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The Significance Of Bone Marrow Donation In India: An Overview

A bone marrow transplant, also known as a hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT), is a medical procedure that involves the replacement of damaged or diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow cells. 

Bone marrow is a sponge-like tissue inside the bones, producing various types of blood cells, including RBCs (red blood cells), WBCs (white blood cells), and platelets.

Bone marrow transplant is often used as a treatment option for various conditions, including leukaemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, aplastic anaemia, and other blood disorders. It can also treat specific genetic diseases, immune system disorders, and metabolic disorders.

Bone marrow transplantation can be either autologous, where the patient’s bone marrow cells are used, or allogeneic, where bone marrow cells are obtained from a compatible donor. Allogeneic bone marrow transplants are more commonly performed and require finding a suitable donor whose tissue type matches the recipient’s. 

The matching process is usually done through human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing, which determines the compatibility between the donor and recipient’s immune systems.

Bone marrow transplant in India holds immense significance as it provides a lifeline for patients suffering from various blood disorders and cancers. With the country’s high prevalence of blood disorders, a bone marrow transplant is often the only hope for a cure. However, the availability of compatible donors is a significant challenge in India due to the large and diverse population. 

Therefore, bone marrow donation plays a critical role in increasing access to transplants by providing compatible bone marrow cells for patients in need. It offers a ray of hope for patients and their families, offering a chance for a new lease on life. Additionally, bone marrow donation also raises awareness about the importance of organ and tissue donation, promoting a culture of philanthropy and compassion towards those in need. 

Finally, it showcases the selflessness and generosity of donors willing to put extra effort into saving a life, profoundly impacting the entire society.

Table Of Contents

  1. Bone Marrow Transplant in India
  2. How to Become a Bone Marrow Donor in India? Step-by-Step Guide
  3. The Final Say
  4. FAQs

Bone Marrow Transplant In India

Bone marrow transplant, also called hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT), is a specialised medical procedure that is gaining increasing importance in India for the treatment of various blood disorders and cancers. 

Here are some details about bone marrow transplants in India:

  1. Types Of Transplants 

In India, both autologous and allogeneic bone marrow transplants are performed. The autologous transplant involves using the patient’s bone marrow cells. In contrast, an allogeneic transplant involves obtaining bone marrow cells from a compatible donor, which could be a sibling, unrelated donor, or cord blood unit.

  1. Indications For Transplant

Bone marrow transplant is commonly used to treat blood disorders such as leukaemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and aplastic anaemia. It is also used for certain genetic diseases, immune system disorders, and metabolic disorders. Patients who have exhausted conventional treatments or have a high risk of relapse may be considered for bone marrow transplant.

  1. Transplant Centers 

Centres for bone marrow transplants in India are growing, particularly in major cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, and Bangalore. These centres are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, advanced technologies, and experienced medical professionals to perform bone marrow transplants.

  1. Donor Matching 

Finding a compatible donor is a crucial factor in the success of a bone marrow transplant. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing is done to determine the compatibility between the donor’s and recipient’s immune systems. Bone marrow transplants in India can be tricky as finding a suitable donor can be testing and challenging due to the large and diverse population, leading to a higher reliance on unrelated donors and cord blood units.

  1. Transplant Process 

The bone marrow transplant process involves several steps, including a conditioning (preparative) regimen that involves high-dose chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy to eliminate the patient’s existing bone marrow cells, followed by an infusion of healthy bone marrow cells from the donor. After the transplant, the patient requires close monitoring and supportive care to manage potential complications and promote the engraftment of the donor cells.

  1. Cost Of Transplant 

The price for a bone marrow transplant in India varies depending on the type of transplant, hospital, location, and other factors. It can be a significant financial burden for patients and their families, including donor screening, testing, hospitalisation, medications, and follow-up care costs. However, some transplant centres may have financial assistance programs or insurance coverage options to help alleviate the financial burden.

  1. Outcomes 

The outcome of bone marrow transplants in India has shown significant improvement over the years with advancements in transplant techniques, supportive care, and increased experience of medical professionals. Many patients have achieved successful engraftment and long-term remission, improving survival rates and quality of life.

  1. Donor Awareness And Advocacy 

In the past few years, there has been a growing awareness about the importance of bone marrow transplants in India, with increased efforts towards donor recruitment, education, and advocacy. Several governmental and non-governmental organisations are working towards promoting bone marrow donation, conducting donor drives, and facilitating the donor screening process.

How To Become A Bone Marrow Donor In India? Step-By-Step Guide

To become a donor for a bone marrow transplant in India involves several steps. Here is a guide to becoming a bone marrow donor in India:

Step 1. Understand the Eligibility Criteria 

To become a bone marrow transplant donor in India, you must meet specific eligibility criteria. Typically, donors should be between 18 and 50, in good general health, and free from chronic medical conditions that may affect the transplant process. Additionally, donors should have a compatible human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing with the patient needing a transplant.

Step 2. Register with a Donor Registry

In India, several donor registries facilitate bone marrow donation, such as DATRI, Marrow Donor Registry India (MDRI), Indian Stem Cell Donor Registry (ISCDR), and National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) India. You can register online on their websites or through donor registration drives organised by these organisations or other affiliated partners.

Step 3. Provide Personal Information

During registration, you must provide personal info such as your name, contact details, age, gender, and medical history. It is important to provide accurate and up-to-date information to ensure smooth communication and coordination in case you are identified as a potential match for a patient in need.

Step 4. Provide a Sample for HLA Typing

Once you register as a donor, you may be asked to provide a sample for HLA typing, which is used to determine your compatibility with patients in need of a transplant. This can be done through a cheek swab or a blood sample, which will be tested in a laboratory to determine your HLA type.

Step 5. Wait for a Match

After your sample is tested and your HLA type is determined, your information will be added to the bone marrow donor registry. In addition, you may be contacted for further testing and evaluation if you are identified as a potential match for a patient in need.

Step 6. Confirm Your Willingness to Donate

If you are identified as a potential match for a patient, you will be contacted by the donor registry or the transplant centre for further evaluation. This may involve additional testing and medical examinations to ensure your suitability as a donor. Finally, if you are willing to proceed with the donation, you will be asked to sign a consent form.

Step 7- Donate Bone Marrow Cells

If you are confirmed as a suitable donor, and you provide your consent, the bone marrow donation process will be scheduled. Depending on the type of transplant, the donation process may involve either a bone marrow harvest, where bone marrow cells are collected from the back of your pelvic bone using a needle, or a peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donation, where blood is drawn through a process called apheresis to collect the bone marrow cells. The donation process is typically done under anaesthesia and is generally safe with minimal risks.

Step 8. Follow-Up and Support

After the donation, you will receive follow-up care and support from the donor registry or the transplant centre. This may involve monitoring your health, providing any necessary post-donation medications, and addressing concerns or questions.

It is important to note that becoming a bone marrow donor is a voluntary and altruistic act, and the decision to donate is a personal one. Therefore, understanding the commitment and potential risks associated with the donation process is essential. However, donating bone marrow can be a life-saving gift for a patient in need and can bring a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction in knowing that you have given life another chance or made a difference in someone’s life.

The Final Say

In conclusion, bone marrow donation significantly saves the lives of patients with blood cancers, genetic disorders, and other severe conditions in India. By becoming a bone marrow donor, you can make a meaningful contribution to the health and well-being of others. 

Haematology, Hemato – oncology and bone marrow transplantation are the departments under which the conditions of bone marrow transplantation fall. You can also contact Dr Saikat Datta at Bansal Hospital for any queries. 

Moreover,  the step-by-step guide above outlines the process of becoming a bone marrow donor in India, from understanding the eligibility criteria and registering with a donor registry to undergoing testing, donating bone marrow cells, and receiving follow-up care. It is crucial to remember that bone marrow donation is voluntary and requires careful consideration of the commitment and potential risks involved. 

However, it can be a truly rewarding experience to know that you have the opportunity to help someone in need and make a positive impact on their life. Consider becoming a bone marrow donor and join the efforts to save lives and promote health in India.


  1. What is bone marrow transplantation?

Bone marrow transplantation, also known as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), is a medical procedure used to treat various blood disorders, such as leukaemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and certain genetic diseases. It involves replacing damaged or diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow cells or stem cells to restore the body’s ability to produce healthy blood cells.

  1. Why is bone marrow donation significant in India? 

Bone marrow donation is significant in India because it provides a life-saving treatment option for patients with blood disorders who do not respond to other treatments. In India, where the prevalence of blood disorders is relatively high, bone marrow transplantation offers hope to patients who have exhausted other treatment options. By becoming bone marrow donors, individuals in India can save lives and improve the health outcomes of needy patients.

  1. Who can become a bone marrow donor in India? 

Generally, individuals between 18 and 50, in good general health, and with a compatible human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing with the patient needing a transplant can become bone marrow donors in India. However, specific eligibility criteria may vary depending on the donor registry or transplant centre.

  1. How can I become a bone marrow donor in India? 

To become a bone marrow donor in India, you can follow these steps:

  1. Understand the eligibility criteria.
  2. Register with a donor registry such as DATRI, MDRI, ISCDR, or NMDP India.
  3. Provide personal information and a sample for HLA typing.
  4. Wait for a match and confirm your willingness to donate.
  5. Undergo further testing and medical evaluations, if necessary.
  6. Donate bone marrow cells through a bone marrow harvest or PBSC donation process.
  7. Follow-up and receive support from the donor registry or transplant centre.
  1. Is bone marrow donation safe? 

Bone marrow donation is generally considered safe, and the risks associated with the procedure are relatively low. Nevertheless, the donor’s health and safety are always a top priority, and the medical team closely monitors the donor throughout the donation process. The risks associated with bone marrow donation may include infection, bleeding, pain, and anaesthesia-related complications. However, these risks are usually minimal, and the medical team takes necessary precautions to minimise them.

  1. Is bone marrow donation a voluntary act? 

Yes, bone marrow donation is a voluntary and selfless act. Donors are not paid for their donations and are not obligated to donate. It is a selfless act of giving and requires the donor’s informed consent and willingness to undergo the donation process.

  1. Can I still donate bone marrow if I have a medical condition or previous health history? 

It depends on the specific medical condition or health history. Some medical conditions or previous health history may disqualify individuals from becoming bone marrow donors, while others may not. Therefore, it is important to provide accurate and complete medical information during the registration process, and the donor registry or transplant centre will evaluate the eligibility of each potential donor on a case-by-case basis.

  1. What happens after I donate bone marrow? 

After donating bone marrow, the donor may experience some discomfort or pain, which is usually temporary and can be managed with medications. The donor’s health will be closely monitored, and the medical team will provide follow-up care and support as needed. The donated bone marrow cells will be used for the transplantation process to help the patient in need recover and produce healthy blood cells.

  1. Can I change my mind about bone marrow donation after registering? 

Yes, as a voluntary act, you can change your mind about bone marrow donation even after registering if you decide not to donate at any point.

About Bansal Hospital

Bansal Hospital is a multispeciality hospital and is one of the leading, reputable and reliable healthcare providers trusted by patients and their families across the region. It has all the major departments, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, urology, liver transplant, bone marrow transplantation, nephrology, gynaecology and more. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology and has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors and medical staff who provide round-the-clock care to the patient.

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The Significance Of Bone Marrow Donation In India: An Overview


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