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Celebration Of International Yoga Day Blog

Every year, 21st June is celebrated as International Yoga Day. Many people from all across the world swear by the benefits of practising basic yoga asanas.
Uncomplicate: What Is Queefing?
A funny sounding word and one you may have never heard before. But some of you  may have heard of it before, and dismissed it as one of those things in life that you don’t need to… Read More
Uncomplicate : What Is Retinol?
Glycolic Acid, Salicylic acid, Mandelic acid, Azelaic acid. If you’re into skincare, you know exactly what we’re talking about. If the first line confused and intrigued you, then… Read More
7 Benefits Of Sleeping Naked
Whether you’re a ‘sleep for a week’ or ‘sleep is for the weak’ kind of person, you can’t deny how important your sleep cycle is to function every day. And… Read More
Uncomplicate: What Is A Blow Job?
You must’ve heard the word blowjob a lot, and are probably wondering what it means. If you do know, you can read this article as a refresher course while smirking, but if you don&rsquo… Read More
A Beginner’s Guide To Lingerie!
They say that real beauty shines when you embrace your true self, and that truth goes deeper, especially when it comes to lingerie. Even though it’s beneath your clothes, lingerie hold… Read More
Uncomplicate: What Is Period Poop?
If you’ve ever felt like you poop differently during your period, you’re not alone! Already itna sab sehna padta hai periods pe, aao ek aur cheez add karte hai to the list! So… Read More

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Celebration Of International Yoga Day
