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The Biggest Food and Nutrition Myths Busted

Food and Nutrition Myths

Food, nutrition, eating habits, diets and weight loss is an important loop in wellness. And very often food related myths and fallacies are circulated in this loop; which is detrimental to one’s health, lifestyle and wellness.

Some food fallacies die an early death, but a lot keep rotating, ever wondered why? Because, food is one of the most talked-debated-researched subject. And, like rumours, myths have the quality of spreading misled information fast. And even when the rumours-myths have been clarified, they leave an impression.

So here we are, busting some of the food and nutrition related myths:

Busted: Food and Nutrition Myths

1) All calories are created equal

The “calorie-is-a-calorie myth” refuses to die! The idea goes as long as we burn more calories than we consume, we will lose weight. But, a calorie from a pastry is different than a calorie from beans. Some calories makes the body store fat. While the others make you store muscles. And it is easier to tone muscles than burn fat. So calorie count is a myth. Its’ about moderation and healthy eating, not starving!

2) Carbohydrates make you fat

Refined-carbohydrate-rich foods, such as white bread, pasta and doughnuts are prone to increase weight. But, good-carb foods, such as whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables are a source of energy, vital nutrients and fiber. So not all carbs are bad and fattening! It’s overeating that makes people store edipose!

3) Skim milk has little nutritive value

Our grandmothers will second this myth. But, skim milk is whole milk with just butterfat removed. It remains a superior food with all its protein, calcium and vitamins.

4) All fat is bad

Good fat is essential to fuel the body and to help cells function properly. Weight gain occurs when you eat too much fat. Also, eating the wrong types of fat, like trans fats and saturated fats, poses health risks. Whereas  healthy, unsaturated fats can actually help improve heart health! So moderation  is the key!

5) Exercise more if you want to eat junk

Whenever I eat too many sweets or junk food, I tell myself that I’ll do an extra 20 Surya namaskar. But, we set ourselves up for failure if we rely on exercise to stay fit and healthy. Clean eating plays a big role in weight loss and in staying healthy. With clean eating, we ensure that our body-organs and their functioning is optimum. Thereby, helping in wellness inside-out.

6) Genes decide our health

Food is medicine and information for our cells. And our lifestyle dictates our wellness. Are you imitating bad lifestyle habits and blaming on your genes? Our genes do not dictate  health outcomes. Like “My father is fat, thus I am fat.” Or, “Everyone in my mom’s family is addicted to sugar/carbs; Thus, I cannot eat healthy!?” So, choose wisely!

7) High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is worse than sugar

High-fructose corn syrup was created to mimic sucrose (table sugar), so its composition is almost identical to sucrose.  HFCS and sucrose have very similar effects on blood levels of insulin, glucose, triglycerides and satiety hormones. In short, it seems to be no worse or better than sucrose or table sugar.

8) You crave certain foods because you’re deficient in one of the nutrients they provide

I wish!  Human food cravings tend to be more about satisfying emotional needs than nutrient needs. So please don’t starve or eat boring food all the time.

There are so many myths and fallacies around food. Also, there is a lot of conficting information and opinions about food. So how do we know, what’s really right? Well, just keep your eating simple and be aware of what (eating habits) feels right to you. Eat healthy, feel healthy and you will know, if you’re doing it right!  

Iti Jain

The post The Biggest Food and Nutrition Myths Busted appeared first on Total Yoga is a Yoga school pivoted on Fitness & Mindfulness!.

This post first appeared on Bangalore India , Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation, Pu, please read the originial post: here

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The Biggest Food and Nutrition Myths Busted


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