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Difference Between Joint, Blunt, and Spliffs

How do these three evergreen methods of cannabis consumption affect your experience with the herb?

Is it only the flavor that is affected or is it also the health benefits of marijuana that are also altered by the different ways you can choose to roll?

The truth is, due to the massive boom of vaporizing marijuana, the old but gold practice of rolling joint, blunt, or spliffs has been somehow left in the shadows of public discussions.

And indeed, vaporizing cannabis is a healthier alternative to regular methods of smoking.

According to a study published in the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health regarding vaporized cannabis and respiratory risk, “… [] an obvious attempt to increase the plant’s safety would require higher concentrations of cannabinoids, thereby increasing the proportion of active ingredients to irritants in a single inhalation. Stronger cannabis would require smoking less, thereby decreasing exposure to byproducts of the high-heat decomposition of organic materials (pyrolytic compounds)… []”

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that top-grade, highly concentrated and purified cannabis extracts have been also quickly growing in popularity.

But that doesn’t mean rolling the herb is outdated. Instead, many cannabis enthusiasts have become even craftier in the art of rolling marijuana.

The market has also expanded significantly when it comes to providing more options on choosing various papers that widely vary in flavor, texture, and smoothness of the smoke. Also, different companies employ different types of materials used for the production of rolling papers.

In this article, we will look closely at each method for rolling cannabis. We will combine science-backed up research with smart DIY hacks, alongside interesting and little-known facts that both beginners, as well as experienced cannabis users,  can equally enjoy.

The Art of Rolling: Busting Myths!

No matter how much progress is made on the global stage of cannabis – whether it comes to advancements in technology, ingestion techniques, education, and legalization – knowing how to roll your weed will always remain a highly valued, cult-classic approach.

There is something much more in rolling marijuana than what meets the eye at the very first sight.

Rolling is an art form itself; it takes some time to master more advanced rolling techniques, just like it definitely takes time to become better at rolling even the simplest joint – and that’s where the beauty of this ritual resides.

First, you start by grinding the buds which allows you to notice their subtle hues, to inhale the unique blend of flavors, to explore the texture of the flowers – to “speak” with them if you wish to call it that way.

Then it takes calmness to gently roll a good joint, blunt, or spliff – it’s like a mystical patience therapy, a sweet prelude to the very moment of sparking your rolled weed and taking a deep breath, letting the active cannabinoids bind with the receptors in your brain.

After several hits and only a couple of minutes, you are already enjoying the healing mind-and-body properties of the herb.

Only several years ago the image of rolling and smoking cannabis was widely associated with marijuana used as a drug.

Fortunately, modern-day studies targeted at understanding the incredible healing benefits of the herb have finally managed to set aside many of the negative connotations regarding marijuana use that were stuck in public perceptions for decades.

Is Smoking Marijuana Damaging to your Health?

Probably one of the biggest misconceptions related to smoking cannabis has been attributed to the fact that this practice can cause health damage, and especially when it comes to your lungs.

While this is partially true, any possible health damage caused by traditional methods of cannabis consumption is intricately related to the method of smoking that is applied.

Did you know that in the 1800s marijuana was actually prescribed as medicine for respiratory issues, in particular, as asthma treatment?

Scientists believe that the ancient civilizations of China, India and possibly Egypt, could have also utilized the medical benefits of smoking cannabis in order to alleviate respiratory issues.

Smoking marijuana and the way this process affects bronchial passages varies with exposure.

According to a meta-analytic review of 12 studies, smoking cannabis has resulted in “average increases of 0.15 L to 0.25 L in forced expiratory volume”, as well as “improved peak flows and airway conductance.” 

These significant findings reveal that smoking the herb can actually prove to benefit health, and in particular, bronchial passages, as long as you stick to moderate consumption and/or alternate smoking marijuana with other methods of consumption such as vaping, edibles, and tinctures, to name a few.

Another intriguing study that was conducted in 2010 found that “after controlling for nicotine use and other factors, cannabis users had an FVC, total lung capacity, functional residual capacity, and residual volume compared with those who had not used it.”[FVC stands for forced vital capacity, and is defined as “the amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled from the lungs after taking the deepest breath possible”] 

Apparently, more research is needed to evaluate more precisely the long-term effects of smoking cannabis. But as with any other aspect of life, it is undoubtedly the dose that makes the poisonlike the ancient Latin proverb goes.

Joints 101

“Of course I know how to roll a joint” – Martha Stewart.

Chances are, most of us, cannabis users, have taken their very first hit of the green medication while smoking a joint.

A joint is the equivalent of a tobacco cigarette. Although, instead of being full of tobacco, a joint is full of grinded cannabis buds.

For rolling a joint, all you need is rolling papers, dried marijuana flower (aka buds), as well as a paper filter which is widely referred to as a crutch.

Joints are rolled in papers that are far lighter than blunt papers.

The very first rolling papers were made by the Lacroix family in 1660. It wasn’t before 1736 that rolling papers were produced in large-scale once the Lacroix family obtained a mill and officially founded the Lacroix Rolling Paper company.

Traditionally, rolling papers are translucent. However, nowadays you can choose among a vast array of rolling papers available – these can be colorful and/or additionally flavored to enhance the smoking experience.

The Different Types of Rolling Papers Explained

The materials used for the production of rolling papers vary. Usually, rolling papers are made out of wood pulp.

For those who want to make the most health-conscious choice, natural rice paper and hemp rolling papers are the best choice. However, even rolling papers made out of rice can sometimes consist of various other additives, so it is always a must to pay attention to the labels of the rolling papers you pick.

Transparent rolling papers are made mostly of natural plant cellulose, although tiny amounts of glycerin and water are also present. Transparent rolling papers are biodegradable. They do not contain any traces of glue or gum in order to be sealed. Once the edge is slightly damp, the papers will seal easily enough.

Apart from the presence or absence of additional additives, different rolling papers provide a different type of burn, accompanied by a slightly different flavor.

Traditional, translucent rolling papers burn smooth and barely alter the natural aroma of the buds rolled in a joint.

Natural wood pulp rolling papers burn a bit more slowly and the flavor also differs from that of traditional rolling papers, providing more of a woody undertone.

Rolling papers made from rice burn more slowly than traditional rolling papers. They do not alternate the natural flavors of the strain you have rolled. However, rice paper is low-friction which means that it doesn’t grip as well as traditional rolling papers. With this in mind, novice rolling enthusiasts can have a harder time trying to wrap a joint in rice paper.

Hemp rolling papers do have a specific taste intact but it is rather non-intrusive. Apart from being one of the most environmental-friendly options since they are made out of hemp and no trees were cut, hemp rolling papers have a good grip, resulting in easier rolling of a joint.

As far as additionally flavored rolling papers are concerned, there are both pros and cons involved.

First off, the fragrances are usually obtained by non-organic substances, although exceptions on that note do exist, too. Secondly, many cannabis connoisseurs are still skeptical about fragranced rolling papers since the extra fragrance alternates the natural flavors and taste of marijuana.

The Different Ways for Rolling a Joint

Quintessentially, rolling a classic joint is the most simplistic, inexpensive, non-pretentious, the tried-and-tested method that doesn’t take much time or efforts.

Just place the grinded plant material in a rolling paper of your choice, make a crutch (paper filter), and roll your joint.

However, we do want to re-irritate that rolling is an art form itself. There are many cannabis users who highly dislike having to deal with rolling a joint – and that’s perfectly fine. But it is a practice that makes perfect as none of us just gets born with built-in joint rolling skills.

Here are several beginner-friendly tips for rolling joints.

1. Grind marijuana buds carefully

If you grind the buds too loosely, you won’t be able to roll a nicely tight (but not too tight!) joint that will burn smooth and slow. You will end up with a fatty that will waste way too much of the precious plant material.

2. Learn from experts and experienced friends

There is no better way to learn how to roll a joint in a breeze than taking the time to learn from the experts. You can pay attention to the way your fellow cannabis connoisseur roll and/or ask them for precious pieces of advice to help you out. You can also watch free video tutorials that can grant you a wealth of knowledge on that matter.

3. Roll, blaze, and repeat

As we mentioned above, it is a practice that makes perfect. So keep rolling. Roll after roll, joint after joint, you will inevitably get better and better. Just don’t give up that easily – we know people who have been medicating with cannabis for more than 5 years yet they are still far from being rolling experts. Patience and desire to learn are key.

How to Upgrade your Joint Rolling & Smoking Experience

Those who are already experienced enough with rolling joints keep searching for ways to diversify their rolling experience. And indeed, it is impossible to get bored of joints, no matter what they seem to be the simplest method of enjoying the green medication.

With a healthy dose of imagination and some trials and errors, you can upgrade your rolling skills to the next level.

Crossed joints, hammer joints, pipe joints, scorpion joints, triple braid joints, and tulip joints are just some of the many variously shaped joints you can experiment with.

Another way to diversify and upgrade your joint rolling and smoking experience is to try out different extras. For instance, you can roll a joint using rose petals.

You can also roll a joint using decently-sized marijuana fan leaves. In fact, using dried and processed marijuana leaves for rolling is commonly attributed as rolling a blunt.

However, since marijuana leaves do not contain nicotine like blunt papers do, we choose to refer to this method as rolling a joint, although the size of the cigar you end up with resembles much more the shape and size of a classic blunt.

In the recent years, users have started experimenting with adding drops of essential oils that are suitable for oral consumption in order to enhance the action of the beneficial terpenes – the aromatic molecules that work in synergy with active cannabinoids, and are also found in various herbs, fruits, and spices, apart from naturally occurring in cannabis.

If you’re looking for some inspiration on rolling joints, then attending the annual Cannabis Cup Awards can be a dream come true. The best joint rollers in the world traditionally show off their amazing skills in rolling. Who knows, maybe you are one of the best-joint-rollers-yet-to-be?

Video by High Times – Meet the Best Joint Rollers in the World at the Cannabis Cup

Blunts 101

The first cigar blunts were manufactured in the 19th century in Philadelphia.

Blunt papers usually consist of two major parts.

The first part is the inner leaf. It is crafted with different sorts of filler tobacco.

The second part is a thicker outer wrapper leaf. It is made from homogenized tobacco. Homogenizing tobacco refers to a process where tobacco scraps are ground up.

Next, they are mixed with cellulose pulp and water. Afterward, they are stretched and rolled in a large sheet-like paper. Finally, a special machine applies this synthetic tobacco covering over the filler mechanically.

It almost goes without saying that rolling and smoking a blunt with cannabis provides a different experience with the herb than rolling and smoking a joint.

Just recently, Snoop Dogg’s protest against the government’s policy was put in the spotlights of public awareness. A blunt was one of the leading characters of the story.

Snoop Dogg decided to light up a blunt right in front of the White House during one of his many president-Trump-trolling demonstrations.

When it comes down to rolling a blunt, you can either opt for blunt papers or you can simply hollow out a readily-available cigar and re-fill it with cannabis after removing the tobacco from the inside.

Whether you roll using blunt papers or hollow out a cigar, the blunt you will end up with will be significantly fatter, and hence, stronger in potency than a traditional joint. And this leads us to the next steps of understanding the uniqueness of blunts.

How Do Blunts Affect your Marijuana Smoking and Rolling Experience?

1. Blunts are best when shared

Since a blunt is literally loaded with cannabis, it is always best when shared with a wider circle of friends. Blunt papers make up for a slow, smoother burn that helps everybody enjoy a toke without wasting the precious plant material.

2. Blunts can be perfect for special occasions

It could be quite unsatisfying to be stuck all alone with a massive blunt – it just feels kind of awkward. Although don’t get this wrong – blunts can be perfectly enjoyable for solo players, too!

Maybe we should ask Mr. Snoop Dogg on that note – he claims he smokes 80 blunts. Per day.

But nothing beats the pleasure of sparkling a blunt on special occasions.
Due to the unique effect that is produced by inhaling nicotine from the blunt paper alongside cannabis smoke makes up for a truly distinct experience with the herb.

Video by BuzzFeed Multiplayer – High People Get Surprised By Snoop Dogg

3. It takes more time and more buds to roll blunts

Making a blunt is a far more elaborate process that quickly rolling a joint or a spliff in the blink of an eye.

Because of the wider size of blunt papers, it takes much more buds to create a decently-sized blunt (one more reason why blunts are best when shared with friends!).

Contrary to finely grinded buds that work best when rolling joints, it is a good idea to grind your marijuana flowers a bit more loosely when rolling a blunt.

4. Blunts hit harder than joints or spliffs

Nicotine that is contained in blunt papers provides a truly distinct effect when smoking a blunt.

In fact, blunts are considered the heaviest hitters as compared with joints or spliffs, and that’s all due to the interaction between the tobacco-rich blunt paper and cannabis.

Interestingly, there’s another way of manipulating your smoking experience with blunts.

If you are about to consume an Indica-dominant strain that is known to produce more of a sense of relaxation, possibly leaning on the edge of sedation, blunts will actually contrast this experience since nicotine has an uplifting action which is most prominent during the first onset of the high.

On the other hand,Sativa-dominant strains that are expected to induce more of an energetic, uplifting type of high can be further complemented by the head rush and buzz provided by the nicotine in blunt papers.

5. Smoking blunts can be more damaging to your health than smoking joints

It is more than logical to assume that blunt papers hide a higher health risk associated with smoking than regular joints.

With traditionally rolled joints, you inhale only the smoke from the plant material.

With blunts, though, you also inhale the nicotine present in blunt papers. Therefore, people struggling with any form of respiratory issues – even mild ones – should better restrain from smoking a blunt. But still, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy rolling a blunt, right?

The Different Ways to Enhance the Effects of Smoking Blunts

Although blunts are potent enough on their own, there are some tiny tricks that can further enhance the effects – whether the psychoactive potency o merely the flavor blast – that comes after hitting a blunt.

1. Blunts and cannabis concentrates

If you really wish to take the potency of your blunts-experience to the next level, you can try adding various extracted cannabis concentrates. Shatter, wax, THC or CBD crystals are just some of the many highly-concentrated cannabis derivatives one can easily add to blunts or joints.

2. Fluffly, kief-coated blunts

While many of the potent concentrates can be too much to handle by people who have lower prudence to marijuana, anybody can sink into the sublime pleasure of enjoying a blunt topped with kief dust.

Kief dust (also known as dry sift) collects at the bottom reservoir of your grinder, although it can take many grinded buds just to end up with a handful of kief. Fortunately, there are other ways of collecting increased amounts of kief. Certainly, a fluffy, kief-coated blunt is perfect for special celebrations.

3…and Sparkling, honey-coated blunts

If you’ve ever inhaled the aroma of a blunt paper, then you have most probably sensed the sweet reminiscent emitted. These sweet undertones can be further enhanced by gently spreading some honey over your blunt. Once you light it up, the air will be filled with the crisp aroma of caramel.

Spliffs 101

In a nutshell, a spliff is simply a joint that contains intentionally added tobacco.

In other words, spliffs are hybrids that consist of part cannabis and part tobacco within a ratio that isn’t strict but only a matter of personal preference.

In the USA, spliffs might seem like an awkward stoner’s cannabis rolling ritual or whatsoever. And indeed, spliffs are not the most common method for smoking marijuana in America.

However, rolling and smoking spliffs is much more popular than enjoying a traditional, tobacco-free joint in Europe.

Interestingly, the first written evidence of rolling joints dates back to 1856 when a pharmacist at University of Guadalajara mentioned that laborers in Mexico were mixing marijuana with tobacco in their cigarettes. Now that you know the difference between a joint and a spliff, you understand that the earliest written evidence of rolling joints would be better referred to as the first written evidence of rolling spliffs.

As briefly mentioned above, spliffs are the most popular method of smoking cannabis in Europe, and this is intricately related to several important factors.

1. Adding tobacco provides a more consistent, slow burn.

Cannabis legalization in Europe is still not as progressive as in the USA. Because of this, getting marijuana can be quite difficult in some regions.

Adding tobacco helps to limit wasting the precious plant material. That’s because tobacco provides a slower, smoother burn than smoking only grounded-and-rolled marijuana buds.

Of course, European marijuana consumers are willing to change their perceptions on joints as being a wasteful method of smoking marijuana once marijuana accessibility and prevalence rises. It’s funny but when Europeans mention rolling a joint, most of them will actually refer to rolling a spliff!

2. Added tobacco can enhance the smoking experience

Certainly, the fact that most Europeans prefer spliffs over joints is not only a matter of not wasting the plant material. Adding tobacco also enhances the smoking experience.

Once the weed is grounded (or during the process of grinding weed), as much or as little tobacco as wanted is added to a spliff.

Next, the process of rolling a spliff is pretty much the same as rolling a joint – you need rolling papers of your choice and a paper filter (aka crutch).

Because of the fact tobacco acts like a stimulant, those who prefer spliffs are usually connoisseurs of the more alert state of mind that comes along with the high rather than too much of a sense of relaxation.

For instance, adding tobacco when rolling a spliff of high-Indica strain can keep you alert for a significantly extended period before the later onsets of the high kick in.

Of course, the amount of tobacco added can greatly vary. This means users can opt for adding only a very limited amount of tobacco – as much as to simply reduce the occurrence of sideburn and the need to re-light a spliff.

One little-known fact about the way Europeans like to enjoy their spliffscan be seen in the well-known “wake-and-bake” sessions.

But what makes Europeans’ wake-and-bake sessions differ from the typical wake’n’bakesesh in the USA?

Most Europeans tend to be very moderate in the amount of cannabis they roll as opposed to the amount of tobacco needed for the perfect morning spliff.

As a result of this practice, they limit the stoney, hazy, lazy effects of the high in favor of the calm yet alert state of mind which is achieved through only several tokes of the spliffs alongside a strong cup of coffee.

But let’s not assume that it is only the Europeans who know how to roll and smoke spliffs so well. You might be surprised to find out that Jamaicans are also among the connoisseurs and experts of rolling and smoking spliffs.

Video by Ras Kitchen – Happy 420! Spliff Rolling with Rasta Mokko

Do keep in mind that smoking spliffs or blunts come with an increased risk of health issues due to exposing your lungs to tobacco smoke.

What’s more, long-term and/or unregulated use of spliffs and/or blunts might be more damaging than you think. That’s because you are inhaling the smoke and keeping it intact for several seconds which is not the case with smoking just a regular cigarette.

Then again, it is the dose that makes the poison – moderately enjoying your spliffs or blunts can prove to be harmless to your health in the long run.

Difference Between Joint, Blunt, and Spliffs: Final Thoughts

No matter how much the technologies advance in the ways we can consume cannabis in its purest forms in the foreseeable future, rolling a joint, blunt, or spliffs will remain the very foundation of making yourself one with the amazing potency and healing properties of marijuana.

Who knows, maybe thousands of years from now, the children of the new centuries will study up the way we used to roll cannabis much like we nowadays study up ancient civilizations and their way of living.

But as for now, we choose to light one up and enjoy the moment.

Did you know that your preference towards joints, blunts, and/or spliffs reveals some highly intimate traits of your character, too?

So, apart from the difference in joint, blunt, and spliffs when it comes to expected effects and ways to roll – it is your soul in a nutshell that can be seen in the rolling and smoking methods you prefer.

“The biggest killer on the planet is stress, and I still think the best medicine isand always has been cannabis” – Willie Nelson.

The post Difference Between Joint, Blunt, and Spliffs appeared first on Marijuana Seeds.

This post first appeared on Marijuana Seeds, please read the originial post: here

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Difference Between Joint, Blunt, and Spliffs
