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Saving money at the dentist

Saving Money At The Dentist

How to save money at the dentist !

Teeth are important but the dentist can be expensive! In Switzerland, your health insurance does not cover dental care, unless you have specifically asked for a complimentary insurance policy. Even then, pre-existing conditions are not covered, and they may not cover everything you would like to or feel that you need to have taken care of.

How can you save money at the dentist? The answer is simple, prevention!

Prevention refers to a great oral hygiene routine at home and regularly scheduled check ups with dentist, as well as a regular professional cleanings with your hygienist.

That’s right, see the dentist more and pay less!

Maintaining good oral health through preventative dental care is important not only for maintaining a healthy smile but also for avoiding costly dental treatments down the line. The cost of preventative dental care may seem higher in the short term, but it is often much less expensive than the cost of dental treatments for dental problems that could have been prevented.

Preventative dental care includes regular dental check-ups, cleanings, and daily brushing and flossing. These preventative measures help to catch and treat dental problems early, before they become more serious and require more extensive and expensive treatment.

For example, a routine cleaning and check-up may detect early signs of gum disease, which can be treated with non-invasive measures such as scaling and root planing. However, if left untreated, gum disease can progress to more advanced stages that may require surgical intervention or tooth extraction, which are much more expensive treatments.

In contrast, the cost of dental treatments for more serious dental problems can be significant. Treatments such as fillings, root canals, and dental implants can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars, depending on the severity of the dental problem and the treatment required.

Moreover, dental problems that are left untreated can lead to other health problems that may further increase the cost of treatment. For example, untreated gum disease has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes, all of which require medical treatment that can be expensive.

In conclusion, while preventative dental care may seem costly in the short term, it is often much less expensive than the cost of dental treatments for preventable dental problems. By investing in regular check-ups, cleanings, and daily oral hygiene, individuals can prevent dental problems from becoming more serious and costly. 

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    The post Saving money at the dentist first appeared on Summit Dental - Cabinet Dentaire du Quartier de l'Etang.

    This post first appeared on Wisdom Tooth Removal, please read the originial post: here

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    Saving money at the dentist
