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How to Meditate : A Simple Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Meditation is the practice of quieting your mind and focusing inward. For thousands of years, people across cultures have used meditation to reduce stress, gain inner peace, and achieve mental and emotional clarity.

In our busy modern lives, meditation is needed now more than ever to help counteract the negative effects of constant stimulation and information overload. The good news is meditation is simple to learn and available to everyone. With some basic knowledge and a bit of practice, you can start experiencing its benefits today.

This beginner’s guide will teach you everything you need to start meditating. You’ll learn:

  • What meditation is and its key benefits
  • The basics like proper posture, focus, and attitude
  • Quick 5-10 minute practices to do in the morning or evening
  • How to deal with your thoughts and maintain focus
  • Tips to make meditation a consistent habit
  • Common questions and obstacles beginners face

If you’re ready to reduce your stress, improve your concentration, and experience more inner peace, let’s begin exploring how to meditate.

What is Meditation and What Are the Benefits?

At its core, meditation means focusing your attention singularly on one thing to achieve a calm, clear state of mind.

By learning to direct your attention and observe your thoughts without judgment, you can:

  • Become more self-aware and in-tune with your body and emotions
  • Increase focus, concentration, and memory
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Promote emotional health and wellbeing
  • Sleep better

With regular practice, meditation can permanently wire your brain to be more calm and resilient in the face of stress. Think of it like exercise for your mind.

Many types of meditation exist, but they all have similar methods centering and quieting the habitual chatter of your mind. These include:

  • Focused attention: Concentrating on your breath, a meaningful word (mantra), visualization, or external object
  • Mindfulness: Moment-by-moment non-judgmental awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and sensations.
  • Movement: Gentle poses and stretches while meditating like yoga or qi gong.
  • Walking: Mindfulness while walking.
  • Repeating mantras: Chanting meaningful words or sounds.

You can practice meditation while sitting, lying down, walking, or in other postures. The important thing is finding a quiet, distraction-free environment where you can turn your attention inward.

Now let’s go over the basic steps to practice meditation as a beginner:

How to Meditate in 5 Easy Steps

Find a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted. Turn off your phone and electronic devices. Sit comfortably with your back straight, either in chair or cross-legged on the floor.

You can meditate with your eyes open or closed. If eyes are open, rest your gaze gently downward.

Then follow these instructions:

1. Focus on Your Breath

Place your attention on your breath, feeling it move in and out of your nostrils. Breathe naturally without trying to control your breath. Just notice the sensations.

2. Your Mind Will Wander, and That’s Okay

Thoughts will inevitably enter your awareness. When this happens, gently note the thought and then redirect your attention back to your breath.

3. Be Kind to Yourself

Don’t criticize yourself over stray thoughts. Your mind is simply doing what minds do. Gently guide yourself back on track.

4. Set a Timer if Helpful

Having a timer allows you to relax into the practice without wondering how much time has passed. Start with increments of 5, 10 or 15 minutes.

5. Close with Kind Intentions

When ready to close, send yourself kind thoughts recognizing the effort you put into your practice.

Starting with just 5-10 minutes per day, you’ll start to notice the positive benefits. Over time you can increase to 20-30 minutes daily. But don’t worry too much about length. What matters most is sitting regularly.

Now that you know how to get started, let’s go over some FAQs:

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time of day to meditate?

It’s best to meditate when your mind and body are most relaxed. Common times are early morning after waking up or in the evening before bed. But fit it into whatever routine works best.

Where should I meditate?

Find a quiet place where you can sit undisturbed. Many people have special rooms or corners of their home devoted to meditation. But all you need is a comfortable spot.

What should I do with my thoughts?

Thoughts will run through your mind. Don’t try to suppress them. Note them, then gently bring your attention back to your focal point, whether your breath or a mantra.

How will I know if I’m meditating correctly?

There’s no perfect way! What matters is consistently showing up. Over time you’ll get better at focusing your attention. Don’t worry about immediate results.

Should I use an app or attend a class?

Apps like Headspace or Calm provide great guided meditations. Local centers offer in-person classes. These tools can help support your practice. But all you truly need is to sit, breathe, and be present.

What should I expect during meditation?

At first your mind will be noisy and resist settling down. This is normal and it takes practice to tame the chatter. So expect the process to be gradual. Embrace the small victories that motivate you to continue.

How can I make meditation a habit?

To make meditation stick, attach it to an existing habit like your morning coffee or evening commute home. Pick specific days/times to meditate and set phone alerts reminding you to practice. Establishing a routine is key.

Over time meditation will become easier as you strengthen your “mindfulness muscle”. Be patient with yourself above all.

Now let’s talk about some common obstacles and how to overcome them…

Troubleshooting: Overcoming Obstacles

“I don’t have enough time to meditate.”

The great thing about meditation is you can do it in as little as 5-10 minutes but still experience results. If needed, wake up 5 minutes earlier or take a short meditation break at work.

“I keep falling asleep.”

Get more rest at night. Or try meditating in the morning versus evening when we naturally get sleepier. Open your eyes during practice or meditate in an upright posture.

“I can’t turn my mind off.”

Our minds can’t be turned off. The practice is gently returning your attention to the present moment whenever thoughts carry you away. Be patient with yourself and keep at it.

“I don’t feel like I’m doing it right.”

There is no perfect way to meditate! Just be consistent in your practice. Over time you’ll get better at focusing your attention and correcting when your mind wanders.

“I tried meditating but my anxiety got worse.”

This happens occasionally since meditation makes us more aware of our present state. But with consistent practice, meditation relieves anxiety for most people. Try meditating for shorter periods and mix in grounding techniques.

Over time you’ll encounter fewer obstacles as meditation becomes a healthy habit. But be compassionate towards yourself when challenges arise.

Bringing Mindfulness Into Your Life

Formal meditation is extremely powerful, but you can also bring mindful presence into other parts of your day.

Some examples:

  • Mindful eating – Slow down and pay attention to the taste and textures of meals.
  • Mindful walking – Focus your senses on the environment around you.
  • Mindful listening – Give your full attention when others speak to you.
  • Mindful chores – Wash dishes, fold laundry, or clean while fully engaged.

Practicing mindfulness trains our brain to focus while strengthening presence and gratitude. Carry it into your whole day.

I hope this beginner’s guide gives you everything you need to start an enjoyable meditation practice. By learning to direct your attention and enter a calm state of mind amidst the storm of modern life, you’ll begin to uncover your inner wisdom.

In Summary

  • Meditation trains focus and attention to achieve inner calm and clarity.
  • It reduces stress, increases self-awareness, and stimulates positive brain changes.
  • Posture, environment and attitude all help set you up for success.
  • Start small with 5-10 minutes daily and work your way up from there.
  • Over time, you’ll overcome obstacles, establish a routine, and integrate mindfulness into daily activities.

Commit to sitting in stillness. Be patient and don’t judge yourself. With regular practice you’ll experience meditation’s amazing benefits.

This post first appeared on, please read the originial post: here

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How to Meditate : A Simple Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners


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