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Do you have questions about your love life? Full Moon Drama?


“Are you feeling the energy of the full moon?  This is a very special weekend as the full moon brings up some of our “old stuff”. It’s also the perfect time for you to seek answers to questions that your well-meaning friends may not be able to answer for you. Have you tried Clairvoyant Coaching?  I have made my Clairvoyant, Intuitive and/or Past Life Coaching very affordable so I can help more people who are struggling for answers that are keeping them stuck in their life and business.

Go to: 

Find out more information on why this coaching addresses issues that many types of coaching do not. I look forward to connecting with you!

I would also suggest have a Perfume Potion to address some of your issues.  There are also Perfumes With A Purpose  that can help.

This post first appeared on Aromatic Journeys, please read the originial post: here

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Do you have questions about your love life? Full Moon Drama?
