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Add some Pumpkin for Your Little Punkin'

I love the taste of pumpkin - pumpkin spice lattes (thanks S-bucks), pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins. Mmmm...delish. And did you know that you can add pumpkin puree to muffin mixes, pancakes, cake mixes and more to make it low-fat? Holy cow is it amazing.

I like to add pumpkin pie mix to pancakes for me and Baby E. I just add about half of a can to dry mix, then add a little milk to moisten it up. Cook on a skillet like you normally would. And poof! Healthier pancakes with some extra nutrition.

Cakes & Muffins
Add pumpkin puree to spice cake mix (no other ingredients) and bake as normal (add a few extra minutes until set). And you have low-fat muffins that taste like heaven!

Add to any cake mix and you have low-fat and amazing.

Oh and you can add pumpkin puree to oatmeal with a little brown sugar, too!

So many options. Try some and let me know what you think! Or create some ideas of your own. Pumpkin puree goes a long way in the taste department!

This post first appeared on Stretch Naked, please read the originial post: here

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Add some Pumpkin for Your Little Punkin'
