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Oligospermia-Natural Ayurvedic Treatment in India

Oligospermia-Natural Ayurvedic Treatment In India

Ayurveda is a very old medical science of India. Texts of Ayurveda recommend various, herbs, treatments, diet and lifestyles to be followed to boost healthy sperm count. In this article let us view Natural Ayurvedic Treatment for Oligospermia which are available in India.

Oligospermia: A healthy sperm count and motility is very important when you are planning for a baby. Sometimes men experience infertility due to low sperm count. This condition of low sperm count is known as Oligospermia. Very often men with oligospermia may experience erectile dysfunction (Read Ayurveda remedies for erectile dysfunction  ), premature ejaculation ( Read What are the Best Ayurvedic Medicines for ED and PE ?  ), Low libido   or low ejaculate volume (Read Low sperm count and Ejaculate volume in Diabetes ). Even diabetic men experience low sperm count. (Read How to Increase Sperm Count in Diabetics  ).

According to World Health Organization (WHO), the average sperm count of a man to be fertile is at or above 15 million sperm per ml. Sperm count below this range is considered as oligospermia. This condition has 3 categories

  1. Mild Oligospermia – 10 to 15 million sperms / mL
  2. Moderate Oligospermia – 5 to 10 million sperms . mL
  3. Severe Oligospermia -  0- 5 million sperms / mL

Natural Ayurvedic Treatments for Oligospermia

Texts of Ayurveda, the ancient medical science of India, recommend various natural treatments for oligospermia. These are in the form of diet, lifestyle changes and herbs.

Diet :

The following foods can be included in regular diet to boost sperm count and motility.

  1. Fruits : Include the following regularly in diet
  • Mango, (Read Mango and Male Fertility–An Ayurveda View  )
  • Watermelon,( Read Watermelon for health and ED )
  • Banana,(Read Ayurveda Medicinal properties of banana  )
  • Black grapes (Read Ayurveda Medicinal Use of Grapes or Draksha  )
  • Pomegranate (Read Pomegranate for erectile dysfunction an Ayurveda view   )
  1.  Vegetables: Add the following vegetables in your daily diet to improve sperm count
  • Broccoli,
  • Onions, (Read Ayurveda medicinal properties of Onion  )
  • Garlic, (Read Ayurveda Health benefits of Garlic Milk  )
  • Drumsticks, (Read Moringa or Drumstick for erectile dysfunction-ayurveda view  )
  • Asparagus
  • Carrots, (Read Carrots health benefits for men in erectile dysfunction   )
  1. Dry fruits:- The following dry fruits are very essential to boost sperm count
  • Dates, (Read Benefits of Dates and Milk Ayurveda Dates Milk Recipe  )
  • Walnuts, (Read Walnuts health benefits for men to increase sperm count )
  • Almonds, (Read Almond Ayurveda health benefits for men in Erectile Dysfunction  )
  • Raisins (Read Benefits of raisins soaked in water in pregnancy-constipation-weight gain )
  • Figs
  1. Others: Milk, ghee, butter, buttermilk, curd, sugar cane juice, tender coconut water, Black gram (Urad dal), horse gram (Kulthi) and Green gram are recommended to improve sperm count.

Which foods to avoid:

Avoid mustard seeds, water stored in plastic bottles, fast foods and too much of sweets


An optimum weight should be maintained to keep the sperm production up. Healthy diet and exercises help to manage body weight. A daily brisk walk for 45 minutes help to improve blood circulation and burns calories. Never lift heavy weights. Make it a point to bask in early morning sun light to get vitamin D. You can apply sesame oil on body to enhance the absorption.  Practice Pranayama and meditation to ward off stress as stress is also a major cause for low sperm count.


Use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs like marijuana can cause low sperm count. These have to be avoided at any cost to keep the fertility up.


Do not ejaculate too frequently. This leads to shukra kshaya or loss of sperms. Also do not use artificial lubricants. These may kill sperms.

Herbs and Herbal preparations:

Herbs like ashwagandha, shatavari, vidarikanda, kapikacchu (mucuna), gokshura, kokilaksha etc help to boost sperm count. Herbal preparations like SUPRAJA LEHYAM and REJUZOA CAPSULES contain these herbs which are combined in proper proportions. (Read Shukra Kit) Please consult [email protected] for an effective ayurvedic treatment for oligospermia in India

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This post first appeared on Ayurveda Help Through Ayurveda Consultations Ayurv, please read the originial post: here

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Oligospermia-Natural Ayurvedic Treatment in India
