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Alzheimer's Disease - What You Need More?

What is Alzheimer's Disease?

Alzheimer's Disease is a degenerative disease that causes a progressive decline in cognitive abilities and memory. Gradually, nerve cell destruction occurs in areas of the brain related to memory and language. Over time, the affected person has more and more difficulty memorizing events, recognizing objects and faces, remembering the meaning of words, and exercising judgment.

In general, symptoms appear after age 65 and the prevalence of the disease increases sharply with age. However, contrary to popular belief, Alzheimer's disease is not a normal consequence of aging.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia in the elderly; it accounts for approximately 65% ​​of dementia cases. The term dementia broadly encompasses health problems marked by an irreversible decrease in mental faculties. Alzheimer's disease differs from other dementias in that it develops gradually and mainly affects short-term memory in its early stages. However, the diagnosis is not always obvious and it can be difficult for doctors to differentiate Alzheimer's disease from dementia with Lewy bodies, for example.

Is there a difference between normal aging and Alzheimer's disease?

According to Judes Poirier, a researcher at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, Alzheimer's can be seen as a very accelerated form of aging. In theory, if we lived to be 150 or 160, it's almost certain that we would all have Alzheimer's. According to the researcher, for Alzheimer's to occur in the sixties, one must be predisposed to the disease by heredity, lifestyle, etc.


Alzheimer's disease affects approximately 1% of people aged 65 to 69, 20% of people aged 85 to 89, and 40% of people aged 90 to 95. In Canada, approximately 500,000 people have Alzheimer's disease or a related disease.

It is estimated that 1 in 8 men and 1 in 4 women will suffer from it in their lifetime. Since women live longer, they are more likely to develop it one day.

Due to the increase in life expectancy, this disease is becoming more and more frequent. It is estimated that within 20 years, the number of people affected will double in Canada.

Brain damage

Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the appearance of very specific lesions, which gradually invade the brain and destroy its cells, the neurons. The neurons of the hippocampus, the region that controls memory, are the first affected. It is not yet known what causes these lesions to appear. 

Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German neurologist, gave his name to the disease in 1906. He was the first to describe these brain lesions, during the autopsy of a woman who died of dementia. He had observed in her brain abnormal plaques and tangles of nerve cells now considered the main physiological signs of Alzheimer's disease. 

Here are the 2 types of damage that occur in the brains of sufferers:

Excessive production and accumulation of beta-amyloid proteins in certain areas of the brain. These proteins form plaques, called amyloid plaques or senile plaques, which are associated with the death of neurons.

Deformation of certain structural proteins (called Tau proteins). The way the neurons are entangled is then modified. This form of damage is called neurofibrillary tangles.

In addition to these lesions, there is inflammation which contributes to altering the neurons. There is as yet no treatment that can stop or reverse these disease processes. 


The causes of Alzheimer's disease are not known. In the vast majority of cases, the disease appears due to a combination of risk factors. Aging is the main factor. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, diabetes, etc.) also seem to contribute to its development. It is also possible that infections or exposure to toxic products play a role in some cases, but no formal proof has been obtained.

Genetic factors also play an important role in causing the disease. Thus, certain genes can increase the risk of being affected, although they are not directly the cause of the disease. Indeed, researchers have found that approximately 60% of people with Alzheimer's disease carry the Apolipoprotein E4 or ApoE4 gene. Another gene, SORL1, also seems to be often involved. However, many individuals carry these genes and will never have the disease and, conversely, some people without these genes can develop the disease.

There are also hereditary forms of the disease but which account for less than 5% of cases. Only 800 families have been listed worldwide. Children with a parent with Alzheimer's disease in its hereditary form have a 1 in 2 risks of having the disease themselves. The symptoms of the familial form appear early, sometimes before the age of 40. However, even if several members of the same family are affected by this disease, this does not necessarily mean that it is a hereditary form.

Disease course

Alzheimer's disease develops over several years and its progression varies greatly from person to person. We now know that the first lesions appear in the brain at least 10 to 15 years before the first symptoms.

These usually appear after the age of 60. On average, once the disease strikes, life expectancy is 8 to 12 years. The older the disease occurs, the faster it tends to get worse. When it manifests around age 60 or 65, life expectancy is about 12 to 14 years; when it occurs later, life expectancy is only 5 to 8 years. It is currently impossible to stop the progression of the disease.

Light stage. Memory loss occasionally occurs. Short-term memory, the ability to retain recent information (a new phone number, words from a list, etc.), is most affected. Affected people try to overcome their difficulties by using memory aids and those close to them. Mood swings and mild disorientation in space may also be observed. The affected person has more difficulty finding his words and following the thread of a conversation. At this point, it is not certain that it is Alzheimer's disease. Over time, symptoms may remain stable or even decrease. The diagnosis is confirmed if memory problems worsen and if other cognitive functions deteriorate (language, object recognition, planning of complex movements, etc.).

Moderate stage. Memory problems increase. Memories of youth and middle age become less precise but are better preserved than immediate memory. It is increasingly difficult for people with Alzheimer's to make choices; their judgment begins to be impaired. For example, it gradually becomes more difficult for them to manage their money and plan their daily activities. Disorientation in space and time becomes increasingly evident (difficulty remembering the day of the week, birthdays, etc.). People with the disease find it increasingly difficult to express themselves verbally; Between the moderate and advanced stages, unusual behavior problems sometimes arise: for example, aggression, atypical, foul language, or a change in personality traits.

Advanced (or terminal) stage. At this stage, the patient loses his autonomy. Permanent supervision or accommodation in a care center becomes necessary. Psychiatric problems may develop, including hallucinations and paranoid delusions, compounded by severe memory loss and disorientation. Sleep problems are common. Patients neglect their hygiene, become incontinent and struggle to feed themselves. If left unattended, they can wander vainly for hours.

The person affected can die of another disease at any stage of Alzheimer's. However, in its advanced stage, Alzheimer's disease becomes a deadly disease, like cancer. Most deaths are caused by pneumonia caused by difficulty swallowing. Patients are at risk of letting saliva or part of what they eat or drink enter their airways and lungs. This is a direct consequence of disease progression. Alzheimer's disease is now the 7th leading cause of death in Canada, according to Statistics Canada.

Photo credit: Wikipedia


Warning: Just because you forget your keys, an appointment, or someone's name doesn't mean you have Alzheimer's disease. This occasional forgetfulness is normal at any age and is usually related to inattention. If they are frequent, they can mask a depressive or anxious state. Only tests carried out by a doctor can determine if one suffers from a real memory disorder. Often, it is family members who are concerned about their loved one and request a consultation.

To make the diagnosis, the doctor uses the results of several medical examinations. First, he interviews the patient to find out more about how his memory loss and other difficulties he experiences in everyday life manifest themselves. Tests to assess cognitive faculties are carried out, as appropriate: tests of vision, writing, memory, problem-solving, etc. If memory is impaired, even with attentiveness, the patient's performance on the test will be abnormal.

In some cases, various medical tests may be performed to rule out the possibility that the symptoms are due to another health problem (vitamin B12 deficiency, poor thyroid function, stroke, depression, etc.).

If he deems it necessary, the doctor may also advise the patient to undergo a brain imaging examination (preferably an MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging) to observe the structure and activity of the different areas of his brain. Imaging makes it possible to highlight the loss of volume (atrophy) of certain areas of the brain, characteristic of the degeneration of neurons.

Hope for an early diagnosis

Much research is being done around the world to create tools to diagnose the condition at an earlier stage, when memory loss is mild or even before symptoms appear. Indeed, the disease sets in insidiously long before symptoms of dementia appear. Several tests, still experimental, show that it is possible to obtain an early diagnosis: memory tests, brain imaging tests, or even blood or cerebrospinal fluid tests.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease

  1. Impaired short-term memory (names of new people met, events from previous hours or days, etc.);
  2. Difficulty retaining new information;
  3. Difficulty performing familiar tasks (locking doors, taking medication, finding objects, etc.);
  4. Language difficulties or aphasia (difficulty finding words, less understandable speech, use of invented or inappropriate words);
  5. Difficulty following a conversation, a train of thought;
  6. Difficulty or inability to plan (meals, budget, etc.);
  7. Gradual loss of sense of orientation in space and time (difficulty finding the day of the week, remembering the season, birthdays, time of day, inability to find one's way. ..);
  8. Gesture disorders or apraxia (difficulty writing, buttoning his jacket, using common objects, washing...);
  9. Difficulty grasping abstract concepts and following reasoning;
  10. Difficulty recognizing objects and faces of loved ones (agnosia);
  11. Progressive impairment of long-term memory (loss of childhood and adult memories);
  12. Changes in mood or behavior, sometimes aggression or delirium;
  13. Personality changes;
  14. Progressive loss of autonomy. 

People and risk factors for Alzheimer's disease

People at risk

  • People aged 60 and over. Age is the main risk factor: the risk of developing the disease doubles every 5 years from the age of 65;
  • Women (because they live longer than men);
  • People who have a parent or sibling with Alzheimer's disease. Their risk of being affected in turn is increased by 10% to 30% compared to the rest of the population;
  • People who have a parent with the hereditary familial form of Alzheimer's disease. Children with an affected parent have a 50% chance of having the disease themselves;
  • People of Hispanic and African American origin have a higher risk of having the disease (up to 2 times higher).

Risk Factors

Most important factors

  • Systolic hypertension;
  • Hypercholesterolemia;
  • Diabetes poorly controlled by medication;
  • Smoking.

Minor Factors

  • Severe head trauma with loss of consciousness (occurring, for example, in boxers);
  • Obesity;
  • A personal history of depression. 

Prevention of Alzheimer's disease

Can we prevent Alzheimer's?

Currently, there is no effective way to prevent Alzheimer's disease. However, some measures seem to help preserve cognitive abilities and reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Preventive measures at the research stage

General measures

It is possible to reduce the risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease by intervening medically, paying attention to one's lifestyle (healthy diet, physical exercise, etc.), and avoiding certain risk factors, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and smoking.

Hormone replacement therapy in women going through menopause or taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as aspirin and ibuprofen) may provide some protection against Alzheimer's disease, studies show population, but prospective studies on this subject were negative.


Various studies have been conducted to find out if a particular diet could prevent Alzheimer's disease by delaying aging. Here are 3 avenues currently being explored:

The Mediterranean diet. This type of diet, typical of countries bordering the Mediterranean, protects against cardiovascular diseases and improves life expectancy. It is distinguished, in particular, by a high consumption of olive oil, fruit, vegetables, and fish and by a moderate ingestion of red wine (to find out more, see our Mediterranean diet sheet).

This diet may help prevent Alzheimer's disease. A prospective study conducted in 2006 among 2,258 Americans indicates that people whose diet is closest to the Mediterranean diet are less at risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The same team of researchers also noticed that this type of diet reduced the mortality associated with the disease.

These observations were confirmed in 2009 by a study conducted on a cohort of 1,796 French people aged 65 and over. According to the study, the Mediterranean diet is associated with less cognitive decline. Scientists partly explain its protective effect on neurons by its high antioxidant content. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish, appears to be particularly protective;

Calorie restriction. A low-calorie diet delays aging and increase life expectancy. Scientists wanted to know if the number of calories ingested daily influenced the risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease. In a 4-year prospective study published in 2002, US researchers collected dietary intake data from 980 people aged 75 on average. During the study, 242 people developed Alzheimer's disease.

The subjects who consumed the most calories and who had a genetic background that predisposed them to this disease (they carried the ApoE4 gene) were more affected than those who consumed the least calories. Animal studies suggest that calorie restriction increases the resistance of neurons in the brain to Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and stroke. It also limits normal age-related neuronal loss;

A diet is rich in antioxidants. Numerous studies confirm that antioxidants reduce the harmful effects of free radicals on neurons. Although there is not yet enough evidence to recommend a specific diet to prevent Alzheimer's disease, according to the authors of a review of the scientific literature, certain foods rich in antioxidants should be favored. The authors target foods rich in folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

Physical activity

The benefit of regular physical activity for the prevention of dementia and cognitive decline has been shown by several epidemiological studies and recent clinical trials. One of them showed that a moderate physical training program, at home (3 sessions of 50 minutes per week, or 20 minutes of walking per day, for 24 weeks), made it possible to improve the cognitive performance of people with memory problems. In addition, adults practicing physical activity regularly seem to be less frequently affected by Alzheimer's disease.

Mental training

Several recent prospective studies have shown that people who regularly engage in stimulating mental activities (reading, learning, memory games, etc.), regardless of age, are less likely to suffer from dementia. Take, for example, the case of the famous Nun Study, an epidemiological study on aging and Alzheimer's disease. This study has been conducted since 1986 among 678 nuns of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, a community where the average age is 85 and where several sisters are over 90 years old. Among these nuns, who lead a healthy lifestyle, have a good diet, and have little stress, the rate of Alzheimer's disease is significantly lower than that of the general population. Significantly, many of them are highly educated and carry out very demanding intellectual activities for their age.

Thus, keeping an active mind throughout one's life promotes the maintenance and growth of connections between neurons, which would delay dementia. In addition, some believe that a high level of education helps to more easily pass the cognitive tests used to diagnose Alzheimer's disease. This would compensate for longer the effects of the disease.

Several ongoing trials are trying to assess the effects of regular mental training in people with early Alzheimer's disease. However, it seems that the effects of this type of exercise are less marked when cognitive decline has started.

Medical treatments for Alzheimer's disease

To date, there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease. However, several drugs are in development and offer hope. Therapeutic approaches, which are currently in the research stage, aim to attack the pathological process of the disease in the hope of curing or reversing it. In addition, some medications alleviate the symptoms and improve, to some extent, cognitive functioning.

The effectiveness of the treatments is evaluated by the doctor after 3 to 6 months. If necessary, the treatments are then modified. For the moment, the benefits of the treatments are modest and the drugs do not prevent the disease from progressing.


The following drugs are available by prescription. It is not possible to know a priori which will best suit the patient. Sometimes it takes a few months to find the right treatment. According to studies, after 1 year of medication, 40% of people see their condition improve, 40% are stable and 20% do not feel any effect.

Cholinesterase inhibitors

They are mainly used to treat mild to moderate symptoms. This family of drugs helps to increase the concentration of acetylcholine in certain regions of the brain (by decreasing its destruction). Acetylcholine allows the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons. It has been noticed that people with Alzheimer's disease have lower amounts of acetylcholine in the brain because the destruction of their nerve cells reduces the production of this neurotransmitter.

On the Canadian market, there are currently 3 cholinesterases (the enzyme that destroys acetylcholine) inhibitors:

  • Donepezil or E2020 (Aricept®). It is taken in tablet form. It alleviates mild, moderate, and advanced symptoms of the disease;
  • Rivastigmine (Exelon®). Since February 2008, it has also been offered as a skin patch: the drug is slowly absorbed by the body over 24 hours. Rivastigmine is suitable for patients who have mild to moderate symptoms;
  • Galantamine Hydrobromide (Reminyl®). It is sold as a tablet taken once a day for mild to moderate symptoms.

These drugs lose their effectiveness over time since the neurons still produce less and less acetylcholine. In addition, they can cause side effects, such as nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and stomach aches. In this case, it is important to see your doctor again, who will adjust the dose if necessary.

In the United States and France, tacrine (Cognex®) is used as a cholinesterase inhibitor. However, it can cause serious side effects and is not approved in Canada.

NMDA receptor antagonist

Since 2004, memantine hydrochloride (Ebixa®) has been given to relieve moderate to severe symptoms of the disease. This molecule acts by binding to NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors located on brain neurons. It thus takes the place of glutamate which, when present in large quantities in the environment of neurons, contributes to the disease. There is no evidence, however, that this drug slows the degeneration of neurons.

Current research

Significant efforts are invested in the search for new drugs. The main objectives are:

Destroy the plaques of beta-amyloid proteins, thanks to the injection of antibodies capable of suppressing them. These plaques are, in fact, one of the most important brain lesions of the disease. Such an antibody has been developed (the name of the molecule is bapineuzumab) and is undergoing clinical evaluation in people with the disease. This approach is called a therapeutic vaccine. Another tested solution would be to activate certain brain cells (microglia) to eliminate the plaques in question;

Replace neurons. The scientific community is pinning a lot of hope on the replacement, using a transplant, of the neurons destroyed by the disease. Today, researchers can create cells that look like neurons from stem cells obtained from human skin. However, the method is not quite perfect. It does not yet make it possible to create neurons that have all the properties of natural neurons.

People with Alzheimer's disease who wish to participate in clinical studies can contact the Alzheimer Society of Canada (see the Sites of Interest section).

Physical exercise

Doctors strongly encourage people with Alzheimer's disease to exercise. It improves strength, endurance, cardiovascular health, sleep, blood circulation, and mood, and increases drive and energy levels. In addition, physical exercise has particularly beneficial effects for people with this disease:

  • it helps to maintain motor skills;
  • it gives a sense of meaning and purpose;
  • it exerts a calming effect;
  • it maintains a level of energy, flexibility, and balance;
  • it reduces the risk of serious injury in the event of a fall.

Caregivers can kill two birds with one stone by training alongside their patients.

Social support

Considered a component of treatment, the social support provided to patients is crucial. Doctors advise various strategies for families and caregivers of patients.

  • Make regular visits to patients to offer them support, according to their needs;
  • Provide them with memory aids;
  • Create a stable and calm living structure in the house;
  • Establish a bedtime ritual;
  • Ensure that their immediate environment presents little danger;

Make sure they always have a card (or bracelet) in their pocket with an indication of their state of health, as well as telephone numbers in case they get lost. 

Associations also offer support in various forms.

To communicate well

It is difficult to communicate with a person suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Here are a few tips; 

To do:

1. Approach the person from the front, making eye contact. Introduce yourself if necessary.

2. Speak slowly and calmly, with a sympathetic attitude.

3. Use simple and short terms.

4. Demonstrate an attentive listening attitude.

5. Try not to interrupt; avoid criticizing or arguing.

6. Ask only one question at a time and allow enough time for the answer.

7. Phrase your suggestions positively. Instead of saying Let's not go there, for example, say Let's go to the garden instead.

8. When you speak of a third person, constantly repeat his name instead of referring to him or her.

9. If the person has difficulty making a choice, offer a suggestion.

10. Show empathy, patience, and understanding. Touch the person, or hug them, if you think that might help.

Not to do:

1. Don't talk about the person as if they weren't there. If it can be avoided, don't correct her or try to confront her. Don't treat her like a child.

Complementary approaches to Alzheimer's disease

Like medical treatments, complementary approaches do not cure Alzheimer's disease. Depending on the case, they delay its development, relieve symptoms, or improve cognitive functioning a little.


Fish oils. More than a dozen epidemiological studies, including one conducted on more than 2,000 people in 2007, have established a link between the consumption of omega-3s, particularly in the form of fish, and a reduced risk of suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It has also been found that people with low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids are more likely to experience cognitive decline.

Several animal studies have shown that a diet enriched with omega-3 fatty acids protects against neurodegeneration. Specifically, docosahexaenoic acid, which is a major constituent of neurons, appears to have a protective effect. In humans, it is difficult to set up long-term clinical trials to assess the preventive effect of omega-3s. Several trials are underway in over 10,000 patients to gather more data.

Vitamin E. Experts have believed that vitamin E may prevent or slow the oxidative damage that occurs in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease, thanks to its antioxidant properties. For the moment, epidemiological data are contradictory and recent clinical trials are rather disappointing. In addition, taking high doses of vitamin E requires medical supervision and could pose health risks for people with chronic diseases. According to the authors of 2 reviews published in 2005, the use of vitamin E is not recommended to prevent Alzheimer's disease.


Ginkgo biloba. Several clinical studies and meta-analyses indicate that this herb relieves symptoms that occur in the mild stage of Alzheimer's disease. Four meta-analyses have compared the efficacy of standardized ginkgo extracts with that of conventional drugs used to treat Alzheimer's disease. One found equivalent efficacy and the other 3 pointed to the benefit of conventional drugs. According to a recent meta-analysis (in 2010), which included 9 clinical trials involving more than 2,000 patients, ginkgo is more effective than a placebo in reducing cognitive and functional symptoms that manifest in the early stage of the disease. The precise mechanism of action of ginkgo is not known. We know, however, that it improves blood circulation and has a significant antioxidant effect. Dosage Consult the Ginkgo biloba sheet.

Huperzine (Huperzia Serrata or Qian Ceng Ta). An alkaloid, huperzine A, is extracted from this Chinese plant. Huperzine A inhibits the production of acetylcholinesterase and is thought to act like cholinesterase inhibitors given in conventional medicine to treat Alzheimer's disease. According to controlled and randomized Chinese studies, huperzine improves memory, cognitive functions, and behaviors in people with Alzheimer's disease. A double-blind clinical study with a placebo was conducted on 103 subjects. After 8 weeks, researchers observed significant improvement in memory, cognition, and behavior in subjects who used huperzine A compared to those who received a placebo. Other tests point in the same direction. However, larger randomized studies are needed to confirm the effectiveness of huperzine A, as suggested by the authors of a 2009 review.DosageDuring the studies, which ranged in duration from 8 weeks to 12 weeks, subjects took 400 µg daily of huperzine A, divided into 2 equal doses.

Music therapy. Several reviews have reported on the apparent benefits of music therapy for people with dementia. Most of the clinical trials carried out on this subject report, among other things, an improvement in social skills and emotional state, as well as a reduction in behavioral disorders (agitation, aggressiveness, wandering, etc.). It also appears that music therapy reduces the need for physical and pharmacological interventions. However, randomized controlled clinical trials are rare. The protocols lack uniformity and the results are not always conclusive. Further research is needed to evaluate this approach more rigorously.

Omega 3. Epidemiological studies suggest that omega-3, often provided by fish, would be effective in prevention. On the other hand, most clinical trials show that they have no effect once dementia has set in. Thus, in 2010, a clinical trial conducted with 300 people who already had Alzheimer's disease showed that omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid supplements did not slow down cognitive decline. However, some researchers still suggest offering them as an adjuvant treatment.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). The neurostimulator is a device that generates a low-voltage electrical current. It is connected to electrodes placed on the skin. This technique is commonly used by physiotherapists to relieve pain. Older randomized clinical studies have concluded that transcutaneous neurostimulation can improve symptoms in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease, primarily in terms of memory and mood. Another randomized clinical study with a placebo showed, after 4 weeks of TENS, a significant improvement in cognitive function and short-term memory in patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. However, after 6 months, there was no longer any difference between the 2 groups. In addition, no recent studies have been performed to re-evaluate this technique.

Phosphatidylserine (from soy). An essential component of the cell membrane, phosphatidylserine is the main phospholipid in the brain. In the elderly, the decline in its level in the brain is associated with a deterioration of cognitive functions and memory, as well as depression. With age or in the event of illness, the body produces less phosphatidylserine. Although the one of plant origin has shown good results in terms of improving the cognitive abilities of animals and does not appear to be harmful to humans, the data on the latter is, for the moment, unconvincing.

Sage (Salvia officinalis). A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial indicates that a sage extract equivalent to approximately 1g of sage per day may improve cognitive performance in patients with Alzheimer's disease. This 4-month study involved 49 subjects with mild to moderate disease stages. The authors also observed that sage alleviated agitation in patients.

Melissa. Due to the action exerted by certain components of lemon balm on specialized receptors in the central nervous system, some researchers believe that this plant may be a supportive treatment for patients with Alzheimer's disease. A preliminary trial on 42 subjects showed promising results.

Zootherapy. Small-scale studies (a few dozen participants) indicate that animal therapy could help reduce the restless behaviors of people with dementia and increase their social interactions. The daily visit of a dog would provide such benefits, but these would disappear as soon as the visits of the animal were interrupted.

Art therapy. There are creative artistic expression programs for people with Alzheimer's disease offered by patient associations. Even when patients' language skills have disappeared, art remains a great way for them to express themselves and tell stories. Contact the association dedicated to Alzheimer's disease located in your area. See also our Art-therapy sheet.

Avoid exposure to aluminum. Although scientific studies on the role of aluminum as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease have led to contradictory results, in naturopathy, avoiding sources of this metal is part of the therapeutic approach. To reduce the sources of aluminum in the environment as much as possible, the American naturopath J.E. Pizzorno recommends refraining from using the following products: certain medications (including antacids), antiperspirants containing aluminum, aluminum baking pans and plates, aluminum foil and coffee whiteners. A diet rich in magnesium is to be preferred, according to him because this mineral reduces the absorption of aluminum in the intestine. Vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are good sources of magnesium.

Other approaches under study

Lavender (essential oil). Lavender has calming properties that may help calm the aggressiveness or restlessness of some people with Alzheimer's disease. Research is ongoing.

Turmeric. In vivo and in vitro studies indicate that certain compounds in turmeric, including curcumin, may counteract Alzheimer's disease. Clinical studies are ongoing.

Carnitine. Due to the action of carnitine (acetyl-L-carnitine) supplementation on the functioning of the central nervous system, researchers have looked into its effect on Alzheimer's disease. So far, the data is unconvincing. Many of the studies done so far have been funded by a carnitine supplement company (ALCAR®).

Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor). Vinpocetine, extracted from periwinkle, is traditionally known to have beneficial effects on the brain. In 2003, a meta-analysis of 3 studies and more than 500 patients, however, revealed that the scientific data were insufficient to conclude any protective effect on the brain.

Video Credit: Osmosis YouTube channel

This post first appeared on Meyo Clinic, please read the originial post: here

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Alzheimer's Disease - What You Need More?


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