to cast that frog right into the weeds.  The more in the weeds and into the cover...the better.

2. Don’t Move The Frog Lure!

After you cast the soft frog lure onto the top of the weeds, don’t do anything. You want to allow the frog to sit exactly where it landed for a bit before starting your retrieval. I typically will allow the soft frog lure to sit without moving it at all for at least 15 seconds.

You’ll find that many times, you’ll be rewarded with a strike during that initial waiting period.  This waiting period is much like the waiting period I also recommend when bass fishing with Senko Worms.

3. Retrieve VERY Slowly When Frog Fishing For Bass

Don’t be in a hurry when bass fishing with a topwater frog lure. A slow retrieval is the name of the game. You can anticipate spending 3 to 5 minutes on one cast and retrieval cycle.  That’s a long time compared to tossing spinner baits.

After you allow the frog to sit in place that initial 15 seconds after casting it, give it 3 quick little jerks towards you, meanwhile reeling in the slack after each of the three jerks. You want to do this just enough to move the frog a little bit closer and create a bit of disturbance on the weeds and water.

Then it’s very important to allow the rubber frog to just sit undisturbed for another 10 to 15 seconds or so.  Then repeat the process over again.

These topwater bass frog lures are designed to float, so take advantage of that feature and leave that frog alone and let it float. Often times these floating frog lures will annoy the heck out of a bass lurking below and initiate an angry strike.

4. Cast The Frog In A Fan Pattern

Many times the weedbeds that hold monster bass are pretty big. So when it comes to bass fishing frogs, you want to be sure to cover the entire area.  And the best way to do this is to take a methodical approach to it and cast in a “fan pattern.”

Casting a fan pattern is really pretty simple.  For example, if you’re first cast with the frog bait is at 12:00, or directly in front of you, then your next cast would be at the 1:00 position, then the 2:00 and so on.

By doing this, you ensure that the frog lure covers the entire weedbed, and increase your chances of passing that frog directly over the top of a bass.

5. Wait To Set The Hook

Even though there may not be anything more exciting than watching a largemouth come up from out of the depths and strike your floating topwater frog, you must be patient and wait to set the hook.  

It’s only natural to want to set the hook immediately when the strike happens. And if you’re new to bass fishing, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. It’s ok though.

With a little bit of practice and some will power, you want to try and wait long enough just to be able to see the fishing line begin to move.  This is when you know the bass has truly taken the bait and has the frog full on in his mouth.

When you see the line begin to move, tighten down on the line and as soon as you feel the resistance, that’s the time to set the hook.

Then the fights on!!!

Final Thoughts

Bass fishing with soft frog lures is not all that difficult to do.  But if you keep these 5 frog fishing tips in mind, you'll definitely see more strikes.  

The last thing to note about using frog lures is that they can sometimes be difficult to hook the fish with. I'm not exactly sure may be a combination of how the hooks are laid against the body of the frog in order to be "weedless" and the fact that the bass is pretty much blind as it comes up from out of the cover to thrash on that frog.  

Either way, just remember to wait once the bass does strike.  I've found that with fishing with frogs, patience is the number one thing you can use to your advantage.

Related Posts:

1. Bass Fishing For Beginners: It's Easier Than You Think!

2. 7 Summer Bass Fishing Tips: How To Catch Bass When It's Hot!

3. What Do Bass Eat? (Largemouth And Smallmouth) You Might Be Surprised!

4. 3 Killer SENKO WORM Rigs And How To Fish Them (Step By Step Guide)

The post Frog Fishing For Bass! How To Fish Frog Lures (Plus 5 Tips!) appeared first on Fishing Skillz.

This post first appeared on Fishing Skillz, please read the originial post: here

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Frog Fishing For Bass! How To Fish Frog Lures (Plus 5 Tips!)


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