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Kelley Online MBA Insights + Ideal Profile for Admissions

Summary: Indiana University–Bloomington (Kelley) Online MBA

Rank 1 (usnews), 5 (poetsandquants)
STEM Designated No
Acceptance Rate 36%
applied: 2,951
accepted: 1,052
Application Fee $0 (Phase 1), $75 (Phase 2)
Total Cost $82,000
Salary Increase over pre-MBA 33% (Pre-MBA salary: $90,000, post-MBA salary: $120,000)
Student Satisfaction Rating  95/100
Average Work Experience 7 years
Average GPA 3.4
Average GMAT 640
Average GRE (AWA) 317 (4.5)
Weekly Workload 10-15 hours with 2 live online classes 90 minutes each
Students with Prior Work experience 100%
Duration 2-4 years

If you wonder whether it is worth pursuing an online MBA (OMBA), then the answer is YES!

Graduates of online MBA programs can increase their earning potential by up to 65% over their pre-MBA salary. For example, graduates of Imperial College, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Washington earn more than 50% (over their previous salary) immediately after graduating from the online MBA program.

What’s more, graduates of the top 10 Online MBA programs report average salary increases of nearly 30% over their pre-MBA pay.

Furthermore, top Online MBA programs are, on average, 50% cheaper than top in-person MBA programs. For example, top-ranking full-time MBA programs like those offered by Harvard and Wharton can cost around $250,000 (including tuition and living). In contrast, top-ranking online MBA programs such as Marshall and UNC-CH (Kenan-Flagler) can cost about $120,000 (tuition and no living expenses).

Plus, you can keep working in your current job while doing an online MBA program. This means that you don’t need to:

  • quit your job to do an MBA,
  • complete your MBA in fixed time,
    • you can do an accelerated MBA online in 18 months or spread it to 3-4 years.
  • sacrifice your salary,
  • stay away from your family and kids,
  • pay extra money to relocate and live on campus.

Keep in mind that the opportunity cost of leaving a job to do a full-time on-campus MBA can be huge. For example, when you do an in-person MBA, you will have to give up at least two years of salary, bonuses, and benefits. You will have to sacrifice any potential promotions and pay increments. You may have to forgo valuable on-job experience critical for professional growth. You will have to pay through the nose to relocate and live on campus, which can easily cost $1,500-2,000 per person. If you have a family, you will have to either stay away from them for a couple of years or bear an exorbitant expense to take them with you. Not to miss the fact that your family will have to restart their things if they relocate with you.

Here is a quick summary of all the benefits and drawbacks of an online MBA program.

Benefits of Online MBA Programs

  1. You can customize your schedule and take classes at your own pace from anywhere. If something comes up in your personal or professional life that requires your time, you can ease up on your MBA studies for that period.
  2. Depending on your pace, you can finish your MBA in two years or three or more.
  3. You can continue working a full-time job without bearing the added cost of being in school for two years.
  4. You can continue earning your salary, bonuses, and benefits while doing an MBA, and you don’t need to leave your family.
  5. Online MBA is best for you if you intend to work in the same industry and field after your MBA.
  6. Online MBA graduates can significantly increase their salaries in their current company through promotions and added responsibilities.
  7. After your online MBA, you can join a new company, most likely in a similar but senior role.
  8. GMAT & GRE scores are not very competitive and, in many cases, can be waived.
  9. You can access a network of alumni spread all over the globe.

 Drawbacks of Online MBA Programs

  1. It is challenging to switch industries and roles after an online MBA. For example, it is unlikely to switch from supply chain to finance after an Online MBA.
  2. You don’t get to do summer internships, which are usually critical if you want to switch fields/industries.
  3. Due to the remote nature of an online MBA, your ability to network and make connections with your classmates and peers is limited.
  4. With an online MBA, you sacrifice on-campus recruitment and better prospective job opportunities.

An online MBA is worthwhile if your priority is flexibility, cost, and current job. Without a doubt, getting an online MBA does help you grow professionally and financially.

If you are sick and tired of your current job and employer and seek better professional opportunities, then an in-person MBA is the option to go for and not an Online MBA.

Now let’s talk about the Indiana University–Bloomington (Kelley) Online MBA program.

In this post, I will do everything you need to apply to Indiana University–Bloomington (Kelley)OMBA, such as GPA, GMAT/GRE, Essays, letters of recommendation, etc.

Additionally, this post will include valuable information on letters of recommendation, scholarships, loans, and other specific information that you need to make it to Marshall’s online MBA program.

So why should you care to read what I write?

I have mentored over 1,000 applicants (since 2012) who dreamed of making it into the top global business schools. So, I have seen everything.

Additionally, I have tutored over 15,000 individuals for the GMAT and the GREs, which are one of the prerequisites to get into the top MBA programs.

What are Kelley’s Online MBA admission requirements?

When selecting an online MBA program, you want a quality education that fits your needs. This Online MBA program is flexible yet rigorous and has been designed so that one can take it alongside a full-time job. Therefore, one should expect to put in 10-15 hours per week on coursework throughout the program, which can be completed in as little as 24 months.

Kelley considers many factors while selecting candidates for their online MBA program.

These mainly include diverse academic and professional backgrounds and good analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills.

Kelley evaluates these traits by looking at the following aspects of your application:

  • GPA
  • GMAT/GRE Test scores
  • Resume
  • Application Essays
  • Letters of recommendation

Before you go on further, here are some of the most salient features of Kelley’s Online MBA program.

  • Ranks 1st in the top Online MBA programs list of USNEWS.
  • Ranks 7th in the top Online MBA programs for veterans.
  • Ranks 1st in the Best Online Finance MBA Programs.
  • Ranks 1st in the Best Online General Management MBA Programs.
  • Ranks 3rd in the Best Online Business Analytics MBA Programs.
  • Ranks 4th in the Best Online Marketing MBA Programs.
  • 100% of students attend this program alongside a full-time job.
  • The cost of attending Kelley’s Online MBA is $82,000.
  • Network of more than 112,000 alumni.
  • A few scholarships and fellowships are open to Online MBA students with competitive GRE/GMAT scores.
  • The program consists of 7 majors, 50% electives covering all the core business fundamentals.
  • The degree is completed online. However, there are two mandatory week-long in-person on-campus sessions, one at the beginning and the other at the end of the program.
  • You can extend your studies beyond 24 months and finish your degree in a maximum of 48 months.
  • It starts with an in-person Residential Week, which is mandatory and allows you to closely know your faculty and peers.
  • Accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the gold standard of business school accreditation.
  • Kelley’s Online MBA is highly customizable, and you can select your electives from business analytics, entrepreneurship and innovation, finance, global supply chain management, IT management, marketing, and strategic management.

How long is the Kelley Online MBA? Kelley’s Online MBA program is 24 months long, but you can extend it to up to 48 months. Kelley also offers a dual degree option by taking just an additional 12 credit hours.

Kelley has only two admissions cycle, which is the Fall admissions and Spring admissions.

Kelley’s online MBA program has an acceptance rate of 36%. Nearly 3000 applicants apply to their Online MBA program every year, and around 1000 get selected. 

Online MBA programs have acceptance rates that are higher than in-person MBA programs.

To get an idea of the competition of some of the Top In-Person MBA programs, here are the acceptance rates of 5 of the top in-person MBA programs.

Program Name Acceptance rate
Stanford 6%
Wharton 12%
Booth 12%
Harvard 10%
Columbia 19%

data source: university admissions website

Whereas the acceptance rates for 5 of the top-ranked Online MBA programs are:

Program Name Acceptance rate
University of Southern California (Marshall) 26 %
Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) 50%
University of Washington (Foster) 77%
Indiana University (Kelley) 36%
University of North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler) 59%

data source: poetsandquants

Acceptance rates give you an idea about how tough it is to get in. For example, the top 5 OMBA programs have an average acceptance rate of nearly 50%, i.e., 5 in 10 applicants gets in.

In the case of Kelley OMBA program, nearly 1 in 3 applicant makes it, which makes it a lot less competitive compared to the average of the top 5 OMBA programs.

To ensure a good fit for the program, applicants to Kelley OMBA program must pass through two phases of admissions. In Phase 1, you only need to submit your resume (there is no application fee for phase 1). The admissions committee will then spend 1-2 weeks reviewing your experience and background.

If selected, Kelley will then proceed to Phase 2 of the admissions process. In Phase 2, you will be invited for a 30-minute interview and, also, asked to submit your complete application which includes:

  1. Transcripts,
  2. GRE/GMAT scores,
  3. 3 recommendation letters,
  4. 500-word personal statement  

After the interview is completed and the application is submitted, Kelley will take another 2-3 weeks to give out the final decision.

Kelley’s OMBA mainly looks at the following things in an applicant:

  • Collaboration. Given the team-based nature of the program, collaboration with your peers is critical for success. This can be demonstrated as follows:
    1. College extracurricular activities include athletic participation, academic teams, clubs, and political activism.
    2. Academic achievements such as leading a successful group project.
    3. Business achievements such as developing/implementing new procedures leading special projects.
    4. Personal accomplishments include overcoming depression/drug abuse, honours list, leading a startup alongside a demanding full-time job.
  • Analytical Chops. This can be exhibited through:
    1. GMAT/GRE scores.
    2. Nature of work experience.
    3. Previous GPA.
    4. Diploma’s/certifications such as CFA levels 1,2 and 3.
  • Adaptability. Some examples can be:
    1. How you responded to unexpected situations.
    2. Taking on different roles and responsibilities.
    3. Changing your communication style based on who you are talking to.
    4. How you have constantly improved your skills

Kelley’s Online MBA GPA Requirements

For Kelley OMBA, there is no minimum GPA to apply. However, the average GPA of admitted applicants at Kelley’s OMBA is 3.4. Therefore, GPA is a very important part of the application process at Kelley.

Your undergraduate majors and university ranking matter a lot when applying to Kelley’s OMBA program. For instance, someone from MIT engineering is not at the same pedestal as an arts graduate from Florida Memorial University. (Not to say the Florida Memorial University is bad, lol)

Since part of the OMBA curriculum is analytical, you must show your critical thinking ability with some prior relevant experience or a high quantitative score on standardized tests.

All things aside, what to do if your GPA (an important part of your application) is low since it is impossible to change your GPA now. Some applicants think that doing a master’s with a better GPA can help you apply. Some say that one should enrol in some short courses and improve your GPA. Don’t do either of the two. Instead, if your GPA is below 3, focus on your GMAT/GRE to compensate.

GMAT & GRE requirements at Kelley OMBA

First, Kelley has no preference for GMAT over GRE or GRE over GMAT. Therefore, you can take either the GMAT or the GRE before the application deadline to complete your application.

Kelley’s OMBA Average GMAT score & Analysis

Kelley has no cutoff GMAT score, but a decent score is necessary.

Average GMAT at Kelley OMBA 640

Most OMBA programs do not have a very high GMAT requirement compared to in-person MBA programs. For example, whereas most top-ranked in-person MBA programs require an average GMAT score of 720, Kelley has an average score of 640. The in-person MBA program has an average GMAT score requirement of 720, 80 points higher than the OMBA program.

Scoring a 640 on the GMAT is a challenge and requires some effort, especially if you have been working for many years. Moreover, only 30% of the global GMAT test-takers score 640+ on the GMAT.

It usually takes 2.5-3.5 months of prep to score something above 650 on the GMAT. You may want to look at this post to get the best books to prepare for the GMAT. Or if you like to study online, then here is the best online GMAT prep course that is the most affordable.

Kelley’s OMBA program doesn’t look closely at the Integrated Reasoning (IR) and analytical writing (AWA) portion of the GMAT exam. Nevertheless, a decent IR and AWA score for Marshall OMBA would be:

  • Integrated Reasoning (IR) score of 5+ out of 8.
  • AWA score of 4.5+ out of 6.

Kelley’s OMBA GRE Score & Analysis

Kelley has no cutoff GRE score, but a decent score is necessary.

Average GRE at Kelley’s OMBA 317(Quant 159, Verbal 158, 4.3 AWA)

Again, this score is not that easy to get. Only 20% of the global GRE test-takers score 158+ on the GRE Verbal and 33% score a 159+ on Math.

It usually takes 3.5-4 months of decent prep to score something above 320 on the GRE. So you may want to look at this post to get the best books to prepare for the GRE. Or if you like to study online, then here is the best online GRE prep course that is the most affordable.

A good GRE AWA score for Kelley’s OMBA is 4.5+ out of 6.

Should you take the GRE or GMAT for Kelley’s OMBA?

Kelley has no preference between GRE or GMAT.

  • 20% of admitted applicants to the Kelley Online MBA program have taken the GMAT
  • 10% of admitted applicants to the Kelley Online MBA program have taken the GRE

For Kelley, GRE/GMAT scores are a very important part of your application. Kelley considers them as critical indicator of success in an MBA program. Moreover, since Kelley is the number 1 OMBA program, they use GRE/GMAT to filter the best talent. GRE/GMAT scores are also heavily weighted in the scholarship decisions at Kelley. Applicants with the highest scores get the largest scholarships in the program.

Majority of the applicants who apply to OMBA programs have not experienced an academic routine for over a decade. Therefore, studying for the GRE/GMAT provides an excellent opportunity to get yourself into a study routine before the program begins.

Here are a few things that you should know about the GRE and the GMAT.

GRE is much easier overall than the GMAT. Math on the GMAT is much more complex, whereas Verbal on the GRE is slightly more challenging.

Since Kelley has no preference between the two exams, you must take the GRE. You will easily be able to score a 315+ on the GRE than a 650+ on the GMAT. You will be able to prepare for the GRE in nearly half the time it would take you to prepare for the GMAT.

Also, Kelley likes to see a competitive quantitative score, as there is a strong correlation between how well someone does in their Math section and how well they perform in the OMBA program. Since GRE Math is easier than the GMAT Math, one must take the GRE and aim for a 70th percentile score for a strong chance of making it to the program.

Multiple GMAT or GRE attempts

Multiple GMAT or GRE attempts are very common among OMBA applicants. This is understandable since most applicants have been away from books (studying) for more than 10-15 years. Therefore, I recommend consulting the best prep material to score decently on the GMAT or the GRE.

Kelley OMBA has no bias against someone who takes the GMAT or the GRE multiple times.

Multiple GRE or GMAT attempts can positively impact your OMBA application. It tells the admissions board that you are persistent and ambitious enough to work hard to improve every aspect of your application.

You could have taken the GMAT, let’s say seven times, and every time you failed to achieve a 650+. Then the 8th time, you decided to take the GRE, which is easier than the GMAT and scored your 315+. This speaks volumes about your commitment and will significantly impact your application.

GRE and GMAT Waiver at Kelley Online MBA

Kelley can give you a GRE or GMAT waiver for their OMBA program on a case-to-case basis. However, since Kelley is very selective, very few applicants get the waiver and therefore applicants are highly encouraged to take either the GRE or the GMAT and do well in it.

To be eligible for the waiver, you must follow the following criteria:

  • Extensive and diverse work experience,
  • an advanced degree such as a PhD
  • a degree from the Kelley School of Business

For merit scholarships, taking a standardized test is mandatory. Also, if you are looking to use Kelley’s placement office, you should take either the GRE or the GMAT since some employers consider test scores in their evaluation of job applicants.

Work Experience requirement at Kelley

The average pre-OMBA work experience at Kelley is 7 years and the range is 2-28 years.

The average age of an admitted OMBA applicant is 32, and the range of age is 22-58 years old.

Kelley OMBA does not admit applicants having no full-time work experience. Therefore, to apply and gain full benefit from the program (also the best bang for the buck), you must have at least 2-3 years of experience working full time after your undergraduate.

The ideal number of years of work experience for the OMBA program at Kelley is 10 years. 

For most top OMBA programs, 10-15 years is the perfect amount of work experience. According to the leading MBA forum poets and quants, online MBA programs’ years of work experience is twice as much as that of in-person MBA programs. Here is the average work experience of admitted students in the top 5 OMBA programs.

Online MBA Program Average years of work experience
Indiana University (Kelley) 7
Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) 7
University of Southern California (Marshall) 10
George Washington University 15
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) 10

data souce: poetsandquants

The quality of work experience matters a lot in the case of Kelley OMBA. Kelley seeks individuals who have diverse backgrounds and professional maturity. You could have worked for five years in a role where you didn’t get a chance to develop your leadership skills. That work experience is futile for an MBA at Kelley.

Letters of recommendation requirement at Kelley OMBA

You need three letters of recommendation (LORs) to apply to Kelley’s Online MBA and all three must be professional recommendation.

LORs are an essential part of your application since a great letter validates your credentials and what you say in your application. A great LOR is not generic saying things like ‘this person is talented and brilliant. Everything that your referee says must be backed by actual examples. Make sure that your recommender can talk about specific things about you. Here are some good LORs that you can consult for your application.

The title and credentials of your recommender are as important as what they write. Therefore, try to get references from high achievers who professionally know you exceptionally well.

What is the importance of each part of your Online MBA application at Kelley?

Over the years, we have interviewed top OMBA admissions consultants, interviewed hundreds of OMBA students, and asked them to weigh each Kelley’s OMBA application component. Here is what our studies concluded:

MBA Admissions Factor Importance (%)
Essays 15%
Interview 15%
GPA 5%
Letters of Recommendation 10%
Quality of Work Experience 20%
Length of Work Experience 5%
Work Industry 5%
Quality of Undergraduate College 2%
Undergrad majors 8%

data source: online surveys of admitted students and admissions consultants

The four most important admission factors for Kelley’s Online MBA program are:

  1. Quality of Work experience – 20%
  2. GRE/GMAT/Analytical ability – 15%
  3. Essays – 15%
  4. Interview – 15%

These 4 components contribute two-thirds of your application weight. You slack in any one of them and your admission chances go down significantly.

Kelley’s admissions process is divided into two phases. In phase 1, the committee makes its decision by mainly looking at the quality of your work experience. Therefore, it is the most heavily weighed component of your application. If your work experience is not up to the mark, then you will not proceed to phase 2 of the admissions process. Quality of work experience is assessed by looking at your career progression, and leadership and managements positions you have had. Kelley will also look at your GPA, but the most important part of your phase 1 application is the quality of your work experience.

Once you proceed to Phase 2 of the application, Kelley will first look at your GRE/GMAT scores. A good GMAT/GRE Math score makes up almost 15% of the overall admission weight. This is because analytical aptitude is a pre-requisite for success in an MBA program. If you don’t have a good GPA then a 70th percentile or more GRE/GMAT score is a must to convince the admissions panel of your quantitative aptitude. On the other hand, if you majored in a quant centric undergrad program such as engineering or finance, then anything above a 60 percentile is a competitive score on the standardized tests.

Also, Kelley gives a lot of weight to your application essay. Essays market aspects of your application that other parts don’t reveal. Your essays tell the admissions committee about your story, leadership experience and short-term career goals. Use the essays to convince Marshall that you are a good match for their program and use them to demonstrate your writing and communication style.

Professional letters of recommendation are as crucial as the application Essays. Kelley also gives weight to LORs that come from accomplished referees. Ideally, if you get a letter from someone who knows you well (and has a strong relationship with) and has an impressive title/profile will add a lot of value to your application.

What is an Ideal applicant profile for Online MBA at Indiana University–Bloomington (Kelley)?

So, admission to Kelly’s Online MBA relies on your holistic application.

However, based on the data and past profiles of admitted applicants, the ideal profile for getting admitted to the Online MBA program at Kelley is as follows: 

Ideal GMAT Score for Online MBA at Kelley 650+ (Quant 48 and Verbal 30)
Ideal GPA 3.4+
Undergraduate Majors ANY but Strong Math, Analytical and Verbal Ability is Recommended.
Years of Work Experience 10 years
Type of Experience ANY but Character and Personal Qualities are Very Important.
Ideal GRE Score for Online MBA at Kelley 317+ (Quant: 159, Verbal 158, AWA: 4.5)

Your acceptance chance to Kelley’s OMBA will be super high if your profile is similar to this.

70% of the admitted students at Kelley’s OMBA are Males, and 30% are Females. 

Kelley does not share the number of female to male applicants to their OMBA program, but more male applicants than female applicants apply to their program.

Application Requirements for Kelley’s Online MBA

Kelley’s Online MBA program requires an online application that comprises of the following:

Online Application Required
Transcript(s) Required
Essay(s) Required
Resume Required
Letters of Recommendation:  Required
Interview: You will be called for an online interview if shortlisted after phase 1.
Application Fee:  $75
GRE or GMAT Required. 
GRE or GMAT Waiver Available? GMAT or GRE waivers are offered on case to case basis.
TOEFL/IELTS Required if you did not attend an undergraduate institution where the sole language of instruction is English.
TOEFL/IELTS Waiver Available? Yes

Deadlines and Rounds: Go here.

This post first appeared on BrightLink Prep Lahore, Pakistan | Elite Test Prep, please read the originial post: here

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Kelley Online MBA Insights + Ideal Profile for Admissions


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