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Turkey burgers filled with French onion cheese


Last month I was contacted by Laughing cow cheese saying that they wanted to send me some products that I could experiment with and create recipes…

Since I am a HUGE fan of Laughing Cow Cheese, I immediately said “yes” and eagerly awaited the arrival of my “mystery cheese box”! When it arrived I couldn’t wait to try it out and see what flavor I would work with.

They sent me the French onion flavor, which I haven’t cooked with as much as the others. I was excited to get started and create some fun recipes using this new flavor, the first of which I’ll be sharing with you today. Laughing Cow Cheese slices weigh only 35 calories per slice, making it completely safe to eat!

I’ve been wanting to experiment with caramelized onions for a while and felt like this recipe would be the first way to try out my first batch. And without further ado, here is my first recipe using French Onion Laughing Cow Cheese. I hope you like it as much as I do!

Turkey burgers stuffed with French onion cheese


1 onion, thinly sliced

¼ cup fat-free beef broth

4 oz. Lean turkey

1 wedge Laughing cow cheese French onion flavor

Cooking spray



spinach leaves

Rolls with 80 calories


1. Slice your onions thinly.

2. Prepare a skillet with cooking spray and add your onions over medium heat. Immediately salt the onions generously, as the salt makes them easier to sauté and caramelize.

3. Cook the onions, stirring frequently, until they begin to brown. If they start to stick to the pan, add the beef broth. Even if they don’t start to stick, add the beef broth. It cooks quickly.

4. Once the onions are nicely caramelized, remove from the heat and set aside.

5. Place ground turkey in a small bowl and season with salt and pepper. Take half of the turkey and form it into a burger.

6. Slice the Laughing Cow cheese horizontally and smash a half wedge into the center of the just-made burger.

7. Add about 1 ½ tbsp. caramelized onions on the cheese. Save the remaining onions to add to dishes you prepare later this week.

8. Take the remaining raw turkey, cover it with the cheese and onion mixture and seal the burger around the edges.

9. Cook your burger in a grill pan or on a George Foreman grill, seasoning with salt and pepper on both sides before cooking. Cook thoroughly until everything is cooked through.

10. While the burger is cooking, prepare your bun. Spread the remaining laughing cow wedge on the roll and add spinach leaves. Note: I would have added tomato slices if I had them…

11. When you’re ready, take the burger off the heat, assemble it, and enjoy.

I paired my burger with oven baked fries and Heinz Balsamic Ketchup. Really delicious!

Per serving:

CAL 285; Carbohydrates 21g; FAT 6g; SAT FET 2g; PROT 37g; FIB 2g; SUG 3g

WW points+: 7 ; WW Smart Points: 6

If you love Laughing Cow Cheese as much as I do, here are a few more NTTC recipes you should also try, all with Laughing Cow cheese wedges:

Turkey burgers stuffed with laughing cow

High-volume Jenny Craig Rising Crust Pizza

Garlic spinach with laughing cow cheese

Garlic cauliflower puree

Cheese and cookies

Jenny Craig Chicken Tomatillo Stuffed Peppers

Jenny Craig Chicken Fajita Quesadilla

Note: The Laughing Cow® provided me with the cheese product for this review; However, the recipe and all opinions expressed above are my own.

Related posts:

NTTC Recipe Summary: Tomatoes
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The post Turkey burgers filled with French onion cheese appeared first on Waist Cincher.

This post first appeared on Waist Cinchers: What They Are, How They Work, And Whether They're Right For You, please read the originial post: here

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Turkey burgers filled with French onion cheese
