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Golden Technologies Buzz round

Golden Technologies Buzz Round

 Both are three-wheeled versions of them. They are probably the most popular scooters we sell and we want to have them side by side so you can see the difference. We're fans of Pride and Golden Technologies so we don't really have a preference for either, but we'd like to show you the different features they offer so those of you who might not be able to make it to the store can check these chairs out.

So, what I have here, I'll start with the Buzz round XL. It goes full length on both sides so it's really easy to turn to one side or the other. Compared to the handle here on the Elite Traveler, it's just a bar, so you can turn to either side. Again, just to compare the difference, there is also a speed trigger. And then there's the speed and reverse trigger. You can see the dials and everything is very, very similar. It has a key, horn, and speed dial along with a battery life indicator. Your baskets are almost identical. I would say that the Buzz round XL has a slightly larger basket. It also has a handle if that's handy. They are removable. You have the option to recharge right here on Buzz round, just like the same goes for Elite Traveler. You can charge directly there. So they both have charging points on the top, which is really handy if you can't bend over to reach the charger on the bottom. The Buzz round XL has a light that you can turn on right here. This is probably one feature that Elite Traveler does not have. Sometimes, maybe outside at night, a light comes in handy.  Your battery boxes, you will see, are very similar. I'm going to take them off. One nice feature that both of these companies do is that they give you the ability to change it inside the house without having to take the battery and the whole chair inside.

This post first appeared on Hassan Health Care, please read the originial post: here

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Golden Technologies Buzz round
