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What Is the Purpose of Teaching Character Traits to Children?

What Is the Purpose of Teaching Character Traits to Children?

Character is a sum of all Character Traits, both positive or negative. Positive character traits develop moral values and a good character in your children. 

Good character is the basis for building your kids’ future. Positive character traits help them turn into successful, and self-aware human beings*. Negative character traits have the opposite effects. This reflects the urgency and importance of character traits in raising your children. 


Importance of Character Traits

Let us look in detail at the importance of good character traits for children below.

  1. Develops a Growth-Mindset 

Positive character traits develop a growth mindset in your children. When your children believe that anything is possible, they keep their minds open to learning new things. 

Belief teaches them to have faith in themselves. Self-esteem leads to confidence  in their skills. Looking forward to a hopeful future comes from being an optimist. All these positive character traits encourage lifelong learning in your children. They do not feel stuck and hopeless in any situation. 

Your children believe in lifelong learning. They know that they can change themselves and their future for the better through it. 


  1. Self-Growth

Good character traits are like a snowball that gains mass as it rolls down. You start by teaching one or two desired character traits to your children. But with time, this learning gains speed by itself. 

Your children develop more positive character traits on the way. E.g., Empathy leads to kindness. Courage leads to bravery and standing up for what is right from wrong. Self-belief leads to self-esteem and self-confidence. And the list goes on and on. This leads to personal growth in your children. In turn, they also teach and inspire others to follow their lead. This leads to more people building good character. This again builds a domino effect and changes the world for the better. 


  1. Protect Your Children

Good character traits protect your children from bad habits and vices. These are so common in this modern world. You cannot always be with your children. The best way to protect your children is by teaching them good character traits. 

Good character traits shield your children from vices and bad habits. These traits equip your children with the skills and know-how to combat bad habits. They understand the bad effects of these vices and look out for these dangers. 


  1. Social Skills & Strong Bonds

Some of the good character traits include kindness, empathy, sharing, and helping others. These character traits are essential to building great social skills. 

Good social skills help your children make friends. These also help create strong bonds with friends, family, and the world at large. Your children are well-adjusted and with ease become part of different social groups. 

Social skills make your children outgoing and create a strong network for them. These networks work as support groups and benefit your children in times of need.


  1. Helps in Studies Too

Good character traits help your children in their studies too. Whether these be school, college, or higher learning. Hard work, honesty, goal setting, and a sense of duty are the traits that help. These traits nudge your children to do well in their studies. 

Hard work teaches them to focus on their studies. Honesty teaches them not to cheat and look for shortcuts. Goal setting, as the name implies, teaches them to set goals. A sense of duty helps them not get distracted from their goals. All these traits drive your children to study well and achieve success in life. 


Final Thoughts

This is only a small sample that shows the importance of character traits in children. A good character is like a bright and shining diamond. Diamonds are tough to break and have different facets that help them sparkle and shine. In the same way, different positive character traits build good and strong character. 

Help your children develop good character by teaching them positive character traits. And let your children shine in this world like diamonds.

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  • Activities for Kids
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What Is the Purpose of Teaching Character Traits to Children?

Character is a sum of all character traits, both positive or negative. Positive character traits develop moral values and a good character in your children. 

Good character is the basis for building your kids’ future. Positive character traits help them turn into successful, and self-aware human beings*. Negative character traits have the opposite effects. This reflects the urgency and importance of character traits in raising your children. 


Importance of Character Traits

Let us look in detail at the importance of good character traits for children below.

  1. Develops a Growth-Mindset 

Positive character traits develop a growth mindset in your children. When your children believe that anything is possible, they keep their minds open to learning new things. 

Belief teaches them to have faith in themselves. Self-esteem leads to confidence  in their skills. Looking forward to a hopeful future comes from being an optimist. All these positive character traits encourage lifelong learning in your children. They do not feel stuck and hopeless in any situation. 

Your children believe in lifelong learning. They know that they can change themselves and their future for the better through it. 


  1. Self-Growth

Good character traits are like a snowball that gains mass as it rolls down. You start by teaching one or two desired character traits to your children. But with time, this learning gains speed by itself. 

Your children develop more positive character traits on the way. E.g., Empathy leads to kindness. Courage leads to bravery and standing up for what is right from wrong. Self-belief leads to self-esteem and self-confidence. And the list goes on and on. This leads to personal growth in your children. In turn, they also teach and inspire others to follow their lead. This leads to more people building good character. This again builds a domino effect and changes the world for the better. 


  1. Protect Your Children

Good character traits protect your children from bad habits and vices. These are so common in this modern world. You cannot always be with your children. The best way to protect your children is by teaching them good character traits. 

Good character traits shield your children from vices and bad habits. These traits equip your children with the skills and know-how to combat bad habits. They understand the bad effects of these vices and look out for these dangers. 


  1. Social Skills & Strong Bonds

Some of the good character traits include kindness, empathy, sharing, and helping others. These character traits are essential to building great social skills. 

Good social skills help your children make friends. These also help create strong bonds with friends, family, and the world at large. Your children are well-adjusted and with ease become part of different social groups. 

Social skills make your children outgoing and create a strong network for them. These networks work as support groups and benefit your children in times of need.


  1. Helps in Studies Too

Good character traits help your children in their studies too. Whether these be school, college, or higher learning. Hard work, honesty, goal setting, and a sense of duty are the traits that help. These traits nudge your children to do well in their studies. 

Hard work teaches them to focus on their studies. Honesty teaches them not to cheat and look for shortcuts. Goal setting, as the name implies, teaches them to set goals. A sense of duty helps them not get distracted from their goals. All these traits drive your children to study well and achieve success in life. 


Final Thoughts

This is only a small sample that shows the importance of character traits in children. A good character is like a bright and shining diamond. Diamonds are tough to break and have different facets that help them sparkle and shine. In the same way, different positive character traits build good and strong character. 

Help your children develop good character by teaching them positive character traits. And let your children shine in this world like diamonds.

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Bring out the angel in your child

What Is the Purpose of Teaching Character Traits to Children?

Successful people are made, not born. Positive character traits help your children become successful in all aspects of life. These are essential for their all-around growth. Positive character traits shield your children from vices and bad habits. 

Positive character traits and moral values serve them now and in the future. Start teaching these character traits to your kids when they are still young. 

At a young age, children learn quickly. Your children grow up with these character traits and learn other positive traits as well. 

In this blog, we will discuss what character traits mean and how they help your kids. Explore different ways to instil and develop these character traits in your children. 

This Blog Contains:

What are Character Traits? 

Why are Good Character Traits for Kids Essential?

Positive Character Traits for Kids to Learn

Ways to Develop Character Traits for Kids That Help Them Succeed

Final Thoughts

What are Character Traits? 

Character traits are your personality and your. You learn them from your parents, teachers, and family members. You can also learn them from friends, the company you keep, and even media sources. Character traits influence how you act, and behave in daily life. They also influence how you deal with different situations and lead your overall life. Character traits can be positive or negative. E.g., being helpful is a positive character trait. While having a jealous nature is a negative character trait. Positive character traits for kids help your children succeed in life. So, as a parent, it’s your duty to teach good character traits to your kids. 


Why are Good Character Traits for Kids Essential?

Teaching good character traits to your kids brings out the best in them. These traits help them build good moral values and strong character. Here are some other benefits of instilling good character traits in your children. 


  1. Good character traits help your children become healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Other than physical health, they are strong mentally and in control of their thoughts and feelings. 


  1. Instilling these positive traits shapes your kids’ character and persona. They grow and evolve into better versions of themselves in all aspects. They are successful in school and outside it too. Not only are your children good at studies but they are socially active too. They make friends and also create healthy social bonds.


  1. Positive character traits for kids make your children kind and helpful towards others. They throw fewer tantrums and connect with you more. Your kids are happier and better manage their negative emotions.


  1. Good character traits help your kids develop a positive attitude. These help your children become problem solvers. They can tackle the issues they face without getting overwhelmed. 
  1. Positive character traits for kids are easy to teach. They only require some spare time and effort on your part. In return, you get to see your children grow into successful, happy, and content adults. 


Positive Character Traits for Kids to Learn

Have a look at some good character traits to teach your kids. These have a positive and lasting impact on them and help them achieve success. 


  1. To be Curious

Being curious helps your children understand things better and find answers to their questions. Children are curious by nature but with time this trait dulls. Too many questions from children sometimes annoy their parents. So, instead of getting the answers, they get scolded or snubbed. This blocks your kids’ curious spirit and makes them jaded. So, keep this trait alive by teaching them the why’s and how’s of life. Answer their questions whenever possible and encourage active thinking in your kids. Being curious makes your children pioneers and seekers of knowledge. Your children try to find solutions on their own. In the process, they come up with new ideas and become more creative. This leads to raised self-confidence and a positive outlook on life. Being curious brings out the leadership qualities in your children and builds a growth mindset. 

To develop this trait, give your children open-ended toys and games to play with. Give them Lego blocks or random things like paper clips, yarn, paper, and color. Ask your kids to use these to create new things, objects or toys. Also, try to form open-ended answers to their questions. And whenever you watch a movie or read a book together, ask questions. These questions should be related to the characters in these books or movies. E.g., “Why are they doing this?” These questions jog the creative and curious parts of your kids brains. All these tasks provide a nice mental workout and nudges your kids to look for answers. 


  1. Hard Work 

Hard work is a key character trait for kids to achieve success in life. With hard work your children can overcome different problems or hurdles they face. Hard work develops self-belief in your children. It improves their inner strength and the power to withstand pressure. Your kids learn to rely on themselves instead of luck or on other factors. Their focus improves and so does their patience. Your kids put in the required effort to achieve their goals. They learn to value what they achieved as it is the fruit of their labor. 

You can instill this character trait through a few simple things. Praise your kids’ hard work instead of their talent. Relying only on talent can make a person lazy and careless. But hard work provides the skillset and the base to win. You can also use indirect methods to teach your kids about hard work. E.g., read them stories or give them books that teach the value of hard work. These can include movies and cartoons too. They will absorb the lessons and you will also not sound too preachy. 


  1. To be Creative

To be creative means to imagine, think, and form unique thoughts and ideas. It’s about exploring different ideas and coming up with unique concepts. It’s about thinking out of the box and coming up with solutions to different challenges. These can include any field or business, even the so-called dry ones like science/commerce. It’s also about creating beautiful works of art like paintings, stories, and figures among others. Being creative nurtures the mind and soul. Creative children are more confident and outgoing. Studies also show that creative people live a happier and more active life.

Moreover, this positive character trait for kids is easy to develop. Introduce your children to hobbies like drawing, painting, and music. Give them clay dough, Lego blocks, or other open-ended play things. Give your kids free rein to create things on their own. Do not direct them and let them finish their creation by themselves. Also, ask your kids to imagine stories about their favorite storybook or cartoon characters. They can add in the new characters and imagine an ending different from the stories. You can learn more about building this character trait in your children here.  


  1. Self-esteem and Confidence

Self-esteem is the belief in oneself. It is self-respect and the positive love of self. It is the belief in our skills and qualities to succeed in life. And building self-esteem in your kids raises their self-confidence too. It gives your children faith and strength to tackle any hurdles in their path. High self-esteem and confidence have a positive impact on how your children act. These help your kids face any issues and problems boldly. Confident people are happier, more successful, and more satisfied with their life.

To instill this character trait, ask your children to do simple tasks at home. Allow them to work on their own and finish these tasks. Let them make mistakes as it gives them a chance to learn. Allow your kids to resolve these mistakes on their own. Then praise them for the work they finished. Do not over-hype the praise but keep it real. In the same manner, include other areas of their life. Praise your kids for their school work, sports, and any good thing they do. But as we said earlier, keep it real. Constant praise that has no base in real life is not effective. Learn more about building this positive character trait for kids through yoga here. 


  1. To be Assertive

To stand up for oneself means to be assertive. It means being bold and confident but having respect for others. It’s about not being a bully and not being a victim too. When you are assertive, you speak up and fight for your rights. Being assertive raises your kids’ self-esteem and confidence too. It earns them respect, helps them succeed in life, and makes them content and happy.

To instill this positive character trait in your children, improve their speaking and learning skills. Develop their social skills and let them make friends on their own. Also, play role-playing games that teach them the benefits of being polite yet assertive. Develop their critical thinking skills and let them form their own views and opinions. Discuss and debate with your kids on different topics. Teach them how to hold their own and convince others when they are right. Also, teach your kids to accept their mistakes when they make any. Teaching them to make mistakes is not a thing to be ashamed of. It is a chance to learn and do things better than before. 


  1. Self-discipline

Self-discipline is a positive character trait for kids that makes them successful. Self-discipline nudges your children to work hard to make a difference in their lives. It helps your kids make healthy choices. Self-discipline shields your kids from negative peer pressure and bad habits. Self-discipline improves impulse control in your children. With self-discipline, your children take charge of every aspect of their lives. Self-discipline empowers your children and helps them make good decisions. These decisions in turn help them lead successful and fulfilling lives. 

To instill this character trait, create a daily routine for your children. Make rules and ensure that your children follow them. Explain the reasons behind these rules. Praise and reward your children when they follow these rules. When they break the rules, discipline them and explain where they did wrong. Give them feedback and the chance to make things right. You can also practice yoga with your children. Learn more about how Yoga makes your children healthier and develops self-discipline in them. 


  1. Bravery, Courage, and Grit

Bravery, courage, and grit are essential for anyone to achieve success in life. Bravery and courage push your children to try out new things. These help your children overcome their fears. These traits help your children stand up for themselves. Grit drives your kids forward to pursue their goals. It develops the traits of hard work and a never-give-up attitude in them.

Develop these character traits by asking your children to try out new things. Let them make new friends. Let them try out new games like slides and swings. These may look challenging at first but are easy to do. Your kids enjoy doing them and it raises their self-confidence too. 


  1. Value of Time

Being on time is a character trait for kids that impresses all. A popular adage states, “Money can come back but time once lost is gone forever”. Successful people almost always make the best out of the time they get. Yet most of us waste time. The time when utilized properly gives immense gains. So, teach your kids the value of their time and others’ time too. Teach them how time saved is time earned that can be used in fruitful tasks. They can study well, and score high marks. Your kids can also learn a hobby that delights them. Doing their chores on or before time gives them more time to play. Being on time also develops a calm mindset and sharp focus in your kids. They are less stressed and anxious as a result. 

Teach your children this positive character trait by being on time yourself. Your children learn the value of time by observing you. Also, create a planner or to-do list for your kids. This can include tasks such as getting ready for school at the right time. Include finishing the homework and simple house chores too. This will create a routine for your children. They will be organized, value time, and also become self-sufficient. 


  1. Self-control

Studies show that people with higher levels of self-control are more successful in life. It includes managing your feelings, thoughts, and emotions. It also includes controlling your actions and desires that benefit you in the long term. It is easy to watch TV than study. It is fun to eat a tub of ice cream instead of just two scoops. But self-control is the trait that helps your kids take better decisions. With it, they know that ignoring their studies will lead to bad grades. Having a full tub of ice cream is not good for their health. Self-control is what your kids need to achieve their goals and become successful. 

Instill this sought-after character trait for kids in your children with these simple tasks. Create a space where self-control is rewarded. Play this popular game with your children. Give them a piece of candy with this rider. If they do not consume it within 5 minutes, they will get double the candy. If they complete this task, then reward them with another piece of candy. This teaches your kids that with self-control, come the rewards. They use this learning in other areas of life and get the results there too. The use of stress pauses is also helpful in building self-control in your children. Here, your children have to stop for some time, e.g., for a count of ten. After that they can act further. This gives your kids ample time to think and control themselves before reacting. Fun games like “Simon Says” and “Red Light, Green Light” help too. These games develop impulse control and self-control in your children. 


  1. To be Hopeful for the Future and Have a Positive Outlook

A positive outlook toward life ensures a person’s success. It helps them face failures and tackle hurdles. With a positive outlook, your children take failures as a chance to learn something new. Failures and hurdles do not weaken them but make them strong. As an optimist, they look at the brighter side of things. Your children do not quit and carry on with their struggles. It gives them the strength to go ahead, put in the efforts and achieve their goals. Being an optimist not only helps them but a

This post first appeared on Learn About Being A Yoga Teacher | Angel Bear Yoga, please read the originial post: here

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What Is the Purpose of Teaching Character Traits to Children?


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