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Piles Treatment Without Surgery – How to Cure Piles Without Surgery

I think you will agree with us when I say:

Piles is one of the worst diseases anyone can have. It is embarrassing to talk about and that just adds to the stress.

Nothing to worry.

As it turns out, you can easily cure piles without having to talk to anyone about it or the need for a repeated embarrassing physical examination. Grocare is offering a Treatment with more than 86% success rate for piles.

In this article, we will help you understand the disease and give you some insight on piles treatment without Surgery. But before you learn how to get rid of it at home, you need to understand what piles REALLY is.

  • [ps2id url=’#1′ offset=’100′]Causes Of Piles[/ps2id]
  • [ps2id url=’#2′ offset=’100′]What to be careful about with Piles[/ps2id]
  • [ps2id url=’#3′ offset=’100′]Piles treatment without surgery[/ps2id]
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Do you know what Piles is ?

Hemorrhoids are vascular structures in your body which get inflamed in the disease.

The name of the disease is piles, where in the vascular structures in the anal canal become swollen on inflamed and cause discomfort or bleeding. These vascular structures or veins in the anal canal usually help in the smooth movement of the bowel. It is important to know that these veins are very thin and extremely sensitive. That is why when they swell up, they can cause a lot of discomfort and pain during defecation.

Piles is known as the top cause of anal bleeding. They are not life threatening and usually subside within a few weeks according to this source. However, there have been reported many cases who suffer from this problem over the course of 5-7 years or until treated, specially in the tropical areas with spices as a part of their everyday diet.

There are two types of Piles – internal and external. Internal piles are usually not visible and do not cause any major discomfort. The only sign is bleeding without discomfort. External piles are usually present in the anus. They tend to hurt and bleed a lot, specially during defecation.

Here’s why it’s so important:

It is said that over 50% people develop some form of symptomatic piles disease during their lifetime. With over half of them also having another disease such as fissure, skin tag, anal abrasion etc. Source:

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Undestanding this will help you understand why Piles occurs in the first place. 

Did you know?

Our intestine is almost 5 to 6 times longer than the length of our body. Our body is say 5 to 6 feet long but our intestines are about 25 to 28 Feet long.

It is divided into two major sections: the small intestine, the major part (about 20 ft) long ; and the large intestine, (about 5 ft) long. When food enters the body, it goes through the digestive system so that the body can absorb nutrients from the food.

You might be wondering this:

The digestive system begins with the mouth and is followed by the pharynx, the esophagus, and the intestine, which is divided into two major sections: the small intestine and the large intestine. In the small intestine, there are an enormous number of tiny projections called villi, which absorb the end products of digestion.

The large intestine is mostly used to store feces or waste, undigested food or to be expelled material from our body. This is then eliminated through the anus through our faeces. Healthy large intestines are desiged to hold our faecal material, and expell them quickly and sufficiently.

Many a times, there are infections or sub clinical infections because of undigested food in large intestines, causing it to swell. This swelling stays for ever because the reasons for the swelling continue, intentionally or unintentionally. This swelling inside and around the back passage (anus) and the anal canal is known as Piles. There are a number of small veins which are blood vessels within the lining of the anal canal. With the swelling, they may rupture and cause the bleeding while passing stool.

You will be surprised what modern medicine thinks is the cause of piles!

Modern medicine claims that the exact cause of piles remains unknown. Thats right!

However, they associate it with prolonged conditions which increase pressure on the anal canal. These conditions are listed as:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Inconsistent bowel movements
  • Straining during defecation
  • Chronic cough

Ayurveda offers a more realistic and understandable reason for Piles.

Ayurveda claims that the reason for piles is sedentary lifestyle over a prolonged period.

In the research conducted by Grocare – it was found that patients with piles had a few factors in common:

  • Irregular defecation patterns
  • Irregular sleeping patterns
  • Late food timings
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Incomplete sleep
  • Stress
  • Skipping meals

In the research Grocare conducted studies to determine the cause behind this disease. A pathological hypothesis was derived as follows:

Due to irregular food habits and defecation timings, there is stress in the colonic area which tends to accumulate over a period of time. Irregular to incomplete defecation tends to cause damage to the vascular structures in the anus. This causes increase in pressure in the region due to which there is inflammation. Because the veins in the region are so sensitive, they burst often and cause bleeding. Thus it was observed that piles was a lifestyle disease.


An increased pressure due to swelling in and around the back passage (anus) and anal canal (end of large intestines) is the main reason for Piles. Certain situations increase the chance of piles developing :

  • Constipation

Or unable to clear bowel movements in an easy and quick manner and straining at the toilet. These increase the pressure in and around the veins in the anus and seem to be a common reason for piles to develop. This is the result of a weakned intestines as a weak intestine can not evacuate itself fully and sufficiently. So, prolonged constipation casues a further stress on an already weak intestinal system, thus inviting Piles or Haemoorhoids or such other problem.

  • Sedimentary lifestyle 

Modern lifestyle with lack of physical work or exercise, not eating on time, not sleeping on time or lack of adequate sleep can cause the problem.

  • Fast foods, lack of fibre 

Fast foods, reheated foods, Sugary foods are harmful and are devoid of adequate fibre, fruits, thus weaken the health of the intestines.

  • Hereditary factors

Some people may inherit a weakness of the wall of the veins in the anal region. Possibly a weak intestinal system is handed over as a hereditary factor or living & eating habits are passed on from generation to generation thus making it look like hereditary.

  • Pregnancy

Piles are common during pregnancy. This is due to pressure effects of the baby lying above the rectum and anus, and the affect that the change in hormones during pregnancy can have on the veins. But this is temporary and goes away after delivery. During this process, ensure that the constipation does not take place, same logic as above applies here also.

  • Ageing

The tissues in the lining of the anus may become less supportive as we get older. This is another sign of a weak intestinal system.

These are the first things you should do to control Piles Immediately

  • Avoid constipation and straining at the toilet

Try to maintain a healthy intestines at all times. It is not so easy with so called modern lifestyle. So, try to get up early, go for a walk, have a good and healthy breakfast, have an early and light dinner, go to bed early. Take fruits and dry fruits between breakfast and lunch time. Correct any intestinal disorder that you may have, so that normalcy is restored as soon as possible and you can build on intestinal health. A good and healthy intestine will ensure that you never get constipated and never have to strain.

  • Have a good night sleep 

Difficult to believe but true. Digestion is completed when we get a good, uninterrupted, undisturbed sleep for good 6-8 hours. The body repairs itself during this period and also releases lots of enzymes and hormoes so essential for body’s maintenance and keeping you healthy. So, if you do not get a good sleep, digestion will not be completed and constipation will follow. You can notice it yourself by observing that whenever you have had a disturbed or a short sleep, next morning bowel movements are not regular, as compared to a good and normal bowel movements after a good night sleep. Such is the importance of sleep for our health.

  • Eat plenty of fibre

such as fruit, vegetables, cereals, wholegrain bread, etc.

  • Have adequate good quality water to drink

Adults should aim to drink (not alcohol and not sugary drinks) at least two litres water per day. You will pass much of the fluid as urine, but some is passed out in the gut and softens and regularises faeces. Water should be of good quality, ideally from a river source, should be soft and should have proper pH. Water from well, borewell, hard water is not advisable for good intestinal health.

  • Avoid painkillers

Many painkillers contain chemicals that cause that contain chemicals which may be a common cause of constipation.

  • Toileting

Go to the toilet as soon as possible after feeling the need. Some people suppress this feeling and plan to go to the toilet later. This may result in bigger and harder faeces forming which are then more difficult to pass. Also the faecal material tends to ferment and that may cause lot of disturbances to you in the form of headaches, invitation to infection, bloating and gas and others.

The only thing to remember is:

Do not strain on the toilet. Piles may cause a feeling of fullness in the rectum and it is tempting to strain at the end to try to empty the rectum further. Resist this. Do not spend too long on the toilet, which may encourage you to strain. Reading, playing on mobile or laptops or watching TV while in Toilet is BAD.

Finally, we have to understand that we need a healthy, disease free, and normal large intestine for a Piles free life. While the above suggestions can assure a good life, it may become necessary to bring the distorted system to normalcy by following the below regime.

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You should really be careful about these things when dealing with Piles!

They might do more harm than good.

It is common that articles on the internet say that exercises of the anal area can aid in the piles treatment without surgery. However, the reason this is not advisable is because any form of exercise is known to increase stress, even if it stretching. Stretching during inflammation of the piles can also cause them to cause more bleeding by friction. Thus any exercise is not advisable as it does not help shrink piles without surgery. In these cases it is wise to reduce stress of the area and stopping exercising and keeping the area relaxed has shown to be beneficial and provide relief.

Many articles on the internet also claim that home remedies can help in the piles treatment without surgery. Such home remedies are often listed down as:

  • Applying Apple cider vinegar to the piles –

While this method is assumed to be a very popular treatment available for piles, there is no research or known patients who have benefitted from this. It relies on the fact that apple cider vinegar will help contract the veins to reduce the inflammation. However, it is important to understand that this is not healing the problem from within – while it may provide symptomatic relief, it cannot heal the problem because it does not contribute in reducing the stress in the colonic area anyhow. Thus it does not help in piles treatment without surgery.

  • Applying coconut oil to piles –

The same explanation goes to this. While coconut oil can act as a lubricant and decrease friction to reduce the bleeding, it can in no way reduce the inflammation or aid in the smooth movement of bowels. Thus it does not help in piles treatment without surgery.

  • Aloe Vera –

This is supposedly one of the most effective ways to reduce hemorrhoid inflammation. While it may be successful in keeping the inflammation at bay and provide relief over periods of time, the problem with this method is that once you stop using it, the inflammation recurs after about a fortnight. Thus this method is not effective as a long term Piles treatment without surgery.

Many medical practitioners prescribe steroid cream for piles. The same explanation goes for them too. They cannot help regulate bowel movement and while they may provide temporary relief, it cannot be taken as a permanent treatment. Apart from this, the steroids have other side effects such as

  • Itching
  • Rashes
  • Hives
  • Stinging

Here’s the deal:

It is also common nowadays that people recommend using piles stools and cushions claiming they can help in the treatment. Again, the same reason goes for them. It simply cannot help in piles treatment without surgery. The real reason for piles is something completely different. It is your lifestyle. The inflammation will not reduce if you do not repair your lifestyle.

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Piles treatment without surgery.

Piles treatment without surgery permanently is a two step process which involves the following. Firstly, you have to improve your lifestyle. This means you should get up around sunrise and have breakfast within 1 hour. Tea/ coffee is off limits. Your dinner should be over before 730PM and you should not have items which are too spicy or NOT home made. It is important to keep your meals fibrous and light to regulate bowel movements and reduce stress. However this is only part of the treatment. While this may help causing further stress on the piles, it does not really help reducing the stress or current inflammation.

Want to know the best part?

The ONLY way to reduce the inflammation naturally is to give strength to the systems from within. Grocare’s RESTOTAB and ACTIVIZ can help do just that. RESTOTAB helps to normalize pressure in veins and reduce congestion of veins around the Anus thereby reducing the swelling and discomfort. RESTOTAB and ACTIVIZ work in harmony to promote the excretion of waste and toxic free radicals. They help to heal ruptured veins which helps to stop the associated bleeding and pain and help piles treatment without surgery. This way the systems will gain strength over a period of time and you diet will make sure the disease is kept at bay. This is the way to successfully cure piles. [ps2id id=’4′ target=”/]

To order piles ayurvedic treatment, please visit:

Read how others healed their piles: [ps2id id=’5′ target=”/]

I had Piles / Fissures problems for over 15 years. It used to come off and on, specially after eating outside food, or travelling, or a bit of extra work.. I used to pass some blood, sometimes more blood and it used to be very uncomfortable. I tried many doctors, Vaidyas and Homeopath but the treatments were not long lasting. They used to work for a while, and the problem used to come back…Then someone suggested Restotab and Activiz. Initially, I thought of Grocare as another company to make me poorer. But somehow reluctantly decided to try the treatment only for 45 days (their minimum packing). To my surprise, I started seeing results within a week. Then I continued for about 5 months, and believe me, I am totally cured now. I stopped the treatment over 7 months ago, and no problem whatsoever. Great work indeed Grocare !!

Rajesh Ag, Pune

I had Fissures/ Hemorrhoids / Piles / problems for over 10 years. Doctors were confusing me among these three words. I could not drive, could not sit, could not drive a two wheeler, and it was so embarrassing to get an itching and uncomfortable back. Problem used to come off and on, specially after or during travelling, or a bit of extra work.. Some blood, sometimes more blood and it was scary to see my bowels with fresh blood.

I tried many doctors, Vaidyas and Homeopath but the treatments were not long lasting. They used to work for a while, and the problem used to come back…A friend told me Grocare and said he had been cured with Restotab and Activiz. I was not sure whether to believe my friend and start these medicines. Somehow decided to try the treatment only for 45 days. Started seeing results within 10 days or so. I got completely cured in 6 months. Stopped the treatment over 8 months ago, and still no problem whatsoever. Would be happy to recommend Grocare to all !!

Harish Rawat, Delhi

My father had Piles problem for many years. With Grocare medicines for few months he is back to normal. A while back, Doctors had advised him of immediate surgery which he did not take due to his advancing age.

Mukesh Gupta, Delhi

I have been using your products since 1 year now. Before I took the constipation treatment and then the hemorroids treatment since about 6 months. Am happy to inform you that I will be ordering my last month of medicine tomorrow, just as a precaution. Wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for saving me from the misery I have faced over the years. I will make sure I put in a good word with the lord for you.

Ronald, Age 72, Dallas, TX USA

Note: These are a few customers who have been so kind as to allow us to submit their words online. A database of over 2000 patients who were healed successfully exists with us. But hemorrhoids is a private and personal matter and not everyone is as comfortable disclosing and talking about it. We encourage more patients to share their experiences with us. It will help us learn in the process.

The post Piles Treatment Without Surgery – How to Cure Piles Without Surgery appeared first on Grocare Blog.

This post first appeared on Grocare India, please read the originial post: here

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Piles Treatment Without Surgery – How to Cure Piles Without Surgery


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