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16 Beauty tips every woman needs to know in 2016

16 Beauty tips and tricks for women

I think every woman has to know at least one beauty tips to make them escape an embarrassed situation. My job as a stewardess is an everyday challenge in terms of beauty, so, whatever the weather is, I always need to have an impeccable outfit .

My hair is curly and very often is it hard to find a way of arrange it properly and seeing that the commercial products were only giving me bad results, I always gave a thought to some tricks, so my hair would have a decent form. It was after 7 hours of flight, when commercial products refused to stop helping. And after that, I have never used a hairdryer again and saw the difference between the 2 methods.

Lycra stockings were also a challenge, somehow I always managed to break them, so I remembered a childhood trick. I always have a clear nail polish in my bag. When I see the pulled wire from my stockings, I go to the bathroom and brush that place, because it would be almost impossible to go change my stockings during the flight.

The trick works the first time, in case of an emergency it is the perfect solution. Another reason that makes me resort to tricks and spending is also the spending in excess for inefficient cosmetic products, that after several uses they would’ve ended in the closet and then into the trash. On average at least $ 300 monthly flew on unnecessary things.

I had to give up a vacation because in one month I could not help it, I bought more than necessary. Below I will present tricks and tips I used to save money, but also time. In vacations and in my free time I used to shop even 6-7 hours/day instead visiting places for tourists, even my boyfriend had lost his patience at one moment. All these reasons, but also the packed shelves of cosmetics made me to look for beauty tips. I’ll present to you below the ones I use.

1. Avoid makeup in excess!

An excessive makeup will only make you look like a clown, especially with you’re not young. It is disgraceful to appear with dark makeup like black eye-shadow, you will only highlight your circles! Especially in summer, choose a more natural look, try to avoid regular mascara and opt for a transparent one. Use nude makeup colors to seem more natural and even a few years younger. When growing old, you use to buy as many makeup’s as you can have, but it’s time to say stop, you really do not want to seem more older than you actually are.

2. Baby Powder!

I was asked at a party if I’m wearing fake eyelashes, but I will tell you this tip. No need to use fake eyelashes, which in time will harm your natural ones.

Use baby powder, it can make your eyelashes longer and thicker. Put powder in your hand, then with a mascara (that should not be very expensive) apply powder on top and on the bottom of the eyelashes. Use zigzag movements. With this trick you will get enviable eyelashes and false eyelashes will be just a memory.

3. Be careful at your nail polish!

Hands are the business card of every women. It is not pleasant at all to have a bad manicure, but also you don’t want to spend a fortune in a beauty salon. The solution would be to choose a nail polish which has a shade close to your skin color, so you won’t have to do your nails so often.

Another trick would be to apply a quality transparent nail polish before applying your favourite nail polish. Also, for long lasting nail polish it is recommended to roll the bottle of nail polish between your hands, to warm and homogenize it. In this way, it will glide perfectly on your nails and it will last twice as much as the regular one.

Before applying nail polish, apply some cuticle oil or simply use olive oil. By doing this, you will spare a lot of time when you will try to erase the polish from your skin.

Shiny nail polish can be easily transformed in a mat one very easy. After applying, keep your hands a few minutes in steam ( for example, maybe over a hot tea). You will obtain a perfectly mat color!

4. How to have perfect lips!

I’m certain you want some beautiful lips, but surgeries are not always an option. For your lips to be hydrated and soft, the secret is to apply every evening, before going to bed, a little bit of honey. Honey is well-known for its hydrating and healing properties. By doing this, you will never have to worry about dry and cracked lips.

Clove oil helps the blood circulation, especially for your lips. It will give you a slightly sensation of warmth and it will increase the size of your lips naturally. Although it may seem too perfect, be careful, it can be irritant and to avoid that, you can mix it with your regular lip balm. In time, your lips will become more full and fleshy.

Red pepper or Cayenne pepper are known to be the most spicy types of pepper, also being an efficient remedy for bigger lips. Mix a small amount of pepper with water until it forms a thick paste. Apply the paste on your lips and leave it there for like 5 minutes, then cleanse the area. Be careful not to lick the paste from your lips, it can be very spicy.

5. The hair!

To cover your roots perfectly, use a dry shampoo (it usually comes in a spray bottle) destined for your hair color. If you don’t own such a product, use some eye shadow to fix it!

If you have blond hair, rinse water, after you shampoo, can contain oxygenated water, this will give a hint of blond to your hair and it won’t be noticeable that you have not dyed your hair for a long time. Another solution is the shampoo that has gray reflections, it will give a special spark to your blond hair.

For brunettes, henna is a wonderful solution to your hair, but before application, ask a specialist for tricks, so you won’t stain the house.

If you have brown hair, you can use walnut leaves. Boil 15 walnut leaves in 500 ml water, after which rinse your hair after washing, it will result in a superb brown.

To save a hair that has too amber shades, use a shampoo that has a purple tone and for unwanted redness, a shampoo with a green tone. If you want to get a perfect red, add in the dye mixture 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa.

In the recent years all women started to wear short hair, but you should know that the neckline is visible, so unless you have 20 years, you will seem more older.

6. Feet sweat in summer and it can lead to foot fungus and odor.

Wash your feet daily and let them dry completely before you put on your shoes.Use pumice stone to remove dead skin and corns from your feet.

Try to wear slippers when you go to the pool or sauna, unless you want to take different bacteria and fungi. It is also advisable to wipe your shoes on the inside with a disinfectant or sanitary alcohol, especially the ones you wear on your bare foot. Because of the dust and the sweat your sandals become environment for bacterial growth. A little trick for beautiful legs, which attract all eyes are nude shoes. They will make your legs more thinner, will lift you and make you feel more sexy. A few other rules that we must follow for beauty and health of your feet:

– Avoid to stand too long, the same rule holds true when you sit on a chair

– Avoid endless showers with hot water

– Drink plenty of fluids, minimum two liters of water a day

– After a long day at the office, a simple massage helps stimulate circulation and it relaxes the muscles.

7. The perfume!

Coco Chanel said that perfume should be applied in areas where you want to be kissed!

It is also said that when you feel a scent on the street and you remember perfectly the flavor, it means that you have not forgotten the person who wore it. If you want the scent to last longer, put in the clothes closet a perfumed handkerchief. This will leave only a small amount of flavor on your clothes.

Heat, light and humidity can affect a perfume compounds and they will minimize the flavor. If you want to keep it as strong as in the first day, place it in a cool place, where it is not exposed to sunlight.

Avoid putting perfumes in the bath. Moisture and warmth from there deteriorates it. If you want your fragrance to last more on you, then do not limit the application only on the skin. Put a little amount on the brush also, because the hair retains the scent for a much longer period and besides, at every movement, you will feel the scent.

If you have dry skin, then use a body cream before you use perfume. An alternative to cream seems to be baby oil. This intensely hydrates the skin and the perfume will be withheld instead of being absorbed through skin pores.

8. The eyes are the mirror of the soul!

When you cleanse your eyes, be careful at the moves you use – do not rub the skin, don’t insist until the skin gets red, because this is an aggression factor – eyelids and the skin around the eyes are very sensitive areas and you will observe that not over long time, that some fine wrinkles appeared. However, this will happen sooner or later, but why should you “give a hand”?

Your eyes will feel very good and spoiled if, every morning, you apply on the eyelids, for 5-6 minutes, a cotton pad soaked in cold milk. You will notice how your look is two times brighter.

Do not use the face makeup remover for the eyes. Its composition is different and it is important to only use special products for the delicate eye area. If you don’t have special eye makeup remover, milk is the solution. Or, in extreme cases, even cold water. Also, toner should not be applied to the eye.

Do not fall into the trap of using too much moisturizer on the eye region, or an extremely fat product. You will not be able to regive your skin the suppleness it needs, instead you’ll overload the tissues and your eyes will not have any benefit. Sometimes less is the best. Morning wash your eyes with cold water or wipe them with ice cubes. This reduces swelling and the skin gets a comfy look..

If you have puffy eyes, apply for 15 minutes, two hot compresses, dipped in black or green tea infusion!

Left eyelids can be corrected in an early stage, without having to resort to plastic surgery. This problem usually occurs as a result of weakening of the upper eyelid muscle, in conjunction with the effect of gravity. If you regularly rub your eyelids, chances are for them to regain specific muscle tone and vitality. To get rid of dark circles, apply castor oil around the eyes.

9. Don’t forget exfoliation : Start to shine!

How do some women to get perfect, shiny skin for which we envy them forever? And genetics plays a part, of course. But even good genes need help. And it comes as exfoliation. Exfoliating allows the skin care creams and serums to act better, because they can penetrate more easily. Light skin is the immediate effect. Those with acne should just peel products with salicylic acid, demanding, prior approval of a dermatologist.

10. Rest!

Rest is very essential for your beauty. Rest and sleep at least 8 hours per night – sleep is not a luxury, it’s the only thing you should be enjoying, no matter how busy you are.

And if you think that 5-6 hours of sleep per night is enough, we assure you that in a few years, you will not be able to hide dark circles and wrinkles with concealer and you will regret these excesses.

Avoid wasting nights or jobs that you require at night, because later you will not have the money to cover the traces the lack of sleep leaves you.

11. Waxing!

Keep in mind the following advices when you are home shaving:

  • If you do choose to do the waxing at home, choose an epilator or depilatory wax strips. Avoid wax, because you could cause you burns and you shall not do it perfectly because of the pain
  • If you have sensitive skin, then it’s good to know that you can not apply any product.
  • It is very important to read the label on the jar with wax if you decide to use waxing, depilatory cream or tube you are using or ask a specialist if you using an epilator will harm you, depending on your skin type.
  • In any case, if you have sensitive skin, do not use ice to reduce pain, because you will close your pores and it will create an unpleasant aspect.
  • Regardless of the skin type, it is mandatory to exfoliate your skin prior to waxing. This helps remove dead skin and even alleviates pain.
  • It is advisable to disinfect the area that is going to be shaved with an antiseptic gel or alcohol. In no case, do not use oil or moisturizer, because the wax will not be able to stick.
  • If you choose blade hair removal, try to do it at the end of your shower, so that the skin has time to soften and to not have an irritation after. Do not use soap for this procedure, it can cause irritations. Use a shaving cream for men or a shower gel for the blade to glide easily.

12. Do not sleep with wet hair!

It is not advisable to sleep with wet hair because at night it will tangle and even break. Whether you comb before or easily dry yourself with a hairdryer. When it is almost dried, you can easily weave it in a few braids and before you weave it, apply a serum on the hair tips. In the morning, loose your hair and comb it with a brush. Your hair will be thick and it will be waved!

If you do not want wavy hair, you can wrap it tightly in a microfiber towel, stretch it towards the top of your head and have a peaceful sleep. In the morning you will have a much more natural-looking volume. If you want your hair to be completely straight when you wake up, you can replace the towel with a piece of satin, but first,you must certain that you have removed all the water in excess.

Taking a break from the hair dryer can be an excellent idea, especially in winter. This way, you are giving your hair a break in order to recover. Use a silk pillowcase to reduce friction between hairs and aggressive materials. This reduces frizz and possible irritation of the scalp and hair stays straight and it will look healthy after it has been dried.

13. Lipstick!

Every woman should have at least one lipstick in her handbag and know how to use it in a unique way. You will certainly want your lipstick to have a good resistance on the lips, to achieve that you have to put a thin layer of translucent powder with a brush on top of it. In this way you will prevent the weep of your lipstick on the mouth corners!

14. Do not compare yourself to anyone ever!

Surely at some point, you compared to girls in magazines, do not forget they are models and that most pictures are retouched and that wrinkles disappear in a simple click. You are unique and should not look like another woman or be sad because you do not have the same physical traits as hers. Such thoughts won’t give you anything good, but losing your self confidence. You probably already noticed this.

15. Dedicate yourself an hour every day!

For example, go to bed an hour earlier or relax in an aromatic bath and apply a beauty mask. A glass of wine should not miss in your moments of pampering. You need such beauty tips not just because you feel better, but you’ll also look and wonderful.

16. Baking soda can make you more beautiful!

There is a simple ingredient that is used in cooking and as you may already know, it has many beneficial effects.

  • Make a paste of water, oatmeal and baking soda. The result will be a body scrub which can be used every day. Apply in a circular motion to exfoliate skin and remove dead cells. Clean yourself with warm water.
  • Combine 5 spoons of bicarbonate with 12 drops of olive oil. Apply the result on your armpits with a brush. It’s an excellent and natural deodorant!
  • To quickly whiten your teeth every morning, soak your toothbrush in bicarbonate of soda and wash your teeth. Rinse your mouth and wash again, this time with toothpaste.
  • If you no longer have face cream for acne, try making a paste of bicarbonate and water. Simply apply it on the face. I do not recommend this treatment for deep cysts.
  • If you use a face scrub too that is too “tough”, try the following recipe. Combine a teaspoon of bicarbonate with a spoon of organic honey. Put them in your hand and apply the “cream” on your face, in circular motions. Wait a minute, then wash your face with warm water.

As a stewardess, these tips and tricks always helped me in an emergency situation and not only. Some of them are really easy and cheap to make. Beauty does not mean a fortune, ladies !

The post 16 Beauty tips every woman needs to know in 2016 appeared first on Diets USA Magazine.

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16 Beauty tips every woman needs to know in 2016


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