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Ambu aScope 2


Ambu® aScope 2

Ambu® aScope™ 2 is a single-use flexible intubation scope that guides most difficult airway intubations and PDT procedures. The product is sterile and ready to use.
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aScope 2

The single use concept is an ideal solution for the OR or ICU as well as outside core elective areas1 as it is ready to use whenever needed. After use it can just be discarded as with any other disposables used. In short, the Ambu® aScope™ 2 provides greater convenience for everyone involved.

A reusable screen – Ambu® aScopeTM Monitor – is used for displaying the video signal from the aScope 2.
The aScope 2 adds new possibilities to the field of anaesthesia and takes single patient use to a higher level of sophistication and practicality. 

Key features

  • No risk of cross contamination: Single patient use only.
  • Ready for use after connection to the Ambu® aScope™ Monitor
  • 8 hours of usage
  • ClearLens design with optimised image quality.
  • Availability: Low start-up investment.
  • Cost effective: no cleaning and repair costs.
  • A powerful solution for monitoring during Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy
1 A. Norris, P. Wakeling, M. Wiles, R. McCahon, M. Bennett, Costs associated with fibrescope inventory: what role for a disposable scope?, DAS 2010 (Poster)

PDT is not part of indication for use in the USA
October 2011Note: US: Rx Only

This post first appeared on Meditec, please read the originial post: here

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Ambu aScope 2
