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How to Survive the Holiday Season with Family


It's Thanksgiving weekend, a time when many of us enjoy gathering with family. Some may also take advantage of the days off to recover from minimally invasive cosmetic procedures without their coworkers knowing. Regardless of how you spent your Thanksgiving, it's important to approach the holiday season with a sense of gratitude and a bit of humor.

Dealing with Holiday Stress

The holiday season can be stressful, especially when spending time with family. Hosting a holiday gathering can add to the stress, as it requires preparation and patience. According to a survey, 41% of hosts expect guests to not enter closed rooms without permission. It seems that sex dungeons are more popular than previously thought. Additionally, 71% of hosts said it takes them at least a full day to prepare for guests. Clearly, hosting is no easy task. It requires mental preparation as well as physical preparation.

Surviving Family Gatherings

If hosting is not your thing, there's no shame in opting out. Sometimes it's better to avoid the stress altogether. However, if you do decide to host, there are a few tips to make the experience easier. Using disposable plates and silverware can save you from doing the dishes. Plus, it provides entertainment for your niece who just got back from college. If you find family gatherings to be overwhelming, it's okay to set boundaries and take breaks when needed.

Avoiding Controversial Conversations

Politics can be a touchy subject, especially during family gatherings. It's best to avoid controversial conversations and focus on lighter topics. If the conversation starts heading towards politics, steer it in a different direction with prompts such as “It sure is cold out there” or “How about them Lions?” Remember, yelling at your relatives won't change their political views.

Dealing with Unwanted Questions

Family gatherings often come with unwanted questions, especially about relationships. If you're single, you might face inquiries about why you haven't found a partner yet. It can be tough to handle, but it's important to remember that your worth is not defined by your relationship status. You don't owe anyone an explanation.

Beating the Winter Blues

Winter months can bring feelings of sadness and discontent. The Mayo Clinic suggests getting 30 minutes to two hours of natural sunlight per day to combat the winter blues. While it may seem challenging, finding time to soak up the sun can have a positive impact on your mood.

Navigating Holiday Parties

The holiday season is filled with parties and gatherings. According to a survey, the average American visits five different houses during this time. However, not everyone enjoys New Year's parties. Some respondents expressed a desire for these parties to be skippable. It seems that not everyone is a fan of the festivities.

Finding Joy in the Holiday Season

Despite the challenges and stress that come with the holiday season, many people still find joy in this time of year. Whether it's decorating a Christmas tree or spending time with loved ones, there are moments of happiness to be found. It's important to focus on the things that bring people together and create lasting memories.


The holiday season can be both joyful and stressful. By setting boundaries, avoiding controversial topics, and focusing on the positive aspects of family gatherings, you can navigate the holiday season with ease. Remember to prioritize self-care and take breaks when needed. Ultimately, the holiday season is about spending time with loved ones and creating meaningful connections.

The post How to Survive the Holiday Season with Family appeared first on Health Massive.

This post first appeared on Health And Wellness, please read the originial post: here

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How to Survive the Holiday Season with Family
