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Therapists, Couples & Relationship Counselors & Career Counseling | Eddins Counseling Group Blog

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Our Houston therapists, relationship and career counselors can help you make peace with food, cultivate positive relationships, find a career you love, and manage anxiety, stress and depression to feel better and find peace in your life.
Webinar: Navigating The Unexplained
Navigating the Unexplained: The Unique Challenges Faced by High-Strangeness Eyewitnesses and How to Support Them Bigfoots, aliens, and ghosts all have three things in common: They’re… Read More
This Focus on Wellness (FOW) event will help couples experiencing conflict slow down the conversation and connect with their internal thoughts and feelings to establish a better foundation t… Read More
Coming out is a process that starts long before a person announces their personal identity label to others. This process takes time for those sharing and receiving the announcement. This web… Read More
Anxiety disorders include a wide range of symptoms and severities. According to research, as many as 30% of adults will experience anxiety at some point in their lives – making this… Read More
How do you feel about your job? If you love it, you can safely close this page now. However, if you’re like most people, you are open to a career change and see what else is out… Read More
Becoming a parent can be one of the most rewarding yet challenging aspects of life. When a child enters your life, it might take some time to determine which parenting type works best for yo… Read More
Every story is different. Every part of you is unique, from the hairs on your head to the shape of your toes. Have you ever considered what uniqueness you bring to your relationships as well… Read More
EMDR Therapy, also known as Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing, is a unique form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that incorporates trauma care and emotive therapy in one. With… Read More
Whether you create masterpieces, doodle in the margins, paint by number, or color outside the lines, making art is known to benefit your mental health. Thanks to the calming effects of creat… Read More
Between managing their home life, achieving their professional and personal goals, making time for hobbies, and spending quality hours with loved ones, it’s common for people to be bus… Read More
A creative pastime can help you connect with yourself and expresses your emotions in art form. The art of pottery is one of the oldest and most widespread decorative arts, and counselors oft… Read More
Burnout is a common mental health challenge that many people experience in their lives. It can occur when you find yourself overwhelmed with tasks in your personal or professional life. Work… Read More
Houston is a beautiful city with plenty of ways to enjoy the outdoors. One activity that can help you destress and unwind from busy city life is outdoor yoga. Yoga is an amazing grounding ex… Read More
Common Eating Pattern Pitfalls for ADHD Lifestyle Habits & ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is defined by experts as “a neurological/behavioral disorder chara… Read More
Suicide is an ever growing epidemic in our day. There are many catalysts for suicidal depression – out of our control. As a concerned loved one, you want to be a support however you c… Read More
5 Ways to Help A Loved One through Grief Has someone you care about suffered a recent loss? In this article, we discuss how you can support the person you care about as they heal from a los… Read More
4 Parenting Tips for Chaotic Kids Are your kids having meltdowns? Can’t get your teen to listen? Do you feel out of control as a parent? If so, you’re not alone. In this artic… Read More

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Therapists, Couples & Relationship Counselors & Career Counseling | Eddins Counseling Group
