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Stress Relievers | Stress and Knowing | Episode 2939

What does Knowing have to do with manifesting? What does knowing mean? Join me (JB Glossinger) as we discuss on the show today how to have more knowing in your life to be able to manifest more and stress relievers. I will also be covering some ideas on HRV today on the show.

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[00:00:04] Good Morning, and

[00:00:08] Welcome to MorningCoach today. I am so glad you’re with us. As you know my name’s J.B. Glossinger and this is your personal evolution system, the place to get your day started right. Welcome, welcome, welcome, and I’m so glad you’re with me. Today it is a Wednesday metaphysical day that means we go down the rabbit hole a little bit. Talk a little bit about depth and I’ve got a good show for you today because I’m going to answer some questions even on tomorrow’s ask JB. There’s two things we’re going to cover. We’re going to have a two part show. So the first part is going to be metaphysical, we’re going to talk about belief a little bit and about knowing and then the next part I’m going to talk a little bit about HRV because I’m getting a lot of questions that I want to answer them here on what we do with that number.

[00:00:52] Now I tell you what I do with it. OK. Just so there’s going to be kind of two parts the metaphysical part and then the HRV part which I’m pumped about. The other thing I want to make mention of is I’m getting ready to get my Coaching group together for 2018. I already have a great group that’s with me. I have a couple individual coaching spots open and actually got a couple applications to go through or interviews to go through this week. But you can go if you want to apply to work with me and we’ll do a quick call to see if it fits you can go to the coaching section on MorningCoachcom, but I’m also going to e-mail out that we have and I know I’m getting yelled at by my group coaching group. I have three or four slots open for our group coaching group that meets Thursdays at at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and I just want to let you know we’re going to look for a couple of people I’m going to send an e-mail out. It’s a really great way to get some coaching and meet with some really amazing people every week on Thursdays and you know you miss a Thursday or whatever you miss it, but you know you get to get with this group and I will send an e-mail out on that. If you’re interested in that let me know and if in case you don’t get the e-mail because you know how that is. Shoot me an e-mail info at and I’ll get you the information on that.

[00:02:05] It’s really awesome and it’s a great group and I’d love to have you in there it is a live coaching group coaching. So there are some individual slots open. Not many of those but if you want to do a quick consultation with me you can go on

[00:02:19] and go to coaching we can we can do it there, but the group is also open and we have three or four, I don’t want to do more than four people that we can fit into that group and it’s a small group and we meet every Thursday at three within with an awesome group of people and love to have you in there. Again I will send an e-mail out on that information today. OK. So let’s get into today’s topic so the last couple of days as you know I’ve been kind of stepping back and kind of reviewing everything that’s happening and you know I always do that once and when I kind of get a feel for what’s going on and when I do that I tend to delve into my back into my old school studies. Right and start to get back into things. I got I got a little case of the Dyer. You know one of my mentors is Wayne Dyer. Rest in Peace Wayne and you know just always liked the Wayne, I liked his teaching and he has a had a series audio series called Real Magic. And so I’ve been getting into that a little bit and I like it because real magic came from him watching David Copperfield and some of these magicians. I believe it was Copperfield that said you know it gets to the point where you know this magic is like a trick.

[00:03:30] We all know that magic trick right it’s something that happens that makes you think that wow something magic happened and it’s a trick that they’re tricking you with mirrors or some fast hands or some distraction and they’re great at it.

[00:03:44] He said Copperfield said that at one point he gets to a point where he knows it so well, he knows it so well, that it’s just knowing like it’s just going to happen whether it’s a trick or not he just knows it’s going to happen and I thought that was so powerful that it became this knowing thing. Well what happened was back in 91 or 1991 Wayne Dyer read this and said wow that’s pretty cool. I’ve had this happen in my life where things have just happened and I just know they’re going to happen and he came up with the book called Real Magic and I wanted to share a little bit of that today because I think I always say beliefs thoughts are things beliefs make them so and action solidify beliefs. He takes it a step further here and again as I was kind of going through my studying it’s like wow. It’s not only the belief but it’s knowing it like you just know it’s going to happen and a way to think about that is like if you really believe it is like riding a bike. So we’ve all learned to ride a bike. Right? If I told you to get on a bike now you would still be able to ride it. What’s crazy is I haven’t ridden a bike in years. Now I have a lot of coaching clients that are triathletes or they do the you know all types of biking where I don’t do biking it’s just something I’ve never done. But if you gave me a bike right now I could jump on it and ride that bike.

[00:04:59] Why? Because I know how to do it. I thought that’s just so profound because the difference between manifesting things in our life and really bringing them in our life is that we either know it’s going to happen, we believe it and even take it to the next step know it, or we have doubts that it might not happen. So what’s bad about this situation is we may know that it’s not going to happen. That’s where we get into trouble. That’s the metaphysical aspect of understanding this magical thing in life as we start to bring things in our life if we have doubt that it’s going to happen and we know that it’s not going to happen that it isn’t going to happen. Right. And so it’s a challenging idea to get your head around. It’s like yeah if I jumped on that bike and I started thinking wow you know it’s been 20 years I don’t know how to ride it. I’m going to fall over, But if I jump on there and just go because I know it just works and it’s kind of the same things in other things I’m doing like golfing. I haven’t gone in a while, But if you put me on on a golf course I know how to do all the things because for three years I was golf on every day. So I know how to putt, I know how to chip, I know how to drive, I know how to hit long irons, is not something I have to really learn. I know it and you put me on a golf course

[00:06:13] I’m going to break 100 am I going to shoot in the mid 90s low 90s I know what I’ll play because I know it. Same thing with training with Sir with Mike Lee and Eric. I’m constantly training over and over with Sir. We do this thing called the engagement drill. I mean a million times, And if I ever needed to do it I would do it because I’ve done it a million times. I know it inside and out. You see you either know things or he don’t. In going back to the magician the magician gets so good they don’t even think that the illusion is not going to work because they know it’s going to work. So in life we want to be working towards the path of starting to get that belief to the point where we know we’re going to have a good day or we know we’re going to have good energy or we know things are going to work or we know it’s going to happen for us and that has a lot to do with the LOA the law of attraction it has a lot to do with just the idea the metaphysical idea this working and has alot to do with the practical idea if we think about it because if you just know it’s going to work it’s going to be that self doubt is what really really holds us back. That questioning mind it happens so much. I don’t know if I can do this. Well you don’t know anymore.

[00:07:25] You don’t believe and that’s what from a metaphysical standpoint that I want you to work on today is to work on the knowing aspect of things. What do you know you can do. What do you really really believe. So much that you know it. And it’s knowing that we’re after and even what can we question in our lives what can we question that we don’t know that is holding us back. I don’t know if I could do this financially, I don’t know if I could do this thing or that thing right. So getting this idea of knowing is so critical and that’s what I wanted to start you off with today is as we go out today I want to start looking for more things that we know and to build on that. The other area that I want to talk a little bit about today like I said it’s a two parter. You’re getting a two for one here. You get to kill two birds with one stone and I’ve said this before I would never even want to kill two birds with one stone.

[00:08:19] That’s from the back in the hunting days way back when. Still it’s kind of a funny thing for me it’s like why would I ever want to kill two birds. But hey we’re getting a two for one. And the second part of this is is I want to talk to you a little bit about HRV because I’ve been getting so many questions that I know tomorrow’s ask JB but I got good questions for that. So first of all on the readings so what more do on our readings we want to do our readings exactly the same way we’re not looking to manipulate the readings. It’s very easy to manipulate the readings.

[00:08:46] Remember HRV is a variability in between the heart rates. So our posture is really critical in the way that we’re doing it.

[00:08:55] So if I lay down I can actually skew the ratings. I take mine sitting every day. Ok same position same way. And that’s how I get a consistent baseline because my body’s in the same position I’m doing the same thing. I’m not trying to manipulate the ratings. I’m trying to see where I’m at for the day. And then we do that by creating a baseline through this same reading position. OK that’s the first thing that I was getting a lot of questions Very important. The second thing a lot of people say well what the heck do I do with the numbers. OK. Well I’ve got a lot more coming in for you on this. But basically what I do and it’s important is I look at the number and I know how my day is going to set up. So if I’m in a 3 and sympathetic nervous system I do not want to add things to the plate that day. I do not want to add extra work, I don’t want to take on any projects, I just want to get through that day. I know that it’s going to be kind of a rough day, I know I need to get in the parasympathetic, I need do a little meditation maybe take a nap in the middle of the day because I’m in recovery right? If I’m at a three sympathetic then I need to get up and get moving a little bit.

[00:10:01] That means I need to move I need to get a little bit more of a sympathetic nervous system going forward trying to get to HomoStatius where we’re in the middle that’s where we want to be in those nines 10s you know eight nines intends. What do I do if I get an eight nine or 10. Well that’s when I take all my projects. That’s when I know that I got energy that I know I can handle things that are coming at me that day, I could take on a few more clients, I can put out more things, I can build up work on websites, I can create lists, I can add to my list. So a real in this is one thing I’m going to tell you a lot more OK. But this is one way to use this is when you’re setting up your day and your morning routine and you’re taking your HRV OK. When you have a great reading an eight to 10. Either way is when you can add things to your list when you’ve got a reading below eight. Either way is when you take away things from your list. OK so that’s a very practical thing that you can start to do in order to adjust as you’re getting your readings. OK so for me if it’s below I can add or below I don’t add things I take things away. If it’s above and I’m in a good position in 8 9 or 10 I’m going to add some things and again sometimes it’s relative to how I’m feeling. If it’s an 8 and sympathetic maybe I won’t add anything. But if it’s a parasympathetic I’ll add something I can I can take on a little bit of stress.

[00:11:25] I remember the idea behind HRV is that we’re trying to create flexibility in that that reading we want to have a high variability in the heart rate which means we can handle stress differently. That’s really the idea here. So we want to be able to have a high variability in our in our HRV we do not want the same thing day in and day out at same number. That means we’re just kind of stuck in where we don’t have variability we’re not going to get a handle stress very well. We’re not going to have to take on the things that life is bringing us as well. But with more variability we’re going to be able to handle that. OK. And so how do we get more variable. Well we work on this we start to understand it we start to understand when we’re in Paris versus sympathetic we start to exercise a little bit more we get ourselves in some stress so that we can get ourselves moving forward a little bit. That’s really really the key. But we just have to keep rolling. I mean that’s it. And just keep learning and as you do this your HRV is going to increase your abilities going to increase and that’s an overall indicator of your health. OK. So it’s a really awesome new indicator I love it. I’m working with HRV guys as you know they have core sense coming out which is an easier way to get the rating than the chest strap. I know it’s a pain, I know sometimes you don’t feel like doing it every day, I get it, I do.

[00:12:46] I do. Believe me. But we want to have some good indicators that we can use to get better in life. And this is just another one of them and I love it. I get to as we get into it more with MNM as you start taking the course more and more. You’re going to start to understand the depth of HRV and what we want to do with it. For now I wanted to give you a practical way to use it. So one, don’t manipulate it make sure you’re taking the reading the same way every morning. That’s critical,

[00:13:11] And then what’s the first thing we’re doing. Well let’s look at our day when we’re doing our sacred six if we’re in a really good way hey let’s add some of those things to it if we’re not, Let’s take a few of them away and it’s going to help you understand setting up your day. OK. So believe in knowing let’s get that go on metaphysics today you got it. Let’s get more knowing going on in HRV you understand that, and if you’re working ready to get ready for coaching I mean we’re coming into the last quarter of the year. I got to start setting up my coaching clients get a hold of me go to that’s for just coaching that’s for individual. Look for the e-mail for the group coaching if you’re interested in that. If not if you don’t get the e-mail, Shoot me an e-mail, [email protected] so I can get you the information and we can hook you up.

[00:13:57] All right. So let’s go do this thing it’s going to be amazing day I feel it already.

[00:14:01] Let’s put some good energy out there and if you need anything at all you know how to get me at I love you. I do get out there have a phenomenal day and I will be back with more right here tomorrow on

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Stress Relievers | Stress and Knowing | Episode 2939


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