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About Homeopathy

What is Homeopahy?

The cures are produced using regular creature, plant, and mineral sources. They go through a progression of weakness and succussions to become potentized. A focal point is a way that the higher the weakening, the more powerful the cure becomes. As of now, there are a huge number of cures from which to pick. There are no counterfeit drug drugs recommended. Subsequently, there are not many hurtful results from the cures, which is a major wellbeing factor.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was a doctor, physicist, language specialist, student of the history of medication, and logical progressive. He quit rehearsing medication since he accepted that the techniques he was instructed would accomplish more damage than anything else. The framework at the time was designated “allopathic medication”. Allopathic medication is the treatment of sickness utilizing prescriptions whose impacts are not quite the same as those of the illness being dealt with. It depends on “contraria contrariis”, or “the law of contrary energies”.

Benefits Of Homeopathy

  • Proven efficacy
  • Gives lasting relief
  • Safe treatment
  • Cost Effective
  • Non Invasive
  • Safe to used by all age people

Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathic treatment works with your body’s own healing powers to bring about health and well-being. When a homeopath consults a patient, he extracts the unique and detailed history of each patient and seeks to find the specific substance from the plant, mineral, animal, or chemical kingdom that would cause the similar syndrome of symptoms that the patient is experiencing. It is not surprising that large numbers of homeopaths throughout the world today use sophisticated expert system software to help them individualize medicinal substances to their patients.

How It Can Free You From Disease?

Homeo means similar and pathos means suffering, the best definition in Homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the principle of “Similia Similibus Curentur,” which means “Like cures like.” A drug that is capable of producing symptoms in a healthy individual. It also capable of using the same symptoms in a diseased individual.

Let us understand how this principle works – when you are stung by a bee, you feel the stinging and burning pain, swelling, and redness.

These are the symptoms you experience when an angry bee injects its venom into your healthy body. A poisonous substance like bee venom (Apis mellifica). This venom is used as a homeopathic remedy in homeopathic treatment.

The Venom As A Homeopathic Treatment

The bee venom, when used as a homeopathic treatment & remedy, can relieve the pain. And the discomfort of the same type as the bee sting when illnesses have symptoms irrespective of the name of the disease. E.g. Someone is suffering from conjunctivitis and complains of stinging or burning pain, redness, and swelling of eyelids. Then the person suffering from these symptoms can benefit from Apis.

When the bees sting can show symptoms despite the name of the disease, e.g. Someone is suffering from conjunctivitis and complains of stinging or burning pain, redness, and swelling of eyelids, then the person suffering from these symptoms can benefit from Apis. Most similar symptoms of the venom will e helped; others with different symptoms will not benefit.

This principle of similarity applies to all levels of illness and is valid at all levels of disease.

Let us understand this principle with the help of more examples from our day to day life.

A young girl who has had disappointment in love is feeling very sad, lonely, and depressed. Our usual attitude towards this person would be to say, “Let us party, go out, and we will feel better.”

Initially, she may feel better, but once she is back home, the loneliness will be worse. She starts depending on the company to avoid sadness, but the isolation never leaves her. Temporally doing the opposite will give relief only for some time.

Homeopathy Approach

But the homeopathic approach would be that if she were to talk to somebody who has just lost a near and dear one, she would realize that. That person’s grief and sadness are of similar and higher intensity than hers. It would help her to come out of it slowly.

Recently I left a pot on the stove with the fire under it. When I came home, thankfully, no shooting had occurred, but there was a lot of smoke in the apartment from the carbonated food at the bottom of the pot. After opening the windows, a cinching smell remained. I called a friend of mine who is a chef and asked him what do they do when they burn something so badly? (if they ever do.) His answer was, to me, brilliant. He told me to make a caramel which is burned sugar and then to walk around the whole apartment with the pan. “it will take the smell right out.” IT WORKED LIKE A CHARM, and it proved the fundamental law of similars again.

Let’s talk politics for just a second. It is no accident that we always elect the person whose message has “the most resonance” with the general public. In another word, we don’t choose the person with the most different view from us but with the most similar.

Made Principle In Homeopathic Treatment

I hope these simple examples have established the principle Like cures like much clearer to you. The problem is that we are so used to thinking in terms of the opposite when it comes to illness. That’s why we take antidepressants, anti-acids, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics. Of course, these can help, but they never address the whole person. They treat the symptoms by counteracting the action of the body. Doing this is like believing that the earth is flat because we see it that way.

Homeopathy treats the whole. But we are so reluctant to believe that the way we feel in our heart and mind has anything to do with the way we feel physically that most of us willfully take powerful medications for various ailments whereas a tiny homeopathic remedy would return everything to normal in the shortest of time.

Samuel Hahnemann, This principle was discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century. He started testing substances one by one on himself as a healthy prover. Each material produced symptoms at the mental and physical level, which he noted down in minute details.

Since many of this substance is poisonous in the natural form, he thought of diluting a substance by process of serial dilutions and shaking. These dilutions are called potencies. By doing so, he found that the significant effect of the drug was enhanced and there was no toxicity left.

In Herbology, medicines made from natural substances, but there are no dilutions potencies. Potencies and therefore “resonance” are found only in homeopathy.

So Let Me Show You How He Prepared These Potencies.

You take one drop of drug substance and 99 drops of alcohol to it. Give the mixture 40 whips – this is one power that Includes 1/100 of the drug.

For 2nd potency, you take one drop of alcohol. Give 40 jerks – this is 2nd pot Contains 1/10 000 part of the drug.

Thus subsequent potencies are prepared.

In 30th the potency contains 1 part of the drug substance diluted in 2970 drops of alcohol.

You can imagine the volume of dilution in 200, 1000, and 10,000th potency.

Diluted powers are such an extent, and they are found to work very powerfully because it seems that in the process of potentisation, some stated up energy are released. And It is such an ultra dilution that there is no drug substance found in chemical analysis.

It is by this process today that the use of a natural substance like Common Salt, i.e., Natrum Mur.

Other commonly know substance we use is:

  • Gold i.e. Aurum met
  • Potato i.e. Solanum Tuberosum
  • Marigold ” Calendula
  • Coffee ” Coffea cruda
  • Red pepper ” Capsicum
  • Nitric acid ” Acid nitricum
  • Mercury ” Merc sol.

Are Sugar Pills The Only Way Of Administrating Homeopathic Medicines? In Homeopathic Treatment

We use pills and powder for dispensing the remedies. Capsules made from cane sugar, and dust made from milk sugar. The medication is in liquid form, and this liquid is poured over the powders and in pills in quantity enough to moisture all of them.

What is a Homeopathy Remedy?

Homeopathic remedies are made by homeopathic pharmacies in accordance with the processes described in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, the official manufacturing manual recognized by the FDA. The substances may be made from plants such as aconite, dandelion, plantain; from minerals such as iron phosphate, arsenic oxide, sodium chloride; from animals such as the venom of a number of poisonous snakes, or the ink of the cuttlefish. These substances are diluted carefully until little of the original remains. A plant substance, for example, is mixed in alcohol to obtain a tincture. One drop of the tincture is mixed with 99 drops of alcohol (to achieve a ratio of 1:100) and the mixture is strongly shaken. This shaking process is known as succussion. The final bottle is labeled as “1C”. One drop of this 1C is then mixed with 100 drops of alcohol and the process is repeated to make a 2C. By the time the 3C is reached, the dilution is 1 part in 1 million tiny globules made from sugar are then saturated with the liquid dilution. These globules constitute the homeopathic medicine.

Although such infinitesimal quantities are considered by some to be no more than placebos, the clinical experience of homeopathy shows that the infinitesimal dose is effective: it works upon unconscious people and infants, and it even works on animals. It is important to remember, however, that a medicine is homeopathic only if it is taken based upon the similar nature of the medicine to the illness. A medicine labeled as “homeopathic” will work only if it is homeopathic to the symptoms presented.

How are the remedies prescribed? The selection of any homeopathic remedy is made on the totality of the symptoms presented by the patient. Any remedy may be used for any condition if the symptoms generated by the remedy match the symptoms experienced by the patient. There are several homeopathic remedies that may be considered in cases of colds and flu: Aconite or Wolf’s bane is thought of in any case in which the symptoms come on suddenly-especially if exposure to cold might be a causative factor. There could be a cough or sneezing, but the main guiding point is the suddenness of the onset. Mentally, the person is fearful-afraid he will die- he is overcome by the suddenness of the attack. A child, out playing in the snow, awakens screaming at 2 a.m. (a common time reference for this remedy) with a cough and high fever or a man, out shoveling snow, suddenly comes down with a very high fever and is fearful he will die. Both cases call for Aconite.

Another remedy characterized by the suddenness of onset is Belladonna, the deadly nightshade. The symptoms are characterized by redness and heat. The fever is high, the face is red, the pulse can be seen in the veins of the neck. The eyes are dilated. The person is very sensitive to slight movement and noise. Many old time doctors, when seeing a suspected case for Belladonna, would bump against the bed to see if the patient was sensitive to this slight movement. The patient is sometimes almost delirious and sees monsters. The throat is usually swollen, the glands are swollen, and the ear might be involved. For most children’s earaches Belladonna would be the first remedy of which one would think – especially if the ache is throbbing and one the right side.


Homeopathic remedies & Treatment is totally different from conventional medicine in the sense it’s not ready-made for everyone; it’s custom for you. In different words, it’s never an identical remedy for two completely different individuals. Homeopathy is also your most suitable option if you’re keen on a non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical approach for any disease. Those that believe its principles understand that it’s a full-body approach to health and wellbeing. Here is the list of most used homeopathy remedies

(pronounced Ackonite)
Symptoms are sudden, violent brief – anxiety, fear, restlessness, grief – high temperature with great thirst – Insomnia
Apis melInsect stings. Burning, stinging pains. Swelling of lower eyelids. Absence of thirst
Argent nitColic. Headache. Dizziness
Arnica (pronounced Aah-nicker)Use after any injury. Bruises. Sprains. Physical exhaustion. Insomnia due to over tiredness. Muscles ache all over
Arsen albUpset stomach. Vomiting. Diarrhoea (as from food poisoning). Cramps in calves.
BelladonnaBrightly flushed face. Swollen joints. Vertigo. Facial neuralgia. Severe throbbing headache. Dry hacking cough. acne
BryoniaIrritability. Dryness. Dry painful cough. Dry lips. Thirst especially for cold drinks.
Calc carbCracked skin in the winter. Period pains. Itching skin. Premenstrual tension. Toothache. Vertigo. Insomnia.
Calc fluorHead colds with thick greenish-yellow discharge.Catarrh. Croup. Toothache.

Burns and scalds before blisters form; sunburn
Carbo vegIndigestion with excessive flatulence. Hoarseness. Loss of voice. Tinnitus with nausea and vertigo.
ChamomillaTeething; irritability and restlessness; colic; green slimey diarrhoea
CocculusTravel sickness; nausea with hollow sensation in stomach; nausea during pregnancy
ColocynthisColic; stomach pains; flatulence; cramp; stitching pain
EuphrasiaCold with watery eyes and streaming nose. Hayfever
GelsemiumInfluenza. Sneezing. Sore throat. Symptoms of flushing, aching, trembling. Weary with heavy aching muscles. Runy nose. Vertigo.
GraphitesUnhealthy skin. Cracked finger tips. Constipation. Tinnitus. Earache. Sinus trouble. Dandruff
Hepar sulphSkin highly sensitive. Acne. Croup. Earache.
HypericumPainful cuts and wounds. Lacerated wounds involving nerve endings. (after consultation with a medical professional)l
IgnatiaFright. Prolonged grief. Sore throat. Piercing headache.Insomnia
Kali phosMental tiredness from overwork. Nervous exhaustion. Nervous indigestion. Loss of voice. Hoarseness. Giddiness from exhaustion and weakness
LycopdiumIrritability. Fear of failure. Period pain. Premenstrual tension. Hiccough with acidity.
Mixed PollenHayfever when triggered by pollen
Nat murSneezy cold. Runny nose. Vertigo. Premenstrual tension. Housemaid’s knee
Nux vomFor over indulgence in food and alcohol. Itching piles. Stuffy colds. Vertigo. Constipation. Raw throat

Samuel Hahnemann, Founder of Homeopathy

The history of Homeopathy begins with its founder, Samuel Hahnemann. He was born in Meissen, Germany in 1755, the second child of a famous porcelain painter. A thin, delicate and highly intelligent child, Samuel did not enjoy robust health during childhood. He showed an early interest and capacity for the study of languages as well as the study of botany. His upper-middle-class family life was shattered bmiddle-classak of the Seven Years War (1756-1763) which caused the collapse of the famous porcelain trade in Meissen and forced young Samuel to interrupt his early education and take menial jobs to support his family. His early teachers noticed his great intellectual capacity and taught him despite his family’s inability to pay for his studies. He entered the Prince’s School in 1771 after his father pleaded with Frederick, Archduke of Saxony for his son’s admission.

He excelled at his studies and later entered the University of Leipzig in 1775 to Study Medicine. He maintained a meager existence at the university by teaching German and English and by translating Greek and English texts into German. He was a loner and preferred to acquire his knowledge from medical texts rather than attending lectures. Disappointed by the lack of intellectual stimulation and the lack of practical clinical experience at Leipzig, Hahnemann left for Vienna in 1776. Vienna, the capital of the Hapsburg Empire was a center of the arts, music, and learning and it was during this time that Mozart gave several public recitals.

There Hahnemann worked under Dr. Quarin, senior physician of the Brothers of Mercy Hospital in Leopoldstadt, a suburb of Vienna. Dr. Quarin was the personal physician to Empress Maria Theresa, ruler of the Hapsburg Empire, and young Hahnemann was allowed to accompany the senior doctor in attending to his rich and famous patients.

Hahnemann was later introduced to the wealthy Baron Samuel von Brukenthal who gave Hahnemann a two-year appointment as his librarian. During this period he enriched his study of chemistry and botany and furthered his already extensive knowledge of literature and foreign languages. He left his benefactor to complete his medical studies at the University of Erlangen in Bavaria.

In 1779, at the age of twenty-four, Hahnemann was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine.

Hahnemann established his first practice in 1780 in the mining town of Hettstedt. It lasted all of nine months before he moved on to the town of Dessau. During this period the seeds of his philosophical rebellion were planted. The current therapies of bloodletting, purging, puking, and the administration of heroic doses of harsh drugs were barbaric and inhumane to Hahnemann.

He was more interested in the study of the newly emerging science of chemistry and in writing articles for medical journals. In 1782, while in Dessau he married the pharmacist’s stepdaughter, Johanna Henrietta Leopoldine Kuchler, who would remain his constant companion for the next 48 years. During the years 1782 to 1805 Hahnemann moved his family no less than twenty times, sometimes spending only months in a town before moving to the next.

This was a highly unusual and dangerous undertaking considering the risk to his family from thieves who preyed upon travelers in those days. His wife bore him nine children and he barely managed to feed them by the intermittent practice of medicine, translating medical texts, and for one year managing an insane asylum. During this time he also wrote some original articles on chemistry, the distillation of liquor, diet, hygiene, children’s health, and critiques of current modes of therapy.

He maintained a small medical practice and for a period was the Medical Officer of Health for the city of Dresden where he supervised physicians, midwives, and surgeons.


You are treated as an individual, not as a collection of disease labels. Homeopathy treats all your symptoms at all levels of your being – spiritual, emotional, mental and physical and finds the ‘like cures like’ match for them. For over 200 years, hundreds of thousands of homeopaths throughout the world have carefully cataloged and now computerized the idiosyncratic physical, emotional, and mental symptoms that thousands of substances have caused in healthy people.


Homeopathy medicines are absolutely safe. This is because homeopathic medicines are made from a very small amount of the active ingredient. Two hundred years of extensive practice, research and trials have proved the safety of this gentle system of medicine for both people and animals. Unlike some conventional drugs, homeopathic medicines are non-addictive and have no dangerous side-effects. Homeopathy is safe to use for babies, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women, who are under the supervision of a homeopathic consultant.

What is the life of homeopathic medicine?

Homeopathic remedies have no expiration date – it can be kept for years if well kept away from moisture and active smelling substances.

Can all types of disease be treated with Homeopathy and does Homeopathy treatment recommend surgeries?

Homeopathy is capable of treating all conditions treated with medicine. However, individual states require surgical interference like fractures, congenital disabilities, operable cancers. In these conditions, there are gross physical changes not correlated by medicine.

Can all types of disease be treated with Homeopathy and does Homeopathy treatment recommend surgeries?

Homeopathy is capable of treating all conditions treated with medicine. However, individual states require surgical interference like fractures, congenital disabilities, operable cancers. In these conditions, there are gross physical changes not correlated by medicine. But there are so-called surgical conditions like tonsillitis, piles, slip disc can they be effectively treated by Homeopathy? Homeopathy is well known for its remedies in chronic diseases like asthma, headache, rheumatism, ulcer, allergies and skin disorders, G.I tract problems, MS, depression, etc.… A pervasive myth is that in acute conditions like fever- malaria, typhoid, pneumonia, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. one has to take the aid of modern medicine which is not valid. Homeopathy works effectively in such acute conditions. Also, there are certain conditions not cured by any system including homeopathy, i.e., terminal cancers, far advanced degenerative disorder – But what homeopathy can do in such situations is that it can give much relief without side effects and in some instances control further deterioration.

This post first appeared on Homeopathic Services - Autism Treatment For Children, please read the originial post: here

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