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APSC Syllabus – 2019


APSC Combined Competitive Exam Syllabus ( Preliminary )


  • Important crops of India, cultural practices for cereal pulses, oilseed, fibre,
    sugar and tuber crops and the scientific basis for these crop rotation, multiple and
    relay cropping intercropping and mixed cropping.
  • Soil as a medium of plant growth and its composition, mineral and organic
    constituents of the soil and their role in crop production, chemical, physical and
    microbiological properties of the soils essential plant nutrients, their functions,
    occurrence and cycling in soils, principles of soil fertility and its evaluation for
    judicious fertilizer use. Organic manures and bio-fertilizers, straight, complex and
    mixed fertilizers manufactured and marketed in India.
  • Principles of plant physiology with reference to plant nutrition absorption,
    translocation and metabolism of nutrients. Diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies and their
    amelloration photosynthesis and respiration, growth and development auxins and
    harmones in plant growth.
  • Elements of Genetics and Plant breeding as applied to improvement of crops,
    development of plant hybrids and composites, important varieties, hybrids and
    composites of major crops.
  • Importants fruit and vegetable crops of India, the package of practices and their
    scientific basis, crop rotation, intercropping and companion crops, role of fruits and
    vegetables in human nutrition, post harvest handling and processing of fruits and
  • Serious pests and diseases, affecting major crops principles of pest control,
    integrated control of pests and diseases, proper use and maintenance of plant
    protection equipments.
  • Principles of economics as applied to agriculture.
  • Farm planning and resource management for optional production, Farming
    systems and their role in regional economics.
  • Philosophy, objectives and principles of extension. Extension organisation at the
    stations and responsibilities. Methods of communication, Role of farm organisation in
    extension service.


  1. Physical Anthropology:
    Basic concepts: Mammal, Primate, Modern apes, Human evolution,
    Genetics, Heredity, Race.
    Man’s place in the animal kingdom, Human skeleton, Fossil evidence of
    human evolution, Racial criteria, Major races, Racial classification, Racial
    elements in India.
  2. Prehistory :
    Basic concepts: Artifact, Industry, Culture, Civilization.
    Plaistocene environment: Ice Age, Tool families Method of tool making,
    Palaeolithic, Masolithic and Neolithic culture, Metal Age culture.
  3. Social and Cultural Anthropology:
    Basic concepts: Society, Culture, Marriage, Family, Lineage, Clean,
    Kinship, Tribe, Caste, Subsistence economy, Magic, Religion, Culture
    Change acculturation, Evolution and Diffusion.
    Characteristic features of folk / primitive society: Forms and regulation of
    marriage, Types and functions of family, Food collection, Pastoralism and
    agriculture, Divination spell and prayer, Anisism and animatism,
    Totemism, Taboo.


    – Importance of livestock in Agriculture Economy of Indian livestock population,
    problem of livestock Industry in India. Different breeds of livestock viz, Cattle,
    Buffalo, Sheep, Goat and Pigs both Indian and exotic.
    – Types of housing, space requirement of different categories of livestock
    importance of sanitation in Livestock farm.
    – Different types of animal farming : Mixed farming Integrated farming,
    Specialised dairy farming and their relative economic merits.
    – Importance of clean milk production : Definition of milk and colostrum, Factors
    effecting quality and quantity of milk. Legal standards of milk, Source of adulteration
    and its detection in milk, Pasteurization, sterilization, homogenisation and their
    importance, Different Milk products and other milk beverages.
    – Rearing of young stocks, importance of colostrum feeding in young ones,
    management of pregnant cows, she goats ewes, care and management of breeding
    heifers and young bulls.
    – Breeds of laying and broiler birds, Definition, High line, deep litter, cock hen,
    pullets. Incubation of eggs and care to be taken in incubation. Factors affecting
    hatchability of eggs. Incubation time for eggs, of poultry, duck and pigeo eggs.
    Different rations for birds of different categories.
    – Maintenance of various records.
    – Mendelian Laws of inheritance : Defince-Multiple alleles, crossing over,
    linkage, sex linked inheritance Mutation, complementary gene, chromosomal
    aberrations, Definition : Population, gene frequency, Hendy Weinberg Law,
    quantitative and qualitative traits, variation and its causes. Heritability and
    – Genetic and environmental variation, Mating system-Inbreeding, line breeding,
    cross breeding. Out breeding, grading up, crosses between inbreed lines. Heterosis
    and hybrid vigour, utilization of heterosis for higher productivity. Breeding methods
    to improve indigenous livestock with exotic breeds.
    – Classification of animal feeds. Concentrates, roughages and their uses and their
    inter-relation in animal feeding. Animal feeds their composition and nutritive values.
    Compatation of various rations. Thumb Rule of feeding livestock and poultry.
    – Different types of fodders, both legume and non-legume. Cultivation and management
    of pasture and pasture land. Feeding livestock during lean perion and also during
    drought and flood.
    – Definition : Infectious and contagious diseases. Parasitic, bacterial and viral
    diseases of cattle, buffalo, sheep, pig, goat and poultry. Contagious diseases of
    livestock and poultry and their prevention. Diseases of public health importance.
    Measures to be adopted during out break of a contagious, disease. Immunization and
    vacci-vaccination principles.
    – Occurrences symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of various disease of cattle :
    Pneumonia, Jaundice, Diarrhoease, Gastro enteritis, Peri cardities, Peritonitis,
    Fascioliasis, Trypancsomiasis, Pyroplasmosis. Anthrax, Haemorrhagic, Septicalmia,
    Block quanta, Tuberculosis, Hohne s disease, Typanitis, White scour etc. Occurrence,
    symptoms of viral disases like Rinderpest, Foot and Mouth diseases, Mucosal disease
    complex etc.
    – Occurance, symptoms treatment and prevention of Coccidiosis, Ranikhet, Fowl
    Pox, Marek disease, Avian Leucosis compex, various parasitic diseases.
    Diseases of swine : Specially Swine fever, hog cholera, piglet diarrhoea,
    deficiency diseases etc.
    – Sources of poisoning in animal and their symptoms and treatments.
    Various drugs used for doping race horse and techniques for its detection.
    Management of wild animals and animals in captivity for treatment, drugs used
    tranquilizing the ferocious animals.
    – Use of Artificial insemination for improvement of livestock, Advantage and
    – Definition Infertile and Sterile, Courses of infertility and sterility in large
    animals, Detection of heat and insemination of animals.


  1. MORPHOLOGY : Root, Stem Leaf, defensive mechanism inflorescence,
    flower, pollination, fertilization, seed & fruit production their
    dehiscence and dispersal.
  2. ANATOMY : (a) Cell, (b) Shoot and root apices, regions of growth, (c)
    Tissue system, (d) Stele and their types; differences between
    leaf and branch gaps, (e) Comparision of anatomical structures
    of root, stem and leaf, (f) Secondary growth and anomalous
    secondary growth, (g) Root-Stem transition.
  3. CRYPTOGAMSALGAE: Variations in the vegetative and reproductive
    structures of Chlorella Volvox, Hydrodictyon, Ulothrix,
    Oedogonium, Cosmarium, Chaetohora, Vaucheria, Chara,
    Ectocarpus, Fucus, Dictyota, Batrachospermum, Polysiphonia,
    Nostoc and Anabaena, Alternation of generations, Economic
    Importance of algae.
    FUNGI : Variations in structure and reproductions of Phytophthora,
    Cystopus, saccharomyces, Penicillium, Erysiphae, Ustilago,
    Puccinia, Psalliota, Helminthosporium and Fusarium,
    Economic uses of Fungi, Lichen structure, reproduction and
    BRYOPHYTES: Detailed study of vegetative and reproductive. Parts of
    Marchantia, Anthoceros and Sphagnum.
    PTERIDOPHYTES: Detailed study of vegetative and reproductive
    structure, including their anatomy, of Lycopodium, Marselia
    and Isoetes.
  4. GYMNOSPERMS : Living, Cycas, Pinus and Gnetum
    Fossil : A general study.
  5. ANGIOSPERMS : Principles of classification (artificial, natural and
    phylogenetic). Differences between monocot and dicot.
    Diagnostic characters of the following families : Poaceae,
    Lilliaceae, Musaceae, Arecaceae, Orchidaceae, Brassicaceae
    Cucurbitaceae, Tilliaceae, Malvaceae, Rutaceae, Fabaceae,
    Apiaceae, Lamiaceae, Apocynaceae, Asterceae and
  6. PHYSIOLOGY : Osmosis Imbibition, Absorption of water and solvents, Soil
    and their properties. Essential and non-essential elements,
    sand and water culture, Water loss, mechanism and ascent of
    sap including the theories, photosynthesis, respiration,
    fermentation nitrogen metabolism. Translocation of food,
    Germination, growth, growth hormon, mechanism of action of
    growth hormones in phototropic and geotropic curvantures,
  7. ECOLOGY : Definition, factors, succession, invasion, community,
    Association and interaction, Phytogeographical regions of
    India Detail idea about the floras of North-East India.
  8. CYTOGENETICS & PLANT BREEDING: Cell division, cell inclusion. Nucleus-
    structure and function, Chromosome, Polyploidy. Mendellism, Linkage and Crossing over,
  9. EVOLUTION BOTANY: Various theorie with reference to
  10. ECONOMIC BOTANY : Products and uses of the following
    plants : Rice, Wheat, Maize, Soyabeen, Pea, Ground-nut,
    Mustard, Coconut, castor, Cotton, Jute, Cinchona, Atropa,
    Balladona, Rauolfia, Tea and Sugarcane.


    Definition and scope of chemical engineering, Units and dimensions, Dimensional analysis,
    Graphical and numerical methods of data fitting.
    Properties of gases, liquids and solids.
    Material balance of simple and complex systems with and without chemical reaction. Recycle,
    bypass and purging.
    Energy balance of simple systems with and without chemical reactions.
    Crystallography : Concepts of crystalline and non-crystalline materials, Mechanical properties,
    phase diagram heat treatment.
    Materials of construction: metals and alloys for construction, ceramics, refractoriness,
    polymers. Materials selection and economics.
    Corrosion : causes, control and preventive measures.
    Classification and survey of energy resources, Scope of utilization.
    Solid fuels: Various types, physical and chemical characteristics.
    Coal: Classification, origin, carbonization gasification, storage and handling preparation.
    Liquid fuels from petroleum Synthetic liquid fuels.
    Gaseous fuels: Classification, composition, calorific value, manufactures of synthetic gaseous
    fuels, Combustion.
    Nuclear energy and hydropower.
    Solar and other renewable sources of energy, viz., biomass, MSW, wind, todal and geothermal
    Classification and properties of fluids. Hydrostatic equilibrium, manometers.
    Types of flow, Reynolds number Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Bernoulli equation and
    its applications, fluid friction, Hagen-Poisseuille equation.
    Fluid flow measurements.
    Fluidization : mechanism and uses.
    Fluid machinery : pumps, turbines, compressors and blowers.
    Water L hard and soft water, boiler water, municipal water treatment, desalination.
    Acid industry : Sulfuric, nitric and hydrochloric acid.
    Chloral-alkali industry : Ammonia synthesis, Fertilizers natural, nitrogenous, phosphates,
    potassium and mixed fertilizers.
    Marine chemicals : Sodium chloride, recovery of compounds of K, Ms, Ca, Br, and I,
    Lime and its products Cement.


  1. STATICS : Coplaner and multi planer system free body diagrams, centroid second
    moment of plane figure force and funicular polygons, principle of virtual
    work suspension systems and cetenary.
  2. DYNAMICS : Units and dimensions, Gravitational and absolute system, MKS & S.I.
  3. KINEMATICS: Rectilinear and Curvilinear motion, Relative motion, Instantaneous centre.
  4. KINETICS : Mass moment of inertia, simple harmonic motion, momentum and
    impulse equations of motion of rigid body rotating about a fixed axis.
  5. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS : Homogeneous and isotropic media, stress
    and strain elastic constants, tension and compression in one direction,
    reveted and welded joints.
    Compound stresses: Principal stresses and principal straints, simple
    theories of failure.
    Bending moments and shear forced diagrams. Theory of bending, shear
    stress distribution in cross section of beams Deflection of beams.
    Analysis of laminated beams and non-prismatic structures.
    Theories of columns, middle-third and middle-fourth rules.
    Three pinned arch analysis of simple frames, Torsion of shafts combined
    bending direct and torisonal stresses in shafts.
    Strain energy in elastic deformation, impact fatique and creep.
  6. SOIL MECHANICS: Origin of soils, classification void ratio, Moisture content permeability,
    Seepage; Construction of flow nets, Determination of shear strength
    parameters for different drainage and stress conditions- Triaxial,
    unconfined and direct shear tests.
    Earth pressure theories – Rankine’s and coulomb’s analytical and
    graphical methods, stability of slops.
    Soil consolidation – Terzaghi’s theory for one dimensional consolidation,
    rate of settlement and ultimate settlement, effective stress pressure
    distribution in soils, soil stabilization. Foundations- Bearing capacity of
    footings, Piles, Wells, Sheets piles.
  7. FLUID MECHANICS : Properties of fluids.
    Fluid Statics — Pressure at a point force on plane and curved surface,
    buoyancy stability of floating and submerged bodies, dynamics of fluid
    flow, Laminar and turbulent flow, equation of continuity energy and
    momentum equation, Bernoullis theorem, cavitation, Velocity, potential
    and steam functions, rotational, irrotational flow, vortices, flow net, Fluid
    flow measurement..
    Dimentional analysis : Units and dimensions – non-dimensional numbers,
    Buck-inggham’s pi-theorem, principles of similitude and application.
    Viscous flow : Flow between static plate and circular tubes boundary
    layer concepts: drag and lift.
    Incompressible flow through pipe : Laminar and turbulent flow, critical
    velocity, friction loses, loss due to sudden enlargement and contraction
    energy grade lines.
    Open Channel flow – uniform and non-uniform flows, specific energy and
    critical depth, gradually varied flow furface profiles, standing wave flume,
    surges and waves.
  8. SURVEYING : General principles, sign convention surveying instruments and their
    adjustment, recording of survey observations, plotting of maps and
    sections, errors and their adjustments. Measurement of distances,
    directions and heights, correction to measure length and barrings,
    correction for local attractions, measurement of horizontal and vertical
    angles, levelling operations, refraction and curvature corrections, Chain
    and compass survey, therdolite and techeometric traversing, traverse
    computation; plane table survey, solution of two and three points
    problems, contour surveying, setting out direction and grades & type of
    curves, setting out of curves and excavation lines for building


  • Atomic structure : Atomic number, electronic configuration s,p,d,f,. symbold, aufbau
    principle, Hund’s rule, Pauli’s exclusion principle.
    Isotopes, isobars, and isotones uses of isotopes, Radio activity, different types of
    emanations & parent daughter relationship, Group displacement law, helplife, fission and fusion
    reactions, nuclear reactions, binding energy.
  • Periociaty of Properties : Atomic raddi, ionic raddi, electro negativity, electron affinitytheir
    variation with the position of the elements in the periodic table.
  • Valency : Electronic theory of valency, elementary ideas of sigma and pi bonds shapes of
    simple molecules. Bond order, bond length and bond angles.
    Chemistry of common elements and their commercially important compounds, principles of
    extraction of metals important alloys, (Metals included-Sodium, Copper, Aluminium, Iron).
  • Coordination compounds : Werner’s theory of coordination compound, coordination
    number, role of coordination compounds in analysis, Solubility product common ion effect, PH &
    buffer solution.
  • Classification of organic compounds : Hamologolous series and isomerism, Alkanes,
    Alkanes and Alkynes, Derivatives of hydro carbonshalides, alcoholco, aldehydes, ketones,
    carboxylic acids, esters & ethers, general absolute method of orientation.
    Carbohydrate L Classification, monosaccharides, glucose and fructose, configuration,
    Epimerization and Mutarotation.
    Elementary ideas of oils fats and waxes.
  • Kinetic theory of gases and gas lows: Vander waals equation, specific heats of gases C
    p /Cv
  • Thermodynamics: First law of thermodynamics Isothermal and adiabetic expansion. Heat
    capacities, Thermochemistry, Heat of reaction.
  • Dilute Solutions: Colligative Properties-Osmatic Pressure, Lowering of Vapour pressure,
    Depression of freezing point and Elevation of boiling point, Determination of molecular weight
    in solution.
  • Chemical Equilibrium: Law of action, Homogenous equilibria, Le Chattelier’s principle
    and its application to chemical equilibria (synthesis to NH3
    by Haper’s process SO3 in contact process of manufacture of Sulphuric acid)
  • Chemical Kinetics : Molecularity and order of reactions, first and second order reactions.
  • Electro Chemistry : Faraday’s law of electrolysis Equivalent conductivity and specific conductivity- their variation with dilution.
    Ostwald’s dilution law.
    Phase Rule : Explanation of terms involved Distribution law.
    Colloids & Catalysis : Definition of colloids classification, dialysis, gold number and
    Tyndal effect, catalysis- Criteria of catalysis, types of catalysis.


    Accounting equation : Concept and convention. Generally accepted accounting principles. capital and revenue expenditures and receipts : Preparation of the financial statements
    including statements of sources and application of funds, Partnership accounts including
    dissolution and piecemeal distribution among the partners, Accounts of nonprofits organisation,
    Preparation of accounts from incomplete record, Company Accounts, Issue an redemption of
    shares and debenture, Capitalisation of profits and issue of bonus shares, Accounting for
    depreciation including accelerated methods of providing depreciation, Invention valuation and
    Ratio analysis and interpretation : Ratios relating to short terms liquidity, long term
    solvency and profitability, importance of the rate of return of investment (ROI) in evaluating the
    overall performance of business entity.
    Nature and objects of auditing : Balance Sheet and continuous audit, Statutory
    management and operational audits Auditor’s working papers, Internal control and internal
    audit. Audit of proprietary and partnership firms, Board outlines of the company audit.
    Distinctive Features of different forms of business organisation. Formalities and
    documents in floating a Joint Stock Company – Doctrine of indoor management and principle of
    constructive notice, Type of securities and methods of their issue, Economic functions of the
    new issues market and stock exchange- Business combinations, Control of monopoly houses,
    Procedure and financing of export and import trade, Incentives for export promotion, Role of the
    EXIM Bank.
    Management function : Planning Organising Staffing. Directing, Coordination and
    Organisation Structure Centralisation and decentralisation, delegation of authority, span of
    control, management by objective (MBO) and Management by exception.
    Office Management : Scope and principles, Systems routines, Handling of records, Office
    equipment and machines, Impact of Organisation and methods (O & M)
    Company Secretary : Functions and scope, Appointment, qualification and
    disqualifications, Rights, duties and liabilities of Company Secretary, Drafting of agenda and


  1. Data Structures
    Continuous and Non-continuous data structure Dynamic storage allocations, File
    organisation techniques.
  2. Formal Languages and Automata Theory
    Finite state machines, Push down automata, Finite automata, Context free language,
    Contact sensitive languages, Turing machine, Decision question and Undecided problems.
  3. Computer Organisation
    Functional components, CPU design, Memory organisation and I/) organisation.
  4. Principle of Programming Languages
    Various programming paradigms Syntax, Semantics, Block structure, Scooping
    Binding, Object oriented programming Functional programming. Logic and Concurrent
  5. Operating Systems
    Process management, Memory management, File management and I/O management.
  6. Software Engineering
    Life cycle model, Function oriented design, Object oriented design, User interface
    design, Coding and Testing, Software requirement, Project management, Software reliability
    and Maintenance.
  7. Database Management
    Concept, Data independence, Difference models, Storage organisation, Query
    languages, Normal forms, Decomposition, Security, Concurrency, Recovery.
  8. Data Communication and Computer Networks
    Basics of digital communication, Network architecture, Physical layer, Transport layer
    and Application layer.


  • UNIT – I : Economics problem, nature of economics laws, price mechanism, Demand and
    supply, nature of demand curve Elastic and inelastic demand, Factors determining them,
    Indifference curves – properties, laws of returns, Superiority over analysis, Cost curves, Fixed
    and Variable, marginal cost and average cost, their relationship. Equilibrium, conditions of
    equilibrium under perfect competition monopoly and monopolistic competition. Gross and net
    national income rent wages, interest and profit, Trade cycles, Characteristics, Phases and causes of trades. Types of unemployment.
  • UNIT – II : National income, estimate and measurement difficulties, different kinds of
    money, origin of money, supply of money, price level, index numbers, its construction, uses and
    limitations quantity theory of money, assumption and limitation. Power and functions of central
    bank, inflation and deflation, causes and remedies. Monetary standards, foreign exchange, its
  • UNIT – III : Nature of public finance, Distinction between public finance and private
    finance, sources of public revenues, tax and non-tax revenue, direct and indirect taxes includence
    and burden of taxation, Factors determining taxable capacity, public expenditure and public debt,
    Effect of tax public expenditure and public debt on production and employment methods of debt,
    repayment, Distinction between debt redemption and coversion, Fiscal policy and monetary
    policy, their limitations. Tax Evasion and tax Avoidance, Fiscal policy, its role in a developing
  • UNIT – IV : Developed, under developed and developing countries basic features and
    characteristics with reference to India, India’s national income during plan-period, contribution
    of different sectors to national income, population problems- its impacts on economic
    development, unemployment & capital formation. Agricultural problem, causes of low,
    productivity, mechanisation of India agriculture, green revolution- its impact Land reforms,
    agricultural credit, agricultural marketing, slow growth of industries in India- causes and
    remedies, Industrial policy, Industrial finance- its sources. Public Sector Industries- their role and
    efficiency, small scale industries, problems and remedial measures. Foreign Trade, Trades-gaps
    and measures of bridging them, Role of economic planning- objectives, priorities, achievements
    and failure in India Price Problem – causes and remedies. Poverty eradication measures adopted
    under Five Year Plans, nationalisation of Commercial Banks- Lead Bank Scheme.



  1. Meaning, definition and scope of education.
  2. Aims of education-individual, social, liberal and vocational education in a democracy.
  3. School and community – their relation, functions and responsibilities.
  4. Curriculum, Definition and types, Defects, principles of curriculum construction.
    Corelation of studies- Importance of curriculur activities in school.
  5. Discipline – Definition, Importance of discipline in education, Relation between freedom
    and discipline, Reward and punishment in school.
  6. Theories of play – Importance of play in education.
  7. Educational for national integration and international understanding.


  1. Psychology – meaning and definition, importance of educational psychology, scope and
    methods of educational psychology.
  2. Physical basis of mental life – reaptors, effectors and central nervous system – sensation,
    perception and conception.
  3. Needs, drives and motives.
  4. Emotions and instincts – their importance in education.
  5. Habits and their formation.
  6. Learning – theories and laws of learning, motivation in learning.
  7. Attention and interest – their importance in education.
  8. Intelligence – its meaning, nature, stanford, Bint- Intelligence tests.
  9. Statistics in education – Mean, medium and mode calculation of quartile deviation and
    standard deviation, Calculation of co-efficient of corelation by rank difference method.


  1. Charter Act of 1813. Maculay’s minute and Lord Bentinks resolution of 1835.
  2. Woods Despatch of 1854 – its impact of Indian Education.
  3. Indian Education Commission of 1882 – Primary and Secondary Education.
  4. Lord Curzon’s Educational Policy on Secondary and University Education.
  5. Resolution of 1913.
  6. Hartog Committees report of 1929.
  7. Wardha Scheme of Education 1937.
  8. Introduction of primary education in Assam – problems in its implementation.
  9. Adult Education Programme – its meaning and scope. Problem in the implementation of
    the programme and their solutions.
  10. Educational Policy of 1986.


  • Primary and Secondary cells, Dry-accumulators, Solar Cells, Steady state analysis of d.c.
    and a.c. network, network theorems, network function, Laplace techniques, transient response,
    frequency response, three-phase network, inductively coupled circuits.
  • Mathematical modelling of dynamic linear systems, transfer functions, block diagrams,
    stability of control systems.
  • Electrostatic and magnetostatic field analysis, Maxwell’s equations, Wave equations and
    electromagnetic waves.
  • Basis methods of measurements, standards, error analysis, indicating instruments,
    cathoderay oscilloscope, measurement of voltage, current, power resistance, inductance,
    capacitance, frequency, time and flux, electronic motors.
  • Vacuum based and Semiconductor devices and analysis of electronic circuits, single and
    multistage audio and radio, small signal and large signal amplifiers, oscillators and feedback
    amplifiers, waveshaping circuits and time base generators, multivibrators and digital circuits,
    modulation and demodulation circuits. Transmission line at audio, radio and U.H. frequencies
    reduencies, Wire and Radio Communication.
  • Generation of e.m.f. and torque in rotatiion machine, motor and generator characteristics
    os d.c. synchronous and induction machines, equivalent circuits, commutation starters, phaser
    diagram, losses, regulation, power transformers.
  • Modelling of transmission lines, steady, state and transient stability, surge phenomena
    and insulation coordination, protective devices and schemes for power system equipment.
    Conversion of a.c. to d.c. and d.c. to a.c., controlled and uncontrolled power, speed
    control techniques for drives.


  1. Basic Circuit Theory :
    Loop and nodal analysis. Matrix methods of solving loop and nodal circuit equation.
    Network Theorems. Fourier analysis of periodic waveforms. Laplace transforms and
    applications. Coupled circuits.
  2. Electronic Devices :
    Basic semiconductor theory (device physics). Diodes, BJTs and MOSFETS.
  3. Electronic Circuits :
    Amplifiers (common circuits, biasing methods, small signal analysis etc.), Op-Amp basics
    and applications. Large signal amplifiers and filters. Feedback.
  4. Digital Electronic Circuits :
    Number system and codes. Boolean algebra and logic circuits. Minimization of Boolean
    expressions (K-maps). Logic families (TTL, ECL and CMOS)-comparison on the basis of
    performance Combinational logic circuit design, sequential circuits (FF, Shift Registers,
    Counters), RAM and ROMS.
  5. Communication :
    Fourier analysis, sampling, Z-transforms, random variables and stochastic process.
    Amplitude and Frequency modulations, TDM, FDM, Noise, Pulse Modulation. Baseband
    digital transmission. Digital Modulation technique. Error control coding.
  6. Microprocessor :
    UP architecture, Memory interfacing, interrupts and timing. Flow charts and pseudo
    codes. Study of common peripheral chips. Assembly language programming, 1/0 programming
    and simple applications.


  • Basic principles of aquaculture. Origin growth and present global and national scenario.
    Prospects of aquaculture in relation to the national and state economy.
  • Status, scope and prospects of freshwater aquaculture in India and North Eastern States.
    Systems of aquaculture. Concepts of integrated aquaculture systems. Cultivable fin and shell
  • Soil and water quality for fish culture. Manuring and fertilization of fish pond. Management
    of soil quality for aquaculture.
  • Inland water bodies – physical, chemical and biological properties of water in relation to
    aquaculture. Biological communities of inland waters. Common groups of phyto and zoo
  • Pond for fish culture. Location, design and construction of fish pond, cage and pen.
  • Fish and shell fish breeding, traditional and modern fish hatching devices. Brood stock and
    nursery pond management.
  • Fish feed – natural and artificial. Nutritional requirement of commercially important
    cultivable fish species. Conventional and non-conventional fish feeds. Feed formulation and
  • Significance of fish diseases in relation to aquaculture practices, their diagnosis and fish
    health management.
  • Economics of fish production system – culture and capture.
  • Concept and fundamentals of fishery extension education. Present system of fishery
    extension service.
    • Fishing gears. Traditional fishing fears of gears and other water bodies of Assam.
    Modern commercial fishing methods. Traditional and modern methods of fish
    preservation. Post harvest management of fin and shell fish. Marine capture fisheries.


    Physical, Economical and Human Geography.
    Geography of the world.
    Geography of India and North East India.
    Section -I : Physical : (i) The crust of the Earth : its structure and formation, (ii) Major
    relief features of the earth and their origin – continents, ocean, basins and
    mountains, (iii) Weathering, erosion and deposion, cycles of erozion, (iv)
    Elements of climate and types of climate, (v) Types of soils and negetation.
    Economic : (i) Types of resources, land, water mineral, biotic and human, (ii)
    Agriculture, (iii) Industry, (iv) Transport and Communication.
    Human : (i) Man and environment, (ii) Population, distribution and density,
    (iii) Urban and Rural settlements patterns.
    Section-II : Geography of the world : (i) Landforms, (ii) Climates and Vegetation, (iii)
    Natural regions of the world, (iv) Growth of population, (v) International
    migration, (vi) Races of mankind, (vii) Occupation pattern, (viii) Regional
    study of Africa, South East Asia, South West Asia and Latin America.
    Section-III: Geography of India and North East India : (i) Physiography, (ii) Climate,
    (iii) Soil and Vegetation, (iv) Agriculture and Irrigation, (v) Mineral and
    Energy resources – Industries (vi) Population – distribution, density and growth.


  • GROUP – A
    General and Structural Geology :
    An introduction to Geology – its scope, subdivision and relation to other branches of
    Science. Rocks- their definition and types, Geological time and its major divisions.
    The earth — its origin, age, constitution and relation the other planets in the solar system.
    Weathering of rocks, Geological work done by river, glacier, wind, sea. Volcanoes —
    types, distribution, products and Geological effects, Earthquakes – causes, distribution and
    effect. Earthquake Waves, Meaning of the term – Ground water, Water Table, Artesian well,
    Ewuifer and Springs.
    Basic concepts of Geomorphology. Normal cycle of erosion. Drainage patterns. Land
    forms formed by the action of water, Ice and wind.
    Structural Geology – Celinometer compass and its use, primary and secondary structures,
    Dip and strike and the representation. Folds, faults, joints and unconformities- the definition,
    description, classification and recognition preliminary ideas of foliation sonialosely of lination
    ideas about geosyncline, mountain building, isostasy and continental drift. Structural features
    of India.
  • GROUP – B
    Paleontology :
    Fossils — definition, conditions and types of preservation, Uses of fossils in Geology,
    Board division of the fossils into micro and microfossils, Vertebrate and invertebrate fossils,
    Morphological feature and geological distribution of branchiopods, bivalve
    (lamellibranchs), gastropods cephalopod and trilobites.
  • GROUP – C
    Crystallography and mineralogy :
    Crystallography : Crystalline and amorphous substances. Crystall – its definition and
    morphological characters. Axes, axial ratio, parameters, indices, crustal forms and zones.
    Symmetry elements of crystals, Symmetry elements of the normal classes of the Cubic.
    Tetragonal, Hexagonal, Orthorhombic and Monoclinic systems. Twinned crystals.
    Mineralogy : Principles of optics, Polarisation of light, Petrological Microscope,
    Construction of the Nicol Prism, Isotropic and anisotropic substances, Refractive index and
    birefringence, Interference colours, Pleochroism, Extinction and extinction angles.
    Physical, chemical and optical properties of the following groups of minerals – feldspar,
    pyroxene, amphibolite, olivine, mica and garnet, physical, chemical and optical properties of
    the following minerals – quartz, beryl calcite, tourmaline, apatite, sillimanite, magnetite,
    hematite, andalusite and zircon.
    Petrology, Economic Geology and Stratigraphy.
  • GROUP – D
    Petrology :
    Rocks – their types and distinguishing characters, Igneous rocks – Magma, its
    composition and crystallisation. Magmatic, differentiation and assimilation. Bowen’s’s
    reaction principle, Modes of occurrence of igneous rocks. Structures and texture of igneous
    rocks. Classification of igneous rocks mineralogical and quasichemical.
    Brief description of the following rock types – Granitiaplite, rhyolite, gabbro, dolerits,
    basalt, granodiorit, diorits, trachyte, syenite, syenite and pegmatite.
    Sedimentary petrology – Sedimentary processes and product, An outline classification of
    the sedimentary rocks, Important sedimentary structure – bedding, current bedding graded
    bedding, ripple marks and mudcracks.
    Types of sedimentary deposits – residual, chemical and transported, brief descriptions
    Petrographic description of the following rock types – sand-stone, greywacke, arkose,
    linestone, conglomerate and marl.
    Metamorphic petrology – definition, types and agents of metamorphism, Distinguishing
    characters of metamorphic rocks, Depth zones of metamorphism. Grades of metamorphism,
    Regional metamorphism of argellaceous sediments.
    Petrographic description of the following rock types – Slate, Phyllite, Schist, Gneiss,
    Granulite, Marble and Amphibolite.
  • GROUP – E
    Economic Geology:
    Meaning of the term, Formation of Economic mineral deposits, Ore, ore minerals and
    gangue, Simple classification of one deposits, Brief study of the modes of occurrence, Origin,
    distribution in India and Economic uses of the following gold – Ores of iron, Manganese,
    Copper, Aluminium and Chromium and Muscovite, Sillimanite, Coal and Petroleum deposits,
    Limestone deposits of Assam and their use.
    Physical characters, chemical composition, occurrence and use of the following –
    graphite, diamond, pyrite chalcopyrite, chromite, sillimanite, asbestos, corundum, barite,
    dolomite, fluorspar and galena.
  • GROUP – F
    Stratigraphy :
    Laws of stratigraphy, Classification of the rocks into Lithostraticgraphical and
    Absolute age, An outline geology of the Indian subcontinent, Study of the following with
    respect to their Lithology – fossil contents (if any) and economic importance Precambrian
    rocks of Kamataka. Vindhyans of the Sone Valley; Triassic of SPiti, Jurassic of catch and
    Cainozoic of Assam (NE India).
    Study of the following rock types from the Indian stratigraphy – Charnokite, Khondalite,
    Mylliem granite, Deccan traps and Sylhet traps.


Unit – I (Ancient India) :

  • (i) Indus Valley Civilisation – Origin, Extent and Principal features.
    (ii) Political, Social and Economic life of the Rigvedic, Aryans, Vedic Culture.
    (iii) Budhism, Jainism, Bhagabatism and Brahminism.
    (iv) Magadhan Ascendancy.
    (v) Shandragupta Maurya and Ashoka : Maurya Administration, Downfall of the Mourya
    (vi) The Sungas, The Kanvas, The Kushanas, The Sakas, The Satavahana.
    (vii) Samudra Gupta and Chandra Gupta-II, Gupta Golden Age.
    (viii) The Pushyabhuties, The Moukharis, The Kingdoms of Kamrupa and Gauda.
    (ix) The Chalukyas, The Pallavas, The Rastrakutas.
    (x) The Rajputs and their different clans.
    (xi) The Tripartie struggle between Palas, Pratiharas and the Rastrakutas.
    (xii) The Arab invasion of Sind (India)
    (xiii) Sultan Mahmud and Muhammad of Ghor.

Unit – II (The Period of the Delhi Sultanate) :

  • (i) The foundation of Muslim rule in India under the Slave dynasty Qutubuddin, Iltutmis and
    (ii) The Khilijis and their bid for imperialism, Alauddin as conqueror and Administrator.
    (iii) Mahammad Bin Tughlog and Firuz Tughloq.
    (iv) The Bahmani and Vijoynagar Kingdoms of the South.

Unit – III (Mughal Empire in India) :

  • (i) India on the eve of Babur’s invasion.
    (ii) Mughal : Afgan contest for Empire in India (1526, 1556)
    (iii) Akbar : Character and achievement policy towards the Rajputs.
    (iv) Jahangir and Sahjahan.
    (v) Auragjeb’s character and policy : relating with Rajputs, Marathas and Sikhs.
    (vi) Decline of the Mughal Empire.

Unit – IV (Modern India) :

  • (i) The advent of Europeans in India, Cause of British success and French failure.
    (ii) The East India Company.
    (iii) The Battle of Plassey and British Ascendancy in Bengal.
    (iv) Clive and Warren Hastings.
    (v) Lord Cornwallis to Lord Hastings, Anglo-Maratha and Anglo-Mysore relations. The
    Autonomous State of Assam and Punjab.
    (vi) Establishment of British Ascendancy under Wellesley and Lord Hastings.
    (vii) Lord Amherst to Dalhousie : Expansion of British Dominion in the north-east and northwest
    (viii) Revolt of 1957 Nature, Causes and Effects.
    (ix) Lord Lytton : Reactionary legislations.
    (x) Lord Ripon : Popular measures, Ilbert Bill, controversy.
    (xi) Political awakening and birth of Indian National Congress (1885) : Programme and
    Method till 1907.
    (xii) Lord Curzon and partition of Bengal – effects, rise of extremism in India.
    (xiii) The Indian National Congress (1907-1914)
    (xiv) Emergence of M.K. Gandhi in India, politics – World War-I and India, Non Co-operation
    and Khilafat Movement.
    (xv) Constitutional developments and Round Table Conferences.
    (xvi) Inauguration of Provincial Autonomy and Congress Ministries.
    xvii) World War-II and resignation of Congress Ministries.
    xviii) India’s National Struggle till the attainment of freedom, Cripps Mission, Quit India
    Movement, K.N.A. Cabinet Mission, Mount Batten Plan, the Indian Independence Act

18. LAW

  • GROUP – A
    Salient features of the Constitution of India, Preamble, Directive principles of State
    Policy, Fundamental Rights, Centre State Relation, Distribution of Legislative Powers,
    President of India – Position, Election and his powers Governor and Council of Ministers in a
    State, Protection of Civil Servants, Amendment of the Constitution, Sixth Schedule of the
    Constitution, Tenth Schedule of the Constitution.
  • GROUP – B
    Nature and Scope of Administrative Law
    Delegated Legislation
    Judicial and Legislative Control
    Writs – Certiorari Mandamous, Prohibition quo-warrent
    Principles of Natural Justice
    Ombudsmen – Lok Pal
    Administrative Tribunals
    Quasi-Judicial Authorities- Public Undertakings
    Doctrine of Repugnancy, Doctrine of Pith and Substance.
  • GROUP – C
    Nature and Scope of Law of Torts
    Elements of Law of Torts
    General Defence in an action of Torts
    Trespass to persons
    Negligence and contributory negligence
    Remoteness of Damage
    Trespass to land
    Nuisance : Strict liability, Vicarious liability
    Remedies : Damages and other remedies.


  • Algebra : Algebra of sets : relations and functions, Group, sub-groups, cosets and their
    properties, Lagrange’s theorem on the order of a sub-group of a finite group,
    normal sub-groups, cylic groups, permutation groups, quotient groups,
    homomorphism and isomorphism of groups. Rings integral domains and fields,
    sub-rings and ideals, homomorphism and isomorphism of rings.
    Matrices of the field of real numbers, different types of matrices, I addition and
    scaler in multiplication of matrices of determinant of a square matrices, minor’s
    and co-factors, Jacola’s theorem, transpose of matrix, adjoint metrix, reciprocal
    (inverse) matrix, singular and non-singular matrix multiplication of matrices and
    determinants, groups and rings of matrices, rank of a matrix, solution of a
    system of linear equations.
    Inequalities, Relation between roots and coefficient of a polynomial equation
    symetric functions of roots, Cardon’s method of solution of cubic.
    Convergence and divergence of sequences and series, comparison test and ratio
    test and Raabe’s test for convergence of infinite series.
  • Calculus : Real-valued functions of a real variable, Bounds, limits and continuity of
    function inverse functions, properties of continuous functions.
    Successive differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem, Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange’s
    meanvalue theorem, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorem with Language’s from of
    remainder indeterminate form.
    Functions of two or more variable, partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem on
    homogeneous functions, Maxima and Minima of a function of two variable.
    Standard integrals, Properties of definite integrals, Elementary idea of improper
    Tangents and normals, curvature of plane curves, rectification of plane curve,
    quadrature, surfaces and volumes of solids of Revolution.
    Differential Equations, Formation of differential equation, equations of 1st order
    and 1st degree, clairout’s form, linear equation of 2nd and higher orders with
    constant coefficients, complementary function and particular integrals in
    standard cases.
    Coordinate Geometry, Change of axes, Invarient part of straight lines, General
    equation of the second degree, Central and non-central conies, tangent, normal
    hoyd of contact, Pole polar, Polar equation of conic and equations of its chord,
    tangent and normal.
    Polar and cylindrical coordinates in three dimensions, S.D*. between two lines,
    sphere cone and cylinder.
  • Vector’s : Triple product of Vectors with applications, Vector equations of lines, Planes
    sphres, Differentiation of Vector functions and simple applications.
  • Trigonometry : De Mouver’s theorem, Gregory’s series Expansion of sine and cosine
    function and Hyperbolic function.


  • Statics : Simple applications of equilibrium equations.
  • Dynamics : Simple applications of equations of motion, simple harmonic motion, work
    energy, power.
  • Theory of Machines : Simple examples of links and mechanism,
    Classification of gears, standard gear tooth profiles wheel types of
    governors, static(s) and dynamic balancing, Simple examples of vibration
    of bars, Whirling of shafts.
  • Mechanics of Solids : Stress, strain, Hook’s Law, elastic modulii, Bending
    moments and shearing force diagrams for beams, Simple bending and
    torsion of beams, Spring, Thinwalled cylinders. Mechanical properties and
    material testing.
  • Manufacturing Science : Mechanics of metal cutting tool life economics of
    machining cutting, tool materials. Basic, machining processes, types of
    machine tools, transfer lines. Shearing drawing spinning, rolling forging
    extrusion, Different types of casting and welding methods.
  • Production Management(s) : Method and time study, motion, economy and work
    space design, operation and flow process charts, Product design and
    cost selection of manufacturing process, Break even analysis, Site
    Selection, Plant layout, Materials handling selection of equipment for job,
    Shop and mass production, Duling despatching, Routing.
  • Tharmodynamics : Heat, work and temperature, First and Second laws of
    thermodynamics, Carnot Rankine, Otto and Diesel-Cycles.
  • Fluid Mechanics : Hydrostatics, Continuity equation, Bemoullis theorem, Flow through
    pipes, Discharge measurement, Laminar and Turbulent flow, Concept of
    boundary layer.
  • Heat Transfer : One dimensional steady, state conduction through walls and
    cylinders, Fins, Concepts of thermal boundary layer, Heat transfer
    coefficient, Combined heat transfer, Coefficient, Heat ex-exchangers.
  • Energy Conversion: Compression and spark ignition engineers, Compressors, Fans and
    Blowers, Hydraulic pumps and turbines, Thermal turbo machines, Boilers,
    Flow of steam through nozzles, Layout of power plants.
  • Environmental : Refrigeration cycles, refrigeration equipment
    Control its operation and maintenance, Important refrigerants, Psychometics
    comfort, Cooling and dehumidification.


  • Human Anatomy :
    General Principles and basic structural concept of gross anatomy of hipjoint, hearts,
    stomach, lungs, spleen, kidneys, uterus, ovary and adrenal glands.
    Histological features of parotid gland, bronchi, testis, skin, bone and thyroid gland, Gross
    anatomy of thalamus, internal capsule, cerebrum, including their blood supply; functional
    localisation in cerebral cortex, cerebellum, spinal cord, eye, ear, throat, cranial nerves.
  • Human physiology and biochemistry :
    Sensory receptors, reticular of function, cerebellum and basal ganglia.
    Reproduction : Regulation of function of male and female gonads.
    Cardiovascular system : Mechanical and electrical properties of heart including ECG :
    regulation of cardiovascular functions.
    Gl system : Bilirubin metabolism, liver function tests.
    Haematology : Haemoglobin synthesis, abnormal haemoglobins.
    Respiration : Regulation of respiration, digestion and absorption of fats, metabolism of
    Renal Physiology : Tubular function, regulation of PH.
    Nucleic acids : RNA, DNA, genetic code and protein synthesis.
    Pathology and Microbiology : Principles of inflammation, principles of carcinogenesis
    and tumour spread, coronary heart disease, infective diseases of liver and gall bladder,
    pathogenesis of tuberculosis. Immune system, immunological and serological tests for collagen
    vascular disease.
    Etiology and laboratory diagnosis of diseases caused by Salmonella Vibrio
    Meningococcus and hepatitis virus.
    Life cycle and laboratory diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica, malarial parasite, round
    worm and hook worm.
  • Medicine :
    Protein energy malnutrition. Medical management of Coma, cerebo vascular accidents,
    status asthmaticus, cardio pulmonary arrest, status epilepticus, acute renal failure.
    Clinical features, etiology and treatment of : Coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart
    disease, pneumonia, cirrhosis of liver, amoebic liver abseess, peptic ulcer, pyelonephritis
    leprosy, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, poliomyelitis meningitis, schizophrenia, STD,
  • Surgery :
    Principles of surgical management of severely injured and process of fracture healing.
    Malignant tumours of stomach and their surgical management, Signs, symtoms, investigation
    and management of fractures of femur, principles of pre-operative and post-operative care.
    Clinical manifestations, investigations and management of Hydrocephalus, Buerger’s
    disease, appendicitis, benion prostatic hypertrophy, bronchogenic carcinoma, carcinoma breast,
    carcinoma, colon. Clinical manifestation, investigations and surgical management of :
    Intestinal obstruction, acute urinary retention, spinal injury, hemorrhagic shock, pneumothorax
    Preventive and Social Medicine :
    Principles of epidemiology, health care delivery.
    Concept and general principles of prevention of disease and promotion of health.
    National health programs, effects of environmental pollution on health, concept of balanced
    diet family planning methods.


  • GROUP – A

    (a) Nature and Scope and Branches of Philosophy.
    (b) Methods of Philosophy.
    (c) Rationalism and Empiricism as theories of origin of knowledge.
    (d) The correspondence theory and the coherence theory of truth.
    (e) Realism, Nave and Scientific.
    (f) Idealism – subjective and objective.
    (g) Categories : Substances space time and casualty
    (h) Proofs of the existence of God.
    (i) Purusha, Prakriti and causation.
  • GROUP – B
    LOGIC :

    (a) Logic as the study of reflective thinking.
    (b) Laws of

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APSC Syllabus – 2019
