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Decision to Change Coaches: A Step Towards Building a Winning Culture



In a recent press conference, the team owner announced the decision to change coaches. This move comes as a part of an ongoing effort to build a long-term sustainable winner. While the decision may come as a surprise to some, there were several reasons that led to this change. In this blog, we will explore the factors that influenced the decision and the future plans of the team.

The Importance of Timing

Timing is crucial when making such a significant decision. The owner explained that now was the right time to make this change. The team aims to progress and improve, and the owner believed that this decision would contribute to that goal.

A Search for a Franchise Quarterback

One of the ongoing challenges for the team has been finding a franchise quarterback. While the responsibility ultimately falls on the organization as a whole, the owner acknowledged the role he plays in these decisions. He expressed confidence in finding the right person for the job and emphasized the importance of a strong quarterback for the team's success.

The Next Head Coach

With the current head coach being relieved of his duties, the search for a new head coach will begin. The owner stated that the team is far from making any decisions regarding the next head coach. The focus right now is on the remaining season and supporting the interim head coach, Steve Wilkes.

Evaluating the Interim Head Coach

Steve Wilkes, the interim head coach, will have the opportunity to showcase his abilities and potentially be considered for the permanent position. The owner highlighted that there is still a lot of season left, and the team will closely evaluate Wilkes' performance.

The Impact of Recent Performance

When asked about the impact of recent performance on the timing of the decision, the owner acknowledged that there may have been a loss of intensity on the field. However, he made it clear that this was not the sole reason for the change. There were multiple factors that contributed to the decision, and the owner emphasized the importance of looking at the bigger picture.

Reflecting on Past Progress

The past few years have seen some progress for the team, but it has not been enough to achieve the desired results. The owner acknowledged that there have been improvements in certain areas, such as the defense and offensive line. However, the team still struggles to consistently win games and overcome challenges.

Choosing Steve Wilkes as Interim Head Coach

The decision to appoint Steve Wilkes as the interim head coach was based on his familiarity with the team and his leadership qualities. The owner praised Wilkes' experience as a head coach and believed he was the best candidate within the organization for the role.

Addressing the Fans

The owner understands the frustration of the fans and their desire for immediate success. He expressed his commitment to winning and acknowledged that progress needs to be made. While there is still work to be done, he believes in the team's potential and is confident that they will continue to improve.

The Importance of a Winning Culture

Building a winning culture is a priority for the team. The owner emphasized the need to develop a culture of winning and instill confidence in the players. He acknowledged that patience is required in this process but also recognized the importance of delivering results.

Looking Towards the Future

The team is focused on the present and working towards winning games. The owner highlighted the importance of balancing the immediate goal of winning with the long-term goal of building a sustainable and successful team. While there may be opportunities to make changes in the future, the focus right now is on the current season and supporting the interim head coach.


The decision to change coaches marks a significant step towards building a winning culture. The team owner recognizes the challenges they face and is committed to finding the right solutions. With the interim head coach in place, the team will continue to strive for success and make progress towards their goal of becoming a long-term sustainable winner.

The post Decision to Change Coaches: A Step Towards Building a Winning Culture appeared first on Health Massive.

This post first appeared on Health And Wellness, please read the originial post: here

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Decision to Change Coaches: A Step Towards Building a Winning Culture
