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hCGChica’s hCG Diet Journal – Round 2

My hCG Diet Journal from Round 2 of the hCG Diet Protocol with injections

Loading on HCG – Round 2

June 16, 2011


Hey guys! HCGChica. Before I say anything else I wanted to ask everybody to take a moment and comment below about how you get your water in. I was actually talking with my mom the other day about drinking enough water and how we can do that and I remembered someone who made a vlog regarding something they added something to their water and kinda taste like Kool-Aid. Well it turned out it was DeeHCGprincess. Thank you so much for that blog she mentioned a Stevida product that taste like Kool-Aid that she got off of vita cost so we’re gonna try that. She says she makes this big batch, you can go back she has a video just called Stevida Kool-Aid or something like that and she just makes a huge batch of it and drinks off that all day I think. That’s a great idea and I wanna see what other things you guys do to get your water and what makes it easier whether it’s putting something in your water to make it taste better or even like if you use a certain type of container or if there’s a method to the timing of it that helps you get it in just share what you do that’s successful. I’ll share my next vlog as well. I’ll compile your comments and share that and then also what I do to get my water because there’s something that I do that if I don’t do it I won’t drink hardly any water at all but if I have my special container I will drink a lot of water so just share that below.

Today is my second loading day and I’m not down, sure wish I was down, I’m up 1.4 pounds from before loading but I’m actually only .8 pounds up from where I’ve been maintaining off for the last 2 and a half months. I maintained for about 2 and a half months at 146.2 then I got the flu I lost 5 pounds kept 3 of it off for 5 days and then I was up a little bit not a couple days after that and then I started my round at 145.6 and then I’m up 1.4 from now which is 147. It looks like I’m gonna gain about maybe 3 to 4 pounds loading which seems about right for me. Loading is hard for me I don’t actually wanna eat as soon as I start taking the hormone it’s like instantly specially fatty foods really turns me off and makes me feel nauseous but I’m doing my best. I only gained .8 pounds loading last time over the whole 2 days so anyway I am eating you know, junk but not junk food but you know I’m loading. Alright I’ll check in tomorrow take care.

Round 2 Loading Phase: 3 Day Load on the hCG Diet – (It Ended Up Being A Big Mistake)

June 16, 2011

December 17, 2014 UPDATED THOUGHTS

I recorded this video in June 2011 – during what I guess was the first 1/3 of my hCG weight loss journey. I would like to let you guys know what the long term outcome of my choices during that Round 2 – including:

  • my choice to load 3 days (which is not always a poor choice- see my post Should You Load for 3 Days?)
  • to eat whatever I wanted including tons of sugar, ice-cream, and gluten
  • eating a huge amount

I can see after watching this vlog back for the first time in probably 3 years that I have a come a long way baby, and I am speaking NOT of physical weight whatsoever.

I also hope it might comfort you guys a little to see where my head was when I was early on my hCG journey, in case you find yourself identifying with that years-ago-me up there. Because I wouldn’t make any of those choices now, and I haven’t done so in about 3 years. But I DID make such choices at one time – and this just happens to be the only time it was caught on camera, but my making choices like this has been a pattern for a few years prior to arriving at this spot.

If you watch my current videos or see me results – that I’ve been maintaining my weight loss over 2 years, that I crossfit and lift heavy weights, that I don’t eat ice-cream and love kale, you might think I’ve always been this way. Then you might feel like since you may not be in that place that making this change will be too hard for you.

We all start somewhere, usually near some garbage can where we just threw what was left of a package of cookies, hoping it would stop us from eating the rest. Man, even that didn’t usually work.

And that was me at the beginning too.

But obviously, I changed, as will you. If I had known then that my progress wouldn’t be in a straight line or that it would take me a couple year to REALLY internalize and OWN the needed changes, I probably would have given up before I started. So don’t think too far ahead – just start on this path – do your research, make logical wise choices based on what really works and doesn’t work for others, especially if your Gut-O-Meter (ability to sense truth from your gut) has been damaged by sugar consumption.

The “After-the-Fact” Conclusion

Essentially, I made all the wrong choices during round 2.

And it started with the loading.

If you watch the video, I’d like you to listen for some key things I said that reveal how out of touch I was with myself.

I say things like, “I just had a gut feeling I should load a third day.”

2 Definitions of Gut Feeling:

  • “instinct, intuition” – which as far as I know means perception of truth, knowing what is truly in the best interests of your survival.
  •  “If you have a gut feeling, you sense something about a person or a situation, without knowing why, but you’re sure what you sense is true.”

Obviously my Gut-O-Meter was WAY off.

“Why yes self, I DO thing that quart of ice-cream and cookies is EXACTLY what my body needs for true success to be mine.”

Fasting for First VLCD- HCG R2P2VLCD1

June 17, 2011

I’m not recommending anyone do this, this is just what I chose to do on my 2nd round of HCG Injections for the first Vlcd day.  I chose to fast entirely and drink nothing but water for the whole day to kind of jumpstart my losses on the protocol and to try to ease the “pain” of my body adjusting to diet those first few very low calorie days of the protocol (we all know they are uncomfortable).


Hey guys! HCGChica! I’m checking in so today is my first VLCD day so I’m so excited to get up and see my loss tomorrow. I loaded 3 days and I gained a total of 3.6 pounds and I’m pretty sure that after a day that some of that water is water just water it’s not fat it’s water because I had like pizza late last night. Today I’m actually doing something a little different. For my first VLCD day I’m actually fasting like not fat fast but fasting. Drinking a ton of water and then I’m not gonna eat anything today. And the reason I decided to do that is because I’ve actually been reading on a couple different nutrition workout people on their sites about how fasting can be used after eating, after gorge days fasting can be used to lose a lot of fat in 1 day. It’s not something I’m gonna do all the time but they said when you do fast strategically for 24 to 36 hours you can actually lose a good amount of fat. If you do it after you’ve eaten a good amount of fat. That’s what I’m gonna try I’m doing that today. It’s already it’s 4:30 I haven’t eaten yet I’ve been drink a lot of water and we’ll see if I end up having a good loss tomorrow and then I’m sure I probably  will because everybody does the first day. I just really wanna, just you know, like you guys try different things and see what produces different results and stuff like that. That’s it I’ll check in soon.

Fast Day Results after 3 Day Load – HCG R2P2VLCD2

June 18, 2011

After gaining 3.6 lbs loading over the course of 3 days prior to starting the vlcd for HCG Injections, I fasted my first vlcd to jumpstart the whole process and was down 3.4 lbs after the fast day!  In all honesty I wasn’t even really hungry while fasting which is surprising.  Seemed to work just fine for me.  I haven’t done a fast day since (I’m am beyond Round 4 now as of this writing) while on the protocol.  I may employ it in the future, but I tend to like to have some research under my belt before I feel confident with doing something and there just isn’t research that I can find that combines fasting with the diet- anyone who knows me knows that sparing muscle is one of my most important concerns, so I never want to jeopardize my muscle for the sake of experimentation or to make the scale go down faster.


Hey guys! HCGChica! Hey okay so I’m doing the ketone strips but I’m gonna show it you because I need  you ketone pros maybe you can tell me what color this is because to me my stick looks like totally none of the colors, it’s none of them, it’s different. I guess it looks closest to 1 of this 3 maybe but it’s like a totally different color so if any of you know please help me. The darkest one for anyone who doesn’t know is large ketones which is 160 and then the next one is large it’s 80 and then moderate is 40 but I mean honestly I can’t tell so if any of you know.

Today is VLCD 2 as you know I had 3 days of loading which is kind of different from the normal 2. I gained a total of 3.6 pounds loading and that was a gain of 1.6 the first day .6 the next day and then 1.4 the 3rd day. I started after loading at 149.2 I chose to do a fast day for my first VLCD, not a fat fast, but fast so I drink almost 2 gallons of water and I didn’t eat anything and to be honest I was hardly hungry at all I mean for not eating anything after eating so much for 3 days. The hormone for me really works with hunger and I was thinking that might help me get over those first few of days of hunger easier by just fasting that first day and I think it probably will be good for that and I really didn’t feel hardly hungry at all and I drink a ton of water. I bet you wanna know the results of my fast day and that is that this morning I was down 3.4 pounds. I’m 145.8 and that’s super exciting to me I think that was really successful because my last round I did a 2 day load and I only gained a .8 and I feel like I tried to load well but maybe I didn’t, I don’t know but I only gained .8 and I lost 1.8 my first VLCD day my last round so this round I loss almost double. I gained more loading. I lost almost double my first day and I fasted this time so those were the 3 differences. I’m very happy with that specially because I am keeping track of my body fat percent my husband has this handheld thing he use to used it when he used to be a personal trainer, you know in another life and it’s this handheld thing that does your body fat. It’s fairly accurate it’s not as accurate as hydrostatic but it’s kinda like I think it’s the 3rd one down. it’s like hydrostatic body fat testing and like the bod pad and then the calipers by someone who’s trained and using the calipers that would be like the next most accurate and then I think this handheld one is the next accurate It’s more accurate than the scale ones that’s for sure.

I lost a whole pound of fat from yesterday which to me is good because I had only gained one pound of fat over loading. So what that means is those extra pounds were just water, if that makes sense. My things said that I have 46.5 pounds of fat after I finished the loading and then it said that I have 45.5 pounds fat today. Isn’t that so exciting? I lost the pound of fat that I gained in the 1 day after 3 days. So that’s pretty exciting and just excited to see good out from here. I slept for 10 hours last night. So there’s that I’m just trying to think if there’s any other detail that you guys might want. I’m still going to be making that water vlog I’m just still getting a few more comments so I’m just kinda waiting to compile all that and I wanna try and make it a really good one where I like actually put photos in of the different containers that some of you guys mentioned. If you guys even have a photo of what you drink out off, you can even send it to ne if not I’ll just find it on Google. Everything is on Google. I’m doing fantastic I actually felt really good yesterday and I feel really good today. I did have a headache today and I know that that’s common with the protocol and today I forgot to tell you, today I am doing a fat fast and the reason I’m dong that is because like I told you earlier from what I’ve been reading from some different fitness gurus it’s a really opportune time to fast after you have had a high calorie day. If you fast it’s an opportune time to lose fat is what I have been reading in more than one place like a 24 hour to a 36 hour fast, so I fasted. Today I chose to do a fat fast because of the extra calories. I figured if I do that that will hopefully help my body not feel like it needs to hold on to stuff because now that I’ve kind of not eaten at all now I’m gonna eat so I’m like Oh ok so there’s more nutrition here. That’s why I did that and then I plan on starting my regular VLCD days tomorrow, and depending on how the fat fast woks for me I will incorporate that into the rest of the program this round. I don’t plan on doing anymore regular fast that was just for that first day. That’s it and if you guys have any questions let me know and I appreciate everybody I’ve been watching all of your vlogs and I know you know that because I’m commenting and I’m so excited because I was looking at my page and I have over 200 subscribers now which is kinda neat because when I first started my last round, I remember when I had about 20. And I liked it because I like seeing how you guys are doing and I’m subscribed to more than 200 people so thankfully not all of you are vlogging every day because that would be really overwhelming for those of you on P2 it’s nice to see how you are all doing. All right talk to you soon.

Fat Fast Results on HCG (no longer recommended)

June 19, 2011

While I did lose 1.8 lbs after my first trial at the Fat Fast day while on HCG Injections, I must make it clear that I NO LONGER SUPPORT the idea of doing fat fasting while on HCG.  I have come to my own personal conclusion that Dr. Simeons knew what he was talking about when he said to avoid all fats while on the diet.  It was kind of a craze to do fat fasting while on the protocol about a year ago and everyone was doing them.  What are my reasons for thinking this is now unwise?

I use a handheld body fat monitor daily- on and off the protocol.  While many people find these to be sporadic and unreliable, I have found the opposite to be true in my case.  I compared my handheld body fat monitor with my hydrostatic body fat test results from Round 3 (update as of 9/12: as of Round 4 as well) and it was actually pretty accurate, so I’ve found that using it is a fairly reliable way for myself to see what the composition of my weightloss is made out of- in other words- how much of the scale weight being lost is fat and how much is muscle or water?  That takes us back to the fat fasting- the day after doing a fat fast or any other “non-protocol” type day where I had higher fats in my diet than usual, I found that while I lost “weight” on the scale, my fat actually went up!  It’s possible this was a fluke, but likely not, in which case it means I was losing muscle and gaining fat when I ate fats on the diet.  Not a good thing folks!

Again, I don’t have solid concrete proof that this is actually what’s happening, as certainly there are fluctuations on my handheld body fat monitor and it’s more a useful tool when looking at an overall trend over time, but it’s enough for me to know it’s not worth the risk.  If fat fasting on the protocol causes muscle loss and fat gain at the same time, this is super unhealthy and the exact opposite of what you want to happen- you might as well consider yourself as gaining weight even though you saw the scale go down.

I hope I don’t offend anyone with my strong opinion on this- I respect everyone’s right to make their own choices, but for me I have decided this is possibly (likely) a very unhealthy thing to do while on the protocol.  I want everyone to get what they want out of this protocol- which is to lose fat and shrink visibly and get into those smaller clothes- am I right or am I right?

R2P2 VLCD4-7

June 25, 2011

VLCD 4= -1.4 lbs, VLCD 5= -1.0 lbs, VLCD 6= -.0, VLCD 7= -.0, VLCD 8= -.2, total of 7.8 lbs in 7 vlcd days so far.

In this vlog I talk about eating extra proteins and sugar free jello.  In general, I think it best to avoid those processed sugar free stuff made with aspartame, but that was then, this is now.  I’ve come a long way.  As you’ll see in future vlogs, Round 2 was my “bad” round- my Round 2 on HCG Injections is a good example of what NOT to do on the protocol.


Hey guys! HCGChica! I’m trying to give you guys a quick rundown of the last few days. I did actually upload a video that you might have seen already it was 7 and a half minutes and just trying to make this quicker so that it’s easier for you guys to watch.

VLCD 4 I was down 1.4 pounds. VLCD 5 I was down 1 pound and that brought me to a total of 7.6 pounds loss in 4 days and my weight at that point was 141.6. Now VLCD 6, 7 and 8 I was down 0, 0 and .2 so things really slowed down and I’m not ecstatic about it. To be honest, I can’t complain too much because my first goose egg day I’ve been doing my body fat percent thing every day and it actually said that I lost a whole pound of fat and my body fat percent went down almost a whole percent from 31% to 30.3%. Even though I didn’t actually lose any weight that day I actually lost a pound of fat, that’s actually a good thing so I probably shouldn’t complain at all. And then the next goose egg day and then today my pounds of fats remain the same which is a 43 pounds of fat that I have. I still have a ways to go I’m a 5 foot 1 person. I’m 141 right now so that’s 43 pounds of fat. I’ not exactly sure how many pounds of fat is normal for my frame size but I’m gonna guess maybe around 25. I definitely have a little ways to go. I’ve been drinking all my water but the couple things that I did do differently when I had the goose eggs was I was very active the day before each goose egg and I added a 3rd protein because I was outside it was hot, I was sweating I was doing gardening and shoveling, not a ton but I did enough that I felt like I should probably have a 3rd protein and I had it in a form of a cottage cheese. Maybe that wasn’t a smart idea I don’t know, the other thing is I had some sugar free Jell-O’s actually 1 of the days I have 3 of them and I know that’s definitely not ideal. They’re sweetened with aspartame which is I know were not healthy but I’ve never actually had a problem losing weight using that sweetener on the protocol. I don’t know, I mean in the Jell-O form that’s different than the coke form because they do have 10 calories each. I did have higher calories those days but, I don’t know I guess I didn’t think it would be a problem but maybe it was. Or maybe that’s just maybe my weight would have slowed down anyway. I’m not really sure, but anyway that’s what’s going on with me and I am having a little bit of a rough patch with the diet which is probably why I’ve been eating a little more and trying to sneak all those Jell-O’s in and stuff because just having cravings not necessarily for bad food but I just want- I’m craving the volume and then craving frequency of food. I just wish I could eat more and more often, and it’s hard so I’m just trying to distract my mind and hoping it’ll past because the same thing happened to me last round so it’s not unfamiliar but I know hopefully it will past. So I’m just kinda trying to stick it out and just wait for it to pass hopefully I wake up to another loss too and I’m excited to try to get into the 130s. That’s my update and I’ll check in with you guys soon. Talk to you later.

9.2 lbs in 8 days so far- HCG R2P2 VLCD 9

June 25, 2011

More mention of cravings again.  One thing I have since learned about my cravings is that the best way to curb them quickly is to eat low carb for a few days, eliminating even fruit (whether I’m on HCG Injections or off).

Beware- “fat” flashing going on here.


Hey guys! HCGChica! Today is VLCD 9 the results from VLCD 8 yesterday, this morning  I was down 1.4 pounds I’m really glad about that, that makes it a total of 9.2 pounds in 8 days and that includes the 3.6 loading weight. That’s nice because I had 3 slow days since you guys know if you watch my last vlog. I’m really happy about that, yesterday I drink 2 liters of water not nearly as much as I usually drink, I just wasn’t feeling very good yesterday I told you I was having a lot of difficulties sticking to the diet just because of cravings. I’m not actually hungry, I’m not hungry at all I just wanted to eat and wanted to eat good things so I was at Target roaming the isles and every time I saw something good I just thought about it, I thought “Oh it’d be so nice to just eat a bunch of that” but I just keep thinking in my head this feeling is gonna pass, this feeling is gonna pass and today I felt a lot better I feel a lot better, I’m not craving things I’ve been busy the day is going by so quickly, I still need to drink a little more water today it was a little slacking of on that again today. I’m hoping that I’ll feel better now for a little bit. So yeah that’s my update for that. I also want a real quick show you a little bit of a body shot. The thing is last round I had bought a pair of goal jeans they were size 8 and I didn’t get in to them last round and I ended up buying 3 pairs of goal jeans just because they were so cute and they were at the thrift store, it’s like pretty easy to drop 3 dollars. I got a couple more pairs one is actually a 10P 10 petite, their like a small 10 because actually I’m wearing a 10 very comfortably right now. But the pair that I have on that I’m gonna show you they’re still a bit snug they do fit but not well enough to wear comfortably yet but I’m gonna show you so that hopefully in a few weeks from now I’ll wear them again and I’ll be able to see the difference especially in my whole muffin top areas. I’m gonna stand-up and show you that real quick. Their actually like turquoise jeans I just love them so they’re a 10P and like I said they fit snugly but I’m gonna show you my fat you should feel privileged, don’t look if you’re scared. Just you can see when I’m not holding it in you could see how it still too snug on the waist, technically if I wanna actually look good with my shirt see that? Holding it in looks like that. You see when I don’t hold it in its like it’s still has that round of fat when I wear this pants that why they’re really not acceptable to wear yet see that is not attractive. As soon as I get a little smaller and hold it in like this then I’ll be able to wear them comfortably. This are 10P and honestly and honestly they’re about the same size as a bunch of other 8’s that I have. Just wanna show it that way I can compare, it’s actually mostly for myself so I can compare a few weeks so that’s were I’m at. I feel lot better today I’m really glad about that and I may be trying I bit of an experiment with exercise on this protocol. The reason being is because the 1 day that I didn’t lose any weight but it said that I lost a whole pound of body fat that was the biggest jump I’ve seen yet on this round and that was the day before that was the day that I did the most physical activity. To me it’s all about losing body fat I don’t care about losing weight if I’m losing fat. Or if the scales going down more slowly but I’m losing a lot more fat than I was, that’s really what matters to me. I’m not gonna overdo it but I am gonna maybe try doing some exercise because I really didn’t do any last round at all and this round I haven’t really done much just a little shoveling and stuff. But I think I’m gonna be more conscious of it now. I kinda like the results that nellieHCG has been getting and what’s she’s been talking about as far as the exercising ketosis and all that stuff. I’m probably gonna try that and I’ll let you guys know how it goes but anyway that’s it for today.

I didn’t get to update you guys on my mom. She’s doing well, we’re both having a slower round, I don’t know that my round is totally slower yet but her rounds are little slower she had some really good losses I don’t know what exact stats but I do know she had like a 3 or 4 days stall and then she did an apple day, I think just 2 days ago and I think she drops like a couple pounds maybe 2.2 and so right now she’s at 218 so she’s really excited to break 220. So that’s really exciting and she stayed the same again this morning and she maybe checking in to some of the other little stall breakers that are out there besides the apple day like there’s a steak day people do and there is the fat fast day. She didn’t actually feel too good when she did that fat fast day so she’s kinda hesitant to try it again even though she did get good results but we all know we also wanna feel good. That’s my update for today and I’ll check with you guys soon.

Experiment with HCG and Exercise while on Cytomel/T3 – HCG R2P2 vlcd 10-12

June 28, 2011

VLCD10: -.2, VLCD11: -1.4, VLCD12: -.2.  Weight today 138.2

So I did this experiment where I did a short burst of exercise (HIIT- High Intensity Interval Training to be exact) while on this protocol the other day.  At first thought it seemed like it brought good results, but I can’t really say as I didn’t get to try it much after this because my health just wouldn’t hold up to being both on the protocol and exercising.  And I still have that terrible habit of drinking Diet Coke on this round!  I’m so glad I finally broke that habit permanently. I switched to Organic Black Numi Tea that I just love with a little half and half and stevia- it’s just the right caffeine kick for me.

At this point in my weight loss journey I had wondered if taking T3/Cytomel for my Hashimoto’s Thyroid condition while on the diet caused me to lose excess muscle on the diet- later I found this to not be true as during Round 3 of HCG Injections I was still on my Cytomel medication and I lost a whopping 90% fat of the weight I lost.  So for those on T3 or Cytomel for health reasons- don’t worry about this!  You can do very well on the protocol while taking these medications- in fact you will probably do better than some others because you will be on the diet with a properly treated thyroid, so you’ll probably lose at a faster rate.


Hi guys! HCGChica! How are you all doing? I’m just checking in to give you my update to VLCD 10-12. VLCD 10 I woke up and I was down .2 and that brought me to 139.8 that was exciting because that means I’m out of the 140’s. The night before I slept for 8 hours I drink 1 litter of water which is not enough so I have been little lax on my water and I actually forgot to write down what I ate that day. VLCD 11 I woke up and I was down 1.4 that was awesome so that brought me to 138.4 and I experimented the day before that, they gave me that good loss, I exercised I went to the gym and I just did actually I only did 8 minutes of what’s called Peak 8, working out it’s like an interval thing I was on a bike and what you do is you do 30 seconds of the highest intensity that you can, my heart beat up to 190 and then you back off completely and go as slow as possible to recover for about 60 to 90 seconds so your heartbeat comes back down, I think mine came back down to about 160, and then you go back-up 30 seconds of highest intensity that you can do and just did back down again so you just do intervals of that and I only ended up doing a total of 8 and a half minutes, but I got really sweaty and the whole rest of the day I felt fantastic I have a lot of energy I felt really good then I help a friend move and then that night actually went to a party and we were dancing and so I actually got all sweaty from that.

The reason I chose to do that was because, as you know I’ve been monitoring my body fat percent and how many pounds of fat I have with the handheld one. SlimSteve actually just showed his in the mail mine’s really old, mine’s like 13 years old so it doesn’t look the same as his but it does the same thing. I chose to do this experiment with the exercise because I didn’t exercise at all last round and this round I am finding that I’m still losing a little more lean mass than I would like and I’m a little different than everyone else on YouTube doing HCG. That’s because I take T3 or Cytomel  and its active thyroid hormone and I just think it makes me a little different because as you know when your body makes something on its own it works much more naturally with your body but since I take something that’s synthetic and its external, I take it once in the morning and I take a fairly large dose I take usually about 87.5 micrograms of T3 and its powerful it rubs up your metabolism and its replacing what my thyroid doesn’t make but as you all know still, replacing something that your body usually would make is still not the same thing and it doesn’t do exactly the same thing. I just felt like that must be the reason that I’m losing more lean mass than most people, I was just racking my brain trying to think of because I can’t stop taking the medication that’s what keeps me alive and it keeps me feeling normal. I just thought how can I get around this because I don’t want lose too much more lean mass, its okay how much I’ve loss so far because as you get smaller you don’t need as much lean mass to carry your frame around but I’m getting to that point where I’m starting to weigh a lot less and I just can’t afford to lose too much more so I chose to try exercising in the morning which is when I take my medication and I thought maybe that would be a way to use up some of that t3 that active thyroid hormone in a healthy way that my body can then utilize better. I did that and I felt great which is a good sign, and I actually even ate a little less than normal. I skipped the fruit and the veggie not on purpose I just ended up being so busy and I didn’t even realize till the end of the day that I hadn’t eaten one of each of those. And that is what led to my 1.4 pound loss the next morning. Now what’s really interesting is that when I did my body fat analyzer that morning it said that I had drop 2.5 pounds of fat that I lost. Now I only lost 1.4 pounds of weight it said I lost 2.5 pounds of fat and my body fat percent went almost down a whole percent to 29.2% from 30.1%. That was so exciting to me because that’s the second time that I have loss equally the amount of fat that I lost weight or more. Usually I lose some lean mass and fat after every loss I’ve had so far this round and I just wasn’t happy with how much lean mass I was losing compared to fat. This really doesn’t apply to most people I think most people that I’ve seen they do lose mostly fat like I said I think it just has to do with the medication that I take but that just goes to show you that something’s not working to try to, don’t just keep doing the same thing over and over, try to analyze it and try to figure out why that’s happening because otherwise you get on hurting yourself, there’s a lot of different things I don’t think in Dr. Simeons’ day nobody took active thyroid hormone. I can probably say that 100% were sure to you that nobody took that. Anyway I was so excited after that day that put me down to 40.5 pounds of fat. I was so excited about that and that just made me felt like that was a good idea now I’m not gonna exercise everyday necessarily because I’m not gonna actually be bad eventually too if you get too sore etc.

On Sunday I didn’t feel sore at all yesterday so I went ahead went back to the gym and I did another Peak 8 thing with the intervals and I did 10 and a half minutes this time, it was pretty intense really sweaty and I was I little more tired after that and my calves were feeling kind of sore so I figured today I won’t do anything specially with my legs. I might do a few push-ups or something I didn’t do anything with my legs. I’m gonna let my body rest. This morning I was down .2 this is VLCD 12 and I was 138.2, I’m really excited about that I drank 2 litters of water yesterday I had 3 protein serving because of the whole exercise and sore thing I had 2 turkey breast little burgers I had a cottage cheese serving, I had strawberries, I had 2 sugar free Jell-O’s, still I’m eating those they’re not hindering my losses and sometimes like when I go to a party and there’s tons of food or something like that would been having people over a little more frequently that’s kind of the thing that’s like my treat to get through the night. So I had tomatoes and asparagus for my 2 vegetables and  I actually, I guess I didn’t have 1 of my fruits yesterday. I think you can see I’m doing a lot better on the diet as far as not freaking out or thinking about food all the time because I’m even skipping a couple of things here and there. I am still having diet coke. I guess that’s my little confession to you guys that’s probably why I haven’t been drinking much water for the last 4 – 5 days because when I drink diet coke I kinda don’t wanna drink that much water. I know that’s not healthy but you know what, it’s kinda the one thing that helps me get by on this diet I can stick to everything else but it’s just my one little crutch so I’m not ready to give it up, I did have that. But anyway so far I’ve lost a total of 11 pounds in 11 VLCD days. I’m really happy about that because this is my second round and I’m 138.2 right now like ultimate goal weight for me would be 120 you can see I’m really getting pretty close that’s only 18.18 pounds away or so. I’m really getting close, I’m very happy with the losses I’ve have the last 4 days it’s like I had .2 the 1.4, .2, 1.4, .2 so I had a couple big losses in between the smaller ones that’s really exciting.

I will keep you guys updated on what I’m doing; I’m sorry this vlog is a little longer than normal but I did have to explain a little more than normal. I’m  sorry I haven’t done the water vlog yet I still want to its just I’ve been so busy when I was having that rough patch I really just couldn’t focus on anything else but stalling myself over and over, “ don’t eat, don’t eat, don’t eat” but I’m really feeling a lot better so that’s good. I’ll keep you updated about that. it’s really nice being able to track some things. The body fat monitor is not completely accurate, sometimes there’s gonna be a little inconsistency but it’s actually pretty accurate as long as you do it around the same time each morning and do it right after you weigh, its actually pretty consistent. When I did the hydrostatic body fat test it was off about 2 to 3 percent but this is still a good gauge because the numbers are consistent and the numbers are consistently going down. For me it’s still very useful and it’s important for me since like I said my case is a little different so I need to make sure that I keep figuring out how to keep as much lean mass as I can. As far as things have gone so far I’m doing really well, it says I’ve lost about 6.5 pounds of fat and then I am assuming that at least 2 or 3 pounds that I lost is just water so that would bring it to either 8.5 or 9.5 and then I’ve only lost a total of 11 so that means I’ve only lost to this point like 2.5 to 3.5 pounds of lean mass and that’s a much better ratio than I had before. I’m gonna keep up with this new experiment and I’ll let you guys know how it goes and again sorry for the really long vlog but I just want to explain the few things that I’m doing and for some people it’s better to not exercise, like SlimSteve he has a ton of lean mass he said he had over 200 pounds of lean mass which is amazing, obviously he’s gonna have let some of that go to get down to 180. We’re all in different place and men also, I noticed a lot of the men who’ve done the hydrostatic body fat test, it seems the men are the ones who ended up not losing any lean mass on HCG, they lose a 100% fat. I think it’s just men are really different I think the HCG increases testosterone or something and women you know who don’t have nearly as much of that to maintain our lean mass though I think for men it’s probably a lot easier to do this diet like be super, super over successful but were still being really successful as women and we got to keep some of those curves anyway right? So we don’t wanna be 6% body fat and all ripped because that looks kinda nasty. Alright I’ll check in with you guys soon.

12.8 lbs in 13 days- HCG R2P2 VLCD 13-15

July 4, 2011

Again- I did another Fat Fast which I DO NOT SUPPORT anymore on the HCG Diet.  Having a really tough time mentally on this round and many cravings.  Looking back now I would have removed my fruits for a few days while on the protocol to get my cravings to go away and gone back to strict protocol- I think this would have helped me get and stay on track.  Oh well, can’t change it now can I?  The important thing is that I figured things out and had a successful Round 3 and 4 after this sad excuse for a Round 2 on HCG Injections.

VLCD13: -.6, VLCD14: -.4, VLCD15: -.8.  Today’s weight 136.4.  12.8 lbs in 13 days so far.


Hey guys! HCGChica. I’m checking in for days VLCD 13 to 15. VLCD 13 I was down .6 to 137.6, VLCD 14 I was down .4 to 137.2 and VLCD 15 today I was down .8 to 136.4 so that brings me to a total of 12.8 pounds loss in 14 days that is excellent. I shouldn’t have been complaining earlier this round and I’ve had some good losses since then so it’s kept my losses pretty high compared to days on the VLCD. I did do a fat fast yesterday and then I had a .8 release today I feel like it might have been bigger but I didn’t drink as much water as I should have yesterday, again. It’s so funny usually water is so easy for me and lately it’s been tough. Also I was up really late I was to like 2 in the morning which is not what I usually do I just couldn’t sleep I felt kinda tired all day and it was just like I perked up in the evening and so I was up till 2. I did sleep till about 9 o’clock that’s still only about 7 hours and that’s not as much as I usually get. I probably sabotage my fat fast day a little bit but I’m still happy with it. I mean it’s a good loss definitely. On the fat fast all I had was 1 cup of pecans and 4 ounces of cream cheese. I just kept it really simple and I believed that put my calories from fat around 87% and I think the calories ended up being like about 1150. It was just really simple I didn’t want to think about it so I just put the pecans in the bag and just kind of munch on them throughout the day and then took little spoons full of cream cheese and I think it was a good thing to do because I’ve got to be honest I have been having a really tough time in this second round mentally with sticking to the protocol. I have been finding myself grabbing little bites of extra stuff here and there, even stuff that I shouldn’t take a bite of. I’ve been taking a bite of stuff. I’ve just been wanting to eat more and kinda comes and goes but it’s been tough. The fat fast day was good because I guess when things are that high fat you don’t wanna eat a ton of it because it just doesn’t feel good like when I was having a cream cheese I would only have 2 or 3 small like half spoonfulls at a time before I’d be like “okay that’s enough for now” it was a good thing to do because I didn’t feel like I was gonna nibble on anything else.

The other thing is, the day I had my .4 loss the day before that, I was just on regular VLCD but I made the lemon truffles a few days ago and I made them in the evening so I had just a couple of like maybe 3 of them that night but the next day there is a whole plateful in my fridge and I know others discuss this issue as well I ended up eating almost all of them I think there’s only 3 left so I ate all of those, those day. That really messes with my head when I go off protocol that much, unintentionally, it just makes me feel guilty and bad and worried about the next day and that I’m sabotaging myself it just made me feel not well mentally that day. As it was the next morning I woke up to a .4 loss I still had a loss, that’s great. But who’s to say if I didn’t have all of those lemon soufflés if maybe it was supposed to be a 1.4 day who knows I’ll never know now but at least I still had a loss that’s all that matter it’s just was kind of afraid that waking up and having a gain because I ate quite a few of them. In addition to all my other VLCD stuff. I even had a couple of Jell-O’s and I had extra chicken that day it was just a day when I was just eating too much. But it didn’t turn not to be too bad thankfully. The other thing is that I did do my 10 minutes of my high intensity interval training I did that before the .4 release as well and that felt good. That’s about it.

Today I’m doing an egg day you know how that goes I just wanted to do something different like I said it’s just been tough this time. Last round it was so easy for me I just stack to the protocol and I never cheated and this time I nibble on stuff. I wanted to show you something real quick. I’m not suggesting that you eat this as a protein necessarily, but for me this is an acceptable choice so I just wanna share it because I think it’s kind of new they’re from Trader Joes and their actually called chicken hotdogs. They’re made out of chicken they’re all natural no nitrates. The cool thing is they only have 60 calories per hotdog, 2.5 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbs, 9 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. When I was kinda having a tough time this are really tasty with like a little mustard and for me the way I do the protocol I can have 2 of these because that equals to 120 calories and I can do that for me. Because when I do this protocol I don’t have any melba toast or milk or anything. What I do is I have 150 calories worth of protein for meal and then I have 40 calories worth of vegetable and it have 60 calories worth of fruit and if you do that twice that equals 500 calories, for me this does work. The only drawback about this is that of course as all processed meat stuff goes, it does have a good amount of sodium it has 250mg of sodium for each hotdogs, that means there’s 500mg of sodium for 1 serving. But when you’re not feeling well it was very satisfying it felt like I was eating something really tasty and so it’s not something I’m gonna do every day but it is something that I think is nice to have now and then when you’re really kinda wanting something tasty you know maybe at a barbeque or something. That’s my update for today.

My mom is doing so great she started at 235 beginning of this round- 235.4. This morning she was up to a 2 pound loss and she’s 214 this morning. So she is so super excited that means that she has lost 21 pounds this round and I think she’s on VLCD day like, I’m gonna say like 19 or 20, so she is still averaging a pound a day which is really good this was her second round as well as you recall we did take a long break and to be honest I do think that has helped our loses in this round, that’s just my opinion of course but I do think it has helped having that long break we took a 2 and a half month break between round 1 and round 2. She doesn’t exercise at all or anything but she’s really been having good losses still and she even said she does she eat more than 500 calories she’s not hungry anymore which is really exciting. But she says she does stick to the food with in the protocol in general but she knows that she’s eating more than 500. I think she has larger portions and stuff. It’s been working for her and she’s incorporated the coconut oil and her dressings for salad and that’s something that I’ve done as well. I’m really happy to hear that, it seems like this protocol is excellent and sometimes there’s small little tweaks that individuals may find that they are able to do without it really hindering their progress. That’s my update for today and I’ll check in with you guys again.

R2P2 vlcd 16-21 Stalling, Eating too much, my frustrations, ketosis discussion

July 7, 2011

A sad commentary on myself and how I was botching Round 2 on HCG Injections on a daily basis lol.  I should call it “the careless round.”  I actually am laughing at myself as I watch this vlog- so pathetic I was!  Boy that was painful.  I hate feeling out of control like that.

I read some little snippets here and there online saying that Aspartame can interfere or take people out of Ketosis.  So I finally cut the Diet Coke and tried replacing it with a Diet Blue Sky soda that is sweetened with Erythritol and Stevia.  But THEN I read some more and found others stating that it’s actually the citric acid in the soda’s causing the ketosis problems.  But removing the sodas and other sweeteners has proved to very difficult for me- I tend to crave sweet things (read= candida problem huh!)

This protocol does not have to be this hard!  For any newbies out there, I have had 3 successful rounds of this diet plan where it wasn’t complete torture and I maintained the weightloss….and then there was this round.  So don’t take this vlog as the way the protocol is for most people most of the time.

Current weight 135.8.

No Sweetener Day- HCG R2P2 vlcd22

July 8, 2011


Hey guys! HCGChica! I’m checking in really quick to keep myself accountable today as you know today VLCD 22 is my goal to not have any sweeteners of any kind and to just be completely POP except to possibly some coconut oil in my salad dressing that doesn’t bother me that’s not something that’s a crutch for me so I’m okay with having that. Anyway so its 5pm and I’ve done well I’m drinking my water I’ve stuck to everything so far. I just have to do a few more hours until I get to bed around 10 or 11. It hasn’t been too bad I still have thoughts of wishing I could be done with this part of the round. Anyway I’m hoping it’ll will be a good thing I did have a couple of salads I had one earlier with my lunch, just lettuce and I had a turkey ground turkey patty that I chopped up and put in there  with little coconut oil and half a lemon and little salt.  That was very tasty I had strawberries as the fruit and then by this time I’ve had one apple and I’ve just had another simple lettuce salad with the coconut oil and some red wine vinegar and salt and I still have 1 protein left and probably a vegetable too because the lettuce that I’ve eaten, there’s hardly any calories at all on the lettuce that I ate. Yup I’m doing good I really hope I have good thing to report tomorrow I did have a point for gain this morning when I had loss .4 that day before that so I’m still basically right where I’ve been for 6 -7 days, it’s just brings back calling to me that I need to make an adjustment for this to work on eating just enough to not lose weight. I wish I was done losing weight I’d be doing great, but I’m not so I’ll check in soon.

Mini-load on HCG, 19 lbs in 34 days so far, HCG R2P2 VLCD35

July 21, 2011

-1.6 lbs after my “no sweetener day.”  Leaving sweeteners out is always a good idea.  IF you can handle it mentally.  Believe me I understand that struggle.  I wish it was easy to make the right choices when it comes to what goes in our mouths.  If it was then this nation would not be so overweight though, so that’s how I know it ain’t easy!

Also I mentioned my mini-load I chose to do.  I wouldn’t say this was strategic so much as it was I ran out of self-control.  I gained 2 lbs from my 1 day mini-load, then the following vlcd day I did a protein type day to try to get back into ketosis faster- had an egg and a 4 oz. portion of steak.  The following day I was down 2.4 lbs.  Total loss so far, 19 lbs in 34 vlcd days on Round 2 of HCG Injections.


Hi guys, it’s HCGChica! I know you’re all thinking where have I been? I know it’s been over 2 weeks since I vlogged. I’m sorry about that. For any of you who were worried I did receive some messages from some of you. You are all so sweet. Actually it was just a computer technical issue that’s the only reason I haven’t vlog. Anyway though I left you off on VLCD 22 when I was gonna do no sweeteners that day and then I was gonna try to do that for a whole week and I did in fact do that and it was very successful. Sometimes it’s hard to say whether the change you made is what made the difference or if it was just coincidental and it was your time to lose weight because I had kinda been having 8 or 9 days being around the same weight which was around 135. After that first no sweetener day VLCD 23 I woke up to 1.6 pound loss, I really felt like all that effort that went into that first no sweetener day really paid off and also sticking to protocol cause I had been eating a little too much.

I was down 1.6 the following day I was down 1 pound the following day after that I was down 1.6 and that brought me to 131.6 on VLCD 25. Ever since then, today is actually VLCD 35, so in the last 10 days I pretty much vacillated between  131.6 and 130.4 again I’m basically having another 9 day pretty much stall where I’ve been down .2 then I had a 1.2 gain and then I was down .8 down 1.6 and then I was back up 1.8 and this past week end we had a really long, I was at something all day long for 3 days and had to get it really early which is not what I usually do so I already knew I wasn’t gonna lose weight on those days and I didn’t.

Today I am 130.6, I’m fine with the fact that I’m not losing a lot of weight right now cause I did have a nice drop 10 days ago, I loss like 4 basically I loss like 4 and a half pounds in 3 days and it’s just need to be on that border there of 130, almost into the 120 and I just wish that my body would hurry up and get in there just want to be 130 – 131 right now. I was mostly puff for a good week and a half but I must say the last 10 days there have been days where I wasn’t totally on protocol exactly. All this past weekend I was except for just having like 1 or 2 of those blue skies stevia soda’s because we had people over and that was kinda my little thing to get through the evening  but other than that I was totally POP. Now what happen was is on Monday that was VLCD 33 I just was really taxed from the weekend and from having social things then having a lot of food around me and I totally stuck to the protocol but I was just so mentally taxed from that whole experienced that I did end up cheating on Monday. It was kind of purposeful in the sense that I didn’t cheat until I decided to in my head like I didn’t just randomly grab for anything. I was good the kind of the first half of the day and then at some point I just felt like I just couldn’t handle anymore and I did end up eating a bunch of stuff I decided to call it a mini load I kinda decided that in my head and I went ahead and just ate whatever I want in the rest of the day and it was kind of hard to eat a whole lot because you know when you’re on HCG you get full really fast but I ended up having like 2 large scoops of ice cream in  my hand. I had a guacamole and chips, I tried to have a burger not with the bun but just with the patty but I got so full I couldn’t really eat much more than that and I have some cheese, I think, I have a few other things. I don’t know what the calorie count was but I had just whatever cause I was just so I’ve been, well as you guys all know I’ve been on the diet for over a month being totally mostly pretty strict and I just needed a break I just felt like I need a break, I’m just so sick of things so limited on what and how much I can eat anyway so I already knew that I would be up and I guess that I’d be up 2 pounds and that’s actually exactly what I was up, 2 pounds. So I was up 2 pounds yesterday, and then yesterday to start off getting back to ketosis quicker and everything like that I chose to do kind of like a protein day fast day, I just drink a lot of water had 1 egg for breakfast and then I just had a 4 ounce steak for dinner around 5 o’clock that’s all I ate all day and just drink a lot of water, I think like 5 litters. And then this morning I was down 2.4, I actually loss even more than I gain, but again I’ve been this weight like 6 days ago 130.6 and it’s not that I had cheated on the other days cause  I didn’t. It’s just my body fighting it.

My body fat has gone down, my body fat right now is I have 35.5 pounds of body fat I started out with 46.5 pounds of body fat so I basically lost 11 pounds of body fat which is really awesome and I’ve lost a total of 19 pounds so far in this round and that Monday 35. That’s pretty good since I don’t have a whole lot more to lose and also because there have been days where I eat too much and that is why I didn’t lose on some days, that’s what I’m assuming. My ketones where  trace this morning which means a little bit, I’m not sure what they’re gonna be tomorrow well I did pretty good as far as what I ate today, I did have a number of diet Zevia sodas. This round has been really tough for me to stick to, it’s like I’m almost mad at the diet, you know, a lot of days I’m just so upset that I have to not eat all the time. It just been tough but anyway I have made a great progress and I keep telling myself this is really worth it. It’s just that I get to a lower and lower weight where I am already at healthy normal weight right now. Like I could lose more and sti

This post first appeared on The HCG Diet Plan With HCGChica | HCG, please read the originial post: here

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hCGChica’s hCG Diet Journal – Round 2


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