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10 Health Benefits of Yoga

10 Health Benefits Of Yoga

At our HealthMax Physiotherapy Clinics, we’re constantly encouraging our patients to try different workouts because strengthened muscles and staying active are two key aspects to injury prevention and pain reduction. Yoga is a very good workout because it not only eases your mind and places you in a peaceful state , however, it can also be very physically rewarding. Here are the ten health benefits of yoga that are great for those who want to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

Improves Flexibility

Muscle tightness, particularly around the back could potentially lead to back pain as the lumbar spine becomes flattened therefore physiotherapists actively promote any exercise which improves flexibility. While you may not be entirely flexible after your first yoga class like a gymnast, over time your flexibility will improve drastically thanks to yoga.

Corrects Your Posture

If like most, the majority of your day is spent behind a computer monitor then you may have poor posture. Poor posture eventually leads to long-term back and neck pain which is why physiotherapists and chiropractors often warn patients about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. Yoga releases pressure from the spine, correcting your posture.

Prevents Joint Pain

Yoga forces your joints to be utilized for a full range of motion and this is integral to preventing joint pain. Yoga forces you to move in ways you wouldn’t normally move and as a result, your joints are forced to work itself out. Studies have shown that yoga may prevent arthritis or many issues pertaining to the cartilage.

Increases Circulation

A lot of inflammation is increased as a result of poor circulation which is why many physiotherapists stress the importance of an active lifestyle. By moving around and creating many different poses, blood and oxygen are circulating throughout your body and this may decrease chronic pain and other pain-related disorders.

Drains Lymph

Thanks to the stretching and poses, your lymph nodes will drain after an intense session. By draining your lymph, you’re improving your cell health and boosting your immune system. This is great for fighting infections, destroying cancerous cells and much more.

Improves Your Overall Happiness

The most significant health benefit of yoga is the fact that it has been proven to change your mood and make you happier. A study by the University of Wisconsin revealed that this discipline creates more stimulation in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, the part that is responsible for your mood and happiness.

Improves Your Cardiovascular Health

Yoga lowers your bad cholesterol (LDL) and raises your good cholesterol (HDL) thus improving your heart health. This exercise has also been proven to lower your blood-sugar levels, therefore, lowering your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and other heart-related conditions.

Improves Sleep

Studies have shown that too much stimulation (smartphones, tv, tablets) are detrimental to your sleep due to the effect that these devices have on your brain. Yoga places you in a relaxed state, depriving you of these stimulating objects which could potentially ruin your sleep. Those who practice yoga have reported a relaxed nervous system and improved sleep patterns.

Increases Breathing and Lung Capacity

Multiple studies have shown that those who practice yoga are able to breathe better and have an increased lung capacity in comparison to those who do not practice the ancient discipline. Yoga will improve your resting heart rate and improve the amount of oxygen your body gets after just one month.This health benefit is great for those who struggle with ailments such as sleep apnea, poor lung function and more.

Decreases Pain

From a physiotherapy perspective, yoga is great for those who are looking to decrease pain. Studies have shown that yoga may reduce pain associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and other chronic disorders. Through circulation and forcing your body to move in ways you don’t normally move, yoga has profound effects on your long term health.

If you’re suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic pain, arthritis or more, please visit a HealthMax Physiotherapy Clinic today or call (416) 431-4000. Our trained healthcare professionals will construct a tailored treatment plan designed to reduce pain and improve your overall quality of life.

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10 Health Benefits of Yoga
