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How Bad Is It To Fall Asleep Without Brushing Your Teeth?


Many of us have had those nights when we are cuddling with our pet or watching TV and find ourselves warm and snug and start to pass out. Even if we are aware that we should wake up, get ready for sleep, and go to bed, it is frequently just too alluring to close our eyes and drift off to sleep. However, it’s not good for your oral health to be sleeping without brushing.

Does It Matter If You Are Sleeping Without Brushing Your Teeth?

Although it is not recommended to skip cleaning our teeth before bed and no one enjoys waking up with morning breath, it can’t really be that horrible, can it? How bad is it when we go to sleep without brushing our teeth?

It’s rather pretty bad, it turns out.

Fresh breath is only one benefit of brushing twice a day. When you don’t brush your teeth, you give germs a chance to accumulate and produce plaque on your teeth. Tartar will eventually form when plaque hardens. Plaque and tartar can result in inflammation, gum bleeding, and tooth decay. As gum disease progresses, you can also lose the bone and gum tissue that support your teeth, which might lead to tooth loss.

Bacteria, Acids & Tartar — OH MY!

Bacteria is constantly accumulating on our teeth which causes plaque to form, which takes about 24 hours to develop. Those 24 hours are provided by brushing in the morning and forgetting to or deciding not to brush again at night. You now have a bacterium living there on your teeth, which makes it unpleasant to wake up with a “fuzzy” mouth.

All throughout the day, but especially during meals, the bacteria on your teeth creates acid. Your tooth enamel may be eaten away by byproducts of this acid. Your teeth are protected from this ongoing attack by brushing twice a day, but understanding when to brush will be even more beneficial.

Key to Preventing Bacteria from Accumulating

Generally, it is advised to brush twice a day: once in the morning and once prior to bedtime. The act of brushing every day at a set time will help create a habit of doing so. However, brushing your teeth between dinner and night can be even more beneficial to your oral health. By doing this, the fluoride in your toothpaste has more time to fortify your teeth and create a barrier of protection before you go to bed. When we are asleep, our teeth are more susceptible since antibacterial saliva is absent.

During dinner, your teeth are exposed to acids from food and beverages, which soften the surface layer of enamel. As such, it is best not to avoiding brushing right after eating or drinking. Before brushing, wait at least 30 minutes, and refrain from munching. Rinsing your mouth with water will also help you get rid of some of the acid and sugar from your meal.

It’s Okay, Mistakes Happen

While sleeping without brushing your teeth is something you should definitely avoid, it’s okay if you forget occasionally. Plaque that is a day old can be removed with enough brushing. Just extend your usual two minutes to four.

While many of us will occasionally skip brushing our teeth before bed due to tiredness or other reasons, you should strive to avoid making this a habit and be aware of the potential effects even one night without brushing can have on your teeth. Morning breath is the least of your concerns. It’s also important to keep in mind that mouthwash, gum, or mints cannot take the place of regular brushing.

Ready to Schedule a Dental Appointment Near Joliet, IL?

Sleep is great, but maintaining your dental health is even better! So wash your teeth before you go to bed. Brushing twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and visiting your dentist for routine checkups and cleanings are the best ways to achieve excellent dental health. We have spent years assisting patients of all ages at Shorewood family Dental Care near Joliet, IL in creating happier, healthier smiles.  Please don’t hesitate to call 815-725-5991 if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment.

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How Bad Is It To Fall Asleep Without Brushing Your Teeth?
