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No toothpaste and toothbrush

No toothpaste and toothbrush

Almost 99% of the world's population believes that oral health depends solely on the right toothpaste, and only the authentically researched scientific literature can convince the patient of the fallacy of such a conclusion.

No toothpaste and toothbrush is needed to avoid Tooth Decay and healthy dental hygiene. Just simply rinse your mouth with water after eating. Or it is okay even without rinsing. Toothpaste is useless but even harmful because it contains dangerous chemicals. Toothbrush is also useless.

Tooth decay is the disease of civilization resulting from improper nutritional habits (regular and frequent consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates) and not from the absence of cleanliness of tooth enamel or oral cavity (improperly dietary habits, which are dominated by foods high in easily digestible carbohydrates and few or no fresh vegetables and fruits). Newspaper reports clearly show that, tooth decay is widespread in school going children in Indian metro cities. Nine out of every ten middle-aged person suffer from Teeth and gum diseases.

Modern dentistry about tooth decay agrees with the doctor Willoughby D. Miller (1853–1907). The fundamental theory of modern dentistry was derived in 1883 by the American physician dentist and the first oral microbiologist Willoughby Miller. He suggested that the acids secreted by microorganisms in the mouth decompose dental tissue and hence tooth decay.

One hundred and forty years later, the official or academic science of dentistry still adheres to the misleading theory of Dr. Miller, while missing the most essential information..

In 1922, dentist Percy Howie read a report to the American Dental Association in which he noted that his research team had unsuccessfully tried to reproduce the process of tooth decay in guinea pigs. Various types of bacteria were introduced to the animals through nutrition and vaccinations, the presence of which is usually associated with diseases of the gums and teeth. He stated that "there has not been a single case in which they have been able to prove the presence of dental disease using these methods." On the other hand, Dr. Howie made tooth decay in guinea pigs quite easy by eliminating vitamin C from their diet.

In one scientific experiment, when vitamin c was eliminated from diet, there was a widespread affection of tooth decay and gum diseases. As is known, vitamin c is abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Beginning in 1894, American dentist Weston Price (1870-1948) started to consider diet as the primary factor causing tooth decay. Weston Prince found that people who live in ‘so called’ backward primitive conditions had excellent teeth and general health. This is because they were eating local natural unrefined foods. That is all they had access too. In the early 20th century, he observed that while tooth decay was rampant among industrialized societies, people in indigenous cultures had healthy, straight teeth with no signs of tooth decay at all. By studying the nutrition of tribes which are still living in primitive conditions, he discovered that germs don’t cause tooth decay; it’s what we eat. In cultures untouched by modernization, tooth decay was non-existent. When the modern diet came into these cultures, tooth decay quickly followed.

From the early 1920’s to 1930’s Dr. Price travelled to the most isolated corners of our planet to study the teeth and health of populations untouched by civilization that lived and ate in traditional ways. He studied both Eastern and Western traditional cultures.

These included Gaelic communities in the Outer Hebrides, Native Americans in the Colorado Rockies, Indigenous tribes in South America, Polynesian Islanders, African tribes, the Aborigines of Australia, and Maori of New Zealand, traditional Eskimos, indigenous African tribes, and the inhabitants of Switzerland's Lechental Valley.

In each of these populations Weston Price found an absence of cavities and tooth decay, straight teeth and wide attractive smiles, and an absence of the so-called “diseases of civilization” including heart diseases, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. He concluded that tooth decay and deformed dental arches that caused overcrowded and crooked teeth were not defects inherited from genetics, but the result of nutrition deficiencies in modern diets.

When Weston Price studied local populations with low levels of dental caries, they found that these populations had 4 times more minerals in their diet and 10 times the fat-soluble vitamins. Both factors are exhausted in the modern diet and it makes sense that we see an increase in tooth decay.

Ten years of the life of Dr. Weston Price with the natives proved that dental health does not depend on heredity and sweets, and the absence of dental caries indicates the state of the body as a whole. He described his observations in detail in the book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration". It turns out that tooth decay is an exclusively modern disease and there are no studies of the remains that prove that it existed in antiquity.

Weston Price endlessly photographed the white-toothed smiles of these people, while noting that they are full of health, vigor and optimism, even when they had to live in extremely difficult conditions. They didn't have doctors and dentists because they didn't need them.

Weston Price believed that the best activator for the absorption of vitamins and minerals is butter. Butter from milk of cows that only eat fast-growing green grass in spring and autumn (and not cows which are fed on grain or soy) - Weston Price believed that this butter contains a specific nutrient which was renamed by Weston Price as Vitamin K2. All primitive groups had a source of vitamin K2 in their diets. So, vitamin K2 is obtained from milk, cream and butter made from milk of grass fed cows. When this vitamin-K2-rich butter was added to diet of children which were affected with severe tooth decay, their tooth decay stopped progressing and partially reversed and minor cavities were began to heal naturally.

From 1954, during the 1950–60s, the research work to which Dr. Ralph Steinman and his colleague Dr. John Leonora of Loma Linda University, California have devoted their entire lives, proves that dental caries develops as a result of the physiological processes occurring in our body when we consume food.

They did extensive research to determine the cause of tooth decay and concluded that, the type of nutrition is responsible for determining the susceptibility to tooth decay and not the cleanliness of oral cavity. So excessive and frequent consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates leads to bad teeth and gums in the long run.

In one of the experiments, sugar and processed food were injected directly into the stomachs (bypassing oral route) of half a group of rats. These rats got tooth decay (cavities). He injected healthy food into the other half of the groups, and they did not get decay. Neither group had their food through their mouth. All the tooth decay started from their stomach. Everything we eat affects our health.

Then, Dr. Steinman added calcium and phosphorus to the diet of the rats who were given sugar and processed food. Decay then went down by 80%. We need minerals in our diet in order to have stronger teeth. When we lack minerals such as Calcium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, magnesium, zinc, just to name a few, we are more prone to have tooth decay (cavities). Steinman found that he could alter the diet and alter the amount of decay in a perfect parallel. Sugar and foods sitting on the tooth don’t create dental decay.

It’s the fluid flow within the tooth that determines Its health – and that’s determined by the types of foods you eat, not how long they remain in your mouth.

Already in the mid of the last century, English professor and physician Edward Mellanby (discoverer of vitamin D) with his wife May Mellanby, he conducted extensive research on the relationship between nutrition and tooth decay, among which were long-term experiments with animals and humans related to the study of nutrition. Dr. Mellanby states that vitamin D3 is the most important prerequisite for the development of healthy, dense, strong bones and teeth with a good supply of calcium.

Fat-soluble vitamins A and D are needed by our cells to produce osteocalcin, a protein that is responsible for the storage of calcium and phosphorus in the bone tissue.

The Mellanbys did some studies to see if they could reverse existing tooth decay in children. The study involved 62 children with multiple dental caries. They were divided into 3 groups.They also wanted to test the importance of the data they had learned about vitamin D3 and Phytic Acid. They took three groups of children, all with existing cavities. The first group had a diet enriched oatmeal (oatmeal contain phytic acid) but no vitamin D3 added to their diet. The second group had a normal diet with no added phytic acid but had vitamin D3. The third group had a grain-free diet but also received vitamin D3.

The jaw of all children was scanned prior to the start of the experiment. Scientists measured the size of the gaps in the teeth of children. Subsequently, after six months, the researchers found that in children from the first group, the holes in the teeth only became larger, in children from the second group, the situation slightly improved. But the best results were shown by children of a special, third group. Almost all of the teeth of all the participants in this third group have been restored !! had a noticeable healing of their existing cavities. When cereals were excluded from the diet of children with multiple caries and fat-soluble vitamins A and D were added into grain-free diet, as a result, the children did not develop new caries. Moreover, these children showed signs of remineralization of decayed teeth.

(Antinutrient phytic acid is contained in the outer shell (bran) of cereal grains. This antinutrient phytic acid absorbs essential minerals from the diet in the gastrointestinal tract. This is why children in the above-mentioned experiment whose diet consisted of cereal grains suffered from deficiency of essential minerals which caused tooth decay. A cereal grain-free diet with the addition of vitamin D3 did not develop dental caries)

An important observation made by American dentist Melvin Page (1894-1983) which explained how changes in blood sugar can affect tooth decay. Dr. Page utilized the work of Weston Price, and took it one step further: he analyzed their blood chemistry and its relationship with nutrition. The issue of the relationship between our nutrition and dental health has been studied in great detail by Dr. Melvin Page. In the course of his research, he found that spikes in blood sugar affect the state of our bone mass. But it is precisely fluctuations in blood sugar that lead to the pulling of minerals from the teeth. The longer and more intense these fluctuations, the greater the impact on our bone mass, namely the teeth.

Dentist Melvin Page, studying the causes of tooth decay, came to the conclusion that a 25 percent violation in the chemical composition of the blood is required for tooth decay. After 30 years of observation, examining 40,000 blood tests, Dr. Page found that the biochemical cause of dental caries and gum diseases is an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. The presence of 8.75 mg of calcium and 3.5 mg of phosphorus in 100 ml of blood at normal sugar levels provides protection against tooth decay.

The normal blood sugar level is 85 mg per 100 ml of blood. When sugar levels rise sharply, our bones begin to lose minerals, particularly calcium. When the calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood deviate from these levels, minerals are taken from the teeth or other tissues, leading to tooth decay or gum diseases.

Many of today’s popular diets are based on Dr. Page’s work. Dr. Page emphasized removing absolutely all refined carbohydrates (such as sugar and processed flour) and pasteurized cow’s milk from the diet. Milk and refined sugar consumption are not recommended as they destroy the correct calcium-phosphorus balance and as a result - rot the teeth.

These above-mentioned researches were deliberately ignored by pharma industry driven media and academic science which fostered belief in people that, cleanliness of teeth is necessary to avoid tooth decay. This is why toothpaste and toothbrush products industry flourished.

Dental caries and periodontal diseases

Periodontal (gum) tissues surrounding the tooth are permeated with numerous blood vessels that carry infection throughout the body. It is not surprising that periodontal inflammation is accompanied by many pathologies: from cardiovascular to endocrine. The risk of myocardial infarction increases almost sevenfold, and the risk of heart attacks increases. And when examining patients with diabetes, scientists found that people with periodontitis have much higher blood sugar levels than people with healthy gums.

These are the consequences of inflammation, which has affected almost all adults and more than half of the children’s population of the Earth. Moreover, in recent years, periodontitis has become much younger. In addition, a usually slow, chronic disease called periodontal disease has developed a rapidly aggressive form that leads to tooth loss within 1–3 months. But now, it seems, everyone is aware of the signs of problems in the mouth. But few people pay attention to the symptoms of the disease.

Caries (tooth decay) and periodontitis (inflammation and swelling of the gums, bone tissue surrounding the tooth) – these are two damages that today almost universally affect Russians at the age of 35-40 years. A quarter of Russians over 45 years old, according to statistics, are forced to use dentures. Almost everyone with false teeth has gum problems. According to WHO estimates, it is known that up to 80% of the population of developed countries suffer from some form of periodontitis, which is recognized as the most common human disease in the world.

Early childhood caries (ECC) and Vitamin D

Early childhood caries (ECC) is defined as the presence of 1 or more decayed (non-cavitated or cavitated lesions), missing due to caries, or filled tooth surfaces in any primary tooth in a child aged 71 months or younger (Drury et al., 1999).

Many studies have shown that geographic location and sun exposure are associated with dental caries. People who live closer to the equator with more solar exposure are less likely to develop caries (Grant, 2011). Studies that give people vitamin D supplements to prevent tooth decay have shown that vitamin D is effective in preventing tooth decay (Hujoel, 2013)

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a number of conditions, including vitamin D-resistant rickets, osteoporosis, enamel hypoplasia, and caries. Breastfed children are at increased risk of vitamin D deficiency if they do not get enough sunlight or lack of fat soluble vitamin D in their diet. In addition, children who receive inadequate vitamin D through sun exposure or diet may be at risk of developing ECC (Holick, 2007). Some experiments have shown that maternal vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy may reduce the incidence of dental defects in their children.

Nutrition first

Diet really plays a foundational role in whether we experience resistance to or a tendency towards tooth decay.

In the last century, this groundbreaking fact came to fore through research works of scientists Weston Price, Melvin Page, Edward and May Mellanby and Ralf Steinman. Teeth will naturally recalcify (heal) if your nutrition is right.

Genetic predisposition definitely plays a role. There exist an ironic proverb in Russian language – “What is good for a Russian is death for a German” – This means every person is different. Some people have strong bullet-proof dental genes: they can eat highly processed foods all day long, never floss or brush, and have a healthy mouth with minimum or no cavities. Other people do all they can to clean teeth and their teeth still tank.

Phytic Acid and health hazards such as tooth decay

Some plants want to be eaten, they need it for reproduction. They are bright coloured, easy to digest, tasty. And they usually do not contain toxic substances that impede absorption. These are berries, fruits, vegetables.

The second group of plants does not want to be eaten . And it defends itself by hiding the fruits in the shell, protecting the ears with awns and thorns. And the seed itself accumulates special substances that make it hardly edible for animals and disrupt the digestion process. These compounds are called antinutrients. (Yes, plants do not like it when they eat their children and they defend themselves).

The fact that any seed or nut Is securely packed by nature for wintering, and is also protected as much as possible from eating – by a shell or outer layer and phytic acid. In fact, the main task of phytic acid is not to destroy nutrients, but, on the contrary, to preserve them. It protects the seed until a favorable period for germination comes. Thanks to this substance, phosphorus is retained in nuts and cereals, and the fruit ripens. But even when the product is heat-treated, phytic acid retains its properties and enters our body along with food. Despite the fact that it does not have a destructive effect on digestion, it turns out that the product loses up to 50% of nutrients.

Phytic acid in plants exists in the form of phytate, a phytic acid associated with minerals. Phytates are found in all edible grains, legumes, seeds and nuts, and in tiny amounts in root vegetables and vegetables.

Phytic acid contained in bran can interfere with the absorption of zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron. Wheat bran is especially rich in phytic acid. Eating lots of grains functions as an anti-nutrient by blocking the body’s ability to absorb minerals in the diet.

Phytic acid is an antinutrient that is poorly broken down by the human body. The molecules of this acid harm us by “pulling over” such minerals as calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, thereby depleting their entry into the cells of our body. Phytic acid also interferes with the work of our main enzymes – pepsin, trypsin, amylase. There is also some positive effect: phytic acid is known to help some types of cancer, improve insulin sensitivity, but this does not deprive us of the need to fight for the minerals it selects.

Back in 1940s, researcher Edward Mellanby demonstrated the demineralizing effect of phytic acid. In his experiments on dogs, he discovered that consumption of high-phytate grains inhibits bone growth and disrupts vitamin D metabolism, resulting in rickets and bone loss. Vitamin D may mitigate the harmful effects of phytic acid, but according to Mellanby,“ on a diet rich in phytic acid, ideal bone formation can be achieved with sufficient calcium in a diet rich in vitamin D”.

In 1930’s and 40’s, Dr. Edward and May Mellanby made some valuable discoveries about dental decay, which were published in the Lancet and then promptly ignored and forgotten about. Widely credited with discovering Vitamin D, the Drs. Mellanby also made the direct connection between vitamin D deficiency and disruption in the body in maintaining healthy bone tissue. They also explored the role of phytic acid in foods. Phytic acid is one of the principle storage forms of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially the bran portion of grains and seeds. In animals and humans with one stomach, the phosphorus is not readily bioavailable. The phytic acid tends to bind with other minerals – calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc – making them unavailable as well. Hence that comforting oat cereal breakfast that so many people seem to love, may not be all that good for your oral and bone health after all. It turns out that we really have to watch the amount of grains, seeds and nuts that we consume – a lot of phytic acid undermines oral and bone health.

In the last century, American researchers experimentally demonstrated that one of the main reasons for tooth decay was the demineralization of the bone tissue of the teeth. That is, the conditions for the development of dental caries are created not from the outside (acidic environment in the mouth), but from the inside (looseness of bone tissue, lack of mineral nutrition). Allegedly, one of the reasons for this is phytic acid, which is abundant in grains, seeds and nuts, which blocks the absorption of iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and calcium by the body. And, as a result, it can provoke such diseases associated with demineralization as dental caries or osteoporosis.

The Mellanbys did some studies to see if they could reverse existing tooth decay in children. The study involved 62 children with multiple dental caries. They were divided into 3 groups.They also wanted to test the importance of the data they had learned about vitamin D3 and phytic acid. They took three groups of children, all with existing cavities. The first group had a diet enriched oatmeal (oatmeal contain phytic acid) but no vitamin D3 added to their diet. The second group had a normal diet with no added phytic acid but had vitamin D3. The third group had a grain-free diet but also received vitamin D3.

The jaw of all children was scanned prior to the start of the experiment. Scientists measured the size of the gaps in the teeth of children.

Subsequently, after six months, the researchers found that in children from the first group, the holes in the teeth only became larger, in children from the second group, the situation slightly improved. But the best results were shown by children of a special, third group. Almost all of the teeth of all the participants in this third group have been restored! Had a noticeable healing of their existing cavities. When cereals were excluded from the diet of children with multiple caries and fat-soluble vitamins A and D were added into grain-free diet, as a result, the children did not develop new caries. Moreover, these children showed signs of remineralization of decayed teeth.

The moral of the study Is that we can make great strides in oral and general health if we stop eating so many grain products and take regular vitamin D. It turned out that a decaying tooth is able to restore itself. The pulp contains special cells – Odontoblasts , which form a new dentin, provided the necessary factors are provided (and this is not toothpaste with Fluorine, but good nutrition).

According to Dr. Edward Mellanby – too much phytic acid intake (primarily cereal grains) and lack of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K) in the diet accelerate tooth decay.

What is so wrong with cereal grains and legumes? Despite being very healthy (whole grains), they are rich in phytic acid, a known “anti-nutrient” present in the outer shell (bran) that binds itself to minerals present in the body such as zinc, calcium, and iron and prevents their absorption. Simply speaking, the more grains you eat, the more phytic acid your body acquires which ultimately causes damage to the tooth enamel and increases the chances of tooth decay. Phytic acid is an inhibitor and blocker of mineral compounds. Phytic acid impairs the absorption of iron, zinc and calcium and may promote mineral deficiencies.Therefore, it is often referred to as an anti-nutrient. Phytic acid is found in all plant seeds, nuts, legumes and grains. It is abundant in grains. Leafy vegetables and fruits do not contain any phytic acid. Seeds and bran are the highest sources of phytates.

Interestingly, Mellanbys experiments showed less decalcifying effect of refined (bran-less) flour and refined white rice compared to whole grains, which contain more minerals but also more phytic acid. Other experiments have demonstrated that the final absorption of minerals from whole grains is equal to or lower than that of minerals from milled (refined) rice and refined (bran-less) white flour.

The American physician Dr. Boyd prescribed a grain-free diet for diabetic patients. The “positive side effect” of this diet was described in a 1928 “Journal of the American Medical Association” – diabetic patients did not develop new dental caries, and soft tooth enamel turned into strong and shiny.

Why does this happen, because cereals contain so many minerals and vitamins? The fact is that the shell and the germ of the grain are a storehouse of phytic acid . It is dangerous because it binds phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc and prevents their absorption. And although theoretically we get a lot of useful minerals, eating muesli in the morning, they are simply not absorbed by the body. Due to phytic acid, the digestive enzymes pepsin, amylase and trypsin do not function normally, and they are necessary for the breakdown of starches and proteins !! In addition, whole grains contain plant toxins, tannins and saponins., which reduce the absorption of iron and damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

When a significant amount of phytic acid is present in the diet, phytic acid binds to calcium in the body, forming insoluble complexes – chelates. In other words, we don’t get fluoride and we lose calcium. What’s more, research shows that we absorb 20% more zinc and 60% more magnesium in the absence of phytic acid. A diet rich in phytic acid is fraught with mineral deficiency. Rickets and osteoporosis are widespread in populations in which cereals are the main source of calories.

Where there is phytic acid, there is also phytase – an enzyme that breaks down and neutralizes it. It is present in small amounts in plants and in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants, and in humans with healthy intestinal microflora, but it is still not enough to neutralize large amounts of phytic acid.

Phytic acid is the main “storage” of phosphorus. Phosphorus is firmly “embedded” in the acid molecule, which thus blocks it, making it inaccessible to humans and most animals. More than 80% of phosphorus is present in plants in a bound state, which means it is inaccessible.

Phytase is an enzyme that neutralizes phytic acid and releases phosphorus. Phytase coexists to some extent in plants containing phytic acid. Ruminants (cows, sheep, goats) do not have problems with phytic acid due to phytase, which is produced by microorganisms living in the rumen – the first of the four sections of the stomach of ruminants.

Single-stomach herbivores also produce phytase, but in significantly lower quantities. Mice produce 30 times more phytase than humans, so they get away with eating grains alone. But humans won’t do it! And therefore, the results of experiments with phytic acid in mice are not applicable to humans.”

An adult can live for decades on a diet rich in phytic acid, but such a diet poses a serious threat to the growing body of a child. A diet rich in phytic acid deprives them of calcium and phosphorus, which leads to poor development of the skeletal system, short stature, rickets, narrow jaws and unhealthy teeth; zinc and iron deficiency causes anemia and mental retardation.

Bran – a double edged sword !!

A double edged sword means something that has both good and bad parts or results. The toxic properties of bran (phytic acid) increase with a lack of vitamins A and D. But processed grains (refined white wheat flour free from bran) are of no benefit either. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

Insoluble dietary fibers such as wheat bran contain phytic acid which inhibits the absorption of key minerals i.e. zinc, calcium etc. which leads to widespread tooth decay in children. If a pregnant woman has consumed diet high in phytic acid, then this leads to depression, low birth weight, growth retardation and sluggish mental development in children, amenorrhea in women, and also through indirect mechanisms causes a decrease the intake of fat-soluble vitamins – A, D, E and K. A well-known historical fact: in England, the fascination with plant foods for children led to a massive epidemic of rickets.

Refined white wheat flour free from bran is of no benefit either. Backery products made from refined wheat flour cause a huge spike of blood sugar shortly after consumption. Regular and frequent consumption of backery products increase insulin resistance. Hence, the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

How to eat bran?

Recently, bran has been advertised as a panacea for all diseases and for weight loss. Bran is healthy, but no nutritionist mentions that it contains a lot of phytic acid, which, if consumed frequently, will lead to a deficiency of important minerals.

According to “nutritionists”, we should enrich the diet with bran. This lowers glycemic index of food and prevents rapid rise of blood sugar after consumption of food. But in fact, if you stick to this diet for a long time, it can lead to severe bone loss and cause some serious bowel disease (for example, irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s disease).

Bran should be added to food, not used as a standalone product. Prolonged soaking of wheat bran (12-24 hours) in water at a temperature of about 20 degrees plus then boiling for 20-30 minutes reduces 60-77% of phytic acid. Then the water is drained and the resulting gruel is added to a dish, for example, to porridge, salad. You can add bran to the flour from which you make baked goods.

Soak peas, beans, and other legumes overnight before cooking. Germination also reduces phytic acid content. Bran goes well with dairy products, especially kefir and yoghurts. Cereals and legumes are often soaked in water overnight to reduce their phytate content.

High-phytate foods, such as grains, nuts and legumes, can raise the risk of iron and zinc deficiency. Vegetarians, vegans and others who eat a lot of high-phytate foods may be at risk.

It is in the bran that the sharpest imbalance between Ca, P and Mg is observed. Excess phosphorus and magnesium dramatically impairs calcium absorption. The situation is aggravated by the fact that most of the phytic acid contained in the grain passes into the bran, Phytic acid forms strong complexes with the cations of Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe and other biometals, which are not absorbed during digestion and are excreted from the body. By the way, up to 80% of phosphorus from bran is included in phytic acid.

Interestingly, there is almost no phytic acid in fruits, vegetables and berries . Why? Because these plants are not protected, on the contrary, they want to be eaten, attracting with color, aroma, taste. Supplementing vitamin C with foods containing phytic acid also helps deactivate it and improve the absorption of many minerals. Therefore, it is advisable to use whole grain cereals with fresh fruits, berries and vegetables containing vitamin C.

The most concentrated sources of phytic acid are whole grains and legumes. In most cereals, phytic acid is contained in the shell of the grain, that is, in the bran. In legumes, it is found directly in the seed (bean).

Research shows that if you eat foods high in phytate on a daily basis – whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds – without properly processing them, it can lead to mineral deficiencies and bone loss over time.

According to the WHO, phytic acid is one of the most common causes of iron deficiency anemia in vegetarians. So consuming 5-10 mg of phytic acid can reduce iron absorption by 50%. A 2003 study showed that removing phytic acid from food increases iron absorption by 12 (!) Times.

Frequent consumption of foods high in phytic acid will lead to mineral deficiencies and bone loss. Vegetarians often face this problem. Also, during periods of malnutrition, people will experience a lack of minerals, because the main source of food at such times is grains and legumes.

Another disadvantage of phytic acid is that it inhibits the action of enzymes that break down proteins and carbohydrates, so people whose diet contains a lot of foods rich in phytic acid can easily suffer from a lack of minerals, have a slow metabolism, suffer from bone diseases and have problems with teeth.

Refined wheat flour can be considered useful in terms of this acid, because there is much less of it than in whole grain, however, there are almost no vitamins and minerals there..

One of the most effective ways to neutralize the effects of phytic acid is through fermentation . It has been proven that in whole grain bread, for which the dough was fermented with the participation of a starter culture rich in lactobacilli. For about 8 hours, practically no undiluted phytic acid remains, while in the “quick” dough, which lasted 1-1.5 hours, it remains from 40 to 80%.

Many hours of soaking and then languishing, that is, the method of cooking most cereals and legumes, used for millennia, allows you to neutralize about 88% of phytic acid.

A diet rich in bran can lead to a deficiency of calcium, zinc, vitamin C and magnesium. This is due to the presence of phytate in the bran.

It is now well known that phytic acid (phytate) reduces the bioavailability of total phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc and many other minerals.In a balanced diet, the researchers believe that the binding effect of phytic acid is low and does not significantly affect adequate iron, zinc and calcium intake in an adequately nourished population. In an unbalanced diet, phytates can lead to mineral deficiencies.

Those who suffer from mineral deficiency, bone loss, and tooth decay need to seriously think about reducing this antinutrient in the diet.

Soaking, sprouting and boiling

Sprouting is recognized as the main “antidote” against the action of phytic acid. This procedure, of course, is interesting and not for everyone. There is another way, simpler and more affordable – soaking. It is also an indispensable step in the grain sprouting process. But there is one caveat: soaking eliminates phytic acid in very small amounts. So, when soaking for 16 hours at a temperature of 25°C, as a rule, no more than 10% of the phytic acid contained in cereals and legumes is lost. However, soaking grains and then boiling them reduces phytic acid levels by about 50-75%.

Vitamin K2 and teeth remineralization

The association between vitamin K2 and the teeth was first identified by Dr. Weston A. Price, who, throughout his studies of primitive tribes, discovered a substance (later identified as vitamin K2) that helped protect people from tooth decay and chronic disease. Dr Price referred to this substance as ‘activator X’ until 2007, when the Weston A. Price Foundation was able to identify activator X as vitamin K2.

By treating patients with a special type of K vitamin known as K2 (MK7), the bacterial levels are reduced by 95%, decay stops, and damage can be reversed.

During his work, he treated a group of malnourished children at an orphanage. He prescribed a diet rich in fats and protein. He did so for two reasons; firstly, because it was rich in vitamin K2 (from animal products). Secondly, a diet rich in fat and protein also helps the body absorb minerals and fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin K2. The diet consisted of butter, cod liver oil, meat and vegetable stews, cultured dairy products, and fermented foods like sauerkraut and was devoid of sugar.

As a result of this treatment plan, the children’s health improved, and importantly, Dr. Price noticed that their teeth began to remineralize. The role of vitamin K2 in remineralization is mostly due to it fostering the proper absorption of minerals and pushing calcium into the teeth (which promotes healing and repair). Not only does this highlight the importance of vitamin K2 for the teeth, but the broader relationship between diet and dentistry.

Weston A. Price famously noticed that the greatest quantities of Activator X or vitamin K2 were found in the butter, milk, and meat of cows that grazed on lush green pastures in the spring. That’s because the cows were converting the K1 in the grass to K2 in the cow. Rather obviously, if the cows have no grass to eat, this cannot happen. So, butter extracted from from cows which are grass-fed-only contain Activator X or vitamin K2.

Organic butter made from milk from cows raised on natural pastures, rather than fed with compound feed, is a great source of correct and healthy fats that contain Activator X or vitamin K2 and a great source of calories and energy.

In fact, cows have always eaten grass by nature, this is their natural food! They should graze in the open air and not eat soy and corn.

The fat-soluble vitamins are key factors for strong, naturally healthy teeth.

Without enough Vitamin K2, our teeth are susceptible to tooth decay. They lose the ability to both defend against bacteria and heal and remineralize teeth from the inside.

Tartar Removal

Tartar is a hard mineralized plaque deposited at and underneath the gumline. And, although there is even a presence of very small amount of gold metal in its composition, one should not rejoice in such “jewels”. For people above thirty years old, it is compulsory to remove tartar deposited on the teeth at least once a year. This tartar is formed by the activity of microorganisms and it causes damage.

Be sure to remove tartar. If this is not done, it can cause diseases such as tooth decay or periodontitis. But do not try to remove the tartar yourself with any sharp objects – a hairpin, pin, needle. This threatens trauma to the tissues of the gums and tooth, which is sometimes fraught with serious complications. Because tartar buildup on teeth is strongly bonded to the tooth enamel, it can only be removed by a dental professional.

Consult a dentist; he will remove the hard tart from the teeth with special tools or ultrasound device. How often this procedure should be done depends on the rate of formation of hard dental deposits, but at least once a year.

It does not take more than twenty minutes to clean teeth with the help of special equipment. Looking under the microscope, it can be seen how in the presence of ultrasound, the air is mixed in the stream of water from the percolation which is broken into thousands of bubbles, which burst on the teeth in the blink of an eye. These minor eruptions remove the tartar accumulated on the teeth.

Dental Caries

Tooth decay is an infection that almost all inhabitants of our planet are infected with today. Dental health is an integral indicator of the health of the body.

Even the ancient sages understood the importance of preserving teeth for a long life. So, for example, Celsus in the II century A.D. said that "a person is healthy as long as his teeth are healthy." 

Since ancient times, when buying slaves, serfs and horses, the buyer examined the teeth (an exception for a gift horse) and this was enough to understand whether it was worth investing in this purchase.

Healthy teeth are more than just a beautiful smile. Healthy teeth are accompanied by beautiful skin, beautiful hair, beautiful nails, good digestion, strong immunity. Unhealthy teeth, their loss or change in bite, due to wear or mechanical damage, can even manifest itself in pain in the spine, joints, in the foot, headache. This is in addition to the actual pain in the teeth and in addition to gum disease.

Permanent tooth extraction due to dental caries in childhood, missing or decayed tooth can heavily affect the state of organism. Poor-quality chewing (due to decayed or lack of tooth) affects the state of the whole organism, leads to low immunity and the occurrence of a number of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, and in the worst case, and to the appearance of ulcers.

Science has demonstrated that the loss of just one single tooth gravely impairs the organism and it may lead to dangerous and irreversible changes in the gastrointestinal tract. Wild animals with decayed or damaged teeth nearly always perish. 

Even  a minor upset  in  the  teeth  and  jaws  immediately affects  the  functions of the gastroenteric  tract, while  the  absence  of  just  one  tooth  already  modifies  the  secretion of gastric  juices. Thus, there is  a  very  close  link  between dental  ailments  and  the  condition  of our  internal  organs  and  systems.

Moreover, bad teeth can spark off diseases of the body because along blood and lymphatic vessels infection spreads to other organs. For example, digestive troubles are observed in practically all people with diseased gums. Many doctors consider that some skin diseases (dermatoses) and the greying and shedding of hair result from stomatological diseases. Some patients are treated unsuccessfully for years by therapists, eye, ear, nose and throat, skin and other specialists, whereas, the source of their problem is bad teeth. A severe advanced affection by dental caries in childhood can retard the personality development. Such child turns mentally inferior and introvert.

Missing teeth in middle or old age further accelerates aging of organism. According to studies, the loss of five or more teeth leads to premature aging. Correction of lost teeth, regular visits to the dentist - is a direct contribution to longevity.

Caries (in Latin, decay) - destruction of the hard tissues of a tooth (enamel and dentin) by lactic or malic acid and microbes which are found in the mouth. First, a tooth develops a spot, then a cavity, which tends to elude the patient's own detection. Caries is a rapidly progressing disease.

Everybody who suffered dental pain knows how direly painful it is. The teeth are the most painful site in the body. This may be explained by the fact that the tooth contains a great many of pain receptors. One square centimeter of the skin contains not more than 200 pain receptors, whereas 1 cm2 of dentin (the costoid part of the tooth) has from 15 to 30 thousand pain receptors. The number of pain receptors amounts to 75 thousand at the boundary of the enamel (solid tissue covering the crown of a tooth) with the dentin. That is why dental pain is the most violent pain. Normally, the pain is localized to the area of the sick carious tooth.

In recent times diseases of the teeth have assumed threatening proportions all over the world. For example, 80 to 90 people out of 100 have dental caries, and more than 50 per cent of the population suffers from gum afflictions. And these are only two out of the long list of dental complaints.

Unfortunately, nature provides for a relatively small "resource" of our teeth, and their gradual destruction begins as early as 30-35 years. With age, the processes of enamel demineralization and destruction of the tissues surrounding the tooth (periodontium) occur, which further leads to the development of dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and ends with the complete loss of the tooth. With age, the restorative properties of enamel are reduced, so problems such as caries and increased tooth sensitivity are more common.

Scientists have found that dental health is directly related to life expectancy. So, if at 74 years old a person has a full set of teeth, then most likely he will live to be 100 years old. The results of the same study showed that the absence of 5 or more teeth by the age of 65 indicates a greater likelihood of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system or the presence of diabetes, osteoporosis which can reduce life expectancy several times.

 It is obvious that the state of the oral cavity is an indicator of the state of the whole organism. A direct relationship has been proven between various dental diseases and serious pathological processes in the body. Therefore, to maintain the overall health of a person, it is necessary to monitor the health of the oral cavity. 

Researchers suggest that dental status may be a useful marker of systemic health and normal aging.

It is not news that most of the civilized population has bad teeth that begin to decay almost before they fully erupt, and that dental caries is likely to be accompanied by periodontal disease with additional complications. 

According to epidemiologists, even in the middle ages, the prevalence of caries in Europe was three times less than modern. The reason for the victorious march of dental disease lies primarily in what we eat.

If dental problems begin, you should pay attention to your diet so that other health problems do not arise. Disease is a wake-up call that the body is not doing well, says scientists. They considered many facts to support the hypothesis about the connection between nutrition, dental problems and body diseases. 

Although it has long been known that sugar produced in factories is the main cause of tooth decay, this superficial knowledge was obviously not enough to stop the catastrophic deterioration of teeth in civilized areas of the world. 

I came across a book in Russian language - How to save your teeth and 200,000 rubles spent on dentists by author Mikhail Titov.

This book is based primarily on American research, but it also substantiates the concept that tooth decay is an international problem affecting tribes and countries as they adopt our type of overly civilized food.The culprit here is not just sugar, but starchy food, in general, anything that raises insulin levels in the body.

We are accustomed to the idea that oral diseases are a normal and inevitable phenomenon, when in reality our distant ancestors were almost completely free from it.Before they became "civilized" many thousand years ago, almost all of them had beautiful teeth, as a study of excavated skulls has shown.

This book tells a fascinating story about how our ancestors lived without dental problems for thousands of years, and how you can follow the same path to a healthy life. In fact, certain tribes still exist today in remote areas that have been deprived of the blessings (and curses) of civilization. Not only have these people kept their teeth in great shape, but their overall health far surpasses our own. Who these people are, how they live, what they eat and what is the main secret of their longevity? These tribes still live in remote areas in natural conditions. The significant part of their diet comprises of fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries without any easily digestible carbohydrates. 

By the way, many travellers, visiting tribes living in conditions far from civilization, are amazed at their good teeth. And the reason is one: they eat natural food rich in mineral salts. The absence of food items with high glycemic load and high Insulin load in the diets of tribes live in primitive conditions is the secret of excellent condition of their teeth. This means that,stopping tooth decay and gum inflammation would also mean eliminating many of the diseases of civilization caused by inappropriate food. "If the teeth are excellent, everything is excellent!"

Of course, the abuse of sugar, sweets, especially candies and caramel, does not lead to anything good. However, the reasons for the poor condition of the teeth are not so much in the excessive passion for sweets, as is commonly believed, but in the lack of proper nutrition. The root cause of dental problems is - a regular consumption of food items with high glycemic load and high insulin load.

Most likely you do not know that Russians are spending more than 200,000 rubles on solving dental problems. This cost includes examinations, X-rays, cleaning teeth, filling, correcting, removing, root canal treatment, copings, crowns, bridges, gingival surgeries and dentures. (Apart from the precious time lost on the road to visit doctor and waiting in the doctors' waiting room). 200,000 rubles in Indian rupees is almost two lakh rupees spent on solving dental problems. 

The above-mentioned book tells us that -A reliable new system based on proper nutrition can successfully eradicate the root cause of dental problems. The book offers compelling evidence that humans can keep their teeth healthy throughout their lives even in their 70s and 80s, if they follow the diet close to natural diets of tribes living in primitive conditions.

Dental problems as a business

If you take a walk in any modern city of developed countries, you will notice a huge amount of advertisements offering dental services. The number of dental clinics and offices is growing like mushrooms after rain. The range of services provided is becoming wider and wider. But for some reason, people's teeth do not get better. Why is this happening? Why is the age of a person who seeks a dentist for the first time is getting smaller and smaller?

We must not forget that dentistry is a business. A business that generates huge income. Toothache is almost impossible to endure. All people value the health of their teeth, therefore they do not skimp on treatment. They lay out huge sums of money, sometimes even borrowed money.

You should not look for the health of your teeth in dental clinics. They don't need healthy teeth. Dentists eliminate only the consequences of the disease. They can give you an excellent filling for your tooth decay. But tooth decay can come back to you again. A proverb goes like this - A good doctor heals. The wise doctor is engaged in prevention. Why, then, dentists do not prevent caries, do not try to eliminate the cause of its occurrence, in order to prevent its effect on teeth? Maybe it's just not profitable ?!

Besides business, there is another reason. Modern dentistry is convinced that caries occurs as a result of the vital activity of pathogens that are in the oral cavity. The waste products of these microorganisms are acids. Being on the enamel surface, they damage dental tissue and provoke the development of caries.

With age, caries affects more and more teeth. As the body ages, we lose more and more teeth. Apart from wisdom teeth, people aged 20 to 39 years have already lost one tooth on average, from 40 to 59 years old - three and a half teeth are missing; and those over 60 have eight teeth.

Additional statistical data are also depressing, such as dental lesions in people over 40 years old. On average, in persons of this age group, 45.89% of the teeth are subject to caries.

At 45, for example, the average citizen in developed countries loses three to five of his/her teeth. Many of the remaining ones are hopelessly destroyed or stagger in the holes. But dental disease is detected within a relatively short period of time and can be prevented immediately, while other diseases of civilization can only be recognized after decades, when it is too late to carry out effective treatment.

Even highly intelligent people often think they have "more important things to do" until a toothache makes them seek professional help.

Dentists observe this passive mentality day after day, despite their periodic attempts to explain the benefits of prevention to their patients. But they really don't really have time to lecture to their patients. They also know that patients' neglect of their health provides them with a very lucrative source of income. Quite often, they face conflicts of interest, and self-interest usually wins.

This may be one of the reasons why dentists, among all medical professionals, top the suicide list, along with psychiatrists.

Even students at dental school are told not to tell patients too much about prevention because people are unable to listen and most of them are lazy in one way or another.

Dentists invest a tremendous amount of time, effort and money in their education and equipment. They need to pay back this investment, and they want to apply the knowledge they have acquired as students for many years. In this they are supported by many manufacturers of dental materials and equipment, whose annual sales and advertising budgets are in the billions.

By the age of 55, the average person in developed countries spends at least 2500 US dollars on teeth and dental problems. If this figure were significantly reduced by strengthening preventive measures, then dental institutions would suffer significant financial losses. But if costs were reduced to one-tenth, which is theoretically possible with the introduction of new methods, the income of many dentists would be drastically reduced.

It is unlikely, however, that this will ever happen to this extent, so there will be enough work for at least a decade to document the existing decay.

There will also be enormous scope for “preventive dentistry” professionals because people always need guidance and support in their efforts to preserve their teeth. But the fact remains that dental facilities in general have little real incentive or commitment to implement a serious and systematic prevention program.

Most dental associations resist, consciously or subconsciously, new trends that threaten to upset the lucrative businesses of their members. The government also seems unwilling or unable to inform and motivate the general public. Politicians can hardly hope to win elections with such proposals.

Payback for delicious food 

Archaeological evidence shows that the hunter-gatherer tribes did not have dental problems, and tooth decay appeared with the development of agriculture. Of the vast number of teeth recovered from skulls found in the Matjes River Shelter (Holocene) area, none showed the slightest trace of caries. Thus, this information confirms the conclusions of European anthropologists that caries is a relatively modern disease, and that any skull with caries cannot be considered primitive. People have learned to produce easily digestible food. Ethnic groups with a traditional way of life do not have the diseases of civilization. So, among the ife and Eskimos, dental caries is practically not found and, extremely rarely, diabetes (among the Eskimos, it affects one person in ten thousand). But with the transition of these peoples from traditional to modern food, the picture changes: the Eskimos have dental diseases 144 times more often, the Zulu have a catastrophic increase in periodontal disease and diabetes. Among Ethiopian Jews who moved to Israel, tooth decay began to occur six times more often. Scientists also cite facts from recent history. During the Second World War, diabetes deaths in Great Britain fell by one third and the incidence of tooth decay in schoolchildren fell by 28%. The reason is that the population began to eat simpler (and healthier for the teeth) food. After the war, the figures recovered. The same was observed in Japan: during the war, the incidence of tooth decay and diabetes decreased due to the fact that refined foods with "fast" carbohydrates were replaced by traditional simple foods. 

Over the past years, people have started to eat more carbohydrates. The payback for this is caries and periodontal disease. And it is not always possible to effectively deal with these misfortunes with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpastes. At the same time, a diet rich in proteins and fats does not spoil the teeth. If everything is more or less clear with the teeth, then the connection between nutrition and chronic diseases is not so obvious. 

In diabetes mellitus and prediabetic conditions, the process of demineralization of tooth enamel is observed, which leads to the occurrence of caries. With diabetes, you can also encounter an increased ability of teeth to abrasion, a violation of the structure of tooth tissues - hypoplasia.

Maintaining normal blood glucose levels, i.e. such, with which people without diabetes mellitus live, is a guarantee of a decrease in the risk of development and progression of the development of complications, in other words, a guarantee of a long and fulfilling life.

While carbohydrates can damage teeth, they are a side effect that is incomparable to their benefits. And to maintain dental health, it is enough to observe oral hygiene. According to Huell, in recent years in the United States, the national strategy for healthy eating has been based on reducing fat in food without restricting carbohydrates. And he cites facts that testify to the fallacy of this strategy. Thus, in a study involving 50 thousand women, a decrease in dietary fat did not lead to a significant decrease in cardiovascular diseases. Another study found that restricting dietary fat did not affect excess weight any more than restricting calories at all. On the other hand, a link has been found between dietary carbohydrate restriction and the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, gallbladder disease, and breast cancer. A low-carb diet has been shown to be effective in weight loss and cardiovascular problems. 

The incidence of type 2 diabetes usually increases in middle age (40 years and older) This age range threshold coincides with the beginning of dental problems in middle aged people (after the age of 40). The presence of periodontal disorders (inflammation of the tissues of the tooth and its roots) is sign of disturbed glucose metabolism in the body.

Itching in the genital area, often recurrent boils, sluggish wound healing, poor condition of the teeth and gums inappropriate for age; changes in sexual, reproductive functions - loss of attraction are the signs of disturbed carbohydrate and glucose metabolism, which is very common in the middle aged.

Inflammatory periodontal diseases were detected in 100% of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus; they are generalized in nature, are distinguished by a high activity of the inflammatory and destructive process in the periodontal tissues.

Patients with diabetes mellitus have a high rate of formation of mineralized dental deposits. It should be noted that experts consider people over 40 years of age as a group of increased risk of developing diabetes, which is generally true for type II diabetes.

The statistics are unrelenting: dental disease and severe gum diseases is associated with the risk of diabetes complications and the risk of diabetic nephropathy and coronary heart disease.

Almost all diabetics have catarrhal gingivitis - inflammation, bleeding, swelling and redness of the gums. In addition, inflammation of the periodontal tissue leads to thinning of tooth enamel, cervical caries and exposure of the tooth neck, which are accompanied by increased tooth sensitivity.

In seemingly healthy people also early disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism (s

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