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The Nigerian and Ghanaian leaders, Muhammadu Buhari and Nana Akufo-Addo – photo credit: premiumtimesng.

“We cannot seal ourselves. The best way to protect Americans from the disease is to eliminate its source in West Africa.” That’s the statement Obama made after his administration triggered Ebola hemorrhagic fever on innocent people in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia in the year 2014.

Aftermath, the media writes - The disease caused by the Ebola virus was first recorded 1976, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which could threaten and further spread the disease, but none of the media despite having qualified health writers or correspondents has openly said the Ebola virus is a biological weapon.

However, at the moment, there is no need for the truth, just like the Aids, everyone knows that Ebola is a biological created by the US military scientists and tested on Africans for military defending purpose, to take possession of the continent's rich resources and the pharmaceutical companies to make money out of the misery of the victims.

Nobody wants to speak the truth about Aids and Ebola. The US government, the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, Tedros Gebreyesus, the Director-General of WHO, the media, including CNN and the BBC, have all lied. That is frightening indeed when all these organizations and people the world depends on and trusted could become professional liars in such a way.

Another issue which of late has become a talk of the town is – According to the World Health Organization, and the Centers for Disease Control, Ebola has no cure, this is the reason the victims of Ebola in the recent outbreak in Congo are receiving trial vaccines to determine the right vaccine.

Yet, in 2014, two American doctors infected in with Ebola in West Africa were saved. The two patients who got the deadly virus in Liberia were cured with experimental drugs and were declared fit to stay in the society.

According to the American media, the two, patients, Wrightbol and Kevin Brantley, were taken on a specially equipped aircraft to the United States and underwent intensive treatment in the infectious diseases ward of the University of Emory Atlanta.
During treatment, Wrightbol and Brantley took an experimental drug, ZMapp, developed by a California-based pharmaceutical company.

Thank you, experimental drug – ZMapp, but then why the victims of the recent Ebola in Congo weren’t treated with Zmapp, instead they are being used as guinea pigs in testing many vaccines to find the right one which will subdue the disease in Congo? Dear wise thinkers, does this make sense to you?

In fact, the US government, the World Health Organization, Centers for Diseases Control and the Director-General of WHO, Tedros Gebreyesus, the media, including CNN and BBC, have lied for too long that there is no more an empty space to accommodate the lies.

According to Gebreyesus, now the health authorities "have more funds than before to fight Ebola.” This statement is to give hope to victims to stop the panic over the possible spread of the disease to Europe and America.

Africans have no value, among the human race. Eugenics, the science of improving population doesn’t consider them as human beings, therefore, we need to understand that if health workers are fighting against Ebola in Congo or West Africa, doesn’t mean that they are there to save the lives of Africans is but to prevent the disease from spreading to Europe and America like how it happened with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids).

The statement of Obama, “We cannot seal ourselves. The best way to protect Americans from the disease is to eliminate its source in West Africa,” confirms it. It's hard to know the mind of people but what we know is Africans are not disappointed to be Africans but disappointed over the type of leaders we have on the continent.

The only thing they know best is the corruption inspired politics and the fight for power, without any plan or experience to save the common African. The US government has closed its gates, preventing immigrants to come into America because they consider them a threat to national security. According to Trump, they are criminals

African leaders have the right to investigate the origin of Ebola and do something about it because, like Aids, Ebola is a biological weapon to depopulate Africa, The disease has nothing to do with bats, bush meat, or monkeys, revealing that those responsible have criminal intentions than the immigrants that want to enter into America.

Before the white man discovered the medicine for malaria, there wasn't any development in Africa, yet Africans survived the jungle, while the white men died in agony (The white man’s grave), then all of a sudden developing Africa was hit by Ebola in Congo-1976, from there re-emerged in 2014, to strike Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.

Which nation can accept this nonsense? Only a ‘Shithole nation’ Africa, because we have the kind of leaders who have been subdued by America’s irresistible dollars to become the supporters of depopulation on African soil. Why is it that anything which is not possible in developed countries is possible in Africa?

This must come to an end, not sooner or later but now, pathetic African leaders.

This post first appeared on SECRETS OF AIDS AND EBOLA, please read the originial post: here

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