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Who is a dermatologist?

A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in treating skin, hair, and nail problems. Dermatologists are trained to diagnose and treat over 3000 skin problems, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis, as well as perform cosmetic procedures.

What is Dermatology, exactly?

Dermatology is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, investigation, research, management, and treatment of skin, hair, and nail problems.

What conditions does a Dermatologist treat?

A dermatologist is a skin expert who treats a wide range of skin problems.

Eczema: A skin condition that produces redness and irritation and is treated with ointments and lotions by your dermatologist.

Pimples: These are little pustules that occur on the skin as a result of excess sebum production and dust, and they are treated by a dermatologist depending on the severity of the skin illness.

Dermatitis: A dermatologist uses skin creams and moisturizers to treat a red, itchy rash and inflamed skin.


Acne is caused by oil, dirt, or dead cells clogging hair follicles. The top dermatologist assesses the severity to provide the appropriate skin ointments.

Hair Loss

Hair loss is treated by a dermatologist with injections, medications, and laser therapy.


Your dermatologist may prescribe peeling medications or surgical excision to eliminate skin outgrowths.

What types of procedures are available at skingoalsclinic?

Our dermatologists can perform a wide range of procedures, from simple skin tag removal to more complex skin cancer treatment.

Our dermatologists frequently perform the following procedures:


A dermatologist can use a variety of biopsy methods to detect or rule out skin cancer or other disorders.

Laser treatment.

Warts, moles, sun spots, tattoos, acne scars, blemishes, wrinkles, and undesired hair can all be removed with laser therapy treatments.

Surgical removal.

To remove growths such as moles, skin tags, and lesions, a dermatologist may conduct a surgical excision. This is normally done under local anesthetic so that you do not feel any discomfort.


Cryotherapy is a one-of-a-kind treatment that includes regulated exposure to extremely low temperatures. It can be used to treat skin diseases such as warts, skin tags, and certain cancers.


Sclerotherapy is a treatment method for spider and varicose veins. It entails injecting chemicals into damaged veins to help reduce the appearance of these veins.

Mohs surgery.

This form of skin cancer surgery removes thin layers of tissue surrounding a tumor. The doctor checks the skin between removals for evidence of new cancer cells. When no more cancer cells are identified, they cease removing tissue.

Chemical peels.

Chemical peels remove damaged skin. Peels can help regenerate fresh skin and decrease the effects of aging.

Injections for cosmetic purposes.

During an office visit, a dermatologist can assist reduce the appearance of wrinkles and drooping skin by injecting Botox or fillers.


Fine wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and precancerous skin areas can all be reduced using this exfoliating procedure.

Tumescent fluid

Liposuction using tumescent fluid. Liposuction is a technique used by dermatologists to remove excess fat from certain parts of your body.

Treatments are done by an expert dermatologist.

  • Laser Birthmark Removal Treatments
  • Facial Thread Vein Removal Treatments
  • Leg Thread Vein Removal Treatments
  • Milia or Milk Spot Removal treatments
  • Mole Removal and Skin Cancer Screening
  • Laser Resurfacing Treatment
  • Skin Pigmentation and Hyperpigmentation.
  1. Laser Birthmark Removal Treatments.

Birthmark removal is one of our most challenging, but also satisfying, treatments. Not all birthmarks are the same, regardless of how they appear, which means that technology and expertise are critical to the success of a birthmark removal procedure. We specialize in eliminating birthmarks using non-invasive laser therapy at skingoalsclinic. Our non-surgical birthmark removal methods are also safe, effective, and time-consuming. For more information, you can view our main page service.

  1. Facial Thread Vein Removal Treatments.

Facial thread veins are also known as spider veins or broken veins on the face. They are visible red blood vessels that form near the skin’s surface. They are most commonly found around the nose, cheeks, and chin and grow more visible with age.

Without treatment, these veins will not dissolve and will likely grow more visible with time.

We are offering different methods of facial thread veins.

  1. Leg Thread Vein Removal Treatments

Get Your Removal of Leg Thread Vein by Leading Dermatologists.

Thread veins, often known as “spider veins,” are damaged veins and capillaries located just beneath the skin. Because your skin thins and loses collagen as you age, veins become visible through your skin when they enlarge. Although prominent thread veins can be hereditary, they are frequently produced by long-term sun exposure, pregnancy, rosacea, steroid creams, alcohol, smoking, and prolonged standing. Thread veins on the face and legs are ugly and can cause you to feel self-conscious. Thread veins can be reduced and removed with laser therapy, regaining your confidence. Sclerotherapy is another method of eliminating leg thread veins. For more information visit the main service page.

  1. Milia or Milk Spot Removal treatments

Milia are little yellow or white cysts that occur in groups, especially on the face and cheeks. They are most commonly observed in infants but can affect persons of any age.

Milia are keratin-filled cysts that grow just beneath the skin’s surface and look like white or yellowish lumps. Milia, often known as milk spots,’ is a disorder that is commonly linked with newborn babies but can develop in children and adults. Milia can appear anywhere on the skin, although it is most common around and under the eyes.

There are different methods of milia removal done by us. To book, an appointment or see our service page.

  1. Mole Removal and Skin Cancer Screening

Moles are a common form of skin development. They frequently appear as small, dark brown spots and are caused by clusters of pigment-forming cells (melanocytes). Most people have 10 to 40 moles that form during childhood and adolescence and may change or vanish over time.

There are different types of moles and also different treatments are available for them.

Skin cancer screening is used to find cancer at an early stage when the likelihood of a successful treatment is high. For those with a higher risk of developing skin cancer, such as those with numerous moles, irregular moles, or a personal or family history of the disease, doctors may advise this sort of cancer screening. If you cannot independently examine a mole and are concerned about its type. If you can’t self-examine the mole you can just make an appointment with our leading doctors. They can check properly and remove your mole as per your desire.

  1. Laser Resurfacing Treatment

Laser skin resurfacing could make your skin appear younger and healthier. If age, acne, or spending too much time in the sun has caused blood spots, scars, wrinkles, or lines on your face.

Laser skin resurfacing may make your skin appear younger and healthier.

Healing causes new skin cells to develop, giving the skin a tighter, more youthful appearance. There are different types of laser resurfacing treatment

Depending on your needs, our dermatologist may choose ablative or non-ablative lasers. Ablative lasers use erbium or carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 laser resurfacing treatments can eliminate deep wrinkles, warts, and scars. Erbium laser resurfacing treats fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. Both types of ablative lasers remove the skin’s upper layers.

Non-ablative lasers, on the other hand, do not remove skin layers. Fractional lasers, pulsed-dye lasers, and pulsed-light lasers are among them. Non-ablative lasers can cure rosacea, spider veins, and acne-related skin problems.

  1. Skin Pigmentation & Hyperpigmentation.

Skin pigmentation problems arise when there is an excess of melanin production, resulting in dark spots, patches, or discoloration of the skin. It can change the color of the skin over time, resulting in an uneven skin tone. Whilst hyperpigmentation is not a dangerous illness, it may be a sign of another medical condition. As a result, a dermatologist should be consulted to determine the exact cause of the pigmentation. A specific skin ailment called hyperpigmentation results in the darkening of specific parts of the skin. Melanin, a skin pigment, is overproduced and is the main culprit. This illness affects people of both sexes from various ethnic backgrounds, especially those with pale skin tones. Although hyperpigmentation is mostly a benign condition, it can occasionally be a sign of an illness or disease. Because of the aesthetic implications of this ailment, which bother them and make them feel stressed and anxious, the majority of individuals are worried about it. For treatment and more information, you can contact us.

The post DERMATOLOGY appeared first on Skin Goals Clinic.

This post first appeared on About Skin Goals Clinic, please read the originial post: here

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