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Shoulder workouts | Bodybuilding | Exercises

 Shoulder workouts


The shoulders are a complex group of muscles that support the arms, legs, and upper body. All of your movements involve these muscles in some way and most people can benefit from strengthening them. Here are some tips on how to do shoulder workouts:

Shoulder workouts

Shoulder workouts are an important part of any bodybuilder's workout routine. They can be done with dumbbells, machines or other equipment and they're a great way to burn fat while building muscle at the same time.

Shoulder workouts can be done at home or in the gym. If you want to perform them on your own, you'll need a set of dumbbells that weigh no more than 8 pounds each (4 sets). If you're looking for more professional results, consider hiring someone else to help out—it'll make things easier for both of you!

Dumbbell shoulder press

The dumbbell shoulder press is an isolation exercise that targets the deltoid muscles, particularly the front half of your shoulders. You'll be using two dumbbells with a weight that's roughly equal to what you can lift for 3 sets of 10 repetitions each.

To perform this exercise:

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them in your hands at arm's length with your palms facing away from you (palms facing towards each other). Curl both arms up toward your body until they're just above eye level, then lower back down under control until they're at chest level again; repeat for 3 sets of 10 reps per side

Reverse flyes

Reverse flyes are a great exercise for the shoulders and core. In this workout, you'll use a barbell or dumbbells to perform reverse flies with your hands facing away from each other.

To do them:

  • Lie on your back with both hands holding a weight plate in front of you, palms facing up (palms should be facing each other). Lift the weight off the floor by extending at arms' length until it's just off of your chest; then lower it toward their sides until they touch or are close to touching. Repeat 10 times then switch sides!

Side lateral raises

Side lateral raises are a great way to build your shoulders and triceps. You can do them with dumbbells or barbells—whatever you're comfortable with. Start with a light weight, and as you get stronger, add more weight each set until you reach failure.

  • Keep your arms straight and keep them locked at all times during this exercise; don't swing the weight back and forth or rotate your wrists while lifting it off the ground.
  • Avoid arching through the spine by keeping a neutral position throughout each rep (no leaning back or tilting forward).

Seated cable rows

  • Use a wide grip, with your hands about shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your back straight as you row the cable weight toward the ceiling.
  • Pull the cable down until it touches your upper chest and hold for a few seconds before slowly returning to starting position. Repeat this exercise three times per set (8 to 12 reps).

Rear delt flyes

Rear Deltoid Flyes

  • Lie on your back with your feet flat and knees bent, holding a barbell in each hand at shoulder height. Tighten your abs and raise one arm up until it's directly over head, then lower back down slowly until you feel tension in the biceps muscle (at which point it should be parallel with the floor). Repeat this exercise 10 times per set on both sides, resting two to three minutes between sets.

Shrugs (dumbbell)

Shrugs (dumbbell)

  • Pick a weight that is heavy enough to challenge you, but not too heavy that you can’t lift it at all.
  • Keep your back straight and don’t lean forward as you lift the weight up off the ground; this will help prevent injuries from occurring during this exercise.

3a Do not lock your elbows as they come up towards your body; instead keep them slightly bent so there isn't any excess pressure on them as they move upward from starting position toward top end range of motion where they are fully extended outwards away from body's centerline—this way no stress will occur on joints such as shoulder joint where pain may be experienced when performing shrugs exercises incorrectly due to overly extended arms during initial stages of workout process (especially if performed incorrectly). If done correctly then only slight degree lean back required while performing motion because gravity keeps moving everything forward towards destination point which means less distance traveled by athlete vs trying harder than needed just because he wants better results but doesn't know how best way accomplish those goals without injuring himself first."

Bent over rear delt raises

The bent over rear delt raises are a great exercise to work the shoulders, back and biceps. They can be done with barbells or dumbbells.

This exercise starts with you holding the weights at shoulder level and bending your knees slightly so that your legs are bent 90 degrees (you should not lock out). Keep your back straight as you raise up until the weight is above eye level, then lower it back down again. Repeat this movement for 8-10 reps per set, resting between each set if needed before starting another one.[1]

Upright rows

To perform upright rows, begin by holding the dumbbells at your sides with palms facing inwards. With elbows fully bent, lift the dumbbells to chest level and lower them back down to starting position (the same as when you first started). Repeat for desired number of reps.

These shoulder workouts will give you the shoulders you want.

The shoulder is a complex joint. It's made up of the sternoclavicular (SC) and clavicle bones, as well as other smaller joints, ligaments and muscles.

To build muscle in your shoulders, you need to work out with weights or weight machines that target specific muscles—like those found in the upper body. For example: squats will help you build leg muscles; deadlifts will strengthen your lower back; bench presses will target arms and chest; lat pulldowns can help tone biceps and triceps. The best way to ensure that all these exercises are being done correctly is by using proper form when performing them (i.e., lifting steadily).


We hope you have enjoyed this article and are now ready to start your own shoulder workout. Remember, these exercises will help you build the muscle you need to gain strength and stability in your shoulders. 

This post first appeared on How To Lose Weight Fast, please read the originial post: here

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Shoulder workouts | Bodybuilding | Exercises


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