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Caripill Syrup: Uses, Doses, Benefits & Side-Effects


As we all know, malaria and dengue are two common diseases today that occur due to mosquito bites. The severity of these two diseases causes reduced platelet count in the blood, which plays a vital role in maintaining health. While green leafy vegetables, milk, and pumpkin seeds are some effective ways to balance the platelet count, Caripill syrup is an instant solution. It is a natural platelet enhancer that has emerged as a supporter of health. If you are unaware of caripill syrup, this blog is exclusively for you; it contains everything about it, from caripill syrup uses and benefits to side effects. Let’s start the journey to well-being. 

What Is Caripill Syrup?

Caripill Syrup is a nutritional supplement that contains papaya leaf extracts. Papaya leaf extract is a proven remedy and has been used for centuries for various health benefits, most importantly increasing platelet count in blood. Caripill syrup is a convenient way to consume papaya leaf extract and rapidly increase platelet count in the blood. 

Science Behind Caripill Syrup

Papaya leaves are rich in an array of bioactive compounds, which include phytochemicals, enzymes and antioxidants that work synergistically to increase platelet production. This is how caripill syrup benefits the body. 

When To Use Caripill Syrup

As discussed above, caripill syrup helps to increase the production of platelets in the blood, which is mainly reduced in Dengue and Malaria cases. Therefore, there are two caripill syrup uses discussed below. 

Aiding Dengue Fever

Caripill syrup uses are mainly associated with managing dengue fever. Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that can lead to a significant drop in platelet count. This syrup is often recommended by healthcare practitioners as an adjunctive therapy to help increase platelets in dengue patients. 

Support Immune System

Beyond its role in managing dengue, caripill syrup is also used to boost the immune system. The bioactive compounds of papaya leaves strengthen the immune system, making people less susceptible to infections. 

How To Consume?

Caripill syrup can be consumed by children and adults, but the dosages will depend on the individual’s needs. While consuming the syrup, it is essential to follow the doctor’s prescription. Generally, 

  • For children 1-5 years, 275mg or 5ml, three times a day is enough. 
  • For 5-18 years, 550mg or 10 ml three times a day is enough. 

 The syrup is typically taken orally, directly or mixed with water. 

Caripill Syrup Benefits

From improving health to the safest supplement, consumption of caripill syrup poses several benefits. Here is what you can reap from caripill syrup. 

Natural & Safe 

Caripill syrup is made up of natural ingredients like papaya extracts, making it a safe and well-tolerated supplement. It is free from synthetic chemicals and additives, reducing the risk of adverse reactions. 

Convenient to use

The syrup comes in a bottle which is ready to consume. You do not need to spend hours in extracting papaya leaf extracts to reap their benefits. It can be directly swollen, or you can mix it with water, making it quick and easy to consume. 

Suitable For All Age Groups

Since it is made up of natural ingredients, caripill syrup is suitable for age groups, from infants to adults. 

Treats Various Health Conditions

Due to the presence of bioactive compounds, this syrup helps in treating several health problems, mainly dengue and chikungunya. Besides this, it also boosts immunity and keeps one healthy.


The price of the caripill syrup is so reasonable that anyone can afford it. The 150 ml bottle is priced at Rs. 350, or maybe less if available at a discount. 

After knowing the caripill syrup uses, benefits and doses for children and adults, you must know the safety and precautions to prevent caripill syrup side effects.

Safety & Precautions 

While there is no potential side effect of this syrup, it is essential to take caution and consult a healthcare provider in the following situations- 

Pregnancy & Nursing 

Pregnant and nursing women should not consume this syrup without a prescription or doctor’s consultation. 


Individuals allergic to papaya or papain (a compound found in papaya) should not take caripill syrup. You must inform your doctor so that they can recommend a suitable alternative. 

Medical Conditions

However, the syrup is safe to consume and suitable for all, it must be avoided if you are underlying certain medical conditions or taking medications. It is advisable to seek medical advice before using caripill syrup. 


The consumption of caripill syrup is generally considered safe for children, but it would be better to consult a paediatrician for appropriate dosage recommendations. 

Are There Any Risks Associated With Caripill Syrup? 

The syrup is generally safe to consider by all age groups and is really effective, but some patients may complain of headache, nausea or vomiting. If used with caution, one can avoid caripill syrup side effects. Another best way to use this syrup is after proper consultation with a professional healthcare practitioner. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is caripill syrup-approved medication?

Yes, the syrup is approved by scientific and regulatory agencies and is well-established as a safe and effective medication. 

Is dengue a communicable disease?

Dengue is a fever and does not pass from one person to another person. 

How long does papaya leaf extract take to enhance platelets?

As per the research, consuming papaya three times a day will result in a substantial increase in platelets within 40 – 48 hours. 

What is the significance of platelet count in dengue?

A human body requires 1,50,000 platelets. A person with fewer platelets can die. Dengue can reduce the count of platelets, which can increase bleeding risks, Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS), etc.  

How many platelets are in the human body?

A normal platelet count in the human body is 1,50,000 to 4,50,000 per microliter of blood. A person with less than 1,50,000 platelets is close to the risk of death. 

The post Caripill Syrup: Uses, Doses, Benefits & Side-Effects first appeared on Health Strives.

This post first appeared on Here Are Six Tips To How To Get Chubby Cheeks Naturally, please read the originial post: here

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Caripill Syrup: Uses, Doses, Benefits & Side-Effects
