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How to Lose Belly Fat


How will you love to have a sexy flat tummy? I am quite sure that everyone would love that. A flat tummy apart from the health benefits just makes you look fabulous and smart. If your tummy is far from being flat, you can read on to learn how to achieve that sexy flat tummy.
To get this flat tummy, you need to go on a flat tummy diet, and this diet includes eating the following type of foods, cutting out fat and high calorie carbohydrates. The foods include:
• Oatmeal, choose the old plain type, do not take the flavoured ones.
• Eat berries, the natural ones, like strawberries, blueberries, rasp berries
• Eggs contain vitamin B12 which helps to metabolize fats so eat it.
• Beans and legumes eat the natural ones; do not eat the processed ones in cans. These are great because they contain high protein and fiber.
• Eat lean part of meat and fish
• Whole grain bread, make sure it is 100% wheat flour
• Green vegetables, very good for the body.
You have to reduce the amount of fatty foods you eat,
Switch from using vegetable oil and use olive oil for all your cooking.
Run away from fried foods and butter and margarine.
Do not avoid breakfast but try and not eat after 7pm at night.
Always keep in mind the result , this will motivate you break the bad habits.

This post first appeared on HEALTHY LIVING AND WEIGHTLOSS TIPS, please read the originial post: here

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How to Lose Belly Fat
