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Daniël Carleton Gajdusek

Medical research and investigation revealed that many countries were actively engaged in human experimentation. But an American scientist who frequently appears after the Second World War is the USA army captain Daniël Carleton Gajdusek. 

He visited from 1948 till 1954 respectively, on behalf of the US army command post-war Germany, Czechoslovakia, Congo/Zaire, Finland, South Korea, Crimea, and the former Yugoslavia, while he was a staff member of the Institut Pasteur in Iran from 1952 to 1953. 

During this period he always was involved in Haemorrhagic viruses, nowadays know as Ebola. Moreover, he discovered an Ebola-like virus at his residence Prospect Hill and of course named the virus after it.

Lee, PW; Amyx, HL; Gajdusek, DC; Yanagihara, RT; Goldgaber, D; Gibbs, CJ Jr. (1982). "New hemorrhagic fever with the renal syndrome-related virus in rodents in the United States". Lancet. (8312): 1405.

Many names are given to hemorrhagic viruses mostly called after the place of discovering but they always lead to the most known Ebola symptoms with a tremendous high fertility rate. The Ebola virus belongs to the Filoviridae (Marburgvirus, Ebolavirus), Arenaviridae (Lyssavirus, Machupovirus, Junin virus), Bunyaviridae (Hantavirus, Crimean-Congo virus, Rift Valley virus), Flaviviridae (Dengue virus, Yellow fever virus, Kyasanur Forest virus, Omsk virus) en Togaviridae (Chikungunya virus). 

So the origin of the same virus are named differently but they all cause symptoms familiar with Ebola.

Once in 1976, a research team had been formed, including Belgian Aids researcher Peter Piot, to meet at the Antwerp Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine. 

To their surprise, they didn’t find only members of the American National Institute of Health but also many others, including the director of the American National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases NIAID, and surprisingly the director Peter Piot of the Prince Leopold Institute itself, the so-called discoverer of the Ebola virus.

The highly experienced doctors at the American Center for Disease Control had enrolled an unfamiliar epidemiologist from Johns Hopkins Hospital, who told  Piot and others exactly how the Ebola investigation in Zaire should be given. 

The plan is to hide the result of the investigation from the public as a medical crime. And now we have to face the tenth Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic Congo.

GAJDUSEK DC. Viral hemorrhagic fevers-special reference to hemorrhagic fevers with renal syndrome (epidemic hemorrhagic fever). J Pediatr 1962; 60: 841-857.

CLEMENT J, VAN RANST M. Hantavirus infecties in België. Verh K Acad Geneeskd Belg

 CLEMENT J, McKenna P, AVSIC-ZUPANC T, SKINNER CR. Rat-transmitted hantavirus disease in Sarajevo. Lancet 1994 ; 344 : 131.

At the beginning of the former century, new concerns about bio-weapons being used to generate terror and also with a series of new disease-causing microbes have resulted in infections and deaths of workers studying them in the laboratories. 

And now we have bats, monkeys, tics, swine, horse flies and mosquitos are spreading genetic manipulated diseases made in biowarfare Centers throughout the hearts of all epidemics.

In 1944, Soviet scientists first identified the Ebola disease, then called Crimean hemorrhagic fever (Ebola), in Crimea. They established its viral etiology by a passage of the virus through human "volunteers," without reporting the fatality rate, and were unable to isolate the agent at that time. And Belgium professor Peter Piot calls himself still the Ebola discoverer with so many nicknames.....

KANERVA M, MUSTONEN J, VAHERI A. Pathogenesis of Puumala and other Hantavirus infections. Rev Med Virol 1998 ; 8 : 67-86.

During the Korean War (1950 - '53) more than 3,000 American soldiers were affected by a disease with symptoms similar to Ebola but the virus was called simply: 'Korean hemorrhagic fever' (KHF).

In 1934, 'nephropathia epidemic' (NE) was described in Sweden, which showed a large clinical and epidemiological similarity to the Ebola virus. Moreover, in 1962, Gajdusek postulated that NE in Scandinavia, KHF in Korea, HNN in the former USSR, EHF in China and Japan, Songo fever in China and epidemic nephritis (NE), were caused by one or a group of strongly related etiological agents. But again, all symptoms can be compared with Ebola.

The etiological agent was isolated by Lee et al. In 1976, Hantavirus (HTN), named after the river Hantaan that flows near the 38th latitude between North and South Korea.

In 1983, a World Health Organization working group brought these diseases, caused by closely related viruses, under the umbrella name 'hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome' (HFRS). But not Ebola!

In the United States of America, in particular, the 'Four Corners region' (New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah), viruses causing Ebola symptoms were also discovered near US Army biowarfare plants. 

In fact, Duchin et al. described in 1993, a hantavirus with severe respiratory symptoms: 'hantavirus pulmonary syndrome' causing massive bleedings (HPS). 

Moreover, many hundreds of Hantavirose cases were described in the 1990's in Bosnian and Croatian soldiers during the war in the former Yugoslavia showing Ebola viruses are always discovered during wars because that's the podium where criminal biowarfare scientists act.

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All about Hantavirus. Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC).

This post first appeared on SECRETS OF AIDS AND EBOLA, please read the originial post: here

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