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PRP Injection Hair: Does They Really Work, Benefits & Price

PRP Injection Hair: Does They Really Work, Benefits & Price

Hair loss affects both men and women due to factors like stress and genetics. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injection is a popular treatment. It involves extracting platelet-rich plasma from your blood and injecting it into your scalp. This revitalizes hair follicles, leading to improved growth.

PRP’s effectiveness is due to hair-friendly proteins that stimulate cell growth. Studies indicate it can even address male pattern baldness.

What exactly is PRP?

The latest trend in hair restoration involves the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate and thicken hair. Platelets, found in our bloodstream, contain growth factors that promote cell growth.

PRP isn’t a standalone solution for baldness or thinning hair; it complements other treatments like minoxidil and finasteride (Propecia). PRP is created from a patient’s blood and is injected into areas with hair thinning or baldness to stimulate increased hair growth.

How Effective Is PRP Injection Hair?

Scientific studies support PRP injections for reducing hair loss and promoting hair growth. One study indicated that bi-monthly PRP injections for three months can enhance hair growth.

Another study noted PRP’s impact on hair thickness and root strength. However, most studies on PRP are small, limiting conclusive findings.

Experts emphasize that PRP’s results vary by individual. General health, hair quality, and blood platelet levels affect success. While some see significant hair growth, others may not achieve the desired results with PRP.

What is the success rate of PRP treatment?

PRP therapy boasts an overall success rate of 70% and takes anywhere between three to six months before visible results become visible.

Since 2012, PRP therapy has been used extensively in wound healing, sports medicine, and orthopedics, cosmetic treatments, including hair restoration, skin rejuvenation, and scar reduction. Although relatively new, this procedure has shown promising results in treating hair loss.

PRP treatments are very safe, without any known side effects or complications.

What Is the PRP Hair Restoration Process?

The PRP hair restoration process:

  • Blood Collection: A small blood sample is taken from your arm.
  • Platelet Separation: Platelets are isolated using a centrifuge.
  • Healing Mixture: Platelets are mixed with healing components.
  • Injection: The mixture is injected into the desired scalp areas.
  • Quick and Painless: PRP treatments are fast and generally painless.
  • Multiple Sessions: Multiple sessions may be needed for significant results.

Why Does PRP Therapy Work for Hair Restoration?

PRP therapy is effective because it activates stem cells in your hair follicles. This therapy uses your blood, which is rich in proteins and hormones that encourage new tissue growth.

During a PRP treatment, your blood is drawn and processed to remove red and white blood cells, leaving only the plasma containing platelets. These platelets release healing chemicals when they encounter damaged tissue.

Before injection into your scalp, the platelets are combined with other substances to boost their effectiveness and enhance healing in damaged scalp areas.

What Are the Best Things I Can Do for My Hair?

To keep your hair healthy, you need to take care of it. Here are some great tips for making sure that you have beautiful hair for years to come:

  1. Consult a doctor before discontinuing hormone supplements to avoid potential hair issues.
  2. Maintain a hair-healthy diet with protein-rich foods (fish, chicken, eggs) and vitamins C and E.
  3. Choose the right shampoo for your hair type (moisturizing for oily, humectant-based for dry or curly hair).
  4. Match your conditioner to your hair type (moisturizing for oily/curly, strengthening for fine/thinning, UV protection for outdoor exposure).
  5. Stay hydrated by drinking eight glasses of water daily to prevent breakage and maintain hair strength.

Am I a Good Candidate for PRP Therapy?

  • PRP therapy suits those with early to mid-stage hair loss and good health.
  • If you have certain health conditions, consult a doctor before considering PRP therapy.
  • If planning pregnancy soon, it’s best to delay PRP therapy.
  • Opt for an experienced doctor for PRP therapy.

How long does it take for PRP injections to work?

PRP injections can address hair loss but require patience. Results are not guaranteed, so your doctor may recommend waiting four to six weeks to assess progress.

Continue treatment once you see results. For the best outcomes, consider combining PRP with other treatments like minoxidil (Rogaine) or finasteride (Propecia).

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What are the Benefits of PRP Treatment?

The Benefits of PRP Treatment Include:

  • PRP stimulates collagen, enhancing elasticity and volume for rejuvenation.
  • Effective for sensitive areas like eyes and necklines.
  • PRP is a safe, natural cosmetic injectable from your blood.
  • PRP stimulates hair follicles, providing longer-lasting results compared to alternatives like laser therapy or hair transplants.

What to Avoid Before Your PRP Treatment?

Here are some things to avoid before your PRP treatment:

  1. Vitamin A: Pause the use of products containing Vitamin A for at least two weeks before your procedure to prevent skin irritation, redness, and swelling.
  2. Ginkgo Biloba: While it offers benefits like memory improvement and better blood flow, avoid it before surgery, including PRP therapy, as it can increase bleeding.
  3. Garlic: Known for head lice treatment, but it irritates the scalp. Avoid garlic and garlic-containing products. It can be ingested or applied topically.
  4. Flax Seeds (Linseeds): Rich in fiber and omega-3, but avoid them after PRP therapy to prevent scalp and skin inflammation and potential scarring or infection.
  5. Cod Liver Oil: Effective for skin conditions, but avoid before PRP treatments as it may cause blood clotting.
  6. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Beneficial for hair health, but be cautious with supplements. Excessive intake can increase sebum production and lead to acne on the face and scalp.

How long does PRP last?

PRP treatments typically last 18-24 months, depending on skin quality and individual care preferences.

PRP treatments depend on various factors, including age, gender, lifestyle, diet, and overall health status. Being natural processes with no side effects compared to treatments like laser hair removal or electrolysis, which may leave lasting skin issues behind, they’re relatively non-permanent solutions with long-term benefits for hair removal.

PRP Injection Cost

The cost of PRP hair treatment varies based on factors such as the provider, location, treated area, and the number of sessions needed. To get an accurate estimate, consult with a specialist who will assess your needs and provide pricing details.

When selecting a plastic surgeon, consider the doctor’s experience and your comfort with them, not just the procedure cost.

Istanbul has become a popular destination for cosmetic procedures due to experienced doctors and competitive prices; HayatMed offers both expertise in cosmetic procedures and cost-effective services.


PRP injections show promise for severe hair loss, supported by scientific studies. However, your blood’s platelet levels are crucial for its effectiveness.

Consult hair transplant experts for tests to determine if PRP treatment suits you.

For trusted hair transplant experts, Heat offers top-quality, affordable procedures. Contact our support team for any questions about PRP injections or hair concerns.

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PRP Injection Hair: Does They Really Work, Benefits & Price
