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TRX vs. Gym: Which One is Better for You?

Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

If you are looking for a way to improve your fitness, strength, and health, you might be wondering whether you should join a gym or invest in a TRX suspension trainer

Both options have their pros and cons, and the best choice for you depends on your goals, preferences, budget, and availability. 

In this article, we will compare TRX vs. gym and help you decide which one is better for you.

What is TRX?

TRX stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise, and it is a form of suspension training that uses your own body weight and gravity as resistance

TRX was developed by a Navy SEAL over 20 years ago and has become popular among athletes, coaches, trainers, and fitness enthusiasts worldwide.

TRX consists of a pair of heavy-duty straps with handles and foot cradles that can be attached to any sturdy anchor point, such as a door, a tree, or a wall. 

You can perform hundreds of exercises with TRX by adjusting your body position and angle to increase or decrease the difficulty level.

Related : How to Master the TRX Basics in 10 Minutes

TRX is designed to improve your;

  • Strength, 
  • Balance, 
  • Flexibility, 
  • Core stability, and 
  • Cardiovascular health. 

It also challenges your muscles in different ways than traditional weight lifting or machines, as you have to constantly stabilize yourself in unstable conditions.

What are the benefits of TRX?

Some of the benefits of TRX are:

1. It is portable and versatile

You can take it anywhere and use it indoors or outdoors. You can also vary your workouts by changing the exercises, intensity, duration, or frequency.

2. It is suitable for all fitness levels and goals

You can customize your workouts to suit your needs, whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, tone up, improve performance, or prevent injuries.

3. It is fun and engaging

You can enjoy the challenge of mastering new skills and movements, as well as the variety of working different muscle groups in different ways.

4. It is low-impact and safe

You can reduce the risk of joint stress or injury by using your own body weight and controlling the resistance. 

You can also modify the exercises to accommodate any limitations or injuries.

What are the drawbacks of TRX?

Some of the drawbacks of TRX are:

1. It can be expensive

A TRX suspension trainer can cost between $190 to $250, which might be too much for some people.

You might also need to buy additional accessories, such as a door anchor or a mat.

2. It can be challenging to set up and use

You need to find a suitable anchor point that can support your weight and allow enough space for movement. 

You also need to learn how to adjust the straps correctly and perform the exercises with proper form and technique.

3. It can be limited in some aspects

While TRX can provide a full-body workout, it might not be enough for some people who want to focus on specific muscle groups or lift heavier weights. 

You might also miss out on some benefits of gym equipment, such as machines that isolate certain muscles or provide more stability.

What is a gym?

A gym is a place where you can access various types of equipment, such as free weights, machines, cardio machines, resistance bands, kettlebells, etc. 

You can also join classes, such as yoga, pilates, spinning, etc., or hire a personal trainer to guide you through your workouts.

A gym can offer you a wide range of options to exercise your body in different ways and achieve different goals. 

You can also benefit from the social aspect of working out with other people and getting support and motivation from them.

What are the benefits of a gym?

Some of the benefits of a gym are:

1. It is convenient and accessible

You can find a gym near your home or work and use it at any time of the day or night. You don’t have to worry about setting up anything or finding space to work out.

2. It is comprehensive and diverse

You can choose from a variety of equipment and exercises that suit your preferences and goals. You can also switch up your routine by trying new things or joining different classes.

3. It is effective and efficient

You can target specific muscle groups or body parts with machines that isolate them or free weights that challenge them more. 

You can also increase the intensity or resistance of your workouts by adding more weight or speed.

4. It is supportive and inspiring

You can get advice and feedback from trainers or staff who are knowledgeable and experienced in fitness. 

You can also interact with other members who share your interests and goals and motivate each other.

What are the drawbacks of a gym?

Some of the drawbacks of a gym are:

1. It can be costly and restrictive

A gym membership can range from $10 to $100 per month, depending on the location, facilities, services, etc. 

You might also have to pay extra for classes, trainers, or amenities. You might also be bound by a contract that limits your flexibility or cancellation options.

2. It can be crowded and intimidating

You might have to wait for equipment or machines that are in high demand or deal with people who are rude or inconsiderate. 

You might also feel uncomfortable or insecure about your body or performance in front of others.

3. It can be boring and repetitive

You might get stuck in a rut of doing the same exercises or routines over and over again. 

You might also lose interest or motivation if you don’t see results or enjoy your workouts.

TRX vs. Gym

There is no definitive answer to which one is better for you, as it depends on your personal situation and preferences. 

However, here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

  • Your goals. What do you want to achieve with your workouts? Do you want to lose weight, build muscle, improve endurance, enhance flexibility, or something else? Depending on your goals, you might find one option more suitable or effective than the other.

  • Your budget. How much can you afford to spend on your workouts? Do you have a fixed or flexible budget? Depending on your budget, you might find one option more affordable or worthwhile than the other.

  • Your availability. How much time do you have to work out? Do you have a regular or irregular schedule? Depending on your availability, you might find one option more convenient or accessible than the other.

  • Your personality. What do you enjoy doing? Do you like variety or consistency? Do you prefer working out alone or with others? Depending on your personality, you might find one option more fun or engaging than the other.


TRX and gym are both great ways to exercise your body and improve your fitness, strength, and health.

They both have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice for you depends on your goals, preferences, budget, and availability.

If you are looking for a portable and versatile workout that challenges your body in different ways and improves your balance, flexibility, and core stability, TRX might be a good option for you.

If you are looking for a convenient and comprehensive workout that targets specific muscle groups and body parts and increases your intensity, resistance, and speed, gym might be a good option for you.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to find a workout that you enjoy and stick to it consistently. 

That way, you will be more likely to achieve your goals and reap the benefits of physical activity.

This post first appeared on HIITRIX, please read the originial post: here

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TRX vs. Gym: Which One is Better for You?


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