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Stop Hiding: Combat Dry Patches on the Face with These Tips!

Stop Hiding: Combat Dry Patches On The Face With These Tips!

Dry skin is very common and can happen to anyone. Having flaky, dry patches on face can be one of the most difficult skin problems to address. While applying silicone-based foundations can cover the patches, they might cause further irritation and worsen the dryness.

Dry patches on your face can happen from several factors including underlying skin conditions, improper skin care, environmental elements, etc. To properly address this skin condition, you should get a view of the causes, recognize the symptoms, and have a good skin care regimen.

About Dry Skin

Dry skin, also known as xerosis, is a prevalent skin condition that affects people of different ages with different skin types. It can occur in different parts of the body. This condition can cause skin thinning or thickening.

The dry patches on face can look different[1] for everyone and they can vary in size as well. You can also have one or more dry patches on your face at the same time. You can develop a fine scaling in your eyebrows, on the corners of your mouth, or nose.

Some people also develop dry patches on their hairline and cheeks. These patches feel rough to the touch and they can appear scaly, red, or discolored.

What Causes Dry Patches on Face?

Dry patches on face are often a sign of different health problems. This means that the patches can be a symptom of an existing skin problem.

Some skin conditions[2] that can trigger dry patches include:

  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis

However, having dry patches on your skin doesn’t necessarily mean you have a skin condition. Other factors[3] can also affect the texture of the skin. These include:

  • Harsh weather
  • Dehydration
  • Excessive washing
  • Very hot water
  • Lack of nutrients (such as vitamins E, C, D, and A)
  • Creams or lotions with high concentrations of alcohol
  • Genetics
  • Old age

Wondering “why is my skin so dry even when I moisturize”? You might want to check your skin care product if you’re still having dry skin after moisturizing daily.

Avoid products[4] with ingredients that can dehydrate the skin. For example, skin care products with sulfates can strip moisture and wash off the skin’s protective barrier. Isopropyl alcohol is a better ingredient than ethyl if added in lower concentrations. High concentrations of isopropyl in skin care products can also cause skin redness and irritations.

Symptoms of Dry Skin

Dry patches on face can appear red or pink and are scaly, crusty, flaky, or have an itchy sensation. The National Library of Medicine[5] states that the dry, scaling, and cracked skin is typically inflamed, especially in cases of eczema.

The simplest way to recognize the symptoms is to feel the skin. If your skin feels rough with a slightly raised appearance, then you probably have dry patches.

How to Treat Dry Patches on Face

These dry patches on face can often be addressed through lifestyle changes. Applying the right moisturizer and avoiding long hot showers are just basic interventions to alleviate dry patches on the skin.

However, you should talk to a dermatologist[6] if your skin dryness becomes persistent. People with a skin condition often use specific ointments or creams for target treatments. For example, your skin doctor might advise you to use hydrocortisone if your skin dryness is causing your skin to itch.

If your skin cracks open, your dermatologist might prescribe wet dressings to prevent infections. Here are other treatment alternatives that may help.

1. Modify Your Shower

Don’t use hot water when taking a shower. Hot water can dry out your skin and can damage keratin cells which are located on your skin’s most outer layer. Also, avoid exfoliating frequently as it can lead to skin irritation and cracking.
Set your water temperature to warm and keep your showers short.

2. Wash Your Face Gently

Over-scrubbing the face can damage the skin. Removing all that dirt, excess oil, and makeup should not compromise the skin barrier. Do it gently.

Do a gentle massage while washing your face. Use cold water and an alcohol-free, gentle, non-foaming cleanser. Products with linoleic acid or stearic acid can help rejuvenate the skin.

Use your fingertips to gently spread the product. Give yourself a light facial massage, then rinse it off with cold water.

3. Avoid Washing Your Face Multiple Times a Day

When your skin feels tight and dry, it’s a sign you are going too far with the washing. The skin might become sensitive, and turn red, and you can develop dry patches on face.

Over-cleansing removes the natural oils needed for supple, healthy, and hydrated skin. Even if your skin is very oily or acne-prone, do not overdo it. Cleansing your face twice daily should be enough to maintain the natural oil on your skin.

4. Use Lip Balm

Applying a lip balm can help with dry skin around mouth. Products such as these are designed to help you avoid having chapped lips. They help seal in the moisture and ease the dryness. The soothing agents and emollients alleviate flakiness and dryness.

To get the best results, you might want to opt for lip balms that contain mineral oil, petroleum jelly, or petrolatum. Check for any allergies before you apply the product. The lip balm should feel comfortable on the skin. It shouldn’t cause any tingles.

5. Bundle up in Soft Cotton

Cold weather[7] can make dry skin worse.

Use a scarf to protect your face from extreme cold and to prevent it from dryness. However, steer clear of tight, itchy, and rough fabrics like wool. Go for soft cotton instead.

Use dye-free, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free detergent. Look for ones made for sensitive skin for better results.

6. Apply Moisturizer

For the skin to remain intact and supple, it needs to have a water content of 10% to 15%[8]. The best moisturizer for dry skin can help increase the water content of the skin, restore the damaged lipid structures, decrease scaling, and improve the skin’s barrier function.

Products like the Infusoderm Deep Hydration Daily Moisturizer can revitalize your skin. This ultra-light formula uses powerful antioxidants that can help your skin maintain a youthful look. It provides the necessary hydration to eliminate dry skin and boost the natural skin barrier.

7. Skip Hot and Spicy Foods and Drinks

Have you been asking yourself “why is my skin so dry even when I moisturize”? Have you considered avoiding spicy foods?

Even though spicy and hot foods[9] are not a trigger for everyone, some people are more sensitive to these foods than others. These foods cause the skin to release more inflammatory chemicals.

The reaction causes the blood vessels in the skin to dilate, resulting in your skin turning red and flushed. Also, spicy foods can potentially break capillaries if consumed frequently. Since spicy food generates heat, it can lead to inflammation or redness.

To fix this, see which food triggers a reaction in your skin. If you get dry patches on face every time you eat something extremely spicy, then you might want to reserve these foods for special occasions.

Prevention Tips

Here are a few prevention strategies that can work wonders for your dry skin.

  • Get a humidifier. Dry indoor air can worsen sensitive skin. A portable or furnace-connected humidifier adds moisture to your home and can create the perfect environment for healthy skin.
  • Treat the itching. If your dry patches start to itch, apply a cool, damp, and clean cloth to the area. You can also use an anti-itch ointment or cream that has at least 1% hydrocortisone.
  • Limit bath time and use warm water (not hot). When you keep your baths short with the right water temperature, you can reduce the risk of developing dry patches. Take warm baths every day for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Be careful with the soap. Hydrating the skin doesn’t just involve using the best moisturizer for dry skin. It’s also about getting the right kind of soap. Use hypoallergenic, fragrance-free soap with nourishing ingredients.


If the dry patches on face don’t improve on their own, talk to a healthcare provider. A dermatologist can help you determine the causes of the dry patches on your skin. You can discuss with him which treatment is right for you. Follow the techniques above and you’re on your way to healthy, beautiful, and glowing skin.

The post Stop Hiding: Combat Dry Patches on the Face with These Tips! appeared first on Health Web Magazine.

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Stop Hiding: Combat Dry Patches on the Face with These Tips!
