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Don’t Suffer In Silence – Seek Homeopathy For Endometriosis

Endometriosis is the displacement of tissues of the endometrium outside the womb. In this condition, the tissues, which normally grow inside the uterus, grow outside the uterus, thereby resulting in lesions that are typically found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, ligaments that support the womb, and, sometimes, tissue lining pelvis, likewise the bladder, bowel, or epithelial duct.

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When it occurs in ovaries, it may form cysts which are called endometriomas, the darkish brown cysts in the ovaries. The encompassing tissue becomes irritated eventually developing scar tissue, adhesions, pain, and infertility. Endometriosis is one of the common reasons for the development of infertility.
For many women, the progress of the disease is gradual, developing slowly in many years. 1 in 10 women is affected by endometriosis.
Symptoms of Endometriosis:
Women may complain of the following symptoms. Here are some common symptoms of endometriosis.
Heavy painful uterine bleeding or bleeding in between periods known as Metrorrhagia.
Sharp, deep pain during ovulation, sexual intercourse, bowel movements, and urination affecting day-to-day activities.
The pain starts in the lower abdomen and increases during menses or sexual intercourse. Sometimes, the pain may radiate from the lower abdomen to the back and legs.
Pain in the lower abdomen
Difficulty in getting pregnant
Indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or nausea
Chronic fatigue

Conventional Treatment for Endometriosis:
There is currently no cure for Endometriosis but the treatment is aimed to provide relief in the pain and for infertility. The line of treatment is decided depending on the age of the patient, the severity of complaints, the extent of the disease, and whether one is willing to have children or not. The pain can be relieved by using analgesics, oral contraceptives (hormone therapy), and surgery. Invitro fertilization (IVF) treatment is considered for one who is looking for pregnancy. In severe cases, Hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) is indicated which is usually a last resort.
The pain becomes a part of life for many, however, taking over-the-counter analgesics helps temporarily, but it will build your pain worse after its regular use. Here one needs to discuss the case with the doctor and take the medicines accordingly.
Role of Homeopathy in Endometriosis:
Many people approach Homeopathic treatment when there is a failure with other lines of treatment or because of the side-effects of the use of hormonal medicines. One can resort to Homeopathic treatment along with conventional treatment. The first aim of Homeopathic treatment is to prevent the further progress of the disease. Homeopathic medicines for endometriosis also aim to provide symptomatic relief to the patient in terms of pain, profuse menses, and other associated symptoms. In some cases, pregnancy could be achieved. It is difficult to achieve pregnancy in older patients or if one has an associated fibroid problem.
There are no specific medicines in Homeopathy; however, there are several medicines that can be used based on the totality.
Kindly find a few homeopathic medicines mentioned below which have affection on female genital organs and can be given after the proper study of a case from a Homeopathic point of view.
5 Homeopathic Remedies for Endometriosis:
1) Sepia:
This is one of the invaluable remedies for uterine complaints. The women complain of bearing down sensation, a pelvic organ seems relaxed as if all the parts will come out of the vulva, need to sit cross-legged to prevent the protrusion, or have to press against the vulva indicate this remedy. A lack of desire for sex, aversion for sex, and endometriosis with pain during intercourse indicate this remedy. When the patient experiences clutching pain or violet stitching pain upward in the vagina from the uterus to the umbilicus, Sepia may help. Along with these physical complaints, on an emotional level, Sepia may be suited to intellectual women with irritable disposition, who are indifferent to the loved ones, sad, and weep while telling her symptoms.
2) Lachesis:
This is another most useful Homeopathic medicine indicated for Endometriosis with a cyst in the ovary, and pain in the left ovary which is worse at night in sleep. Females who complain of pain in the coccyx and sacrum may find this remedy helpful. The relief in severe neuralgic pain is better by the menstrual flow also indicates this medicine.
3) Xanthoxylum:
It is suited to neurasthenic (physical and mental fatigue) patients, who are thin, emaciated with poor assimilation. It is indicated in endometriosis with early and painful menses. It helps in mitigating the pain in the ovary, ovarian neuralgia, particularly on the left side with the pain in loins and the lower abdomen. Along with the painful menses, neuralgic headache, and pain in the back and down to the legs indicate this remedy.
4) Aurum metallicum:
Aurum metallicum is indicated for Endometriosis causing sterility. Enlarged uterus, great sensitiveness of the vagina, ulceration of the uterus as a result of repeated abortions, indurated uterus, and scanty and irregular menses indicate this medicine. Aurum metallicum is best suited to the one who is depressed, who has suicidal thoughts, reproaches herself, feels guilty as if she has let others down, and feels isolated joyless.
5) Calcarea carbonicum:
It is the remedy often used in Gynaecological cases. Endometriosis with sterility and complaints of profuse long-lasting menses of bright red blood associated with vertigo indicate this medicine. One may complain of irregular menses, menses at every 3 weeks lasting for a week, uterine bleeding from over-lifting, straining the muscles, excitement, emotions, a sudden shock, or anything which greatly disturbs her.
Nutrition and lifestyle factors play a big role in the management of Endometriosis.
9 Helpful Tips to Manage Your Symptoms of Endometriosis:
Here are some helpful tips to alleviate your symptoms of endometriosis.
1.Foods you need to avoid are dairy products, red meat, processed foods, caffeine, trans fats, refined sugar, wheat, soy products, and alcohol.
2.Eat lots of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables.
3.Ensure the intake of anti-inflammatory foods, such as chia seeds, flax seeds, turmeric, ginger, green leafy vegetables, beets, broccoli, walnuts, etc.
4.Eat iron-rich foods, such as red, orange, yellow fruits and vegetables, raisins, dry fruits, Jaggery, and green leafy vegetables, to improve the hemoglobin level which becomes low because of the profuse menses.
5.Avoid aerated drinks, white flour in any form.
6.Exercise: Regular physical exercises along with meditation will help to reduce the symptoms of Endometriosis.
7.Keep yourself hydrated.
8.Some supplements that may reduce the inflammation and may help to relieve the symptoms of endometriosis are omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oil, nuts, and flax seeds), probiotics (found in yogurt, cheese), and vitamin B6 (found in potatoes, fish, poultry). So, go for them.
9.A hot water bottle or heating pad may help to reduce the pain and cramp.
Early detection can help to prevent long-term complications, and delays in treatment can lead to irreversible damage. So, if you notice any of the abnormal symptoms discussed above, kindly consult the experienced gynecologist and get yourself checked. If you want to start with Homeopathic treatment for the same, you may discuss your case with our team of doctors. Based on the grade of endometriosis and severity of complaints, and after thoroughly evaluating your reports, we shall guide you with an exact scope, prognosis, and duration of Homeopathic treatment for the condition in your case.
Homeopathic medicines along with healthy lifestyle changes, which include diet, exercise, and more, will help to fight this condition Endometriosis. The decisions you make now will offer you results, in the long run, therefore simply don’t suffer alone, speak up, and find relief.

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Don’t Suffer In Silence – Seek Homeopathy For Endometriosis


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