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The Ultimate Family Historians Blog

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Family history, genealogy, and DNA
Getting The Most From Y-DNA
This post is a great example of how to get the most from your Y-DNA. In this case we will not only prove a Y-DNA relationship, but also pinpoint the exact location in Ireland where a man's a… Read More
Y-DNA Reveals Unsuspected Relationships
Sometimes Y-DNA reveals unsuspected relationships between men with different surnames and in different locations. It in only by researching all of them that we can find the answers we have b… Read More
There are questions and conflicting opionions on many online forums about evalutaing Big Y-700 results. Why should I order a Y-DNA test?DNA for family history is all about finding match… Read More
Advantages Of Submitting To YFull
For Y-DNA testing, I have seen a lot of questions about how to evaluate Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) tests such as Family Tree DNA's Big Y test, and similar tests at Full Genomes Corp, Y… Read More
What unites people? Armies, gold, flags? STORIES. There's nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. . . . [You] are our memory… Read More
STRs Now Included In Big Y500 Test!
In my previous post, The amazing power of Y-DNA, I stated the following:In November 2017, Family Tree DNA announced that in 2018 they would be including about 500 STRs, in addition to the SN… Read More
The Amazing Power Of Y-DNA
The amazing power of Y-DNA can help you break through brick walls in many of your ancestral lines. For example, when there are several men with similar surnames who lived in the same locatio… Read More
Before reading this article, it will be very helpful if you have done the following:Download your raw DNA data from your DNA testing company, and upload it to GEDmatch.Download your family t… Read More
How To Use GEDmatch - Part 1
What is GEDmatch? is a volunteer-run website for people who have already tested their autosomal DNA at DNA testing companies such as AncestryDNA, 23andMe, Family Tree DNA… Read More
Getting Started With GEDmatch
There are two very important items for using DNA testing for family history. Documented family tree. A documented family tree contains proof of family relationships including copies of… Read More
Preserving Our Local Records
Sometimes when you hear that something has never been done, or cannot be done, it makes you even more determined to do it. That's what happened with a project that involved preserving the co… Read More
Great Updates To YFull
What is YFull? is an interpretation service for Y-chromosome Next-Generation Sequencing tests which include the Big Y test at Family Tree DNA and tests like the YElite 2.1 from Full… Read More
Evaluating New Big Y Changes
Big Y conversion in processI have been seeing many questions regarding changes to Family Tree DNA's Big Y results or the inability to access them. Here we will see why some people cannot acc… Read More
Big Changes To YFull
On October 9, I posted the Big Y Update from Family Tree DNA. The announcement stated that FTDNA was updating all Big Y results from the older human genome reference sequence, hg19, to the m… Read More
What Are The Benefits Of YFull?
I have received my brother's Big Y results from Family Tree DNA. You can see the incredible discoveries I made by seeing my post The Big Y test from Family Tree DNA can knock your socks off!… Read More
If we hope to find more DNA matches, we have to first get our DNA accounts set up properly, create some online family trees, and then advertise like crazy.Since I was in the process of findi… Read More
Who was the father of my ancestor Electious Thompson, and how did DNA prove it? It is unlikely that this mystery could have ever been solved without Y-DNA testing which zeros in on the pater… Read More
I used Y-STR testing to trace backward in time to find the father of my ancestor Electious Thompson, born 1750 in Maryland (see Breaking through brick walls with Y-DNA). I not only found his… Read More
I am going to start a long process of showing how to solve ancestry with Y-DNA. Unfortunately, you don't have a lot of choices with Y-DNA like you do with autosomal DNA. There is only one co… Read More
I ordered a 37-marker Y-DNA test for my brother in 2005 to see if we could extend the Thompson line with DNA. Let's examine what to do when you take a Y-DNA test.When you first order the tes… Read More
Big Y Update From Family Tree DNA
Family Tree DNA announced changes to the Big Y test. These changes take place October 10, 2017, and will bring much needed improvements.  We will be releasing a big update to Big Y ne… Read More
When recording the lives of your ancestors, it is essential to have at least two online family trees.  I always knew it was a great idea for everyone else, but for many years I resisted… Read More
As I have been writing about Y-DNA testing at Family Tree DNA, I have been wondering how the business and its employees are doing since they are located in Houston where Hurricane Harvey has… Read More
Ahhhh, China. What an experience.  I had studied a year of college Chinese, could read several characters, but I felt like a complete infant. Even getting off the plane and navigating… Read More
Who are The Ultimate Family Historians? All of us who are now doing genealogy and family history should begin to consider ourselves in this category. That probably includes you.The term "Fa… Read More
I started this blog years ago with great intentions.  But life took a turn, and I could barely cope with my own thoughts, much less get them out to others.  So what was the big tur… Read More
As I mentioned in my last blog post, the word "Ultimate" has several meanings. Two of them are:The best or most extreme of its kindThe last in a series or progressionWith the correct tools… Read More

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