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10 Foods To Eat During A Heat Wave

10 Foods To Eat During A Heat Wave

It’s Day 2 of the heat wave that has taken over Toronto and at this point, it’s impossible to walk three minutes in the sun without sweating profusely. The cooling centres we mentioned yesterday are still operating therefore if you’d like to spend some time in an air-conditioned environment, please visit a cooling centre near you. Yesterday we spoke about ways that you could lower your body temperature. We also mentioned that heat related illnesses are prevalent during this time of the year. At HealthMax Physiotherapy Clinics, we offer nutritional counseling and today we deliver nutritional advice pertaining to the heat wave. During a heat wave, it’s important to eat foods that will hydrate the body but are low in calories. The higher the calories, the more your metabolism has to work to digest the food thus increasing your body temperature. Here are 10 foods that you should eat during a heat wave.


In the past, we’ve spoken about how tomatoes have anti-inflammatory compounds and is a great source of many vitamins including Vitamins A, C, and K. However, tomatoes are also great for hydration. Green tomatoes are approximately 93% water while red tomatoes are 94% water. This vegetable will definitely keep you hydrated.


Admittedly, I think everyone would agree that celery is not the most delicious food on the planet. However, it’s extremely low in calories, meaning that your digestive system will have no problems taking care of celery. One cup if chopped celery is approximately 16 calories and contains 95% water.


Ever heard the saying “cool as a cucumber?” There’s a reason why cucumbers are one of the most sought after foods during a heat wave. Cucumbers are made up of mostly water and are also low in calories, meaning that they’re one of the best foods for those looking to beat the heat.


Pineapples are absolutely delicious and physiotherapists highly recommend this food because it contains bromelain, an enzyme known to reduce inflammation. If you suffer from arthritis, fibromyalgia, or chronic pain, then pineapples may help reduce symptoms associated with these conditions. Pineapples also contain plenty water and are great for those who want to cool down during a heat wave.

Coconut Water

Everyone agrees that water could get boring at times, therefore it’s best to switch things up and try coconut water during a heat wave. Not only will this drink keep you hydrated, however it will also lower your body temperature on a hot summer day.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are an Indian spice that has many cooling properties. Researchers believe that fennel seeds are great for those who want to reduce heat stress. If you’re confused as to how to eat fennel seeds, simply soak them in water overnight, strain and drink!

Chili Peppers

This may seem a bit counter-intuitive however chili peppers are great if you’re looking to cool your body down during a heat wave. Spicy foods cause your body to sweat, which inevitably lower your body temperature. However, this will also force you to rehydrate meaning you should drink a bottle of water after eating spicy foods.


Another super food that physiotherapists highly recommend, cherries are great for fighting inflammation against arthritis, chronic pain and many other disorders. Cherries also have many cooling properties which means that you should definitely enjoy this food on a hot summer day.


If you’re looking for plenty of nutrients and water, then pumpkin is a great example of something you should eat during a heat wave. Only 26 calories per 100 grams, pumpkin is easy to digest and this healthy food is also great for your cardiovascular health.


Not only are mangoes great for your skin, but they taste delicious and is made up of mostly water. This sweet, tropical fruit is constantly used in the Caribbean because it’s known to lower the body temperature. You could put this delicious food in a salad or eat it on its own, but whatever the case, it’s great to enjoy during a heat wave.

If you would like to know more about healthy summer foods or would like nutritional counseling, please visit a HealthMax Physiotherapy Clinic near you or call (416) 431-4000. Our experienced healthcare professionals will create a tailored plan designed to help you achieve those fitness goals.

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10 Foods To Eat During A Heat Wave
