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Health vs. Wellness Coach: What’s the Difference?


The words “health” and “wellness” are often used interchangeably. The media, trainers, and even your doctors may use both words as a catch-all term to describe a person’s combined physical and mental condition. This can be confusing as there are key differences between health and wellbeing.

In this article, we want to help you understand these differences to help you take a more holistic approach to your own well-being.

Understanding health

Overall health goes beyond whether you are sick or not.

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) goes out of its way to make this distinction. The WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This perspective goes beyond the narrow scope of a disease-centered approach. By highlighting different aspects of well-being and prioritizing it over the mere absence of illness.

In the health field, physical well-being includes not only lowering measurements such as blood pressure or cholesterol, but also reducing blood pressure or cholesterol Promoting health through lifestyle behavior such as physical activity, a balanced diet and prioritizing good sleep. Incorporating emotional health recognizes that mental and emotional factors play a large role in overall well-being. Social health refers to the so-called social determinants of healththe way our environment and need for connection determine many long-term health outcomes.

Wellness: Beyond the realms of health

While health is a state, wellness is a process that NASM calls a wellness journey. It includes the intentional decisions They care for your physical, mental, emotional and social well-being. With a truly holistic approach, all of these areas are connected.

For example…

  • People with healthy social relationships are likely to have better emotional states and improved mood.
  • Just as someone who works on their mindset and relationship with themselves is more likely to take care of their physical needs.

Therefore, the wellness journey is approached with the well-being of the whole person in mind.

Dimensions of wellness

Wellness encompasses our emotional, physical, professional, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental and financial selves. Here is a breakdown of four of these dimensions:

1. Physical well-being means not only doing exactly what is optimal for your physical health, but also thinking about how you can use your physical self for your overall well-being. For example, exercise has been shown to not only support mental health and prevent depression, but also Boost your mood for up to 24 hours after training. Someone who prioritizes wellness might choose physical activities that they enjoy more than just for the exercise benefits.

2. Emotional well-being is the realization that the absence of bad is not the same as the presence of good when it comes to our mental health. Working on emotional wellbeing could include: Prioritizing positive emotions Experiencesand finding things that you enjoy that are not detrimental to other aspects of health and well-being.

3. Mental well-being also goes beyond the absence of mental health problems. This can include a person’s productivity, personal organization, goals, values, and search for meaning and purpose. Mental well-being contains practices methods exercises which help to focus the mind and benefit from productivity, creativity, mindset and self-talk.

4. Social well-being refers to our relationships, our community and feelings of connection and meaningful contribution. Humans are deeply social creatures and the quality of our relationships has a significant impact on all other aspects of health and well-being. Social wellness strategies include communication skills to build positive relationships, maintaining good boundaries, and simpler things like inviting others to participate in your wellness activities.

Interested in delving deeper into the vastness of NASM Podcast and blog resource library. You’ll discover a content-rich section that offers more on topics like optimizing personal wellness, exploring a career as a coach, practicing mindfulness, corporate wellness, and more!

Practically apply the differences between wellness and health

Consider a person with a chronic illness who may not meet the traditional definition of health in the eyes of others.

According to the revised WHO perspective, the same person can achieve emotional and physical well-being while receiving support from loved ones. This person may also take advantage of additional wellness techniques such as meditation, journaling, improved nutrition, good sleep, and personalized, safe physical activity.

A too narrow view of health or well-being can also lead to difficulties.

Take, for example, someone with an unhealthy view of wellness who dismisses health screenings as ineffective or opportunistic and therefore focuses exclusively on wellness tactics.

An example of this might be a person who believes that exercise and protein supplements are enough, thus justifying them neglecting medical examinations. Consequently, they are unaware of their excessive exercise, which leads to high blood pressure and ultimately disease and damage.

Your health and wellness journey

On your own journey to health and wellness, you should think about what works for you in your own life. This means finding wellness practices, health monitoring, and doctors that are a good fit for you.

To get you started, consider some of the questions a wellness coach would ask in a consultation:

• Do you suffer from an illness or have illnesses run in your family? How do you deal with any concerns now? How are you planning for the future?

• How do you feel about your overall self-esteem? What are you doing to prioritize your mental, physical and emotional well-being?

• Take the time to keep a journal of what your ideal day would look like if your mental, physical, emotional and social well-being were a priority.

Your answers to these questions will give you an idea of ​​where to start or continue your own wellness journey. You might also consider whether meeting your basic needs such as hydration, good nutrition, good sleep, and exercise that you enjoy are a priority.

Get advice from Darlene Marshall, practicing wellness coach

Health and wellness coaching

For those interested in helping others on their journey to wellness, coaching can be a rewarding and effective career.

The main differences between a health coach and a wellness coach are their focus of work, who their clients are and whether the changes are enacted.

A wellness coach focuses on the ongoing process of a client’s overall well-being. Results-oriented goals are selected by the client and placed at the center of the coaching work.

In contrast, a health coach focuses on her clients’ health outcomes, typically related to their physical health status. A health coach works with individuals whose clinical diagnosis requires sustained lifestyle changes.

Educational Requirements

Whether you are interested in becoming a health or wellness coach, you should look for an educational program that supports your goals.

Wellness coaching certification typically involves in-depth learning of the areas of wellness, human motivation, behavior change, and coaching skills that enable you to support others.

To learn more about NASM’s evidence-based Certified Wellness Coach program and how it can help you guide clients toward lasting improvement in their lives, Click here.

How much does it cost to become a health and wellness coach?

The cost of becoming a qualified wellness coach certification varies depending on the course you choose and, according to, you can expect to pay between $650 and $7,000. A reliable course is based on science, covers the area of ​​expertise in which you want to practice, and includes information on behavior change and coaching techniques such as motivational interviewing.

How much do health and wellness coaches make?

According to, the average salary of a health and wellness coach is $61,000, with the typical salary range being $53,000 to $68,000.

Those new to the practice will likely earn less while starting their business, and those with specialized skills and long-standing practices may charge a higher hourly rate or explore other related revenue streams.

Use wellness for your current job

While current fitness professionals like certified personal trainers and certified nutrition coaches can find ways to incorporate wellness coaching into their current business, professionals in other fields can benefit from it just as much.

Wellness coaching can be used in various professional settings, such as corporate settings, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions.

Through individual advice on work-life balance, resilience and time management, professionals can help their clients, students and colleagues effectively overcome unique challenges.

By encouraging self-discovery, setting meaningful goals, and providing ongoing support, they can help others on the path to a balanced and fulfilling life.

Do you have a passion for helping others? Start your journey in Become a NASM Certified Wellness Coach.

Final thoughts

Health and wellness seem to be interchangeable terms and are often used as such, but they are different. By understanding and using each word with purpose, you can take a more informed, and therefore more confident, approach to your own well-being. By consciously improving your mental, physical, emotional and social well-being, you can build a more comprehensive state of health.

What to read next…

• What is a health coach and why are they important?
• Reasons why you should become a wellness coach
• How the Global Wellness Institute highlights better sleep habits

The post Health vs. Wellness Coach: What’s the Difference? appeared first on Waist Cincher.

This post first appeared on Waist Cinchers: What They Are, How They Work, And Whether They're Right For You, please read the originial post: here

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Health vs. Wellness Coach: What’s the Difference?
