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Episode 2875 Two Men and an Oyster

Understanding what action to take is one of the things we need to understand in order to make the right decisions. Join me (JB Glossinger) today as we discuss this idea with the story of Two Men And An Oyster on todays’ show.

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Episode 2875 Two Men and an Oyster

[00:00:13] Good morning and welcome to Morning Coach today! I am so glad you’re with us. As you know, my name is J.B. Glossinger, and this is your personal evolution system, the place to get your day started right. Welcome, welcome, welcome and I’m so glad you’re with me today. We are ready to rock and roll and do it to it. It is the 22nd.

[00:00:35] And if you haven’t been with me, the 22nd is just an awesome day. Why is it an awesome day? Well, 22 is my old football number, and it’s a number that I’ve used primarily throughout my life for a lot of things. I was a big Raiders fan. I still am. And we may actually have a chance this year. That’s an American football team for those of you outside the States. And there was a gentleman named Mike Haines when I was growing up, and Mike was this classy dude but still a little bit rebellious, just an awesome guy, and he was a Raider. And he was a cornerback which is on the outside. And that’s what I played, and I took that number because of Mike Haines and because 37 wasn’t available- my other favorite player, Lester Hayes. And for years I’ve had 22 as a lucky number. So, I play black 22 at the casino when I first get there, wherever I’m at in the world if I’m in a casino. I use it on my golf balls. I use it for my locker. Any time that I can pick a number, I pick 22. I use it in my lotto picks. So, it’s just fun. And having that lucky number, it makes it fun, you know? And I’m always looking for ways to have fun and have good energy. And so, you know, if you have a lucky number from zero to- or no, you can’t use zero, right?- 1 to 31, you could use it as a lucky day too. Which is pretty cool, which is pretty cool.

[00:01:52] And speaking of lucky days, I got to tell you, Bob Rose who’s been with us for years, he’s got a movie that he did. And Bob has done some video stuff for us, just volunteered. He’s just awesome. And he comes to a lot of our events- you might have met Bob. But he has a movie called Functional Fitness. And what’s cool is, it’s being released today. And it was so cool get the text yesterday because he said, “I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Morning Coaching and Sacred Six.” And I appreciate you, Bob, for saying that, but it’s so cool that your movie is coming out. But the thing was, here’s the deal with the movie, I remember it’s been at least two years ago that Bob sent me down a t-shirt with Functional Fitness on it. And I know how hard he’s worked on it. And it’s taken four years in order to get this movie finally released which is so cool, and I’m sure he’s going to have some stuff up on social. So, if you get in the Morning Coach group or check out Facebook, look for Bob Rosen, Functional Fitness, and any way we can support his movie, that’s great. It’s kind of about the cross-fit movement and some energy that’s going on in that area. I think you’ll really enjoy it. And let’s support Bob, OK? So, make sure you check his Facebook page. And I’m sure he’s listening this morning, so he’ll go ahead and post a link up at Morning Coach to help us know where to go get information and how we can do that. But it’s so cool it’s being released on the 22nd. How awesome is that? And four years in the works.

[00:03:18] And one thing that is important to recognize is that sometimes things take a little bit of time. Before we get into today’s story- and we’re going to get into it- you know, it’s challenging sometimes to stick with things long enough to allow them to work. I think about my own situation with Morning Coach here. We’ve continued to update the site and make changes. But one of the things we’re trying to do now, as you know, is get this message out there. And I appreciate you helping me get it out there. The subscribes and the reviews on iTunes have been great. We’ve been getting averaging one or two every few days. And I appreciate you going to iTunes or the iPhone app or wherever you pick, wherever you’re listening from and putting a review or clicking that subscribe button. So critical. That’s kind of how iTunes gets you up in the rankings.

[00:04:09] And as I’ve done this and as we’re starting to put it out more, one of the things that somebody has always told me is that, “hey, get the podcast transcribed and put it up on the site for search engine optimization.” And I’ve been so reluctant to do that because we’ve tried different things over the years, and as you do that time after time, it’s just, you don’t see the results right away with SEO. And what’s SEO? It’s called Search Engine Optimization, meaning that you’re trying to get up in the rankings for different keywords so people will find you. And it means putting up a lot of good content. And there are some back links and there’s a lot involved. And I’ve just been one that’s always been like, “look, if you put up good content, you don’t need to worry about search engine optimization.” But where we’re going now and what I’m trying to do with this, with your help, is to really get it out to the world and make a difference. And it’s really the focus now is to reach massive levels. And we’re talking thousands into millions, and we can do that together. But I need to do some things differently, and I’ve got to have enough patience to allow that SEO to work. And for most people, we just don’t have the patience, I mean, to do that, to invest the money and the time and the energy and do it day after day after day. Put it up there. And we know what we need to do. But it’s just an investment of time and energy, and you don’t really see the results for a long, long, long time. And there’s so many other things you can put your energy in. But, again, understanding what you’re going after, being clear- as we talked about with the Sacred Six- of the goal that you are after, when you get that in place and you know the direction you’re going to go, then you’re willing to give it the time to stick with it.

[00:05:55] So, the main thing that’s on my heart today is just, as I think about Bob Rose and Functional Fitness and his movie getting out there, is you’ve got to just be willing to take the time to allow things to work them out. I’m sure along the way Bob thought about going off and doing other projects- which he does a few, but, obviously, he has to sustain his business- but as he’s getting ready to get this out there, I’m sure there were times when he was like “I don’t know if this is ever going to happen,” but he kept with it, and four years later, here it is. It’s getting ready to come out today. And if you think about that, that’s as much time as somebody started in high school they’d be graduating today, the same thing is how much time he had to put into that. Which is just fascinating to me. So, congratulations to you, Bob. I’m so happy for you. Let’s get it out to the world and make that happen. And for all the rest of us, let’s focus on what we’re going to put our time into and start taking a little more action. OK?

[00:06:54] And I got a good story for you today. We’re going to have some fun with this this morning because it’s got a couple of lessons out of it. But there’s one in particular that I want to take as we really start working on self-sabotage. This story is called Two Men and an Oyster. Kind of funny, right? Well, it’s 22, so we have to have two somewhere. So, Two Men and an Oyster. So, let me read this story, and then let’s talk a little bit about it, so that you’ll be able to take something away this morning. As you know, energy is one of the most critical things. But you can kind of step back and think about this one today.

[00:07:26] OK. So, two men were walking along the beach at low tide when they saw an oyster. They both stopped at the same time to pick it up. One pushed the other, and this dispute ensued. So, you can see these two guys. There’s an oyster. There’s low tide. They both want it. So, they both look at it, and they go up and push each other. And they’re looking at each other, arguing about who should get the oyster, when a third man walks up. Right? And a third man walks up, and they decide to ask him which of these two have the right to the oyster. So, while each is telling a story, one telling him the story, “it’s my oyster. I saw it first. You know, finders keepers, losers weepers,” and the other guy is going, “no, I saw it first,” and they’re kind of arguing back and forth. The arbitrator’s staring at them, holding the oyster in his hand, and, as they’re talking and arguing, he takes out his knife and loosens that oyster shell a little bit. And he just eats the oyster! And he looks at them and they’re still arguing and talking. And he takes the top of the shell and breaks it off. So, he’s got two shells now, and he gives one of them to each person and says “OK, here’s what I’ve decided. The court awards each of you a shell and the oyster will cover the cost. Have a good day, gentlemen,” and walks off. And they just look at each other, dumbfounded that they got one half of an oyster and neither of them got anything, right?
[00:08:48] So, there’s a couple things that are going on here with Two Men and an Oyster that happen to us consistently in time. The first one is inaction. We overthink things. If the first person would have actually saw it first and grabbed the oyster, they would have the oyster, but instead they looked around, thought about it, decided they didn’t know what they wanted to do. And so, the other person came up, and now we have a dispute. So, the inaction, the paralyzation by- what is it? Analysis by paralysis? Or paralysis by analysis. That’s what it is. Sorry, I had it backwards this morning. Right? Is what stops us from doing a lot of things. We’ve got to be very cautious about inaction. So, once we didn’t take action, now we involved another person. Now, as a Morning Coach person, you know what I would have done is that when there’s a dispute like that was there’s one of two things. Without having to get an arbitrator involved, one way would have been if he said, “let’s just split the oyster if we’re both hungry.” The other way would have been, “let’s just, here, you take it. You take the oyster.” And I would know that in the Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance that we understand and practice here at Morning Coach is that that would have been given back one hundredfold. I would have been given so much more back by allowing myself giving that oyster away.

[00:10:06] So, there’s a couple of lessons here that I think we see this every day where people sabotage themselves: 1) by not taking action, or 2) by really not knowing what to do and just by giving it away and moving on. Right? And it was found. So, there’s no reason to get into a dispute. But we now know that probably 95 percent- I would say probably higher than that- 99 percent of the world would have acted or reacted this exact same way as these two men. So, this is where I get into discussing higher consciousness. Moving are our mental state of awareness to a higher level, so that we can understand when we come up to a situation we can do it immediately instead of overthinking it and trying to decide, “well, I wonder what Mabel’s going to think about me if I get the oyster first,” or “I wonder if this is going to happen or that’s going to happen.” “Oh, I can’t get in dispute.” “Oh, this and that.” Right? We’ve got to learn about to be clear with the philosophy that we live and the way that we do things, so that when these things arise we can make a clear decision. Now, how do we do that? Well, one of the big things is the Sacred Six values. If we know what our values are and we live with the value of prosperity and abundance, then we know that when a gift comes to us, an oyster comes to us, that we can give it away because there’s a lot more coming. Right? So, instead of getting into the position where we’re in lack, where “oh my gosh, there’s only one oyster,” well, I’m sure there was a lot more. So, it’s just a totally different mindset.

[00:11:47] Again, the other thing is being able to take action. Having to grab a third party and become an arbitrator is just, oh gosh, that’s just not a fun place to be. We’ve got to learn to be able to shift our intellect and our consciousness to a level where we can be aware. And that’s what I say about climbing into the cockpit of that airplane, flying up to 30,000 feet, and looking down at the situation so you can be aware of what’s happening.

[00:12:13] So there’s a couple of things you’re going to be learning I’m getting more and more into here at Morning Coach. One of them is the spiritual side of things. We’re going to be bringing you some more tools and ideas. And the other thing is a little bit more on awareness and getting you into a position where you can start to be more aware, and you can make better decisions. And how do we do that? Well, we’ve got to start to understand that we need big whys in our life. We need organization. We’ve got to recognize that we are distracted a lot of times from our purpose, and we don’t stay focused on the goal at hand. Something comes into our life (and we call those butterflies). The butterfly comes into our life- and this happens to be an oyster in this story- and all of a sudden that comes in our life and everything shifts. And our whole life changes. And we come in from lack, “well, if I don’t get it, maybe then I’m going to feel bad.” But you didn’t even have it in the first place, so why should you even feel bad?

[00:13:11] So, having the ability to be aware of what’s going on in any given situation or being able to slow that mind down and get out of the minutia of life is such a critical, critical aspect here at Morning Coach because when you get that, now all of a sudden you can connect to something deeper, and you can make better decisions and take action based on your values. And when you start doing that, you start to manifest that life that you’re looking for. And when you realize that it does take psychological time, or time we’ll just call it for now, then what happens is that you are willing to give things time and not get so caught up in everybody else’s b.s. Because true abundance comes from inside and true abundance is, well, we live in the most abundant time ever. So, when we have these things come into our life, and all of a sudden, we get frustrated and angry because we didn’t get something or we’re being lackful and we’ve got to get somebody else in to arbitrate because we feel like something is wrong and you need somebody else to make the decision. Right? That is not the way we want to live. We want to live by our values. We want to live by the knowledge that we are on the right track, and that we are moving forward and we’re not self-sabotaging. We’re actually doing the things that we need to do. OK?

[00:14:29] So, a fun story today on the 22nd. Again, congratulations to Bob Rose. Make sure you go out and check him out on Facebook. And you know, we share his movie. Let’s get his movie out there. Again, no inaction here. Let’s get Functional Fitness out there. If you get a chance to watch it, like it. Rate it. Share it. The typical things that you do. Let’s get that out there for Bob. OK? Bob’s been with us a long time, and gosh, I’m just so happy for him. And for you, let’s remember this story of two men and an oyster, and when you’re in that situation, you’ve got to do one or two things. What is it? 1) take action or 2) take action, just give it up and move on because it wasn’t yours in the first place, and just move on and allow the universe to bring you or God something else that’s wonderful. OK. So, get out there have a great day. I love you. I do. Tomorrow’s going to be a good one. We’re going to be talking about dealing with uncertainty, and you know there’s a lot in the world today. So, make sure you hear. And, as always, thank you so much for the reviews, the shares, the subscribes. Get this message out. The world needs it. And we’re coming together. It’s so cool. If you’re new with me, all you’ve got to do is share it. I mean, let’s get this out there and make the world a better place. I love you. I do. Get out there. Have a great one. I will be back with more right here to get your day started right on

This post first appeared on, please read the originial post: here

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Episode 2875 Two Men and an Oyster


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