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Sometimes we all feel like we’re not living up to our full potential. Sure, you get up and do what needs doing. But it’s easy to have those nagging thoughts of, “I could do… Read More
Whether you’re a solopreneur, a single mother, a family, a business owner, the CEO of a multinational corporation, a teacher, or a public servant, you have problems that you need to so… Read More
Do you feel frustrated at how much time you spend on media sites like YouTube, Reddit, TikTok, or Twitter? One of the big challenges of being a human in the 21st century is the unrelenting b… Read More
Many things are responsible for your results and successes across your lifespan and not all of it is in your hands. However, a large part of who we are and what we become lies in how effecti… Read More
The Ikigai Framework is a Japanese concept that can help us find fulfillment and meaning in our lives.   With questions such as ‘Why am I here?’ or ‘What am I doi… Read More
Boosting productivity is an art form, and the more tools you have to help you, the faster you’ll see results. One of the simplest and easiest ways to make the most of your waking hours… Read More
The following is an excerpt from my book, 10-Minute Declutter: The Stress-Free Habit for Simplifying Your Home. If you're looking for an an easy, step-by-step plan for sorting, purging, and… Read More
Have you ever struggled to focus on a task, only to be constantly interrupted by emails, social media notifications, or other distractions? You’re not alone, 75 percent of Americans be… Read More
For those of us who have been using our computers, smartphones and tablets solely for the purposes of entertainment, it’s time for an important realization: your digital device can be… Read More

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Develop Good Habits - Build a Great Life - One Habit at a Time
