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Preparation for Hobbyshow in Tokyo

Preparation For Hobbyshow In Tokyo

Hi there.

Now we are preparing for a big hobby and model event, Hobbyshow (link is in Japanese), held in Tokyo Big Site next week.

Today’s preparation work is the layout of our booth. We have already designed it, but it did not work well. Actual arrangement was much different with the designed layout in our mind. However we got better ideas through try-and-error. The result is here.

The booth in this exhibition is so spacious that more products like below can be exhibited.

  • FABOOL Laser Mini
  • FABOOL Laser Mini with Safety Cover
  • FABOOL Dust Collector
  • FABOOL Laser CO2
  • FABOOL Laser DS

As you can see the picture, CO2 and DS have a big screen, so that visitors can watch their cutting and engraving through the screen.

Besides, we will exhibit works and user examples. As we mentioned in the previous article, railway model will also be exhibited as a prime display. His works are really high quality. You may confuse it for real.

For children, there will be a work-shop in our booth.

In the work-shop, children draw a picture freely on a special sheet, then our staff engraves the picture on a plate with our laser cutter. In other words, children create an original plate through the work-shop. It was very popular when we held the same one in Maker Faire Tokyo this August.

An exhibition is good opportunity to experience our laser cutter through seeing and touching. If you visit Tokyo, please come to our booth in Hobbyshow.

Hobbyshow Outline

9:30~18:00, 30th of September, 2017
9:30~16:30, 1st of October, 2017
Venue: Tokyo Big Site
smartDIYs booth:East 7 Hall
Entrance fee: 1000yen * under 12 years old is for free

This post first appeared on SmartDIYs, please read the originial post: here

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Preparation for Hobbyshow in Tokyo
