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Can Contact Lenses Cure Astigmatism?

What Is Astigmatism And How Does It Affect Visions

Astigmatism is a common eye condition that can create blurry vision, especially in the center of your field of vision. People with the condition have to often wear glasses or contact lenses to help them see clearly.

Amblyopia or lazy eye commonly develops at an early age and is the main purpose of adolescence or childhood vision loss. For this reason, it is very essential to have an early eye exam by an ophthalmologist and have it corrected as early as possible.

How Contact Lenses Can Help To Correct Astigmatism

A common vision correction procedure practiced today is soft lenses. Often, people turn to soft lenses because they want to correct myopic astigmatism, but they don’t know where to start. Soft contact lenses are the best option for correcting astigmatism, as they provide a clear, comfortable vision correction that can be easily applied at a local pharmacy. Soft contact lenses are specially made to help people with astigmatism. The lens material is soft, which provides a more natural vision-improving effect than rigid lenses, which are made of harder plastic and don’t curve with the cornea. Soft contact lenses also come in different shapes, colors, and strengths, which can help people with various types of vision problems. If you have myopic astigmatism, you can wear soft contact lenses designed to provide blurry vision correction, allowing you to see objects more clearly. If you have hyperopic astigmatism, you can wear contact lenses designed to provide clearer central vision.

Related Blog: Astigmatism: Causes, Types, Symptoms & Treatment

Types Of Contact Lenses That Are Available For Astigmatism Correction

  • Uncorrected – These are commonly known as “nearsighted” lenses. With myopic astigmatism, the cornea is too curved, which makes nearsighted vision blurry. With hyperopic astigmatism, the cornea is too flat, which makes central vision blurry.
  • Myopic – These are commonly known as “myopic” lenses. Myopic lenses are aimed at correcting myopic astigmatism, by providing blurred vision.
  • Hyperopic – These are commonly known as hyperopic lenses. Hyperopic lenses are aimed at correcting hyperopic astigmatism, by providing a clearer central vision.
  • Prescription – These are used for people with vision correction needs that don’t fall into one of the categories above, such as those needing a stronger vision correction.
  • The Benefits Of Using Contact Lenses To Treat Astigmatism

  • Contact lenses can be easily and comfortably applied at a local pharmacy, making them a convenient choice for those who want to correct their vision but can’t visit an eye doctor.
  • Contact lenses are available in many different strengths, shapes, and colors, providing a wide range of options for correcting vision. The contact lens type, strength, and color can be adjusted to fit the wearer’s vision needs.
  • Contact lenses don’t require any special care, so there is no need to worry about cleaning or disinfecting them, or taking them off before bed.
  • Contact lenses are very low maintenance and are virtually indestructible, so there is no need to replace them as often as glasses.
  • Contact lenses are discreet, so people don’t need to wear glasses when they want to wear something more fashionable or when they want to go out.
  • Contact lenses are more comfortable than glasses, helping to improve the wearer’s quality of life.
  • Contact lenses are cheaper than glasses and provide the same vision correction.
  • Contact lenses don’t have any optical distortion.
  • Contact lenses are flexible, allowing the wearer to wear them while sleeping and exercising, making them a great option for those who need to see clearly while doing sports.
  • Contact lenses don’t require any special equipment or training to use, making them a great fit for those who need to wear them.
  • Contact lenses are available for both daily wear and for sleeping, making them a great choice for those who need to wear them for both activities.
  • How To Get A Prescription For Contact Lenses To Correct Astigmatism

    If you are nearsighted and want to wear soft contact lenses to blur your vision to make it easier to see, you can ask your doctor for a prescription. Soft contact lens prescriptions are available from most eye doctors. When you first apply for a prescription, your eye doctor will ask you a series of questions about your vision needs, such as how close you want to be to the screen and the types of activities you do that require you to wear glasses. This, along with your medical history, will help your eye doctor determine the type of contact lenses that are best for you. Once your prescription is in hand, you can go to a local eye care provider and have your lenses fitted. If you need assistance finding a local optometrist or ophthalmologist, you can always ask your friends or search online for contact lens providers in your area.

    Tips For Taking Care Of Your Contact Lenses And Keeping Them In Good Condition

    • Always store your contact lenses in their cases when they aren’t being worn. This helps to keep them protected from dust, scratches, and other damage that could ruin their appearance or decrease the strength of the lenses.
    • Always follow the instructions that come with your lenses. This helps you ensure you are using them correctly and getting the best possible vision correction.
    • Make sure you replace your lenses when they start to look cloudy or worn. This can happen over time if you don’t replace them.
    • Make sure you clean your lenses with a do-it-yourself lens solution or a disposable lens solution every day when you remove them.
    • Always wash your hands before handling your lenses, as microbes can live on lenses and cause infections.
    • Be sure to keep your eyes hydrated while wearing contact lenses, as dry eyes can lead to blurry vision.
    • Always store your contact lenses in their cases when you aren’t wearing them. This helps to protect your lenses from dust, scratches, and other damage that could ruin their appearance or decrease their strength of the lenses.
    • Always follow the instructions that come with your lenses. This helps you ensure you are using them correctly and getting the best possible vision correction.

    How To Choose The Right Contact Lens For Astigmatism?

    Luckily, there are many ways to choose the right contact lens for astigmatism. The first, and most important, thing you must do is consult your doctor. You will want to know if you have astigmatism, how severe it is, and what type of contact lenses will work best for you. With this information in hand, you will be able to choose the right type of contact lens for you. When you are choosing contact lenses, make sure to consider which parts of your vision are affected by the astigmatism. If you have nearsightedness, you may want to try a lens for near vision, like a daily disposable (DD) contact lens. If you have farsightedness, you may want to try a lens that is designed for distance vision.

    Can I Wear Contact Lenses With Astigmatism?

    There is a lot of debate surrounding the question of whether you can wear contact lenses with astigmatism. While many individuals with astigmatism can safely wear contact lenses, there are some downsides to consider. First, it’s important to understand that the way your eyes focus is different when you have astigmatism. Because the cornea is not an even shape, the lens needs to work a little harder to focus on objects. Therefore, it is more likely that you will experience eye fatigue when wearing contact lenses for long periods of time. Next, some people experience a condition called “contact lens induced uveitis” when they wear contact lenses. Uveitis is an inflammation of the middle layer of the eye (uvea). If you have uveitis, you will experience itching and redness in your eyes. You should take steps to minimize your chances of developing uveitis before you start wearing contact lenses. These include: cleaning your contact lenses with saline solution and removing them if you feel a scratch; wearing eye shields; and keeping your eyes as moisturized as possible.

    Can Contact Lenses Cure Astigmatism?

    While astigmatism can affect your vision, it can also be treated with contact lenses. There are many different types of contact lenses designed to correct vision abnormalities. However, be careful when choosing a lens designed to correct astigmatism. Most contact lenses designed to correct astigmatism are designed to be used with an add-on ring. This ring is designed to help the lens adjoin to your eye and correct the shape of your cornea.


    Astigmatism is when the cornea of your eye has an irregular shape, making it difficult for the lens in your eye to focus on nearby objects. The shape of the cornea can be caused by a variety of different factors, including aging, inflammation, and tumours. How to choose the right contact lens for astigmatism? You can choose from many types of contact lenses, including daily disposable and long-wear. Some people may also want to consider custom contact lenses. Can I wear contact lenses with astigmatism? There are many options when it comes to wearing contact lenses, depending on your vision. If you have astigmatism and want to wear contact lenses, make sure to consult your doctor to get a better understanding of your options and risks. Can contact lenses cure astigmatism? Contact lenses can help reduce the severity of astigmatism, but they are not designed to correct astigmatism. These are just some of the many questions that many people with astigmatism wonder about. Now that you know more about this condition and how it affects vision, you can make better decisions about your health and vision.

    If you have blurry vision or think are a victim to eye disease, consult with an eye specialist today.

    The post Can Contact Lenses Cure Astigmatism? appeared first on DLEI.

    This post first appeared on Dada Laser Eye Institute, please read the originial post: here

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    Can Contact Lenses Cure Astigmatism?


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