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Reduced Shadows More Important Than Volume of Fat Removed



When we look in the mirror and see fat bulges, we often over-estimate how big they are in pounds or liters.  The reason for this is the way the eye and brain perceive our bodies.  Unlike a computer, light-dark contrasts, asymmetries, and unexpected departures from a straight or curved contour line register as disproportionately significant in our brains.  Those “red flags” affect how we perceive fat bulges emotionally.  This type of perception is illustrated by the patient above.  She had only a small amount of fat to remove with liposuction in the upper and lower belly.  The shadowing in the before photo made it seem much worse than it really worse.  In fact, there wasn’t even a full pound of fat there.  Removing the fat flattened the belly and made the improvement seem as though the patient lost several pounds.

The bottom line is that when considering a body contouring procedure such as Coolsculpting or VIP Lipo, a great result may be more within reach than you think, simply by flattening fat bulges and reducing shadowing and improving contour lines.

The post Reduced Shadows More Important Than Volume of Fat Removed appeared first on Celebrity Laser Spa - Los Angeles, CA.

This post first appeared on Celebrity Laser & Surgery Center | Los Angeles Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, please read the originial post: here

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Reduced Shadows More Important Than Volume of Fat Removed
