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Gastric Balloon In India

كيفية البدء

العربية يمكن للمرضى ملء هذا النموذج للاستعلام الطبي

التخطيط لرحلتك الطبية إلى الهند هي عملية بسيطة جدا مع مستحضرات التجميل والسمنة جراحة مستشفى الهند

  1. تحتاج فقط لملء استمارة الاستفسار لدينا وسوف واحدة من المديرين التنفيذيين لدينا الاتصال بك قريبا.
  2. +91-9373055368 اتصل بنا على رقم الاتصال المحدد لأي مساعدة.
  3. يتم توفير معلومات كاملة بشأن الجراحة على موقعنا على الانترنت.

اضغط هنا قم بتعبئة نموذج الاستفسار الخاص بنا

ما هو بالون المعدة؟

في العصر الحديث الحالي بسبب ضغط العمل وتوافر وقت أقل يفضل الناس لبدء الاستعداد لطهي الطعام أو الوجبات السريعة. وقد أثبتت الدراسات السريرية أن المزيد من تناول هذا النوع من الأطعمة يؤدي إلى السمنة وزيادة في الوزن. هناك طرق مختلفة من خلالها يمكن للشخص تقليل وزنهم. آخر واحد يجري هو إجراء بالون المعدة في الهند. ويهدف بالون المعدة للحد من وزنك – أنه يقلل من الوزن عن طريق خفض الجوع الخاص بك. هذا الإجراء يساعدك على الشعور الكامل حتى لو كنت تعاني من كمية صغيرة من وجبات الطعام. هذا العلاج فقدان الوزن يساعدك على تقليل الوزن الزائد الخاص بك دون أي نوع من الجراحة الغازية.

كيف يمكنني معرفة ما إذا كنت مرشحا جيدا لإجراء البالونات المعدة؟

السمنة هي الشيء الرئيسي الوحيد الذي يمكن علاجه بمساعدة من بالون المعدة. هذا النوع من أساليب فقدان الوزن يمكن استخدامها من قبل الأشخاص الذين لديهم مؤشر كتلة الجسم من 40 أو أكثر؛ فمن الممكن أيضا للأشخاص الذين لديهم مؤشر كتلة بين 35-40. يتم اختيار جراحة البالون المعدة أيضا من قبل المرضى الذين يعانون من مشاكل صحية خطيرة وهذا يمكن علاجه فقط مع مساعدة من خفض الوزن. إذا كنت ترغب في معرفة المزيد عن هذا فمن الأفضل دائما أن يكون استشارة مجانية بالون المعدة في الهند. سوف يوصي الأطباء هذا الإجراء تخفيض الوزن لأولئك الذين يعانون من مرض السكري من النوع 2 أو ارتفاع ضغط الدم.

تحقق من المريض تستمونيال، حيث يشارك المريض عن قصص نجاحهم من العلاجات من خلال التجميل والسمنة جراحة مستشفى الهند.

مرحبا، اسمي فيكتوريا توماس، المملكة المتحدة وأنا خضعت بالون المعدة في الهند من خلال موقع الويب الخاص بك. لدي ارتفاع ضغط الدم والغدة الدرقية غير النشطة التي جعلت فقدان الوزن بلدي من المستحيل. كنت أبحث باستمرار عن وسيلة لانقاص وزنه، وأخيرا، بعد قراءة المعلومات على موقع الويب الخاص بك، وصلت إلى الهند للحصول على عمليتي الجراحية القيام به. رحبني مسؤول طبي في المطار وأخذني إلى فندقي. وقد ساعدت شركة السياحة الطبية لي في ترتيب تأشيراتي الطبية والطعام والسكن بينما في الهند. وفي اليوم الآخر، نقلت إلى المستشفى حيث رحبني الموظفون. كانت ودية للغاية. التقيت الجراح الذي مسح جميع أسئلتي والعصبية قبل الإجراء. وكانت الممرضات رعاية جدا ورحيمة. جراحتي ذهبت بشكل جيد والآن أنا سعيد جدا مع النتائج. أنا ممتن لكل شخص التقيت خلال رحلتي الطبية الرائعة إلى الهند.

إجراء البالون المعدة والإنعاش والفعالية

أثناء إجراء بالون المعدة يتم إدخال البالون في المعدة. ويتم ذلك عن طريق الفم – ويتم الإجراء باستخدام المنظار – وهذا هو تلسكوب مرن رقيقة جدا. مرة واحدة يتم إدخال البالون أنه مملوء جزئيا مع المالحة بحيث يملأ معدتك. وهذا يترك مساحة أقل من الطعام والمشروبات. هذا الإجراء لا يستغرق أكثر من 30 دقيقة. هذا هو إجراء بسيط. مرة واحدة يتم إدراج البالون يتم إزالتها عموما بعد 6 أشهر، والآثار الجانبية الأكثر مشاهدة هي الغثيان أو القيء. في بعض الحالات يتم إزالة البالون في وقت سابق أيضا.

لماذا اختيار بالون المعدة ضروري؟

وفقا ل بالون المعدة في الهند يستعرض من المهم أن يكون مثل هذا الإجراء من أجل علاج الأمراض التي تهدد الحياة مثل مرض السكري، وارتفاع ضغط الدم وأمراض القلب، وما إلى ذلك.

لماذا تختار مستشفى هندي لبالون المعدة؟

الهند معروفة بمواهبها الطبية وهناك العديد من الأطباء الذين لديهم خبرة في إجراء هذا الإجراء. السبب الأكثر أهمية لماذا تختار الهند هو لأنك يمكن أن تحصل منخفضة التكلفة بالون المعدة في الهند. وتكلفة هذه الإجراءات منخفضة نسبيا. هنا في الهند، وهناك العديد من المرضى الذين يعانون من السمنة المفرطة الذين كانوا قادرين على العيش حياة طبيعية مع بالون المعدة.

تكلفة بالون المعدة في الهند

عندما نتحدث عن تكلفة بالون المعدة بأسعار معقولة في الهند هو أسهل بكثير للحصول عليها كما أن هناك العديد من الأطباء الذين يؤدون هذا الإجراء.

قبل وبعد

إذا كنت تبحث حقا عن بالون المعدة، يرجى ملء النموذج للحصول على استشارة مجانية من قبل الجراحين لدينا. سيتم توفير لكم مع تحليل شامل واقتراحات بشأن بالون المعدة كنت تسعى ل.

اضغط هنا قم بتعبئة نموذج الاستفسار الخاص بنا


Why should a patient choose Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India?

Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India offers the highest quality medical services and has world class facilities that boast the economical pricing, top notch hospitals and robust infrastructures. Our hospital has connections with the best cosmetic and obesity surgery hospitals at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and other places in India. Here we have associations with well trained, qualified and experienced cosmetic and obesity surgeons who understand the needs of the patients well. They provide cosmetic and obesity treatment to their patients at a low cost. Many medical tourists who have visited India to undergo different procedures for both the cosmetic and obesity surgery are highly impressed with the commitment to quality medical services and cheaper pricing.

How much weight can I expect to lose with the Gastric balloon?

Between 28 to 56 pounds on average. Independent clinical trials carried out around the world, involving many thousands of volunteers, have shown that the average weight loss is approximately 42 pounds, this is based on clinical trial data that is widely available in the public domain.

Can you guarantee that I will lose this amount of weight?

No clinic or hospital can guarantee, exactly how much weight you will lose, however, you can be reassured that the vast majority of people working ‘with’ their gastric balloon: i.e. using it as intended; as a tool to assist you, often when all other methods have failed, will lose an average of approximately 42 pounds (19kg) this applies to over 90% of those surveyed in global clinical trials and is also borne out with our own experience at the Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India.

What kind of gastric balloon do you use?

We use the industry standard ALLERGAN (BIB) Bioenterics Intragastric Balloon, not cheaper variations. The ALLERGAN balloon, as well as being the best quality gastric balloon available, is the most widely used gastric balloon in India and around the world, with the most clinical trials and data recorded in relation to safety and effectiveness.

Is it risky to have my gastric balloon abroad?

Absolutely not, on the contrary, if you choose carefully, choosing to have your gastric balloon abroad at the Cosmetic and Obesity Surgery Hospital India assures you of the highest professional standards and the highest clinical standards available at superb prices offering large cost savings – with zero compromise on quality or care. It’s a win – win situation for you: the best quality and service, at the best price. If you do your homework, you will see that in many ways it is safer to have your procedure abroad, if you choose your destination wisely.

Will I regain the weight I lost with my balloon, once I have had it extracted?

In the global clinical trials we mentioned earlier, all of the participants were followed up 12 months after the removal of their gastric balloons and the findings were that 87% of people had kept off the initial amount of weight lost with a significant percentage of people going on to lose even more weight once their gastric balloon had been removed. This has also been our experience with EWLC clients.

What kind of After Care do you provide, will I be compromised by having the procedure abroad?

We provide the same form of the Gastric Balloon after care as all major clinics, this takes the form of open ended contact, and access to our professional team (both via email and our freephone support service) and through dietary and nutritional advice and review and weight loss monitoring. This after care service is available throughout the 6 month duration of your gastric balloon and for a further 6 months after balloon extraction. We are here to help you every step of the way, in your efforts to achieve your weight loss goals.

What are the benefits of having the Gastric Balloon?

The gastric balloon means that you do not have to undergo surgery, which can be risky. You are not treated as an in-patient which means a quick procedure followed by a short recovery period. You can return to work very quickly. The balloon means that you will have to eat smaller portions, although you can a wide range of foods. Try to avoid high fat, sugary foods as these can make you feel nauseous.

In terms of weight loss you are looking at, on average, 35-40% weight loss following this procedure. It can also improve any obesity-related conditions such as sleep apnoea, high blood pressure, stroke, Type 2 diabetes and arthritis. Another benefit is that you do not have to take a daily nutritional supplement.

How much weight will I lose?

This is the ‘million dollar’ question everyone wants an answer to, the fact is that weight loss results will vary from client to client, the amount of weight lost will depend on a variety of factors. Your Gastric Band will be adjusted according to your stomach anatomy and the amount of weight you need / want to lose. Of course a large degree of the success you achieve will be directly related to how closely you work with your gastric band and adopt new lifestyle and healthy eating habits. There is no such thing as a miracle cure for obesity, but the gastric band is a very popular method and has helped over 600,000 people to change their lives completely. Weight loss of approximately two to three pounds a week in the first year after the operation is likely, but one pound a week is also normal; it all depends on your food intake. The average total weight loss with most clients is between 6 to 15 stones (84lbs/38kg to 210lbs/95kgs) spread over 1 to 3 years

How long will it take to recover after surgery?

The gastric band surgery is performed laparoscopically, patients typically spend one to 3 days at our clinic after their procedure. Most people can return to work approximately 1 week after their procedure.

Is the procedure reversible?

Yes, the procedure is designed to be reversible.

Will I feel hungry?

The gastric band will help you to eat much less and also feel full quicker, working in two ways; firstly by reducing the capacity of your stomach and second by increasing the time it takes food to travel through your digestive system. For example, after a small meal, you should feel full. If you follow the nutritional guidelines when choosing your food and you chew it well, you should not feel hungry or deprived. Remember that the gastric band should be regarded as a tool to help you change your eating habits and your relationship with food.

How often will I need to see someone after my Gastric Band procedure?

It is normal for clients to need one or perhaps two band adjustments within the first year and less in years two and three, depending on the individual case.

How is my gastric band adjusted?

Adjustments are performed quickly and easily using a very thin needle to inject or withdraw saline solution from your band via your access port. This can be done quickly in an office setting or can be carried with the X-ray assistance (using flouroscopy) at one of our partner clinics near you. Most adjustments take only a few minutes and patients report that they are virtually painless.

Can I eat anything I want?

You can eat most foods that don’t cause you discomfort. Because you can only eat a little food at any given time, it is important that you include foods that are rich in vital and important vitamins and nutrients, foods such as those recommended by your surgeon and/or nutritionist. If you eat foods that contain lots of sugar and fat or drink liquids full of empty calories (beer/wine/cider, spirits), milkshakes, ice-cream, liquidised Mars bars, etc. the effect of the gastric band may be greatly reduced or even cancelled out completely.

What if I fall pregnant?

If you are trying to become pregnant, you will normally find it easier once you have lost weight as your menstrual cycle will most likely become more regular. Also, if you need to eat more while you are pregnant, the band can be loosened. After pregnancy, the band may be tightened again so that you can resume your weight loss.

Should I take a Multi Vitamin/Mineral supplement?

Yes, this is very important! As it is possible that you may not get enough essential vitamins and minerals from three small meals a day, which could in turn create health related problems.

Do I have to ‘protect’ the access port area underneath my skin?

You should not have any activity restrictions based on your access port. Your access port is placed under the skin in the abdominal wall area, and once the incisions have healed the access port should not cause you any discomfort or limit any physical exercise. The only sensation you should experience from the your port will normally only occur if you have a band adjustment.

Can I drink alcohol?

Alcohol has a high number of ‘dead’ calories and it can rob the body of essential vitamins and minerals, so it is never recommended as a healthy option. However, an occasional glass of wine or beer, or other alcoholic drink, should not significantly affect your weight loss.

What happens if something goes wrong?

Problems that can arise, from time to time (albeit rarely), are ‘band slippage’ and ‘port detachment’ these rare occurrences can be easily rectified and in these circumstances corrective procedure(s) would be carried out at our clinic.

Can I choose my own hotels according to my budget?

You can most definitely choose hotels as per your convenience to you and your budget.

Can I speak with the doctor before I come to India for treatment?

You can talk to the doctor and satisfy all your medical queries. You can also send us your queries for answers from the top doctors.

What modes of payment are accepted for getting treatment in India?

We accept different methods of payment like, cash, plastic cash, via net banking, etc.

How will I get an Indian Medical Visa?

To know about the procedure of getting an Indian Medical Visa, please go to our website where you will find all the details regarding the initial procedure. You can also send us a query regarding the same.

I can only speak my native language?

Many hospitals in India have language translators to help you communicate better and effortlessly with the doctors and medical staff.

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